What went wrong?

What went wrong?

They made a TV pilot instead of a movie

Very little.
Could have maybe done with a bit more action from the supporting cast.

Also they killed off the most fuckable character

Not enough Gogo.

No but seriously, the supposed main characters were not that fleshed out. It was pretty bad.

>critically and commercially successful
>spawned its own series
What is the point of this thread?

you can still discuss flaws of something good

But Hiro was there throughout the movie.

Cred Forumsmplain

he was worst boy

Not enough Go Go

It was predictable I guess.

Japan is still pumping out the shota doujins.

Predictable as fuck for the most part, tumblr pandering, etc. The best part of the movie was the weirdly sexy aunt. I swear Disney puts characters like her in just the dads have an ass to stare at when they take their kids to these things.

It was good.

Nothing was particularly bad.

It was okay
Didn't deserve an Oscar though

Painfully predictable, red herring was obvious, villain looked cool but was ultimately lame, main characters aside from Hiro & Baymax weren't nearly fleshed out.

It was Brave syndrome. Trailers (at least the western ones) sold the movie as something it wasn't: an ensemble cast. In reality, it was a story about a boy and his robot.

advertised like superhero team movie
got "boy and his robot" kind of story

that's all.

It was pure garbage

But the waifus lived

I liked it anyway.

>Running into a burning science building.

That bothered me so much.

>It made some old guy a lot of money therefore it's good

>He doesn't run into every burning building around
It's like you want to live long and productive life.

Not enough shotas getting fucked by robots

The four college friends as a lumped in group share the same role of Baymax for Hiro and are surperfluous. At least we're getting a show

but best girl

no lemon feet

Hiro didn't had a friend who was the same age.

It was a solid but ultimately uncreative film.

I feel like the series is going to be a lot better than the movie. I hope I'm not getting my hopes up.

>hiro feet
>gogo butt
>lemon neck

Baymax's design is the most ingenious part of the film. No wonder Disney pushed it so much.

> And on this day something of value was brought about by an attempt at bait.

I made myself go see this alone in theaters for her.

Not enough porn

Gogo's ass ruined us all

Too generic.

I want to ruin her ass

You're too late. Shadman already ruined it.

There is a ton though.




Thicc hero six

not enough hamadacest

All of the character development went to Hiro, they removed conflicts and the other main characters are only tropes. The only action was removed and we only got a glimpse of the designs.

Other than that, it was a nice story of how to cope with a loved ones dead. I wish it had come out when I was younger.







1. Predictable and stupidly convoluted plot.
2. Plot predicated entirely on sadness about a generic character we care nothing about. Feelings for betamax mostly come from him being made cute and that standing in for actual sentimental attachment.
2. Too many main characters, resulting in not enough characterization; clearly sequel bait.
3. Cheap endanger the cute pet, save the cute pet, for feelings at the end.
4. Cliche humor around betamax, clearly imitating other recent animated movies (wall-e, etc.)
5. Needlessly elaborate setting; more thought put into setting design/concept than the story elements.
7. Stupid pandering, eg "Girl up!"
8. Cliche characters, genuis boy, stupid dude, tough grllll, etc.
9. Wasn't just 2hrs of the auntie and gogo's ass.

Not enough early interaction with the team

You have uncovered the one true ship.

The events foretold in the prophesy are unfolding.

HoneyHiro was the big ship in the original source material

Really boring and predictable.

Hiro wasn't very likeable and most of the charm in the movie came from baymax being cute

I still honestly can't believe this won an oscar over the Lego Movie

it's because the oscars are literally determined by people asking what their kids liked most sometimes. the oscars are a fucking joke.
