>he thinks food weed party is good
why am i super not surprised
>How dare someone like what I don't like. Cred Forums will back me up...right guys...right?
A 'man' with stretched out earlobes and a bull nose ring has bad opinions?
No way
He's got a point, though.
I mean, I haven't even seen the movie, but, looking back, I was kind of acting pretentious about this being a "film for adults" meaning it has to tackle "adult things and be serious all the time" and that because it's goofy or silly it's somehow going to"kill adult animated films forever".
If it really is a "food weed party" movie, and that's exactly what it's going for, I can't penalize it for that just cause I want something else, and if so many people are saying that it actually does more than that, then maybe it does and I was being unfair.
How can one dude have such an amazing talent animating all by himself but still make such boring content?
I honestly don't remember what's the last thing he made I enjoyed.
Why would anyone care in the first place?
I thought it was pretty funny, not the movie but his video.
Yeah, he's a bit of a moron. With shitty Adam Sandler fan levels of perceived "goodness" in things. But that's not very surprising, is it?
But user, it WAS good.
Not great, but good.
I like Max's sense of humor and he is a talented animator, but most of his brain dump videos, while fun, miss some of the points.
10 Cloverfield Lane was great and he went with dumb expectations.
I also laughed at the Linkara-tier "review" of Suicide Squad. Well played.
Can't deny the enterteinment value in this shorts though.
there's nothing wrong with liking Sausage Party
You guys make a thread about him every time one of these pops up. Then, you try to press your arguments on that he's being an idiot and not logical. This video showcased the opposite, and he was actually very logical about Sausage Party. Ultimately him thinking it's a good movie or not is subjective, but most of you criticized Sausage Party yet it hit and did better than Kubo (which is a great film). You guys can be butthurt all you want whining about some guy who probably still makes more than you and does Youtube for his job instead of collectin AutismBux - But the pretentiousness in here is astounding.
Have fun being buttblasted and replying to this post while I fuck off and go out to a birthday lunch with people I care about.
It's shit.
hi, i'm Cred Forums
you may remember me from threads such as "is steven universe the greatest show this decade?" and "underaged girls are legal if they're fictional"
i can back you up on this, he has no idea what he's talking about
>"underaged girls are legal if they're fictional"
They are in most countries, thought police!
>10 cloverfield lane was great
That movie was the biggest pile of dogshit I've ever seen, what the fuck does Cred Forums and Cred Forums see in this shit heap?
>chick saved by old guy and other guy
>a little rocky in the beginning but ok mid way through
>family montage
>chick finds help message on wall
>other guy says he may or may not be a kidnapping pedo
>whatever let's leave
>make makeshift bio suit to go outside
>old guy confronts them about missing office appliances
>other guy goes full retard and says he was planning on taking his fucking gun and leaving
>old guy rightfully shoots other faggot in the head for jeopardizing his and chick's well being
>old guy is villain for trying to protect himself and chick
>chick tries to escape
>ends up burning and blowing up his bunker he worked so hard to build to protect himself
>not even confirmed if he really did kill other chick
>shitty jj abrams ayys with big BWAAAAAAing ships come in
>chick escapes in car
>turn radio on
>the emd
Great fucking movie.
Your right it was a horrible movie but i do feel a little silly about how i acted in the leadup.
Everything was fun to watch before other guy went full retard.
Why are those piercings so popular?
I fucking hate Max right after he stopped doing wacky game jokez 4 kidz I realised hes one of the biggest edge lords this planets ever seen
Faggots trying to be special snowflakes and look different while at the same time fitting in with the special snowflake crowd.
How is Max an edgelord?
This. I haven't seen the movie because it looks like shit to me but it was exactly what it was advertising and honestly whith a dumb movie like this you have to beg the question "Why does this look like shit but South Park:BLU and Team America are great when they both share the same time humor and less then subtle political satire.
His "World Best Youtube Series" skit was already getting old the second time around and the fact he tried to push it more and more for a setup that you can obviously see coming was terrible though.
See any of his video's around 2010's.
Hell, Max himself in this video admits that he's an edgelord.
The comedy bits on these Brain dump videos are so boring. The jokes are predictable and he builds them up too much.
It was ok
I'm kind of impressed on how good it looks with so little money when you ignore the humans
>Reddit still thinks Cred Forums has one singular opinion
That's because they made it on slave labor
a five second search would prove you wrong, friend
He peaked with Wisenheimers, I wish Max and Yotam would get the band back together
I assume slave labor would at least get their names in the credits.
He's good at animation, but his "reviews", "insights" and "opinions" are all Linkara tier.
