>Favorite Legionnaires
>Favorite version
>Favorite stories
>Hopes/Speculations for Rebirth
Legion of Super-Heroes
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>mfw Levitz is on the LOSH title
Not gonna happen. Even he doesn't want to be on the book ever again. Giffen MIGHT work, but editorial really needs to buckle down and stop him from pulling any bullshit.
>It's the current year and the LoSH aren't being done by J.M., Giffen and King.
>all of them tbqh but I guess Imra, Nura, Jenni, Brainy
>late 80s-ish, like with Tellus and Quislet but before the COIE Superman reboot retcons got too retarded
>Universo Project, Legion Lost, Superman and the LoSH
>mainly hope that they use a Lemire-style lineup (Retroboot + Reboot), I don't want another reboot from scratch but ignoring the retarded parts of late Retroboot is probably necessary
god no
I just started watching the LoSH cartoon.
It's pretty mediocre, but Phantom Girl a serious cute.
S2 is a bit better as far as overarching plot goes
>Wildfire & Dawny
>Blok & Mysa
I had to pair some of the couples up because their relationships with each-other are a major part of what draws me to them, though by no means is that my reason for liking them. Drake's definitely my fuckin' boyo though.
As you can tell by that list, Levitz/Giffen era is my stomping grounds. I've been reading those issues since I could read, basically. From my dad's old back issues to recent nicer collections and stuff, that's what I can always keep going back to.
And as cliché as it is, Grear Darkness Saga will always be my favorite Legion story. I just love every little bit about it.
Really I don't know what I want from rebirth. I personally would enjoy another retroboot using the same versions of the characters I've loved for so long, but even I can acknowledge that's probably a bad idea for the property itself, especially if it were another uninspired attempt like the last one.
I'd like to see the Legion play a more active role in the political landscape. Threeboot is kinda close to what I mean, but rather than a force opposed to the UP, I'd want to see legionnaires as more representatives/super-heroes hybrid. That'd allow for a rotation on who is doing action stuff, and who is dealing with politi-drama which would allow a writer to more fully flesh out a cast.
Also I'd take Hickman over Levitz.
I don't really care for the artstyle, but I really like some of the designs.
>Imra's face and costume
>Luornu's hair and skin tone
>Tinya's pseudo goth look
>Chuck's goggles
>Brin's wolf man appearance
>wanting King on LoSH instead of L.E.G.I.O.N.
why tho
>one with Wildfire
>ones featuring Wildfire
>... Wildfire?
My nigga.
Wildfire is one of those rare characters that has basically never had a bad design ever. The silver re-color of his New 52 was eh but that got fixed quick.
I always liked the Nu52 design. The containment suit really should be armored to prevent waving a hole put in it.
Also, I dunno, I feel like Drake and Dawny's angst over not being able to fuck is a little forced. Y'all live on a world of ridiculous super tech, know several scientific geniuses, and at least one high-level sorceress who has been in the same situation. You can figure something out.
>Favorite Legionnaires
Braniac 5
Dream Girl
Polar Boy
>Favorite version
5YL. We've had a great run time to burn it all down, everything after Giffen blows up Earth is shit anyway
>Favorite stories
Everything leading up to and following the battle with The Time Trapper post COIE
> Hopes/Speculations for Rebirth
Because LOSH is one of King's favorite books/teams
Please let the man write something other than PTSD self-therapy.
Which would be all L.E.G.I.O.N. would be. The man already did that in that setting even with Omega Men. Let him hit other notes, maybe do a bit of escapism himself.
Honestly I'm not sure if he can and I don't think LoSH is a franchise that can survive a potentially bad experiment like that. Would just put him on GL or something safer first.
>Space cops from one area of a giant space sector patrolling that whole region as a unilateral force of law and order, based off of dictates from a central operating planet way the fuck away from everything else
No. That'd be just as bad for Tom.
give him a Rann/Thanagar book :^)
It is hard to think of cosmic DC stuff that wouldn't fall into that trap. Maybe something more generally young people hanging out. Infinity Inc?
Indeed. Even if I prefer little armored look, but that's just me having weird taste in design.
Million times this. At least put them in same mindscape or whatever so they can do it. Most of the times it's, as you say, forced and writers do it just because that's how it's supposed to be. Status quo, not even once.
