It takes away from Superman, in my opinion. The special nature he has. It also devalues characters like Wonder Woman who is now essentially female Superman when she should have Supermans 1938 level abilities along with her amazon armor and tools.
Am i the only one who hates that everyone can fly now?
Other urls found in this thread:
I mean shit, in the JL line up from the show, only 2 of the original 7 couldnt fly.
You care about the wrong things.
I've hated the way Wonder Woman is essentially molded to be a female Superman for a while now.
>"Characters are only valuable for their abilities and not who they are as people."
Kill yourself. Fucking power level obsessed casuals.
This is why recs need to be banned. You are letting idiots like OP feel welcome to dump their bullshit here.
>This is why recs need to be banned. You are letting idiots like OP feel welcome to dump their bullshit here.
I don't see how those two things are related. Capeshitfags have always been power level obsessed idiots.
What the fuck? Im literally arguing against power level bullshit, i want them to nerf Wondie back to how she was before so Superman can be Superman again instead of blue flying man 123.
Yes characterization is deathly important but their abilities are a huge part of that.
>says he hates that everyone is getting more powerful and is devaluing their character
>this makes OP a powlevfag
Its not devaluing anyone's character (history, personality, etc.) you're worried about devaluing their powerset which is retarded since there are about a million billion superheroes already and Superman's powers are not at all unique in the first place.
>Hates that everyone can fly
>specifically bitch about Wondy
Fuck you, this thread is only about Wonder Woman being able to fly and you know it.
>Superman's powers are not at all unique in the first place.
>Not unique
I'm really happy they haven't had Diana fly in the movies yet. It's cool that Superman is the only one flying there right now. JLA also looks like we're having a non-flying Wondy as well.
Very, very few heroes should be able to fly in my opinion. Remove Wonder Woman's, Martian Manhunter's, maybe Captain Atom's ability. I like the idea I saw here once of Martian Manhunter having to shapeshift to something with wings in order to fly.
GL and magic users need to use energy and magic respectively to fly. So, for example, if someone were to break the spell of a magic user then he would cease to fly. Basically GL would be unchanged I guess, but it needs to be made more obvious that flying is draining his ring so that he won't do it so often.
One important thing is aliens. To characterize the uniqueness of Kryptonians, I think that the vast majority of alien races should be unable to fly.
The invisible jet is fucking retarded and should have been left behind in the silver age. I will never understand why people want to make it work today.
What's retarded about it?
The fact that she's still visible.
Or the fact that she comes from a a warrior culture with swords and bows and arrows but somehow has a modern day invisible jet.
>artistic decision to let the readers see the protagonist
So it's retarded because you're an idiot. Good to know.
It's explained right away that the Amazons have advanced technology and magic.
>superman in 1938
>strong fast and jumps high
No not unique at all.
>artistic decision to let the readers see the protagonist
Artistic decision aren't necessarily good ones. That's a bad decision. That's like having Sue Richards stay visible so the readers can see her and then saying on twitter "Don't worry guys she's definitely not visible"
People are so fucking dumb about Wonder Woman, holy shit.
They get it in their head based on basically nothing that she's an angry warrior woman who uses swords and suplexes monsters and get pissed when they find out she's nothing like that.
"SHE SHOULD BE LIKE THIS" ~person who has never read a Wonder Woman comic
If you don't like Wondie as she is and has been for decades, then stop trying to change her and go read Hawkgirl or Zealot from WildCATs or one of the other characters who actually IS an angry warrior woman.
Or better yet, go put your mouth on a tailpipe.
nobody was saying that nerd.
You're getting upset over a kiddy book. Go outside.
>[random bitching]
I don't even know who you're referring to here.
That's only in the cartoon you fucking mongoloid.
Except you CAN see Sue when she's invisible.
Your point? Just because there's an artistic decision you disagree with doesn't make the idea retarded. It's a jet that turns invisible. She uses it mostly to carry passengers and cargo. Really not that complicated.
