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ITT: 10/10 shows
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Loud house is pretty good
the LOUD shack?
ITT: Tumblr-tier memes
Its the LOUD shack
Its the LOUD shack
Its the LOUD shack
Oh, lenis from da gutter
lucys from da grave
Linc log dickman baby, he hates clyde but loves his sisters
this meme's getting old quick
Somebody get this dickhead outve here
I use to think this show was about Mexicans. Turns out its filipinos
True goth kino
It's about the most obvious forced meme I've ever seen. It never had legs to stand on in the first place.
Why do you people hate fun?
I think this was around before most of you folks were born, but I'd just like to say I enjoyed this thoroughly.
I have no idea how Spawn showed up on a Sunday Morning block, truly.
Raaah-! Raa-aaaah!
I will eat and digest you all with my system of mighty organs!
Unfunny, forced meme from a show that people here didn't even ironically like until they were told to
What about a shitty forced meme is fun? It's not funny. It never was. It's just shitposting without merit.
fuck off
Make me
you have a really shitty idea of fun
Why do people who force memes always try to hide under the pretense of "fun"? It isn't amusing or funny in any way, you're just a fucking retard.
he did nothing wrong
No faggot, your the autistic retard that cant let people post what Cred Forums was made for, to make dank memes.
>your the autistic retard that cant let people post what Cred Forums was made for, to make dank memes.
That's 'Reddit'
You may as well tattoo "newfag" on your forehead.
Besides, you know, killing all those people including the ones who weren't saved through time travel.
>I'm an oldfag. I've been here all summer.
Will there ever be a cartoon character as adorable as Misery?
He did everything wrong. He was so wrong his plan failed horribly.
This bait tastes awful.
i think 9gag may be more your speed
He is still, by far, the best villain I have ever seen in any kind of medium
Hi, user who said Nox did everything wrong here, I agree, he's a great villain. I just hate this "character who did everything wrong did nothing wrong" meme.
The fact that he went back in time at all is amazing, but he could never collect enough Wakfu to go back as far as he wanted. Solid plan though
He should have created a time portal, not turned back time throughout the whole universe. Of course his plan didn't work, he was affecting all creation.
Well you can't really blame him, he's not a real Xelor after all. He just got Xelor powers from the cube.
Doesn't worshiping a god turn you into that race?
This is a misunderstanding, he is a Xelor, he simply never had the aptitude to learn magic before the cube "enhanced" his mind, which inadvertently also made him insane in the process. His insanity is a side-effect of his intelligence being increased by the cube.
I was waiting for this.
Fuck off
If you worship that god before puberty, yes
Man that's fucked up, no decision made before puberty should ever be defining your future.
Children are retarded and incapable of making the right decisions.
Kids can born into a race even if their parents aren't that race. Something about spiritual shit, they just have a higher chance of being born a race like their parents.
See you in 3 days chum.
Whatever you say cumquats
>people having fun with something i don't think is fun?! that means their fun is wrong!
>"character who did everything wrong did nothing wrong" meme.
You know that's the point right? You know it's a tongue-in-cheek way of saying "He did bad things but I empathise with him" as an ironic nod to neonazi types?
When people say "X did nothing wrong" they literally mean he did shit that was wrong.