When you have literally a planet of telepaths I don't see why this should be a problem at all. Have the fleshy one getting off (masturbation, toys, whatever) and feed the orgasm into the other's head.
What's the best Legion starting point?
Sometimes fanboys make for the worst writers.
Exactly. Or do whatever Cyclops does with every telepaths. But nooo, we gotta have WOE IS ME, I CAN'T RIDE THE FIRE idiocy.
Depends on what you're looking for mostly. The 90s Reboot is good if you want younger hero stuff and can't stomach silver age writing/art (but LoSH is good silver age imo). Johns stuff is good for more modern stuff with older characters (Lightning Saga is kind of skippable though and not as good as the other two arcs he wrote with them).
Titan almost certainly has places that'll do that. Telepathic bordellos must be a thing.
Hell, Imra will probably do it, she seems down. She and Garth guaranteed get up to some freaky shit.
Catching up on Supergirl on Netflix, it's just been mean with the Legion teasing.
Hold on, they name dropped Colu and the Khunds too? Okay, all this shit along with Mon-El has to be leading to something.
Good taste by the way.
> favorite
> legionnaire
All are awful shouldn't exist
100% guaranteed this was Johns
Why shouldn't Superman exist?
Yeah Indigo/Brainiac 8 showed up. Kara went to the Fortress of Solitude and asked one of the robots about "a blue jerk who was really good with computers" and the robot said it sounded like a Coluian. i mean obviously coluians are green but I'll let it slide for now.
and a K'hund was a bad guy of the week.
Speaking of Geoff's waifu, I really wish Dawnstar and Shikari were just fused into one character. It would give us one more alien Legionnaire, as well as remove the uncomfortable shit going on with Dawny's backstory.
Also, I love how apparently, Abett and Lanning insist she's not supposed to be Reboot Dawnstar. Uh huh.
Wait is Supergirl going legion? Mon-El? Someone fill me in I haven't paid attention to live action capeshit in awhile.
I don't really like that because I like Dawny's look with the angel wins and all. I like the more alien Legionnaires but I prefer for them to stay separate rather than overriding the others.
Yeah a spaceship crashed in the season finale as a cliffhanger and apparently it's Mon-El.
>I don't really like that because I like Dawny's look with the angel wins and all. I like the more alien Legionnaires but I prefer for them to stay separate rather than overriding the others.
Fair. Would you like if Shikari inherited Dawny's angel wings, or would you rather just have two trackers on the team?
My introduction to these guys was in John's Action Comics run - what are the best Legion stories? I love the concept and even thought about getting a ring.
>She and Garth guaranteed get up to some freaky shit.
Oh man, you just know they have consensual sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation. The perverts.
>or would you rather just have two trackers on the team?
This, but of course it would take work to find a niche for both though so maybe it's a silly preference to have. They're both sort of underused even if the tracker aspect seems helpful for superheroing.
Legion kind of has the "problem" of most of its stories working best in the context of their runs. I would say to just kind of pick an era and marathon through.
You can read something like Great Darkness Saga on its own but it's hard to really say there's a beginning to the arc since it gets seeded in the background of other stuff first. The deluxe for it collects LoSH v2 284-296 + Annual #1 though. Generally this Levitz/Giffen stuff from the 80s is probably the most popular run.
Also of course if you read Johns his Retroboot sort of picked up from around that run after COIE.
There's an understatement. Their main ability pretty much boils down to "find stuff". I suspect these gals don't get much use because they have the potential to utterly break the plot by essentially pointing at the next plot point.
Especially if we start dipping into power levels territory.
>"Hey Dawnstar/Shikari. Where is the White Triangle base?"
>"Over there."
>"Hey Dawny/Shikari, where is the person manipulating the war between Braal and Titan?"
>"Over there."
Yeah you have to be careful with it, though I guess it's probably not actually more difficult than working around telepathy or magic or something.
Anyone else wish their costumes doubled as spacesuits? It's just weird that more and more, the Legion has left behind its raygun gothic stylings in favor of more standard cape imagery, when they should've embraced the 50s retro sci-fi aesthetic it started with.
Also, I hate that retarded "transuit" idea, since it just comes off as artistic laziness. I miss the bubble helmets. They made more sense and frankly looked really cool.
Yeah, I think Dawny's limitation is that she has to pick up the "scent" or something first.
>TFW authors hate Wildfire because he wasn't one of the "new" guys.
