Regular Show

>"We’re so proud and excited for people to see how we’re wrapping things up in a big, big way. We’re bringing everything full circle."

Anyone else hype? I'm sad it's ending but it sounds like JG really knows what he's doing. Do you think he'll deliver on this modern day cartoon series finale?

Also, what is it that would be coming full circle?

Well i think they would have to end up with eileen and, i forget her name, the bird girl.

And they would have to be able to still be laid back even though they are "grown up".

Idk they become co managers of the park?

Benson can get a gf too and have his dream job come true. Or was his dream to manage the best park?

>We’re bringing everything full circle.

>the end of a big adventure
>everyone goes home/gets back to work
>mordecai and rigby are hungry


Rigby is with Eileen, but they haven't even kissed except a peck on the cheek. If JG wants to get serious about their characters lives reaching a more "closure" point, maybe they'll get married or something, but I doubt it.

Mordecai came to a realization in Season 7's premiere he doesn't need to focus so much on dating, so they might have him make a normal decision at the end after getting home, but it would be probably more predictable at this point if he ended up not dating anyone, and being cool with it. It would suck though because all the other stories mean literally nothing, but they might also end it on a "whatever happens, happens" thing like 'Just Friends' did. Bird Girl's name is Margaret and the cloud girl's name is CJ.

Mordecai and Rigby both feel that The Park is a "dead end job" so if they wanted them to be happier by the finale, they'll probably not work at the park anymore. We might be in for them going their separate ways in life. Mordecai gets a job doing one thing, and Rigby another. Could make for a bittersweet ending.

Benson has been in a band before as a professional drummer, and throughout the show they allude to it as something he used to do, sometimes they'd treat it like a sad backstory like he longs to do it again, but it's hard to tell which he'd rather do, manage the Park (which is supposed to be Pops' job anyway) or go back to that career. He's like an old guy in a mid life crisis, it's impossible to tell what he wants to do, even after the handful of episodes focusing on him.

Skips, Pops, and Fives don't have definite stories of how they'll end.

Continuing the post in a minute.

I bet the last episode is Benson has a baby

probably going to be this

If anything Skips might loose his immortality and it could go "he's back with Mona now" but that's pretty dark, so he'll probably just still work at the park or some other thing.

Pops will either continue to be how he is now or take his position as Park Manager like they note should be happening, but he doesn't feel right to run it (he might work up to it or something and if Benson does leave, it's his opening- kinda like how he had to work up the nerve to give a speech) or he ends up staying on his "favorite planet" Lolliland if that is a destination in this series finale story.

Fives doesn't really have much of anything, he's the tag along character to a side-main character. He's contempt with being with Muscle Man like how Rigby is with Mordecai. Ever since Starla and Mitch got married it seems like he stopped living with them after all this time and moved out, kinda sad but they didn't focus on it much. I guess he might do something else, but they should probably build him in this final season like how they said in 'The Button' that he's the only one in the park crew that's logical.

Muscle Man has a solid ending already, he's married to Starla, if anything they'd start a family but this is as done as it needs to be. If they do all start getting other jobs or relocating, I don't know what he'd do. Probably honeymoon or something.

these literal full circle series endings are extremely bittersweet, that'd be interesting though

>the opening credits tick sound plays after "combiiiiine" to a black screen
>special credits play

I'd like to see something to do with time travel for the ending and Mord trying to set things right where he failed, then Rigby convinces him that he doesn't need to change the past and can be happy in the present if he just does the things he should. That has the opportunity to wrap things up nicely and end the mordacuck train wreck that dropped the show to such incredible lows. Plus it'll show how well put together Rigby has become.

They pretty much took care of all of that with Dumptown USA.

The random appearances by CJ seem to indicate that she's still feeling pretty shitty about all of it.

Yea, and I See Turtles showed Eileen doesn't like she couldn't invite Margaret with the turtle trip because CJ was going and tension shit was happening at the time (and still is.)

So I believe Margaret is going to be trying to investigate Spark and CJ has to work with her for the greater good or something. It would be a neat idea to have them work together for a cause.

>full circle
>everything resets

>Full circle
>They finally get fired, Mordecai and Trashboat go to another park in another dimension to fuck shit up for them.

>full circle
>CJ turns into a cloud ball for mordecai and margaret to fuck in while she snows cum on them

thats nasty dude

So is the series finale going to be a movie? 60 minutes - 6 11 minute episodes.

40 (normal episode amount each season) - 6 is 34, which is what we're getting this season.

Thoughts? I'd love a movie in place of a series finale, the show deserves a big deal ending, if not, I'm contempt with a series finale season as it seems to be.

I want to say yes really bad.

I stopped watching Regular Show a while ago, some episodes before Margaret came back, because I felt it had become an actual regular show. Every episode felt the same.

Did the show improve, or changed in any way after that?

wish i could find that episode

yes it got better imo, try catching up bro

I'll give it a try, thanks, m8.

Season 6 is rocky and its finale is agreed by most people to be horrible, but... it's 11 minutes so try anyway? I mean you can skip it but it's more of an experience in my opinion to know all of what happens even during the shitty arcs.

Season 7 is gold though.

>The tick sound

It always sounded like an old TV changing the channel dial to me.

that's a neat idea, but i figured it was a clock or typewriter thing, like in 2 in the am pm.

Nice dubs. I also think it is part of the experience, so I'll catch up.

Thanks, user.

>full circle
>mordecai and rigby finally quit their jobs
>benson has no one to get mad at
>begs them to come back

I expected that at some point.

Need Another Seven Astronauts.

>things you want to forget about

Why? That was great.

This is some abstract weird fetishism shit going on right here.

I'd like to forget that whole episode. That was the worst Gumball episode of the entire series. They need to stop doing these types of episodes. They're boring and not funny.

What 'type'? It was kind of a waste.

This, time loop. They're in space which seems to be caret blanche to do all kinds of fuckery.

Are they gonna forget "time speeds up in space, bro"?

So... how is this something "you can only do if you've had 7 seasons" exactly?

status quo change i guess

Cred Forums, you have a chance to ask this man exactly ONE question. It has to about Regular Show. What is it?

I'm going to have to think about that for awhile. It's basically a once in a lifetime chance to get a twitter response from him anyway.

Maybe something about production.. but I would be curious on any hard times they went through or any good details on how shit CN has been with the crew, if at all, which it seems like they started being really strict at some point on them.

seriously why does eileen have to be important?

"full circle" could refer to the Naive Man from Lolliland as well. The park is clearing flying through space towards Pops' home planet.

Are they going to bump into the Whole Foods landblock in space?

Looks neat for a series finale.


What is it with this trope? Is it even a trope? Recently I've been seeing this happen a lot.

People still watch this shit? Season 8 is going to be another let down, screencap this.

>implying season 7 was a let down

Are you mixing Season 6 with Season 7? Season 7 was awesome, user.

So like, what is CN gonna do with the show after the finale? Rerun it? Throw it on boomerang?

>Full circle
>The drugs wear off and it's those two guys in the convenience store

I know this can't happen, but, that doesn't mean I can't pray for it.