Is it posible to make a good StarFox animated show?
With Krystal as the strong female character
Is it posible to make a good StarFox animated show?
With Krystal as the strong female character
>Wanting Krystal to appear
I will never understand why people hate Krystal beyond "MUH FURRIES REEEEEEE".
Frankly, all the Star Fox characters suck. They're all wasted potential, each with a workable backstory and possible character dynamics that have never been capitalized on.
Also, not Cred Forums. Fuck off.
>With Krystal as the strong female character
I think Krystal would work best as co-bridge operator with ROB.
That way she's still part of the team, but never in the spotlight.
>strong female character
>Star Fox
One time I saw a picture of Falco wearing fake lips and giving Fox a blowjob.
Do you guys hate SF because of the games or the furry factor?
what's with all the sudden star fox posts?
Sure. If you wanna do something interesting with Krystal, play up the tribal mystic angle. As Adventures has taught us, she can use some offensive and defensive magic with her staff, plus it's still a pretty effective melee weapon. Also, keep her in her loincloth. To distinguish her from the more futuristic designs of the other crew members. No, just kidding. It's so that I can jack off to her.
Don't go for the whole "stoic hardass"characterization most designated strong female characters seem to have. Keep her relatable, compassionate but also kind of eccentric. She's from a different culture than the other characters, something you can both play for humour and for drama. She's more in tune with nature and spiritual matters but has trouble with technology. And keep her feminine. Maybe give her a few scenes of just relaxing and brushing her fluffy blue tail in her quarters to humanize her a bit. No, just kidding. It's so that I can jack off to her.
The Autists of Cred Forums hate Star Fox or anything that was a video game first because it means they have to acknowledge that Cred Forums and /vg/ both exist.
I came here to post this
>they have to acknowledge that Cred Forums and /vg/ are the real mainstream board
Star Fox is just a really bland franchise in general, frankly there are more deserving video game series worthy of an anime/cartoon adaptation.
If it's so "bland", then it's ripe for expansion and story telling, wouldn't you think?
not really
all characters are just boring stereotypes
Why does everybody hate Krystal so much? She just might be the most hated Nintendo character.
>boring stereotypes
What? How can you stereotype a fox, a bird, a toad, and a rabbit?
Even so, they at least have a fun personality and bring something to the team.
Fox is, well, Fox.
Falco is his best pilot.
Peppy is the old sage with the best advice.
Slippy is the mechanic.
Krystal has all the personality of a wet tissue paper and brings nothing to the team. She literally has no reason to exist other than furry fanservice. What, she's psychic? So she can tell you an enemy's showing up literally one second before they do. So fucking what? Slippy's been doing that shit since the SNES days, and his calls were better.
Make it about StarWolf
Today: Steven Universe panders lesbianity
Tomorrow: Someone will pander to furfagotry
>implying star fox was designed with furries in mind
Well there is this.
Writing a character with the thought of "we need her to be a strong female" is the downfall of any female character. She would need to be like everyone else and have a major character flaw that prevents her from being too good at everything.
Since you already have confident leader Fox, cocky Falco, and geeky Slippy I would say that Krystal should be a wilder, act-first-think-later type as she came from a more primitive place. This would give her a unique trait among the roster which could also lead her into trouble during battles.
>justifing Fox being shirtless
>pants-off moment
I think he meant "archetype". Like Peppy is the old soldier who takes a backseat to the new generation, Falco is an egotistical hothead, Slippy is the character who is useless and annoying and serves to make the rest of the team look good by comparison.
Because she has no character traits to speak of beyond "furbait shoehorned in to be the MC's love interest"
Fox and Falco both shoot first and ask questions later.
True but they've both shown to have thoughts beyond that on the battlefield, and if we consider the animated short Nintendo did for SFZ Falco is very good at analyzing a situation. Also in-game its not like there was a diplomacy button.
I want Cred Forums and fchan to leave.
She gets in the way of gay fox ships so gayfurs shriek at her sight
Look at this bland drawing. It's ripe for expansion and storytelling! There's an animated series here, just waiting to happen.
>superior candidate in every field.
No thanks
Blue bitch only existed to make furfags happy. TbqhSmh familoli
Both are fucking garbage.
>Cred Forums hates any possible vg done in animation.