(though this was back in the 90s...this probably isn't true anymore)
>the time in the future moves at the same rate as the time in the past so if Superboy will never see Adult Legion and Superman will never travel to "teen" Legion.
i couldn't believe people didn't love wildfire. he's the best.
i love Waid giving Peyer shit for transuits even though i'm pro-them. i guess i'm just lazy
Throwing Shikari into the Espionage squad seems like the easiest solution
>tfw no Espionage Squad book a la X-Force
Some great stuff happening on Earth whatever.
Hell, I'd settle for the rotating creative team approach Rebirth has going
I wish they'd be more consistent with how Tasmia's powers work. Sometimes she can only turn the lights out, sometimes she can make the shadows solid and use it as a weapon. It seems to change depending on the writer.
Now that you mention it, it is kinda strange that's never happened.
They had current Supergirl visit teen Retroboot pre-Flashpoint. Closest thing I can remember to not having it run fully parallel.
Anyone know if they're still gonna do Legion stuff in Justice League like how Johns set up?
Or was it like the WW brother bit and just being dusted away.
recommended starting point?
not silver age, please.
If you're talking about the DCU Rebirth scene that wasn't really Justice League. Imra was in Metropolis. Legion Rebirth stuff is happening apparently in the second wave with Atom, JSA, and Shazam. I don't expect real news until like March at the earliest though. I guess we'll see.
The WW brother stuff is still going to be handled by Rucka not dusted away. It was mentioned in her Rebirth book too. Probably once they actually explain the origin inconsistencies.
Just jump in and start reading.
You'll be surprised how much lore you just let hit you like ocean waves and accept.
I remember wanting to own at least one Legion story, so I bought The Great Darkness Saga.
You'll be surprised how you just take context clues and what you're told and accept.
"Yeah they're in a relationship. Okay this one has been having trouble with this thing in their past. Sure this character is dead and you miss them."
Depends on what you want, any of these is probably fine (maybe skip Lightning Saga, it's not great):
>Bronze age: LoSH v2 #283
>90s Reboot (first proper reboot): LoSH v4 #0, Legionnaires #0, LoSH v4 #62, Legionnaires #19, LoSH v4 #63, etc (they stop crisscrossing directly after like an arc or two but they'll crossover again at times as well)
>DnA run: LoSH v4 #122, Legionnaires #79, LoSH v4 #123, Legionnaires #80 then Legion Lost (you could start with Legion Lost on its own but the context helps)
>Threeboot (second proper reboot): v5 #1
>Retroboot (sort of an unboot): mainly just the Johns arcs (JLA/JSA Lightning Saga, Superman and the LoSH, Final Crisis Lo3W)
I mean, I assume it's going to be a fairly important thing. They hinted at it in the special, and Johns fucking loves the Legion. Plus it's suspicious that editorial has shot down any attempt to have them appear right now, denying even cameos. Either there's a plan, or there's been a major fuck up of some kind.
I have no hopes or expectations and this way I can't be disappointed.
Forgot favorite story is Legion of Three Worlds
Legion is great for biweekly because one can tell an ongoing story and the other can be anthology.
There's an introduction to something Legion that talks about how that is one of the things that makes the Legion work. You can get & extrapolate so much about them and because of how monthly comics work there happens to actually be stuff to back up what you'd extrapolate.
Counting the days until SDCC. Praying for King
>Superboy visits Legion on the weekend when he's not in school
>hold on..its almost monday...I gotta get going. See you in a week
Superman could just travel back to the second he left but seemingly time ran the same for him no matter what time period he went to.
I liked Adult Legion. Would have liked to see their students who became the "new teen legion" that replaced them.
Based Lar.
Y'know, people tend to give Mon-El shit for being too much like Clark, but that's simply not true. At bare minimum he has a noticeably different methodology. Lar is very much the "Fuck you, I'm the police./Don't make me come over there." kind of hero. Clark has always been a little more patient, whereas Lar, while a nice guy, has very little tolerance for bullshit.
1000 years in the phantom zone will fuck you up
Oh yeah I remember when Earth Man was like "I can copy your powers"
and Mon El was like "yeah I spent 1000 years thinking of what to moves to do with my powers and you didn't" and basically just grabs Earth Man and just flies him off and throws him into space for a while.
See? This is a guy who dresses like he's in a marching band and spent a millennium trapped in the Phantom Zone. Dude's got no fucks left to give.
