I've heard because it is lazy.
What is the "Cal-arts" style and why is it hated?
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb phoneposter
>He cares what I use to browse a Mongol Circumsicion art site.
It's because of the low standards that AT set in animation and in writing.
Despite doing so, it is one of the few cartoons that doesn't actually get memed on.
From what I can tell, Cal-arts style seems to translate to "Style I don't like" seeing as how it's been used for cartoons that don't have the same style.
>He didn't update to iOS 10.
>downgrading to an even WORSE update
Did they really replace the gun emoji with a spray gun.
Yeah they did
Apple's gone full retard with their new shit, no jack, wireless 169$ headphones, and this.
Plus they added this shit
It seems to mean "shows that try to ape Adventure Time's style because it was extremely successful".
I'm not sure if they actually use AT as a reference for "correct" design at CalArts, though, or if most people passing through CalArts aren't very talented and leap to mimicking AT because it's easy.
Yeah but look at the filenames now.
I don't care about the fags but the fun makes me mad.
The CalArts style doesn't exist
It's just a bunch of executives looking at Adventure time and saying "copy that art style" in the hopes that it becomes a money maker.
It's also easy to animate
Great, now you disguise yourself among us patrician Android posters
Same, but my issue is they all look like mutants now
>wireless 169$ headphones,
Cheaper than Samsungs. Plus it includes lightning ones in box
The shading is horrible.
My favorite emojis so far are new Windows 10 ones. I wish they all went back to being simple.
Going back to OP's question. Is a buzzword. It should mean style that imitates Disney's but here shitposters use it to describe cartoons they don't like.
Cucumber shaped mouths with rounded teeth, cylindrical limbs, spherical eyes. I think that's more or less the gist of the look.
Because anime has a thousand different art styles while western animation has only one. Its fucking disgusting.
Weak b8.
It's just weeaboos being usual retards.
>have to recharge headphones
>they fall off easily
>and it costs 169 dollars
>"lol it's cheaper tho"
But he's right.
Western animation hasn't been good since the 60s.
samefagging is still shitposting
literally name 5 well animated western productions made in the last 10 years
no, CGIshit doesn't countr
Why do so-called "numales" gravitate toward the CalArts style?
at this point it means style I don't like. Most of the "Cal-Arts" style shows are made by people who didn't even go to Cal-Arts. Exects look at adventure time and say "hey, can you do it like this?" and it's also easier to animate, which is something to factor in when dealing with budgets and other things for a Cartoon. It's actually been around for a long time.
Ed Edd n Eddy
Netflix's Turbo
Because it's safe and easy. Numales hate confrontation.
Just look at these numales on Bee and Puppycat
>at this point it means style I don't like
Not even remotely true. We don't call Buckley or Dobson or MacFarlane "CalArts" despite their art styles being shit.
>Most of the "Cal-Arts" style shows are made by people who didn't even go to Cal-Arts.
You don't have to be from CalArts to draw in the CalArts style. That's just where it originated. It much like how you can Korra Anime-style despite it being an american show.
And yes most of the CalArts style cartoons on tv are created by CalArts grads or have a huge CalArts staff (Steven Universe).
>and it's also easier to animate
It is not. Especially considering none of these designs have construction.
Literally all those shows are fucking garbage.
Watch it, Cred Forums gets really autistic and spergy when anyone says they don't like ed edd and eddy. You can't challenge the hivemind here.
Cred Forums will always be superior to Cred Forums though.
I remember when the "CalArts style" was a term used by John K and his cronies to disparage the stuff popping up in the 90s and early 00s influenced by 60s Disney character design. At this point, I think CalArts just means "things that I don't like".
>cg shit doesn't count
animaymays are using more and more nowadays because their laziness knows no bounds.
Hows berserk lads
Alternatively, this.
>Cheaper than samsungled
Lord have mercy on this fool.
Enjoy your 10-20 dollar lose headphone-strap, just like the ones for your glasses.
Or this
It's a deeper rooted "hate" than just a dislike for the CalArts style, we'd have to go back to the history of the school, who runs it, and what happens to people coming out of it.
I want you to imagine CalArts as the top IVY LEAGUE university for art schools.
This is essentially the Harvard of animation. If you start with this mindset you can already begin to imagine what happens to people who graduate from that school.