This. Diana's a really nice gal who cares about everyone. But apparently, everyone wants her to be a complete asshole for some reason. Who does that even appeal to?
But you know what makes this bullshit even more annoying? Artemis exists. Diana actually has a rival who is basically the angry, violent Wonder Woman that casuals have always wanted.
I agree OP. I hate the flying brick archetype. It just screams lazy.
>devalues characters like Wonder Woman who is now essentially female Superman when she should have Superman's 1938 abilities along with her amazon armor and tools
I'm probably a hypocrite for flying off the handle about Wondie when I usually say the same thing when people rage like I did. So you're right. I get triggered hard whenever I see her holding a sword.
flash could probaly make himself fly
>Green Lantern
>flying brick
>Martian Manhunter
>flying brick
>Wonder Woman
>flying brick
Literally the only original Leaguer who's a flying brick is Superman. Everyone else has a special ability that gives them greater utility, whether it be a power ring, shapeshifting or a magic lasso and scholarly intelligence.
>Just because there's an artistic decision you disagree with doesn't make the idea retarded.
Just because you like it doesn't mean it isn't retarded. If there's a convincing argument for the merit of the invisible jet that isn't just for the sake of pulling it out of some silver age time capsule I haven't seen it.
They're all flying bricks, yes, you idiot.
>I hate the flying brick archetype. It just screams lazy.
Yeah seriously. Just get rid of Superman already.
You don't know what flying brick means you dumbass.
You are a fucking idot.
Flying brick means they can fly, they're invulnerable, and have super strength. It doesnt mean thats all they have. Superman has X-Ray and Laser vision, is he not a flying brick? Idiot
>Flying brick means they can fly, they're invulnerable, and have super strength.
Yes it means that but it also means that in a fight their main weapon is to literally fly in and hit people. Which superman does and which is why Iron Man who also flies and has super strength is not considered a flying brick. GL relies on constructs. MMH shapeshifting and mental powers. WW... is kind of a brick but she sometimes has weapons amazon kungfu and shit. Supes pretty much just flies and punches shit.
Superman also at times uses heat vision more than his fists so fuck you he's not a flying brick.
>Superman uses heat vision more than his fists
Bull. Shit.
I literally just told why she continues to use it.
Maybe the reason you haven't seen a convincing argument is because you willfully ignore them all.
>One important thing is aliens. To characterize the uniqueness of Kryptonians, I think that the vast majority of alien races should be unable to fly.
My immediate thought is Starfire, but then I remember she got her powers from experimentation, while Backfire did as well, but noticeably CAN'T fly.
She can only fly with the earrings.
Superhombre from JLA:GaM to my knowledge only hit people once or twice, most of the time he was sniping people with his heat vision. He's a verson of Superman.
Eat dingle, dongpirate.
Literally any time Superman fights an army of robots.
>Maybe the reason you haven't seen a convincing argument is because you willfully ignore them all.
I'm not talking about practical uses dipshit. I'm talking about its place in the story/setting/whatever. Having advanced magic technology is fine and dandy but then why not have a full complement of advanced magical weaponry. Why aren't Amazon's just a bunch of magical Iron Man(s). Instead they got swords, bows and arrows, and a F-15 they made invisible for some fucking reason. Its stupid.
THAT'S your issue with it? Well in that case, I agree with you. I have no idea why that's not a thing in the main continuity anymore.
Hell, the Amazons going back to their Golden Age tech levels was one of my favorite things about WWEO.
Superman has a bunch of other powers though.
Obviously the best solution is to keep the jet but have Steve Trevor be the pilot while Diana knows about jackshit about flying airplanes. Itd be some sort of military cloaking technology.
I'm fine with WW flight, but she shouldn't be able to fly any faster than an ordinary human can run. That's why her invisible jet is useful.
Wondy can tap into the speed force pham
She shouldn't have super speed, just super reflexes.
No she can't. But Cheetah can.
But why?