Good taste in women too. Once you go blue, no others will do.
>normies will find out about Mon-El soon
I hope they write good porn
Depends. How's the guy playing him?
All they have to do is not completely fuck up, and an entire generation will begin to realize the enormous well of attractive young heroes to drool over.
He's attractive enough. There's a good chance.
Here's hoping.
Not to be crude, but it really is a shame that the Legion never got the attention of porn artists. What little Legion porn there is, is meh at best, and none of the big names have made any material.
For me the LoSH are my favorites heroes. They have everything to be one of the greatest comics franchices.
The Legion have everything; wide range of characters, their own separate universe to mess thing, real diversity in characters, villains larger than life, shipping, you can work with analogies, go full Sci-Fi, etc.
BUT the problem is almost everything good already happen. The LoSH has the most dense continuity and is the less new readers friendly cape comics.
If you ask me who to aboard the LoSH reboot, i will choose a history in three periods: Imra in the present (ours) in a ultimate Thor-esque history, Garth in the past (Legion-past) reliving some of the classics stories, and Rokk (present) learning about some time distortion shanenigans and trying to reveal who is behind its. And then the three convergin in a common point and starting the new book in a soft reboot-retelling of the classic Legion.
Probably only Morrison or Hickman can pull a story like that.
When does Supergirl get good? I started it on Netflix just cause, but the first two episodes were very... cringe and a chore to get through. I want to like it, but it seems difficult right now.
I'd definitely read Morrison Legion after his use of them in his Action run. It was fun.
Around the Red Tornado episode is when I started liking it, but I don't know if it ever actually gets good.
>BUT the problem is almost everything good already happen.
I don't really agree with that, but I do think the Legion should take a break from having long drawn out storylines. Go back to episodic adventures, ideally in an anthology format that focuses on one or more Legionnaires at a time. Really, comics in general could stand to go back to this format.
>tfw we only ever got an X-Men/Teen Titans crossover in the '80s
>never got X-Men/LoSH in the same decade with a Claremont/Giffen creative team
Imagine how fucking hype that would be. I don't think I'm some Legion encyclopedia but it's far and away my favorite DC group/franchise because it feels fairly close (in a vague sense) to the X-Men which are my favorite Marvel/comic franchise. To me, if you like Claremont era Uncanny, especially the space and Shi'ar stuff, it's a fairly easy transition over to LoSH.
>Colossal Boy, Brainy, and Triplicate Girl
>Not the most popular opinion, but I really liked the threeboot lineup
> Most of the Levitz era was GOAT
> A small legion with a kind of Star Trek style of exploration around the UP, showcasing different member on their respective planets. Also playing up the reverence and legacy the heroes of the past have in the future.
and would a Booster Gold cameo be too much to ask for?
>and would a Booster Gold cameo be too much to ask for?
Pretty sure Booster has made a few cameos, actually.
Claremont actually did write one Legion story. It was a crossover with this really fucking weird team I forget the name of. Predictably, Chris seems to like Saturn Girl a lot.
>Favourite Legionnaires
Brainiac 5, Lyle Norg, Cosmic Boy, Insect Queen, Dreamy, Shrinking violet, EL, and Colossal boy
>Favourite Version
Reboot and Original
>Favorite stories
Miracle Machine and the one with Lyle Norg's spy days
>Hopes/speculations for Rebirth
It's going to be shit. Unless they do something with the Nu52's children or a multiverse with the other versions (Threeboot and Reboot) it won't be good.
I rather see L.E.G.I.O.N. brought back but I know that will be shit too.
>I rather see L.E.G.I.O.N. brought back but I know that will be shit too.
Or if it's good no one will buy it anyway
The hell was her deal, anyway? Reincarnation? Secret kid? Unrelated, but took the name for reasons?
Seriously, where did Mysa even find this chick?
I'm assuming some kind of reincarnation, but I suppose we'll never know (though carrying over those Academy kids would be a good idea, they were cute).
Sovereign Seven Plus One!
Jurgens did a thing in Booster Gold V2 hinting at old Booster is buddies with the team. or at least Brainy
It was in the Vanishing Point mini where they were trying to save time lost Batman
Babby Rip is cute
There is no possible way that could ever go wrong
Yeah, that's it. That was some seriously freaky shit.
Eh. This is Retroboot, where Brainy had fixed the whole COMPUTO issue by making it into a mini-Validus. ... Speaking of weird.
