
Tip for the Cred Forums industry: If Marvel likes renumbering back to #1 so often, just do it after every creative run. Don't do it in the middle of one. That is a nice balance since creative runs don't last that long unless they are good, which actually deserves the high issue count. DC is the opposite where they drag the numbering on too long and have missed opportunities getting new readers. Things like Batgirl #35 when Babs Tarr took over or when Jeff Lemire took over Green Arrow should've been brand new #1s.

Honestly, I kinda like this idea. Renumbering with each new creative team makes sense and gives more opportunities for normies to jump on board. And maybe keep the actual around below the issue number, like they did in the 90s after Heroes Reborn.

Is that the guy who plays the caveman in Power Rangers?


What happened in the middle of Mark Waid's run is prime example of that. Literally no reason for volume 4 to exist as not part of volume 3.

Except for the fact that volume 3 was decent until last arc and volume 4 continued going downhill

Yep, the current Blue Ranger. And his brother's playing Blue next season

I prefered v4 to v1 of Waid's run.

Spider-Gwen got renumbered after 5 issues.
Same exact creative team...
Story just continued on...
Both #1s in the same year...

I never got the "readers are scared by big issue numbers, I never went into a tv show thinking, "Oh damn is this episode 27? I can't watch this," I liked going back into a story to see what the fuss was about.

Autistics have a higher completionist urge. So if they see what a big investment it is to start from the very beginning, they will never even touch it at all.

This is legitimately the reason I never got into capeshit. A combination of my OCD and fear of not knowing where to hop in has steered me away from most things aside from one shots and self-contained universes

People have this idea in their mind that these superhero books have this amazing long convoluted history. It's only convoluted because geeks are tryin to create some master timeline of continuity. In reality it is a fuckin company constantly hiring new people to take over every single time one guy finishes. They all take turns writing fan fiction for these characters and even the creators themselves don't know all of the history. They are just excited to add more to the pile. It's nothing more than tons of short stories. That's why it doesn't matter where you jump on. Whatever story you are on, will end in about 6 issues. You can go back or forward. Also, don't be a completionist. Because capes just like to crank out 10000 things a year so that their universe can seem so amazing and big when all they want is for a nerd to get hooked like drugs and never stop. Just pick things up and check them out. It's no different than picking up a random movie at the dvd store.

That's adorable.
Isn't he also the one whose a fan of the Sentai and got approval from his counterpart?

Why don't they do this?

Yep. That's him.
Best Blue!

That's a good idea, but it probably fucks up with trade releases.

aren't the trade releases kind of already fucked up?

Because they're stupid, they used to renumber just whenever they wanted new sales. It's part of what crashed the market.

The issues of Silk were renumbered after SW too, however, the Tpb is numbered as 0. If people are to dumb to understand that the #1 is meaningless that's their fault.

Ms. Marvel got renumbered back to #1 after SW too, he trades were up to Vol. 4 at that point. When the new trade came out it was literally just Vol. 5.

This right here tells me that Marvel cares more about its tpbs while the single issue numbers are their for the monthly popularity contest. I only keep a pull list to support my lcs, other than that I'm a trade waiter.

>I never got the "readers are scared by big issue numbers, I never went into a tv show thinking, "Oh damn is this episode 27? I can't watch this,"

But lots of people are scared for exactly those reasons, user.

Why do you think TV shows consistently lose viewers over a season, even when quality either improves or stays consistently good?

Realistically, the lost viewers are from people's lives getting in the way. But then there are should be just as many new viewers who give it a chance, like you. Those new viewers rarely come (certainly not in the middle of a season) because they recognize that the show has been on for a while, that it's in the middle of storylines/etc. and thus not ideal to stumble into.

And to be honest, another key reason why they don't just start at whatever's airing is because there are plenty of new shows (or at least, new seasons) airing that they can either watch afresh or catch up on pretty easily. So, why bother with the long, ongoing show -- that will take a while to understand every little intricacy -- when you could just move to something new?

Same things happen with comics.

To add to this:

Big issue numbers on the cover would've mattered less in the past because there were simply less books to fret over. (Same with TV shows and TV channels before, say, the mid 90s or certainly the 00s).

But now that companies are publishing 3 to 4 times as many comics as they did before -- and with more competition in the major market (i.e. the LCS with many comics, as opposed to a choosier newsstand) -- there are lots of reasons not to bother with a big number if you don't want to.

The next fresh batch of #1s that are coming out are actually numbered 1 for the beginning of an arc, and someplace at the bottom of the cover we'll see #13. For example, All New Wolverine #12 "1# of Enemy of the State". This I don't mind at all because it's not Renumbering and uts letting readers know that this is a new chapter, you won't have to have read the actual first issue to pick up on this story.

He was also IN Super Sentai (for the beginning of one episode as a civilian)


My pull list has become DC exclusive starting with DC Rebirth. Marvel Now is my jumping off point and I will be trade waiting them from this point forward.

Rebirth was a fresh jumping on point to DC for me, but Marvel's current line has enough stuff that I'm enjoying to make up the majority of my pull list. Just because Marvel is producing a handful of shit awful books doesn't mean I'm going to drop the company all together, but if it wasn't for my lcs I wouldn't even have a pull list and would be trade waitting on everything.

I'm not exactly the richest guy so I feel a lot less guilty buying DC since it's only 2.99.

I just save my tips each week, I don't mind paying the extra dollar for Marvel titles because of the free digital copy, since I spend most of my time out of the house I like having some of my comics on me to help kill time or provide screen shots. I really wish DC did the same, I'd happily accept a dollar markup for a digital and physical copy of my comics.