So are Cred Forums's
>inb4 "atleast we REALIZE we're shit hehhhhhhh :^)"
lel, suck his cock harder, you faggoty fanboy. Cred Forums might be shit at predicting things, but it knows it's shit.
Knowing that you're shit doesn't make you any better.
None of you could do what Max does.
It's hard not to when he has the BEST. SHOW. ON THE INTERNET.
>his reviews suck balls but he can draw so I totally forgive him
He's a nayt-sie
>He's a nayt-sie
And that's not all!
Yes that's the plot of the movie, user. Did you have a point?
He's a GEEK!!
animator =/= decent writer
His reviews are fine, you just have a hate boner for him.
>mfw he had a hissy fit when people kept making fun of the movie
Max is such a shitstain both on and offline so it's nice to seeing the I-don't-give-a-shit nihilist facade he's got going drop every so often.
> I hate this video so I'm going to keep putting it on Cred Forums to give it more views!
For fucks sake OP, I hope you're just Max doing some reverse viral marketing for your own sake.
I believe they were blacklisted
>Reddit STILL thinks Cred Forums has one singular opinion
>he thinks food weed party is good
it wasnt?
it had brilliant humor and a huge bitchslap face to generic happy 3d toons companies that never try something different.
Dude wat.
>"adult things and be serious all the time"
it does
and we need more stuff like that.
Im glad this cartoon got popular and did well in box office.
All that we see today in industry is
I could if i had years of experience from living of my parents money
>it had brilliant humor
Coincidentally his best work was probably the dialogue free Jerry animation.
i see that you are not a retard at all
every time i see dude weed lmao meme, it's some dude that got offended and has nothing to answer.
Also weed lmao can be used as an excuse to escape conversation. And can be used against literally anything.
>B-but toy story is a great movie! Toys have bright characters and the story is touching.
>but Neverending Story is a good movie. Lots of cool puppet design and a great fantasy story overall.
you _are_ a retard if you use this meme.
Have fun.
and that's what makes it great
Go to bed Max
>mommy im on Cred Forums! :D
Not gonna lie, I chuckled a little.
Like I said.
Go to bed Max.
>a huge bitchslap face to generic happy 3d toons companies
I want to give you a huge bitchslap right now for saying something so fucking stupid.
I'm more surprised why you didn't see that tumblr post where he got mad at everyone that compared it to foodfight
I haven't seen Sausage Party yet so I can't really say that I don't like it, but I'm sure if I saw it I would hate it. But even if I don't agree with Max, I still enjoy these videos.
>getting this mad over stupid jokes
looks like all the weed isn't doing much for your autism
>10 Cloverfield Lane was great and he went with dumb expectations.
Haven't seen it, but if it really isn't about the cloverfield monster in any way, then they really shouldn't have advertised it as a sequel.
Then don't use the word "Cloverfield"
What's wrong with what he said? That describes Disney, Pixar, Illumination and Dreamworks to a tee.
Wisenheimers is part of the reason I still watch Max's videos. I used to listen to those podcasts all the time, even when I was goign through bad times, so I have fond memories. I still wish the best for Max but I'd like to see his talents funneled into a bigger project with more people working on it. An original cartoon of sorts.
I'm pretty sure he was joking.
>no rebuttal
Hush mode.
Just imagine being this much of a miserable cunt.
>animator literally defending an animation where the animators of said movie he is talking about were treated like dirt.
>I was only pretending to be retarded. just a prank bro
he not defending the guy who didn't paid animators
its a good movie. despite it had problems during making process.
are you dumb?
Yes? It's called being ironic.
>ironic shitposting isn't shitposting
this has happened a million times before, it's just the first time even the normiest normie knows about it, so congrats to being a misinformed cunt
>Newfags get this upset by memes
Baneposting would drive you guys nuts.
I think the only thing of his I liked was the guy and his dog out ice-fishing, though I hate the ending and wish he had just kept it as a serious horror story for just 20 seconds longer.
I suppose the notable thing is that it barely had any dialogue and that's the part I hate the most with his stuff. To be honest, based on his usual sense of "humour", it doesn't shock me that he liked Sausage Party.
He never said it was the first time. you lack reading comprehension.
At this point I'm just accepting that the HDD Defence League in this thread is just Max himself. He's a sensitive soul who can never handle the bantz.
he said it's a reason to dislike it. as if you would keep on watching your shitty animu shows if you knew how much those animators would earn
fuck off
> complains about using memes to avoid debate (it's obvious you're the same guy)
> avoids debate by complaining about what reaction image was used
>if i will post anime smug face and try to avoid it i will sound smart
>mfw I actually had one of his fans message this to me
>brilliant humor.