Tasmia stop corrupting Sneckie with your perverse Talokian customs!
I swear I saw an interview with levitz where he said she was not a reincarnation.
Keep in mind that Levitz never wrote the original Glorith. Her first appearance was in the weird and whacky silver age era (not sure if it was by Shooter or earlier) and was a one-off. She didn't come back from being a blob of protoplasm until after Levitz had left, brought back by Giffen and the Bierbaums to be the replacement for the Time Trapper.
Jeka's a big girl, she can handle a little skimpy humanoid clothing.
Y'know, with the whole mystical barbarian warrior thing she's got going on, Tasmia would fit right in on Skartaris. Which must be... interesting in the 31st century.
I'm not totally sure where DnA got that from since it wasn't really a thing in the original Shadow Lass' culture. But it was kind of charming, I guess? Tasmia was always one of the more ruthlessly pragmatic of the Legionnaires, even back in the silver age. That her people are like that makes some sense. I forget what the Talokians were like as a culture in L.E.G.I.O.N
Yeah, I like it. Gives her something unique to work with. She's more a physical fighter than anything, and believes in honor codes and such. It works for her, given the series 50s sci-fi roots.
>I forget what the Talokians were like as a culture in L.E.G.I.O.N
About the same as Silver Age Talk VIII, since this was before the Reboot, and we don't really visit it after the Computer Tyrants/Pulsar Stargrave are defeated.
The thing about Tasmia is the same thing that makes all the Legion ladies cool. You look at them and you go "Oh it's cheesy silver age Sci-fi, they're all going to be pretty young things for the swashbuckling heroes to romance". And then you read the stories and you find out that the ladies are often even more capable and driven than the guys. It's like if the green orion slave girl from star Trek turned out to be more kick-ass than Kirk and went on to headline the show.
I mean tasmia is basically FemShep, sometimes even more so than actual femShep.
Seriously, the chickas represent. Sure, a good chunk of them have boyfriends, but that never defines them as people.
>I mean tasmia is basically FemShep, sometimes even more so than actual femShep.
Nah, Imra is the FemShep. Tasmia's more like a female Grunt.
Shadow Lass is my Leagionfu
are the Supergirl and Legion stories any good?
what if they brought Kon-el and Bart back and put them on the team
Well, they've already got Jenni, but it can't hurt to have two speedsters. Nowadays the group simply "encourages a diversity in powers" instead of straight up rejecting any duplicates. A little redundancy is not undesirable.
Imra kind of fluctuates in personality more than most Legionnaires. She vacillates between team mom, obligatory nice girl or terrifying manipulator. Thankfully nobody has gone full grimderp with her yet.
I'd let do dirty things to me
It's interesting that they actively tried to stray from the original lineup in Reboot, like making Lyle a much bigger player or introducing new characters. Unfortunately it seems to lose direction pretty badly near the end of it.
Also the slimmed-down uniforms aren't that great on a lot of the characters.
I think if Legion Rebirth (or whatever) really wants to succeed, they need some new blood, both on the creative and character sides. Sure, keep a couple of the old favourites around, but I'd really love to see some new fresh-faced youngsters that we can watch grow and develop
>She vacillates between team mom, obligatory nice girl or terrifying manipulator.
It's fine for her to be all three at once. Even at her most ruthless, she still tries to maintain some standards about it. The implication seems to be that she's somewhat scared of her own considerable power.
>Thankfully nobody has gone full grimderp with her yet.
Agreed. Edgy Imra is something that needs to be avoided like the goddamned plague. Yes, there have been a few controversial Jean Grey moments, but never on the level of Scarlet Witch getting BENDIS'D.
Well, that's what the Legion Academy is for.
Legion Rebirth should take advantage of the double shipping and have essentially two books. One follows the regular Legion, and the other follows the Legion Academy kids.
basically this, have a core team and then some academy kids to mix it up. If you start displacing classic LOSH characters for new ones you end up with awkward stuff like Shikari, who nobody liked except DnA
Disco legion is best Legion. It had the right attitude, the right costumes and the right mix of space opera, teen drama and superheroics.
I like Shikari. I mean, she's basically just Dawnstar if she were an insect, minus the really awkward Native American stuff and "selective breeding" backstory.
People would have liked her better if she didn't replace Dawnstar in reboot.
