The episode/strip that made you quit watching/reading

The episode/strip that made you quit watching/reading

Other urls found in this thread:

Get out. Seriously, get the fuck out. Benson episodes, ESPECIALLY Benson and Pops episodes like this one, are top tier. I seriously hope this is bait.

I never said it was bad, I just felt so sorry for Benson that I couldn't watch anymore.

Frost & Fire
Interdimensional Cable 2
Sadie's Song
Dumped at the Altar
Moe Goes from Rags to Riches
Stewie Is Enceinte

That door singing episode and the first fire princess just made me drop adventure time. They weren't the direct reasons but they were the final straw.

I dropped chowder in season 2 when the realization that all the characters will be flanderizations of their former selves.

This has never happened to me...I kind of accept that all shows or series in general will eventually have some bad moments, or even just moments i personally dislike

I've dropped things but typically only things I didn't enjoy much from the start and it just never got better....the current Spider-Man comic being a good example of that, I started reading thinking "meh maybe it'll get better" and it just never did

get out enter


>I dropped chowder in season 2 when the realization that all the characters will be flanderizations of their former selves.
But's that's the opposite of what happened

Finally did me in

Everybody is a sleeper agent lol from nu52 suicide squad.
I finished the trade then never brought another squad comic until rebirth.

Was that the Mississippi Queen one?

it made me realize it was shit.
it's getting a little better now
emphasis on little

no, thats we're Benson is passed out and Moirdecai and Rigby prented to be him and goe to a party

Oh yeah right, and he has that really big rage supernova thing. That was pretty neat.

The wedding episode where Mordecai broke up with CJ. Will pick it back up eventually since heard it got good again, but fuck man, Betacai is the worst.

the comet season finale of adventure time

i dropped gravity falls at the second-to-last episode
it was so astonishingly bad that it retroactively ruined the series for me; i cannot enjoy mabel as a character anymore
i still haven't actually seen the finale, i've only read about it



The scene where Bill is killed sort of redeems the show in my eyes, I think it's worth watching just for that scene.


Makes more sense in context


I used to read Octopus Pie when I was a teen. I just quit because I lost my bookmark when my computer died and I couldn't afford a new one for 5 years.

It made me more annoyed by the indecisiveness over which one of the two mcs is supposed to be the biggest prick than less interested in the show.

All the way back in 2007.
This episode was so goddamn bad I was legitimately shocked. I knew Spongebob was getting a little stale, but this was the first time I had seen the show reach such lows.

Man, it only got worse from there, didn't it?

Eve's still an open-legged victim player who refuses to learn and of course everyone on the site's comment section still roots for her and refuses to acknowledge her flaws. She's also back with Will for like the third time and even Hanna's clearly annoyed by it. Forgive me if I fucked up the spoiler, I'm on mobile.

I stopped watching Adventure Time after they turned PB back into a teen after one episode. I just felt they could've done a lot more with her as a kid before they reset the status quo.

I've watched a few episodes here and there since then but I don't I've missed out on much.

Oh and I dropped Barney after they made purplesmart a princess.

You gotta use brackets nigga.

Wouldja look at that, I fucked up the spoiler

Are you sure the next page didn't have exactly the kind of thing you wanted to happen to Eve, user? Where the laughing doesn't make her feel any better? You might have quit one page too early.

Adventure Time has such a weird relationship with the status quo.
Sometimes it'll change things around and not go back, like Flame Princess, Finn's swords, or Finn's age/maturity.

But other things, like the Arm or Marceline's vampirism, they go with the hokiest ways to restore the status quo.

>I stopped watching Adventure Time after they turned PB back into a teen after one episode.
I fucking hate when shows do things like this.
>Terra just joined the Titans, finally!
>Oh, but now here are three episodes where she's inexplicably absent.
>And then we'll just go straight to the arc where she leaves forever.

I did see this but it only made me

Literally just googled this shit because I couldn't recall any character from Barney from by this name.

And then I realized why you used spoilers.

Well I'm going to have to be honest.
That's pretty weird.