I think this thread just started off on an assmad foot.
Because a Starfox series like A Fox In Space with a bigger budget would be killer.
Fucking do all of us a favor and an hero you twat
Shes hated because shes the most loved by furrys.
But literally no studio would want to produce it.
>it's a Cred Forums shits on something I love again episode
Liking these things in suffering
I didn't play it, but I think Starfox Adventures might've been better received if it hadn't the Starfox name. Honestly though, I don't know if it would've actually generated any buzz otherwise.
It's original version (Dinosaur Planet) was going to be Rare's Zelda. Shit would've been big still.
Are you seriously saying that a kid friendly sci-fi dogfighting action cartoon doesn't have potential at all?
Geez, I hope that was a working title.
>we'll never get Rare's Furry Zelda clone
>being a non-sexual Krystal fan is suffering
Just because you suck at art and story telling doesn't mean someone couldn't do a good job with a Star Fox series. Just look at episode one of A Fox in Space. That was done by a God damn furry and it's good. Just don't let Nintendo do it and everything will be fine.
I thought the OVA had some potential for something for the general audience.
>implying Tails would even be that much of a stud
Pfft, nope.
She suuuucks.
>I thought the OVA had some potential for something for the general audience.
Are you kidding? General audiences take ONE look at the "quality" CGI Nintendo churned out with that Starfox Intro and they will call it butt ugly and not bother. You want Starfox to be at least visually pleasing? Nintendo would need to up the budget right up to Zootopia tier for general audiences to eat up.
Most people I've seen generally liked the art style of the OVA, and really only complained about the framerate. And it's passable for TV animation even.
Those people are gamers/fans. They're not normal mainstream audiences. You all saw how mainstream audiences thought Fantastic Mr. Fox was ugly because of how "choppy" it looked despite the good writing and such. That's how mainstream masses would see such lousy frame rate for a Starfox animated anything.
Then have it in fucking 2D to appease your fucking ADHD ass.
Then give her a personality and make her powers more like using the force and you've solved the problem. No one complains about Jedis having and using powers.
>Star Fox Zero sucked and bombed
Bashed by US critics & audiences but world wide successful.
Furries mostly hate Krystal though
>Corneria comprised of only dogs (are other species simply not allowed?)
>Peppy keeps a lock of Peppers fur as a good luck charm, why?
>Peppy and Peppers secret conversation (that leads to nothing)
>No Star Wolf dogfights
It made for some good gifs I guess and it had Slippy saving the day, but other than that it's pretty meh for a one-off.
It could have been good but Nintendo and Miyomoto were lazy about it.
On the contrary furries love Krystal
So much so they're overly defensive and hostile to the people who don't like her
It flopped in Japan and UK
>On the contrary furries love Krystal
They love starfox and falco being gay, krystal is Hitler to them
Kid Icarus Uprising did what Star Fox should've done after Assault.
Pretty much this
Star Fox should be handled by Sakurai or HAL
Maybe Platinum again minus the Miyamoto gimmick and more time concentrated on content rather than the controls
>Not Slippy.
>more time concentrated on content rather than the controls
But the controls were the second worst part.
>rather than the controls
The gamepad pretty much held the game back in every way.
Starfox is like being fan of DC heroes, you hate the editors and artists but you lstill love the characters.
Uprising WAS supposed to be a Star Fox game before Sakurai realized he could use Kid Icarus.
Also future Star Fox games need to follow up on Assault's concepts.
>not Cred Forums
It had a (brief) comic story in an old issue of Nintendo Power, technically making it Cred Forums related.
>implying it's not because Nintendo wouldn't DMCA the fuck out of anything they don't have control of
>Uprising WAS supposed to be a Star Fox game before Sakurai realized he could use Kid Icarus.
>However, he told Techland that he nearly chose another famous franchise. "Yes, there actually was one other and that was Starfox. But the problem with Starfox was that-and you'll see this when you see the trailer for Kid Icarus - is that the game design incorporates a lot of different views. For example, flying and shooting sideways or turning around and shooting behind and I felt that there were some restrictions with Starfox in this regard. With Pit, there is a certain amount of flexibility that is allowed and makes a better fit for this gameplay."