Probably, yeah. Cause she's a perfectly fine character, it's just that she's an obvious stand-in for Dawny. Which, while I'm very much a proponent of having more alien Legionnaires, maybe removing the only Native character wasn't the best idea.
Also, sorry to be that guy, but it's just weird that she has tits. She's a bug. Come on now.
>this actually worked
Goddamn, Imra.
>tfw your Legion-fu is fucking terrifying
Yeah Dawny has quite a decent fanbase among the LOSH fans, really, which is funny because people were constantly ragging on her in the letter cols when she, Wildfire and Tyroc were first appeared. Pretty much using the same arguments you hear people on Cred Forums make today, about "forced diversity" and such. I think both Shikari and Dawny are good characters, but I think it was a mistake to specifically introduce a character with Dawny's power set like that.
>"forced diversity"
On the one hand, it is annoying to have a team that has themes of tolerance and diversity, yet most of them are generically attractive white humans. On the other, Dawny was not well conceived and reeks of stereotype. So it can come off as forced when her whole identity was initially "SPACE INDIAN". Almost certainly why Shikari was made to replace her in the first place.
Other than reincarnation or daughter I can't really see what else would make sense. Unless it was just a new version of the same character and they were going to sort of rehash some stuff.
Imra in the pink bikini is the best
honestly if they tone down the space indian dawny and shikari could both be on the team becuase their powers are technically different with dawnstar being more of a tracker while shikari is a pathfinder
One must wonder just where the hell this was going. With Johns in charge of the show, she'll almost certainly come back, so we might find out.
Ideal situation for me is Shikari being mentored by Dawnstar and Wildfire.
Depends if he's folloowing up on the disastrous Retroboot/new 52 LOSH or just starting over.
Also I think he might go for OG Glorith.
Makes sense. Kinda like how Brainy is the more pure scientist, and Lyle is the engineer. It's always nice when "redundant" characters have different skillsets developed.
So, basically make her a Legion Academy kid? That could work. She always did have the newcomer vibe to her.
It's a damn shame Gates never got elected leader. His term would be a sight to behold.
i was reading a thing about an issue of X-Men forever and it just included the line "Selene, who had grown tentacles for arms" without any warning or context and i bust a gut. Oh Claremont.
whenever there's another Legion election we can finally see Cred Forums's rallying power.
Yep, Jeckie is another great example of that. Her boyfriend has the power of being the best fighter in every fighting style but she can totally match him
I'd vote for him. He's in it to stand up for the working being.
>Yep, Jeckie is another great example of that.
I love how her most remembered moment is killing a total monster, then daring her comrades to say something about it. Damn.
I like her more classic suits but it really didn't look bad.
I'm okay with it when it's a swimsuit. Otherwise it's, to understate it, a bit much.
I always felt like the Legion's unique place in the DCU was a double edged sword. On the one hand, writers generally have more freedom with stories and establishment of status quo. But on the other, it almost never really feels like the future of the shared universe.
Sure, occasionally Darkseid or Ra's will show up, but we don't really see the futures of the other settings prominent in the present such as Themyscira, Thanagar, Rann, Atlantis, Skartaris, Tamaran, etc. It's mostly just Metropolis, and it's not even all that different.
I like that LOSH is detached, but at the same it may be too detached, and maybe the lack of familiar elements to the casual reader is one reason why it's dropped off the radar.
It probably helps that everyone was lewd so she didn't stand out as being unusually so.
on the flip side that's part of what has made it such a fascinating team like historically.
It's going alongside the main stuff with comic trends and styles and what not but because there's never interaction or crossover it's never like drawn into an event. It's self contained but not.
like Giffen's 5YL = the dark 90s (i know 5yl is good but hold up it's a metaphor) without actually having a Legionnaire on EXTREME JUSTICE or w/e.
do not know if this post makes sense
>i know 5yl is good but hold up it's a metaphor
Only the Giffen parts, really. The Bierbaums are terrible from day one and after Giffen leaves it becomes a total shitfest.
And even though it's good it should have been an Elsworlds, not the main legion book for almost a decade. It was too dystopic.
yeah i know, i just ignore the Bierbaum stuff.
a omnibus/hardcover of Giffen 5YL is my dream collection
i would love for a writer to take parts of 5YL and use it to build on. Like a We survived the worst thing. You'd have to pick and choose aspects obvs, like Retroboot did.