Seems to operate on what's easiest to actually do. Stuff like Finn getting a new arm, PB being young, and Marceline not being a vampire would throw the show off too much, but Jake having kids that show up once in a while or new characters being introduced is fine.

Finn's maturity is a pretty easy one because it's totally up to writer's choice, he could be the smartest guy in the show or stupider than he was when he was 12 just based on what the boarder felt like.

I think I saw you make this exact complaint in another thread and I made a whole list to tell you how much you missed. It was a lot.

You just have to take each episode or two/three-parter as its own little arc and not expect anything over-arching to follow over the series. My own interest was lost when I realized my favorite storyline wasn't going to be resolved for years, if ever. It still took until Breezy for me to drop the show entirely.

Regular Show has been the best cartoon of the decade and the only one with consistent quality. The only bad episode of the series is Dumped at the Altar and season 7 has exceeded expectations and made up for it. Prove me wrong.

I can understand PB being made old again, but Finn's arm can matter as little or as much as each boarder/writer wants.
You don't need to write whole episodes around lacking an arm.
It's just there (or not there, as it happens).

And Marceline shows up so infrequently that while it does change things a lot, there's only been a handful of episodes since.

Hell, a lot of her episodes have nothing to do with her vampirism

What the fuck dude, I literally just uploaded that picture to Know Your Meme and it shows up on the tumblr board.

Lemonhope was the beginning of the end for Adventure time for me. I hung on to see Finns dad stuff and the direction they took that finally killed all interest.

The explanation of Frieza strength jump killed any interest I had for Super

counterpoint: RS got boring as soon as they started treating the characters as anything other than tools to make jokes and move the plot along. Benson is the only RS character whose interesting enough for me to care, I watched the show for the wacky hijinks and 80's music.

While we're talking about Adventure Time, I dropped the show when Finn was revealed to have an immortal soul that is also a god like cosmic being that subtly changes reality to suit his needs.
Totally cut any sort of tension

Jesus, that whole episode was Beast Boy being an unabashed cunt, bully.
I can't even recall any jokes.

This shit happened a year ago and people still actually understand it.

Shit was dumb but here's how it went:
>Finn meets stupid Comet thing
>It explains to Finn that IN THE PAST he used to be a bunch of powerful cosmic beings, but in the present he is just a standard human
>Reincarnation and shit
>Then it explains all the infinite possibilities of the world and offers him a chance to ascend to a higher plane of existence
>He says nah

Finn isn't a cosmic god, he's some idiot with a dumb looking hat. The phrasing must have been really off for so many people to still believe this a year later.

It's not just that.

It's when Finn and Jake were floating in space and Finn's all like "I'm not worrying because if I ask the universe, it gives me what I want". And then a spaceship shows up.

And then he's told he's a reincarnated space-god.

Put the two together.
Finn's rescue in space is clearly evidence that, yeah, he's not just an idiot with a dumb hat.

Well, Marceline is "Marceline the Vampire Queen," so I guess they would just consider it weird. She used to use her powers like fucking crazy but recently aside from Stakes her role is basically to stand there and talk to people sometimes.

And with Finn's arm I think it was that Finn being handicapped would just be a little challenging to write around. Hard to kick ass when you have one arm I guess. Sure they could have given him a rad robo thing but I guess the network wouldn't be down for that?

I think the staff just want to stick to the status quo even when it would be perfectly fine to make some changes.

If you wanna believe that interpretation that's on you but the episode itself in no way says that dude. He got rescued because if he didn't he would have fucking died and I don't think the writers thought that would be a good idea for the plot, them putting in the part you're talking about was at most a wink from the staff or something.
Seems to have no cosmic powers or whatever the fuck.

If Finn actually uses shit like that any other time then I'd be inclined to agree with you but so far he hasn't.

If you're going to have a cheeky wink at the audience about a character influencing reality, don't do it in an episode where it's revealed he has a god soul.
Otherwise people might have ideas.

If you want to avoid Finn dying in space, don't write him so he's going to.
Easy peasy.

Wrong. OP's image is from "Think Positive", the episode where Pops urges Benson to quit being so rough on Mordo & Rigs. I think is thinking of the right scene, but not connecting it to the correct episode.