Let's face it, the era of animal mascots? That's dead. Sonic only lasted as long as he did due to his "iconic" rivalry with Mario himself. But others like Klonoa? Disappeared. I honestly don't see the Crash Bandicoot Remasters doing much at all.
Star Fox is one of the most ripe Nintendo series for an animated series because the characters actually have character and the setting is interesting
Metroid has an interesting setting, but Samus has no character. And in the video games, this is a good thing
The Mario universe is over-reliant on Bowser. and a constantly resetting status quo If they let the Mario RPG guys (Superstar Saga, Partners in Time, Bowsers Inside Story) handle it, it could work out tho
Pokemon needs a break
Kirby has no character. His animated series was carried by Big Texas DeDeDe
Fire Emblem and Advance Wars would make awesome series, but kids don't like long drawn-out dramas and action anymore
Superior candidate for the trash sure.
You just don't like UT because it's popular.
Straight furries love Krystal.
Gay furries want her dead.
This argument is iron clad.
nah I just think she's simple fapbait with no personality and a shitty backstory.
Fix her dont kill her.
>they love starfox
It's Fox McCloud, not starfox.
Pretty sure the 'A Fox in Space' fellow dislikes Krystal, I've heard because he prefers 'Farah' (some character from some comics?) but given the dynamic he's set up between Fox and Wolf I'd be inclined to think explanation was more likely.
It's a shmup. At the time the franchise was made, most shmups didn't have characters at all.
Fara Phoenix the Fennec Fox.
People don't know about her because she was only in that nintendo power comic around Star Fox 1.
If it's 75% spaceship action like the games are, then sure.
this image is triggering me a lot
This thread kinda I reminds me of the metroid cartoon thread a while ago.
Where as Metroid would benefit from a Samurai Jack Style vibe, I think Starfox could be similar to Star Wars the Clone Wars, only with much more space dogfighting.
We all know that space politics are boring but you gotta fill in the space between "levels", the fox would kinda get netted in terms of strength being based on the players, have slippy be not as shit and try to flush out the characters.
>Fox:Not as good as James.
>Falco:Arrogant Wiseguy that needs to take a hint.
>Slippy:A good mechanic and spotter, but terrible at flying.
>Peppy:Too old for this shit.
>Krystal:Fish outta water.
Lots of decent enemies:
-Multiple members of his army serving as villains of the week
-Captain Shears
-General Scales and the Sharpclaws
-Star Wolf serving as rivals/enemies/temporary allies
-Pigma (once he gets kicked out of SW)
-Andrew (once he leaves SW)
Guys, we already got a good beta Starfox cartoon long ago...
I rather have Krystal in the team and upset the gayfurs out there because their gay shipping wont work.
Actually only gayfurs hate Krystal and you are a gayfur for hating Krystal.
>their gay shipping won't work because Krystal will be there
>implying this will stop people shipping fox with wolf or falco
>that image
Tails is underage though, not that it matters.
>she wants the /ssd/, and I don't mean solid state drive.
I like Krystal
The only actual problem with Krystal is Miyamoto convincing Rare to shoehorn her into Star Fox instead of letting her be her own game, she's as underdeveloped as the rest of the cast but just came out later so she doesn't appeal to the nostalgiafags and gayfags hate her for having a vagina and being close to Fox instead of them
>The main forces of andross are being fought off by the Cornerian army.
>The Aparoids are more of a shadowy force that's creeping though the galaxy.
>Instead of andross being a false god to general scales, Have a new character, give the sharpclaws advanced tech and weaponry in exchange for being forces in their army of space marauders.
>Which prompts Krystal to intervene and draw the attention of Fox alone.
>He'll crashland or be shot down.
>But instead of mary-sueing his way through Sauria, bring back Sabre (The original protagonist of dinosaur planet) to show him the ropes as he's on a primitive planet without space fairing technology.
>Events similar to Starfox adventures happen and Sauria is saved. But there is still General Scales and His false god terrorizing neighboring planets.
>Krystal wants to join Starfox, but is still new and needs to learn.
>Sabre Stays and is the champion of Sauria.
Are you really sure you want to say that out loud here? Have you prepared your will?
They just need to make Krystal fun and relatable. Fans have accomplished this in different ways
>Make her a dumb as bricks cavewoman or bumkin like Sticks in sonic boom
>Make her a neurotic, edgy sideshow constantly getting physically and psychologically rekt as a comeuppance for brooding too much
>Make her a deranged fujoshi that's socially inept and morally dubious due to having lived in isolation for too long
All of those sounds terrible.