>debate is about poorly treated animators
>mentions poorly treated animators from another country
look I can greentext too
Not him, but he's not so much complaining about your reaction image as he's pointing out the same crummy practices of overworking and little pay abuse is such a common thing that most anime companies function like that.
However, assuming someone likes something because of a reaction image is still a pretty retarded thing to do.
>However, assuming someone likes something because of a reaction image is still a pretty retarded thing to do.
since when?? why would he even save anime reaction faces if he didn't watch them, it's not even a good/funny one
Avoid what? What is "it"? What am i avoiding here?
food weed lmao XD
>How can one dude have such an amazing talent animating all by himself
This meme again
I actually liked the "Best Show on the Internet" running gag
Reaction images are irrelevant. The point was he called someone else misinformed by saying this movie was made on slave labor but than assumed that said person thought this was the first time it happened.
>People that belong to a tiny counter-culture are just like the rest of the 99% of society
>Elitists are always representative of an entire subculture
I think if Max swallowed his pride and got a writer for his cartoons, his shit would improve dramatically. Its sad to see someone so bitter have such a talent in animation.
It's hard to be surprised by this. This is the guy who got legitimately assmad that people compared Food Fight to Sausage Party.
Not everyone can be as virtuous as you gahndi
were these accusations ever actually proven? or did it turn out it was just some user trying to rag on the movie and a bunch of dipshits believed it
Many animators themselves spoke out about it, that's the closest you can get behind video evidence
I'm sure it was probably true, because animators getting paid like shit is a vary common thing in the animation industry. That's why most of it gets outsourced to Korea.
Watch a movie like Young Frankenstein
Then bite out your own tongue for saying that DUDE FOOD IS ALIVE LMAO movie has any humor in it.
>Punk is a tiny counter-culture
Anons or actual credible people who we can verify worked on the film?
I guess it's hard to tell, because they weren't actually credited in the film. Which of course should tell you enough.
if they worked on it they can show their job history and prove they were hired
what I am getting here is that it's a hunk of bullshit until proven otherwise
Here's one of the articles that talk about it. Just google Sausage Party animators to get more.
>He's a GEEK!!
You're on Cred Forums, dude....
In an emailed statement, Nitrogen’s chief executive, Nicole Stinn, said, “The allegations are completely unfounded and the claims are without merit. Our production adhered to all overtime laws and regulations, as well as our contractual obligations with our artists.”
nicole said it well right there. Where's the proof? Who are these people?
Not very considering they'd literally never work again if they went public, i understand having skepticism but you have to look at the whole situation
*not very fair
I'm confused about why you don't believe this. Why would they lie about something so trivial? Animators know they'll get paid shit and yet they continue to do that work because they love it. They're not holding out for more money, because the movie has already been released and their job is over. They got the payment they worked to receive.
Why would such a large group of people lie about something like this for no reason?
>Sausage Party gets hate and labeled as a bad name for adult animation because of its shock humor and overabundant cussing
>Everyone loves PaSwG
Why would a bunch of idiot anons go on the internet and pretend to work for companies
because it's the internet, shit like this happens all the time. the onus of proof is on the people making the claim, asking why they would do it to begin with is a logical fallacy
My issue is, it was trying to address adult issues (such as religion) but failed miserably. I mean, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, but the plot was a mess and for me the jokes just fell flat. I don't mind crude humor, but when the punchline is pretty much always just saying "fuck" or "shit" it gets boring
well guy, it's because it's anime. and people eat anime up no matter what the actual content is.
the jap dub apparently has more substance, though. the people writing the dub were just told to go nuts
>It's a "THIS HAS TO BE GOOD" post
>It's a "NO ITS BAD SHUT UP" post
>Shock humor
If you're twelve maybe
This didn't originate at Cred Forums, user. I remember anons only starting to talk about it when all the articles were released.
>and people eat anime up no matter what the actual content is
>It's an "I've never been to Cred Forums" episode
You know that shock humor doesn't involve literal shocking, right? Well, there was that game show episode, but that's beside the point.
It's a well documented fact that animators are treated like shit, You are making the claim that these ones weren't.
Vulgarity and shock humor aren't the same thing
That's Cred Forums for you
See his pony series. Better yet, don't.
>Reddit STILL thinks Cred Forums has one singular opinion
Here's a response.
Uh, no. I never said that. I'm open to the possibility that they were but they've given me no reason to believe so. Simple logic. Are YOU even trying?
also, just because animators are often treated like shit doesn't mean these ones definitely were. That is a logical fallacy. Try harder.
But you aren't open to the possibility, you refuse to be.
Are you a fan of the film? Because refusing to accept that the animators on it were treated like shit makes it seem like you were.