Marceline reverting back to being a vampire is what completes Stakes thematically. The whole point of Stakes was Marceline learning to face her past, accept herself for who and what she is, and maturing as a person as a result. Even if everything stays the same, we gradually change and grow from our experiences.

Adventure Time had been losing me for a while, but this was the point where I just stopped watching

Not the best placement with that but they did have to get him back alive somehow. Pretty sure it was entirely luck and coincidence that saved him.

I think what you're saying is like, maybe subtext they put in so that people could believe that if they wanted to or something, but still confident it wasn't the intention. Or if it was it was totally dropped after this episode.

But she didn't.
She got reinfected by accident.
Terrible writing

I agree that "Weirdmageddon II" was a disappointing episode. Knowing that it was the second-to-last episode got me really hyped for it, but it ultimately felt like an incredibly weak and unfunny episode that basically reiterated the main theme of the show we already knew: familial bonds overcoming adversity. It was bad, but not enough to make me jump off at the very last second; too much hype for "Weirdmageddon 3".

Yeah that was fucking dumb. They could have made it so that Marceline taking down the cloud would make her a vampire again naturally and Marceline accepted this instead of it getting a random bite in.

Stakes did that shit too where if Peppermint Butler hadn't dropped the bucket everything would have been fine. Lazy as shit that's not even that hard to write around.


That episode where Jake was trying to commit suicide

>A largely inconsequential, one-off episode

Wasn't even that bad.

The Peridot arc was what got me to finally drop


>Sadies song

I mean the shows gotten better since then, but that episode was fucking garbage.

>the best thing the show's done made you drop it
this board makes threads jerking off over villain redemption like every other day

Just because it put your waifu in the spotlight doesn't make it good.

Looking back, the second season kinda sucked from the start, but it had enough exceptions to lead me on until that point. But now the show's too far gone. It's a shame too, I really liked (and still like) the first season.

peridot's alright but she ain't my waifu. just think she had a really good arc, only thing they fucked up on was relegating her and Lapis to the barn instead of making them legit members of the team.

Wasn't this one of the earliest episodes?

It was a pretty good one too

She still learns to accept her vampirism by the end of it, regardless of whether it was intentional. Personally, I like that it wasn't a sacrifice Marceline made, it's incredibly cliche, and it makes her vampirism a part of her that she needs to learn to accept and embrace, as opposed to it being a conscious choice to revert.

I vaguely remember that. Truthfully I made it all the way too Simple Ways in Season 4. There were a couple moments here and there I liked for most part watching the show was becoming a chore. I realized I was only doing it so I could actively participate in bitching on /mlp/ about how the show was garbage now.

So I decided to stop wasting my energy being angry cartoon horses.

The Gumball has changed a lot since then, you should give it another try.

It's cliche but I don't think making things dumber and taking away character agency is better.

Funny enough it was the first episode of the show and was mostly based on an old script of the old Teen Titans shorts never made where we saw how the other three members would fair fighting Robin over the leader title. It's all a throw back to the first episode of original TT.

I was trying to get into Gumball, but this was literally the only episode that was on the air for a while. And I got tired of it.

That is true. They seem to air it a lot, for some reason

Normally I would agree, but considering the themes of Stakes, the ending worked. Growing up is not a conscious decision, it's something that creeps up on you unexpectedly, and then, before you know it, you're a different person than you were five, ten or twenty years ago. In life, we often don't choose what happens to us. The only agency we have is how we react to these events and that is what Marceline learned to do at the end of Stakes.

I guess I get it. Though at the end Marceline still could have been unhappy with her lot in life so I think that makes the moral not work as well. Though her choosing to be fine with it is the entire moral isn't it? So yeah.

My issue is just that the thing randomly biting her is a really lazy way to do that, like if that one out of the blue thing didn't happen everything would have fallen apart so that should have been done better.

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. It is kinda an ass pull when she gets bitten again. Maybe they could've written it similarly to the first time she got bitten?? I don't know, but either way, I'm happy with the end result.

I guess it's supposed to be part of the way the wheel of fate works and shit. Like Marceline is always destined to be bitten and turned into a vampire no matter what. Whatever I suppose.

