I didn't see any threads for this so...why not?
Jughead #9 storyline
For some reason whenever Jughead talks like this, he sounds like Randal from Clerks
Aww Jughead now knows what a fetish is
The puns
Well Veronica likes polygamy and Reggie...
She should have added "Sorry to disappoint you but..."
I'm going to add in the classic Jughead issue because why not
Anyway that's it.
Overall, I liked the issue but I haven't read anything before so, what did you guys think? Keep it civil, support the official
This has been my crack ship for ages, so I'm enjoying this
of course.
This was the greatest plot twist in the history of plot twists! Thak you; OP, for this wonderful and unexpected experience.
I helped that I didn't enlarge the cover. I thought she was sitting on a tree branch.
I'm still not the biggest fan of North's non-webcomic work (alt-text is eh) but this worked pretty well for me. Art was very much on-point, and Juggie was Juggie.
That is a pretty sexy burger lady.
These tips are helpful and not very helpful at the same time
The compliment people on what they choose to do thing is pretty good though. Always a good one to keep in the forefront of your mind.
thanks for the storytime.
i liked it, i did read all the previous issues and while i didn't hate the previous creative team i enjoyed this issue more than the previous ones.
Shit, is this the guy who was writing Squirrel Girl?
I'd rather have Zdarsky even if it meant taking back Henderson.