>Emphasize that fox isn't supposed to be there, but He and Saber need to work together to save Krystal (who will help indirectly instead of being trapped in a gem.)
>Fox has the firepower, but it does more collateral damage than needed so he tries his best not to use it. The Arwing is busted and so is most of his tech.Stranded on an alien planet.
>Sabre is a native to Sauria and knows his way around, but the new tech that the sharpclaws have gotten make it nigh impossible for him to do anything.Fighting old enemies with strange new alien weaponry.
Teamwork helps fox grow.
Tricky is replaced by sabre or uses as a joke in the episode.
Tricky is Sabre's pet/transportation.
>Tricky is just as annoying as he was in game.
>Only Fox notices and everyone else love him for his cute "antics"
Also change krystals outfit closer to her original outfit instead of armor bikini and skirt.
>With Krystal as the strong female character
Make her muscle bait. Thats the only way I can see it.
It's piss easy and would write itself.
Monster of the week shit looking for James as they travel the Lylat system. The characters are already there and the banter between each other keeps the dialogue interesting. Episodes mainly consist of setups to flashy space dogfights with either one of Andross's flunkies or Star Wolf. If you want Krystal in the show, have her put on a goddamn jacket and pants and make her a cocky bastard along with Falco. Problem solved.
user loves it because vidya and arwing/landmaster in a 26 episode long series. Kids love it for similar reasons. Channel executives love it because selling Star Fox toys would be the easiest fucking thing on the planet. It wouldn't be revolutionary but fuck me if I wouldn't watch it.
Being a non-furry starfox fan is suffering.
If it's partly episodic it should go
>Space mercs and pirates.
>Andross' starting forces.
>Dinosaur Planet
>Short Break.
>Andross' Final Forces.
Don't worry user
I do too
we did tho, it just got put out with a different yiff main character
>Being a non-furry starfox fan is suffering.
Being a non-furry ANYTHING ANIMAL RELATED is truly suffering, dude.
>Being a non-furry starfox fan is suffering.
those exist?
Yeah, just like some people on the Sonic and Mlp fandom.
Katt's already established as a flirt so how bout:
Miyu: Bit of a brash Tomboy and very fit.
Fay: Bubbly and Ditzy but still capable.
Krystal: Spiritual and Reserved.
Fara: Down to earth, no nonsense sensible gal.
Amanda: Brainy like Slippy, but more into history and ancient myths/creatures than tech
Lucy: plain jane
So much potential, all of it wasted at every opportunity.
Or gives a mediocre coop game no one is asking for.
Guys! You know whats best in life?
A Starfox/Deadspace crossover.
The A Fox In Space guy also seems to be going for the SNES version of Star Fox (judging at least by the base in the beginning), and IIRC Farah was going to be a pilot in the cancelled Star Fox 2.
Exactly. Everyone knows, statistically speaking, furries are mostly flaming faggots who scream in horror at the thought of a man kissing a woman.
So much fucking THIS.
I don't have the spirit of an animal in my body. I don't want to wear a fur suit. I don't want to have furry cartoon character to represent me on the internet.
I'm just someone who grew up with fun, silly cartoons like Mickey Mouse, Ducktales/Darkwing, and Loony Toons. Someone who enjoys fun, animated adventures and unique worlds.
Furrys really did ruin a generation, they fucked it up for all of us.
But do you enjoy the porn?
i like furshit, but the knowledge that some mass of quivering autistic flesh wastes it's energy obsessing over an imaginary world where they are a sexy wolf person, keeps me from drawing it.
I don't want to be associated with that kind of degeneracy. it's a damn shame too, anthro is fun to draw
>No Miyu/Fox/Fay threesomes
how to fix Krystal
>actually play up the fact she's a tribal mystic from a primitive planet
Making her just another pilot that has nothing special going for other than "has tits" is a waste. Her not understanding most social cues or acting in ways that are normal for a more tribal attitude could make some great jokes or funny moments.Fox having to stop her from trying to duel someone because they looked her in the eyes too long or because she thinks another female is trying to take her territory(fox/the starfox crew).