Let's go with the Harvard example. For instance, the only way a normal person (aka you) is getting in is to have to have INCREDIBLY good grades, consistently your entire life, impeccable SAT scores, and a killer admissions essay that makes you stand out from the crowd.
Notice I said "normal people" as a classification. That's because the overwhelming majority of people who get into these universities have "abnormal" advantages over you:
- their family are alumni, or they come from a very well known family lineage, granting them a nearly guaranteed grandfathered status.
- or their family is rich, and can write a large financial endowment to the school, guaranteeing their acceptance.
- or they are friends with/have connections with those who make decisions in the school.
- finally, a school like this needs to meet certain acceptance rate requirements to be eligible for government bonuses. these requirements usually are a percentage of minorities, and foreign students. usually rounding out to 15-20% of yearly attendance.
With all this in mind, let's apply this to CalArts as a whole.
This is a school that Walt Disney himself founded to shape prospective students into the animators that he would need to work under him. Those people would go on to run the school, and a generation later their kids and kids of their friends would come to Calarts and form companies with influence (Pixar, for example). A generation after that they run the school and the companies and they decide who comes and goes. Starting circa 2006, even if you got accepted to this school - if you didn't know anyone or have any relationship/family ties with people in charge, you weren't going anywhere and you would have a useless degree upon graduation.
What I'm getting at here is, CalArts is broken at it's core. It is infected with a disease that can not be cured and that disease is nepotism. The reason you're seeing so much garbage pumped out is because the people who get the chance to put their shit out there are talentless hacks who get their career because of who they know, or what family they were born into, or how rich their family is, not because of what they can do artistically. This is a system rigged to keep a small group of people in power, but is pretending to be a opportunity for people.
People don't just hate CalArts because of it's style, they hate it because of what it stands for. CalArts must close down if we hope for anything good in the future of cartoons or 3D animation.
It makes the black lives matters emoji tweets hilarious as a side effect.
It's not the 00s anymore, grandpa.
>"The possibility of any [PoCs or women] watching television is slim. It is unlikely that these demographics have TVs."
Is this really treated as some axiom of life now? Do people really think "PoC"s won't watch the show or get Triggered if the main character is a white dude?
>they're all white
The point was that the shows are well animated.
I seriously can only think of one show that had this set up.
It's called Adventure Time and it was wildly popular with everybody for a long time. Only recently has it started o die down. But a cartoon with 7 seasons certainly was no failure
I think the image is more criticizing what a huge success it was, and what that may say of people who liked it, rather than implying it was at all a failure.
I don't mind the popularity of Cal-arts style in cartoons lately. What I do mind is the over use of watercolors or whater you call pic related in a ton of artist works. Seriously, this shit is everywhere and isn't pleasing to look at either.
>Do people really think "PoC"s won't watch the show or get Triggered if the main character is a white dude?
it's seems the other way when its a show that has an all non white cast.
It was AT noodle limbs, now it's SU bean heads.
yeah everyone gets buttmad when there's a primarily non-white cast because they think it's some kind of tumblr conspiracy.
The fact that western animation today will never move beyond flash or CGI is what makes it garbage.
The fact that most of Cred Forums hasn't switched over to Cred Forums is astounding.
Adventure Time and Regular Show were the first shows to employ the CalArts style and it honestly works for them. Adventure Time needs a very simple and silly looking style and Regular Show needs a "post-it doodle" aesthetic. Gravity Falls had far more fluid/detailed animation than Adventure Time/Regular Show and it didn't look as flat, so they also made great use of the style.
It's all these other shows like Clarence, We Bare Bears, Star VS, nuPPG, Bee and Puppycat, and Over the Garden Wall especially (the character designs looked so out of place with the rest of the show) where the CalArts style seems to be used simply because it's the default and not because it adds anything to the show.
>Over the Garden Wall
As much as I love it, I agree the character designs were one of its genuine flaws.
There was one slight benefit to it, though, in that the style allowed them to easily reference old-timey cartoons, like the Tavern Keeper's resemblance to Betty Boop, and the entire episode where Greg visits Cloud City.
>Used literally wrong
>Unironically arguing with nerds on the internet about stupid shit
Okay kid fuck off back to whatever it is edgy teens do now a days besides shitting up threads.
This dumbass needs to look up what "primary colors" means.