+ bring back Kent Shakespeare who is the best.
True. Rokk's outfit was definitely more scandalous. Good gracious, man.
But yeah, it is very nice that they get to avoid being obligated to show up in events. The only time this ever really happened is Final Night, which doesn't really count, because it just kinda happened during an ongoing arc.
Anyone have some decent art of Triplicate Girl? Everything I find looks lame.
Ugh, tell me about it. Finding decent Legion pics is a struggle.
someone posted this in a cartoon thread recently
I wish Luornu looked like this in the comics. She always came off as generic looking in the books.
I think she got the best disco era costume
Toon Salu, no. Toon Brainy is not for sexual.
Actually hold up. Why did the cartoon make Salu look like a slutty clown? I really like some of the designs in this show, but others are just plain weird.
But I like Lyle playing a bigger part and not dead.
You're not alone on that.
You think Lyle ever sneaks up on Brainy and starts fondling him?
I think that works though. She's generally nice and cares deeply for her teammates but because of that won't hesitate to act in ways that might be more pragmatic or morally dubious in order to keep everyone safe.
Hell, literally the first story that primarily focused on her was all about that.
It helps that writers never apologize for her, and she actually does have to face the consequences of her actions. Whenever she pulls something questionable, the rest of team start getting suspicious of her, and she has to earn back their trust. Well, at first anyway. After a while they've probably gotten used to it.
You think brainy has a nice dick
I'm not going to say I've ever been the biggest Imra fan but I will say that she has one of my favorite names in comics. Saturn Girl just sounds cool too me and more than any of the other LoSH members it's a very Golden Age sounding name. It's not at all indicative of her powers but rather her home.
Thinking about it she's a very Golden Age character. Well meaning and heroic but can be something of a morally dubious bulldozer as well which can cause her coming off as cold. I could easily see a Saturn Girl feature in some kind of 10 cent comic from like 1942 with a name like All-Amazing Comics.
Best Imra coming through
>I could easily see a Saturn Girl feature in some kind of 10 cent comic from like 1942 with a name like All-Amazing Comics.
user, pls. You're making me want things that will never happen. She's always been my favorite Legionnaire, and I would love if she got a one shot or a miniseries.
>tfw there's nothing discuss because there's no news
Why must we suffer this drought?
I should go into a drawthread and request a Golden Age style Saturn Girl or something.
Go for it. Like I said before, finding decent Legion fanart is a fucking struggle. Most of the good stuff I have is panel caps and commissions by Jeff Moy.
He's my favorite Legion artist by far, by the way. For one, he draws characters like mostly normal people instead of the typical comic book exaggerations. Second, he makes them all look just so darn cute.
I really wish I had the money to commission him. I just want some cute Vi art.
Salu is a tricky character because she's less consistent between versions than most. Probably the best way to play her is that she's shy because she's a hardass who finds it hard to trust people.
i don't know why but i always imagined brainys dick as having no visible testicles and it tapering slightly towards the top
Sensor is cute! CUTE!
I don't even know where to search for art these days since practically every social media site is impossible to search. I basically only get stuff that the artists I follow on twitter post.
Might dedicate some time into going through DA again in case I missed anything old, but I have no ideas.
So what Green Lantern aleum species would everyone like to see show up as Legionnaires sometime?
What kind of powers would you suggest they have, if not inherent ones?
Personally, I'm down for a Xudarian Legionnaire. if the UP is based around Earth, then 2813 is the next closest Oan sector, so those weird bird guys would make a logical member.
Whatever species Boodikka was.
Thanks senpaitachi.
Poor Kraken got robbed hard. At the very least, one of her descendants should get a gold ring if not green. Granted, it's not terribly likely Apokolips will join the UP anytime soon, but New Genesis might.
Hopefully if they bring the Legion back it will have less dumb fandom ideas like "Violet and Ayla are TOTALLY LESBIANS U GUISE"
>Brainiac 5
>original Legion Lost
>nothing good will happen and all hope will be lost
>Giffen MIGHT work, but editorial really needs to buckle down and stop him from pulling any bullshit.
Jesus, who wants a writer that editorial has to basically tie down to keep him from murdering everyone?
I like her.
Then again I also have a boner for her.
who would you guy feel comfortable being in charge of their Rebirth?
Maybe back to Cosmic Boy?