So she's Teen Titans cartoon Starfire?
why not, better than what was actually done with her or lack thereof
That would be fun, I've always liked the TT Starfire type.
I also like the idea that had with her being cocky like Falco, but take it even further and have them be rivals for who's the better pilot. While they usually don't get along, they respect each other.
Not really related to the thread, perhaps, but...fuck, I'm still salty about AM2R.
Dude worked hard as fuck on that game for, like, 8 years. He had a good take away from the situation- making AM2R is what gave him the skills to land a legit coding job in the industry,but...
It's totally within their right to take it down, it just hurts to see.
Yes, nintendo could and SHOULD have made a deal with him to release it under their name, like Capcom and Sega have done with their fangames, but nintendo is a very conceited company. They would never "lower" themselves to be associated with armatures, since it would be admitting someone can do something they can't.
But it's okay, because the real triumph is that it's spread so far and wide on the internet, anyone can play it and nintendo can't do anything to stop it.
It's like the super best friends always say, if you're making a fan project, keep your mouth shut until you release it. You'd think people would learn after so many others made the mistake of announcing their project too soon.
Is Krystal the Tin-Tin of Starfox?
Back when Falco was the voice of reason and Fox was a revenge-fueled mix of Kaz Miller and retarded Han Solo with some major sexual hangups.
>old nintendo power comics
Where would you even find those?
Nintendo Power was big in the 90's, there are scans of it here and there.
Krystal needs a major overhaul if they were ever to bring her back in any shape or form. Ditch the loincloth, ditch the skintight space suit, give her a standard pilot outfit like the other four, but with her own personal flair. Fix her proportions to be more exaggerated/stylized like the rest of the team and less like a normal human woman with a fox head. Integrate the hairstyle so it looks like it's part of her fur like practically all of the other SF characters, instead of looking like a wig. Then you've got a workable character design that looks more in-line with the rest of the SF universe's characters.
I was involved a very similar conversation on /vp/ a few weeks about about footfags. Can't have a barefoot character without the narwhals making revolting fanart and comments.
Artiat does really good well animated Sfm Porn
It's mostly multi colored female models with pony heads and tails.
Nintendo's attitude is extremely preening and indignant. They share a similar flaw to other large old creative enterprises in that they lack the will to make more of what the audience wants, their creative intent having moved on to (generally tamer) grounds - but unlike others it lacks the self-perspective to see how opening their licenses would benefit everyone.
Don't you mean Kursed?
There is nothing wrong with her as a character. Only gay furfags tend to not like her, because she ruined their gay furry series.
None of them have any personality, and they are all just one dimensional.
the cocks guy
the bad guy
The leader
the old wise guy
Krystal is about as complex and we'll written as the rest of the shit.
Also I love the people that say she started all the Starfox porn, which is a flat out lie. There was tons of SF porn way before her. Just that 90% of it was gay shit. Mostly Falco x Fox or Wolf x Fox.
and a single Korean is the reason why a lot of it is gay macro stuff
This idiot gets a figure but not Krystal
Iconic for being an idiot
>comes with bomb
Wow, even MORE incentive to purchase it.
Here's the test. Picture each Starfox character alone in a room. What do they do?
not really unless the creative input is much larger than what is brought by the IP itself, cause the franchise has pretty much no universe. the only reason people are enamoured with starfox besides the games is the character designs, they are furries and cute. that is enough (see: sonic)
She's way more bland than the rest of them and that's the problem.
They don't have to be complex and well written, this isn't furry space opera here. All they need is a unique personality trait and Krystal lacks that.
What do you do when you're alone in a room?
Fox works out because he's too antsy to sit still.
Falco chills and reads a book.
Slippy plays video games.
Peppy just sits and thinks about the past.
Krystal cries because she realizes the only reason she exists is because Nintendo decided to reskin a totally different game into a StarFox title.
Exactly this. People are really enamored with the concept and the character designs, which is why they want it to be given a proper narrative treatment, me included. I think designs as great as SF's (excluding characters like Krystal) and such a big potential universe deserve a piece of media that lives up to that potential and does something cool with it. The possibilities are endless. It would work really well for a comic or animated series.