>calling things a logical fallacy makes me automatically right
If you were open to the possibility you'd understand their careers would be ruined if the were to revel their names. The fact the movie had a budget of only 19 million dollars for a cgi movie means obviously someone was mistreated
I didn't. It's an overly long gag that leads up to an even longer gag and neither are funny.
These are all bullshit. I get you have sympathy for working conditions animators are put through but there is absolutely no reason to believe there was abuse in Sausage Party's development. A bunch of anons (or hell, one) could easily be lying. You people are begging the question.
Hey I'm dump I'm not so dump and we're the brain dumps
>he thinks a shit animated movie is better than an average animated movie
I don't even like Zootopia but this shit...
You people are basically saying "hmm, sometimes animators are put through shitty working conditions, so this entirely baseless claim must be true!!" Thiiiiiink
Never change comblr.
PSG is shock humor. It has constant swearing, sex, vile shit. None of it is any good or shocking to any adult but it certainly tries.
oh fuck off
Thing is, Sausage Party is already way too late to the "HAHA GUYS LOOK CUTE CARTOON CHARACTERS BEING CRUDE AND EDGY!!!" bandwagon.
There have been some other R-rated animated films before it. There are TV channels whose only cartoons are meant for adults. Popular internet animations are just the same "hey let's make this kiddy videogame/cartoon/book/etc. bUT EDGY!!!" joke over and over again and people still eat them up.
The only reason Sausage Party did so well was because the only type of humor it caters to is the same that is present in TV and the internet.
Sausage Party might have had a redeemable quality if it was literally the first of its kind, but it's not. And now we'll have to deal with more of that cringeworthy "DUDE WEED LMAO" humor in any future R-rated animated film.
I always asumed that was just them viewing americans in general as loudmouthed and vulgar people and exagerating those aspects. It seemed like a "oh those crazy foreigners" type of comedy instead of a "lets push the limitsof decency" type of comedy.
Well he penalized zootopia because he wanted something else.
no he penalized Zootopia for being preachy because the movie isn't exactly going to change any racists' minds and the message not exactly being appropriate with the choice to use animals in the film
I would that qt computer
I REALLY like this guy's voice. It's charming. He's got a voice for this sort of thing.
If only he had the writing.
That's if you make the false assumption that zootopia's message was about race specifically.
I think he just being sarcastic.
Same desu
>caring about what this dingus thinks
It does when you're saying it to the one using a logical fallacy.
They've seen through our charade.
The Hive-mind is in danger
Prepare the neurotoxin.
Well there are more buisness men like in that pic so competitively yes.
I think those piercings look stupid as all hell but I don't think most people do it to be special snowflakes. For some reason people genuinely think they look cool.
>He thought Zootopia was actually racist
>he likes sausage "dude Christians lmao" party
He's a fucking moron.
>Copying Egoraptor's Sequelitis thing
I think he's not as retarded as Arin and definitely not as lazy, so it could probably work.
>Liking any movie that this guy was involved in
It's weird how he's discussing adult subject matter but he talks like it's an educational show for kids.
>Egoraptor created analysis videos
Hi underaged
>slap happy humor
oh fuck off, it eve
Yeah because who invented those things and was the first one to do it?
I will never understand why there is such a weird hatred for this guy. His videos are fine and this one was a well thought out review what is the problem?
> Sausage Party
> HA HA! Take THAT animation industry! WOAH, THIS AINT YOUR AVERAGE KIDS FILM! Ain't it so shocking! Bet you've never heard a cartoon swear before have you bitches?!
> Panty & Stocking
> So let's just have dumb fun and experiment with some more western art styles. That cool with everyone?
It's how you present it
But IT IS good.
We like to circlejerk
Also his humor is just "DUDE WEED/GORE LMAO", so much so he got offended when people were talking shit about Sausage Party. He wastes his talent on making more of those "parodies" that plague YouTube.
Also he's a douche. He made Arin look like a saint when he was next to him in a panel.
It's how you present yourself as a person.
Person he gets compared to a lot is Harry Partridge. Harry comes across as a much more pleasent guy to interact with, so people in turn are generally less aggressively hostile against him. Max on the other hand is just a douche who is always trying to piss somebody off, so he gets the gloves off treatment.
Other examples are Whomp's Ronnie Vs somebody like Tom Preston.
Neurotoxins dont work on people who have had their central nervous systems removed user.
he wasn't trying to piss anyone off in this video. i think you care way too much about stupid shit desu.
I don't think i ever trust someone who even likes this piece of shit film.
>What's wrong? don't you rather want to support more Adult featured animations?
I'd rather not watch food orgy and let it rot to the ground for all i care.