ITT: Comics that will be remembered as classics in the future

ITT: Comics that will be remembered as classics in the future.


I've literally just started reading this. Is it good the whole way through?

Oh yeah.

It was the third issue when I felt comfortable predicting folks would look back on it how they do on Watchmen.

Yes for both of these. Instant classics.


For Slott's shit? This will seem like Discworld compared to what he's been shitting out recently.

>I felt comfortable predicting folks would look back on it how they do on Watchmen.
Eh, let's not go overboard. Both DKR and Watchmen essentially heralded the Modern Age for comics. Watchmen was especially poignant for the time since it spoke to a lot of people with regards to the troubles during the early 80s. I think Omega Men will stand like All-Star Superman, which is extremely highly regarded and important but non-foundational and revolutionary.

Agreed, American Alien is one of those books that's gonna sell a shitload of trades in the coming years.


I think the Multiversity as a whole might be looked back as classics in future.

It's literally rehash of Seven Soldiers

Multiversity was a let down. I was expecting more than a bunch of tryout comics. Lots of interesting ideas in there but we barely got to see any of them. Instead we got more Nix Uotan who Morrision seems intent of pushing on everyone


>here's some tangentially related vignettes
>big bad has won in everywhen
>super team assembles because STORY

Not that user but I see what they mean. Only difference is that the team doesn't defeat the big bad at the end.

won't be classics

will be

Pax America wasn't even the best comic of multiversity. Thunderworld was better

You got that in reverse. American Alien is flavor of the week, there are way better Superman stories out there. Pax Americana and Omega Men are unique in their nature, they'll stand out and fans will keep pushing it. Latter 2 leave an impression on you and former is just another coming of the Age Superman story and there exist about a thousand of them.

Kek holy fucking pleb taste. You think American Alien will be a classic over Omega Men and Pax? You sound dumb as fuck.

The JLI of Marvel

It was good but we know Spencer can do better.

There's no doubt in my mind