I'm me, so naturally I'd answer "depends". But somebody who knows me and lacks a bias towards presenting me as a variable and complex being would probably say "browsing discussions on the internet, drawing complex, colourful and pointless things in paint and making implausible band names". That's still too many things but it gives a character impression.
Justify all of them, not just Fox. Falco strikes me as likely to try and find a way out of the room moreso than someone who reads, for instance.
>there was tons of SF porn way before her and it was all gay shit
Do you have any proof? Because SF porn wasn't as prominent in the 90s as it was in 00-16.
Now obviously she didn't start it but I'm curious to know.
Just go back to her original design in Dinosaur Planet.
But if I took your objects away you're left with "guy who makes up band names" and "talks to himself."
That's not much to go on.
Well yeah, if you just have someone literally floating in a vacuum you wouldn't get anything. That's not the point. It's showing what happens when you put someone with normal items and no interference from others that tests the strength of a characterisation.
(nevermind that you missed off "illustrations" as a feature, or that those three traits combined creates an impression roughly eight times deeper than Falco, who is "cocky")
Ah ok then:
Slippy: Would be inventing things
Peppy: Takin an Old Man nap
Pigma: Counting Money
Fox: looking at a picture of James (is this cheating?)
Falco: Plays Star Fox 1 and continues to get mad when he loses
Wolf: adjusting his eyepatch
Leon: cleaning whatever weapons/items he used when he tortured/assassinated someone
Panther: Working on his pickup lines
Yeah these are 10/10. Fox's dad is pretty key to his character so him looking at a photo and rasping "Father" to himself fits. I'd probably call Slippy's activity tinkering, with the hopes of inventing something but otherwise just having fun and making adjustments. Maybe Leon would be plotting something.
B-But Zero...
We officially got this at least
>that animation
sasuga japan
Why is the facial animation so...shoddy? Nintendo seriously 100% sucks at facial animation. I'm not asking them to pull it off like Square Enix with Kingdom Hearts (because SE mimics Disney tier facials in there), but damn it this is horrible and lazy.
Also anyone else miffed that Corneria canonically is just a planet populated by cats & dogs? Hate to pull a Disney Praise, but Zootopia also surpasses Nintendo here because they created a world with more than mere domestic pet animals.
>I'm not asking them to pull it off like Square Enix with Kingdom Hearts (because SE mimics Disney tier facials in there)
Did you not see Kingsglaive or something?
>I have an action webcomics and I get bullied here on Cred Forums just because it has talking animals
it could be about plants and people would still bully you
If a feline isn't a main character it's garbage.
Fucking anything like A Fox In Space with a bigger budget would be killer.
Finally an animated show that actually functions as a story, this is what Internet animation should of produced a long time ago. Instead we got a bunch of wannabe Family Goy edgefests and agenda-pushing kiddie fests, both of which think being an animated show automatically excuses it from having continuity or standards even if their trying to convey that.
you all have the same problem Miyamoto has
keeping the same villain over and over again
>like capcom and sega
it's because their official shit are garbage that they have to rely on others
More like actual competition, like Valve.
>making games in 2016
no I'm talking about like say, Sonic. Sega's own-made Sonic games have been garbage that they had to call on fan-made one (Sonic Mania) to make a good one, and it's more like level edits on existing levels with a few new ones
It's funny because andross' forces are way cooler than andross himself.
Instead of Starfox cutting through his forces straight to venom. It would be an actual war with wins and losses.
Space Pirates, Mauraders and Monsters of the week galore.
The Aparoid threat is a clean and easy way to avoid straight up murdering enemies if we're playing a cleaner angle as they're just evil bugs.
A dinosaur planet arc would be a change of pace and scenery and a place to grow for fox,as well as introducing everybody's favorite blue fox lady.
There could easily be new enemies, but the ones we have already are super broad and easy to make.
>Andross' force
Big enemy ships,robots and shit.
Fuckin' Giant Alien bugs and Not Necromorphs with a hive mind.
While that may be true, Valve is still a better fit for the comparison. They get the community to do practically everything for TF2, and they don't fuck about churning out spammy "New Super Half Life 1 and 2 Deluxe" - better to be inactive than that.
technically some of the aparoid bugs you kill were former sentient beings
you do realize using TF2 for that, especially considering how TF2 became garbage due to that, is only hurting your comparison right
Nah Nintendo is actually pretty good with other villains. Look at Kirby? Plethora of villains. etc.