He was original leader, right? I can't remember.
i meant writing
Arisia is in 2812 and her family is supposed to be a line of GLs, it would be neat to see her descendant as a Legionnaire
Idk maybe Johns?
I remember liking his Legion stuff.
At the very least you know it would connect with whatever is going on with DC perfectly. Johns is usually good with continuity biz.
That's canon though.
Is there anyone who doesn't have a boner for Dawnstar?
Does Wildfire even have a penis left to have a boner with?
Alien partners of Winathians should expect to see both twins in bed at least a few times. It is socially acceptable incest!
>Giffen MIGHT work, but editorial really needs to buckle down and stop him from pulling any bullshit.
Guaranteed Giffen Shenanigans is half of Keith's entire core appeal as a writer.
How did you feel when she hooked up with Earth Man?
Not a perfect comparison, but the Legion has always reminded me a lot of pic related.
MightyGodKing is the only one writing the new Legion that would really give me hope.
Tasmia pls what are you wearing
She's wearing her old school outfit minus the stripe in the middle. Hard to tell if it's Talokians in general, or just Tasmia who fail to see why dressing like this on a desert planet is inadvisable. I mean, yeah, they're presumably nocturnal, but still. Goddamn.
I think it's more of a Tasmia thing. Grev and Lyrissa weren't really lewd at least.
Khund. And not just some disposable cameos forced on them by the Khundish empire back in the 90s, a proper member of the Legion of Superheroes.
>>Favorite Legionnaires
Bouncing Boy, Triplicate Girl, Ferro Lad, Karate Kid, Shrinking Violet, Timber Wolf, Matter-Eater Lad, Night Girl, Lightning Lass
>>Favorite version
Pre-Crisis, specifically 60s-through-mid-70s
>>Favorite stories
Proty giving up its life for Lightning Lad, and the Sir Prize and Miss Terious storyline.
>>Hopes/Speculations for Rebirth
That they don't fuck it up, and that 40th century fashion has mandatory cute girl nudity.
Look, Satan, Mon-El is not for sexual.
God, I love his tunic...
>Mon-El is not for sexual.
A certain Shadow Champion disagrees.
¨Who knows with Talokians? Just because human skin is horribly burned by the sun doesn't mean theirs is. Look at Barsoom, the natives there all like to run around buck naked if they can.
Need to have some Barsoomian Legionnaires.
Need to have the LOSH go to Barsoom OR Skartaris.
What IS Skartaris like in the 31st century? It's never even mentioned in the books. Yes, time is a little screwy there, but even it must've changed significantly after a thousand years our time.
Reboot RJ Brande was from Barsoom, you know.
i thought he was still a durlan in reboot?
I thought he was J'onn?
Origial RJ = Vril's Durlan and Chameleon Boy's dad
Reboot RJ = J'onn
Don't remember Threeboot....
Pretty sure Retroboot went back to Durlan.
I don't see why J'onn can't be Cham's dad
>Don't remember Threeboot....
I don't think he was in it tbqh
Threeboot was a mistake
how do you remember which boot is which Cred Forums?
i remember them based off of which costume brainy's wearing
>I don't see why J'onn can't be Cham's dad
Same. It really wouldn't be all that much of a stretch for Martians and Durlans to be able to crossbreed. You could easily put him in Vril's Durlan's place, and nothing would really change.
Most of it is still fresh in my head, I only really forget some of the silver age stuff. I need to do a reread.
>the super booty
It's those superior daxamite genes.
>Projectra, Shrinking Violet, Chameleon Boy, the Founding Trio, Blok, and Wildfire
>Original, especially mid-late 60s and 80s
>One of Us is a Traitor, Death of Ferro Lad, Great Darkness Saga and its buildup, the Curse/Validus plotline, An Eye for an Eye, and the Sensor Girl saga (especially the two COIE tie-ins)
>Two titles, one starring older Legionnaires tonally in line with 80s Levitz/Giffen or a slightly softened 5YL, the other starring Legion Academy recruits and teachers tonally more in line with the 60s stuff.
Most tragic couple in comics, except maybe Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
give brainy a girlfriend who doesn't die 2016
Too bad they are busy making the Supergirl comic as much like the TV show as they possibly can, so there's not much of a chance of Kara visiting the 31st century in the near future.
Mon El's showing up, Flight Rings confirmed, give it time.
They should try to woo either Ellis or Morrison to do a Legion series.
That would diffinity be something different at the very least.