The problem is that Miyamoto likes this concept of "one villain" thing. It works with Bowser because "Super Mario is just actually a state performance" angle, and they sorta handwaved it with Zelda and Ganondorf.
But it doesn't really work with sci-fi, especially with Andross. It's why I like how the villains were post-64, barring how the shit happened in Adventures. The Aparoids were a fucking genius move.
But a floating brain with eyes is cool. Cool cool cool.
>Because she has no character traits to speak of beyond "furbait shoehorned in to be the MC's love interest"
and Falco is such a deep developed character beyond just being snarky wingman.
You're an idiot
>mfw Cred Forums believed Zero was going to reboot her out of existence
Boy, those were good threads
Do you want a Melodramatic Space Opera?
A Radical Space Dogfighting show?
A gripping narrative about the wars?
Or do you want 4-5 animal pilots putzing around in space with the occasional weird badguy?
Snarky Wingman is his archetype.
it is Nintendo's fault and responsibility to create the flame wars of this scale. They knew what will happen and still doing it because they basically don't care about Metroid anymore. Nintendo know some idiotic fans will still defend them even through federation force is a mediocre copycat at best.
>Iwata died for that shitty game
>a non-sexual Krystal fan
and he's nothing beyond that. None of the characters in starfox are anything more than their archetype. They're all just as shitty as each other. Idiot.
They don't have to be beyond that. Krystal just needs a retool to fit in with the rest.
>all characters are just boring stereotypes
Right, like most cartoons. What's the problem here?
They're selfish, greedy bastards, but I don't think nintendo is purposely trying to make everyone mad. From their viewpoint, they're protecting their IPs, and they can't see that they're doing it in a harmful way.
As for not caring about Metroid, I think it's the same with all their other neglected series, they don't sell as well as Mario and Zelda, and as a business, they're in it for the money. If Metroid was a bigger hit, they'd pump out a New Super Metroid Bros every year.
or sell as good as Pokemon. To be honest, some of supporters' ideologies are literally BDSM at this point.
>bash the new pokemon anime and complain what happen to main characters
>saying they will not watch it
>end up watching it anyway
TF2 is literally only alive and playable for the community's contribution. If Valve hadn't allowed it, TF2 would be completely dead. If Valve went even further, TF2 could actually have a workable Pyro, non-worthless weapon swaps (or alternatively completely role-changing).
Hojo would be going too far the other way. I haven't seen Japs execute a mad scientist in a way that wasn't either harmless, or perverse and edgy.
exactly, you're not really proving your stance "more just"
Just? What? Did you mean to reply for another post?
My point is that "leaving it to the fans" isn't as high or "justified" as you think of it, and it makes it more like a zombie.
What part of the plain english "TF2 is only alive because of fans, would be dead without them, and would be even better with more contribution" didn't you get?
>high or "justified"
What's your first language?
weren't you insinuating in your original post that "Nintendo should copy what Valve is doing" since in my original post I was talking about how ironic it was for Sega or Capcom to say that, considering they themselves couldn't make good or decent games so they let their fans create them?
I didn't "insinuate" anything. I directly stated that it would be a strict, if limited, upgrade if Nintendo mimicked Valve in this one avenue; namely working with fans at all rather than shooting the ilk of AM2R down. Stop using words you don't understand.
I just misunderstood because you brought Valve all of a sudden.
It would have been great, but unlike Sega and Capcom they are strictly a Japanese company.
It's not all of a sudden when you understand the conversation is about sensible practice among large creators, and that Japan is just a subtopic.
Sega and Capcom aren't making consoles. It's just a matter of scale why the comparison is looser.
And I get that, but at the same time I am reminded of Sega's tweet which had them encourage their fans, but those with sensible history on them know the rather second-hand nature of that tweet.
Again, I'm wondering about your first language. What the blithering fuck constitutes a "rather second-hand nature" of a tweet?
that Sega needs its fans to make new games for them
Not only is that indeducible from the original sentence, it's also backwards. Sega doesn't need fans to make games for them, the FANS need the fans to make games for them. Because Sega can't be bothered, because it's creatively moved on, just like Capcom and Nintendo and Valve and Games Workshop and every other aged creator you can grasp.