I should have stopped much earlier I realise

That sounds about right.

I heard that season 3 was pretty great but I just couldn't be bothered after the finale of season 2.

I hope this is bait. Beginnings is the only decent thing to come out of season 2 - the rest is utter shit though.

I wish

I wish this wasn't the road this webcomic went down


Dropped AT when flame princess showed up
Dropped SU after season 1
Dropped Thundercats after Lion-o was cucked
Dropped legend of Korra after S2E1
Dropped Young Justice after they fucked up Beast Boy

And I usually drop an anime after 1 episode

I felt so sorry for Benson. He barely has a life and has to deal with those two losers each day.

Am I missing context or is that girl really that much of a cunt?

If I was that guy I'd probably have splashed her with the drink as well.

First Episode of Legend of Korra
before you think I'm a memer slingering
It just didn't have the same feel.

I'd like to know the context.

That episode was more or less the beginning of my lack of intrest. And just like one user earlier in this thread, the stupid door singing episode and all the stupid attempts at drama were the last straw.

I don't even know what Breezy is and why it's so hated, I just jumped ship early.

I've watched some episodes of Season 6 and I honestly think Starlight Glimmer is the worst introduction to the main cast. Even Sunset didn't have a retarded reason to become evil.

>I don't even know what Breezy is and why it's so hated, I just jumped ship early.
Finn came so long and so hard that he grew a new arm.

>I don't even know what Breezy is and why it's so hated, I just jumped ship early.
I'm pretty sure it was another episode hyped to be some game changing thing, only to end with "lol no, deus ex machina takes it back to status quo" like the comet was.

You know what my post-apocalyptic comic didn't need? A love triangle.

I'll never understand what people like about Beginnings so much. The episode looked great but everything else about it was awful.

The idea that bending just came from lion turtles was lame and really undercut the idea that people learnt how to bend from their environment and just became "Eh, lionturtles did it", having no explanation about why some people couldn't bend would have been better than the shitty explanation we got. Similarly the Avatar cycle didn't need to be explained, it was better when it was some mysterious cycle of people with super powers who helped keep the world in balance rather than "Oh it was just the spirit of order" which in itself is retarded that it's basically "the spirit of goodness" when really order and chaos are 2 neutral things instead of a good and bad thing and it also pretty much retconned the idea that it was a spiritual connection to the experiences of the past avatars that lead to the Avatar state and instead it was just some spirit giving the Avatar a power boost. What was the point in any of the whole chakra thing if it was just a lame ghost instead of any connection to anything?

The altering of the spirit world to its current kid-friendly wacky fun land filled with goofy spirits from the world of spirits it used to be was really emblematic of Korra's almost Lucasian approach to taking anything cool and mysterious that people liked about the original series and dumbing it down while shoving it in the audiences face while also missing out on what made the original show so great, like how they did with bending, the setting, the characters, the wretched fanservice and the "mature" themes of AtLA.

I can believe that, it was pretty much the equivalent of the Star Wars prequels to the Avatar universe.

I didn't drop it but I thought it stopped feeling good after the third episode, which up to that point I thought it was on par with the best of AtLA.

This. The first season was ok in my eyes, didn't feel like I was watching Avatar though.
What made me stop watching Korra was when she turned into a giant to fight the "dark avatar". Felt like I was watching a fucking kids fan fiction.

The episode when Tony Hawk guest starred on The Simpsons and the bit where Homer and Tony had a skateboard duel spoofing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
That's when the show jumped shark for me, and I never watched another episode since.

The whole show was mean-spirited but this shit was too much.

I loved that one...

This honestly weirded me out.

Don't mind me. Just watching two anons come to an understanding over something.

I don't remember this episode, but all I know about that show was that Dog was shit, the blue Mouse was shit, and Cat didn't deserve to get any of the shit he got in that show.

It's not what they did, it's why they did it.

I just couldn't handle it anymore

All of this post.

It... was disappointing to me

AKA The only time that a villain team-up episode disappointed me. Then again, my expectation for it was really low because of all the changes from the original series. Not sure which was worse: putting super-evolved forms for already-existing aliens in the watch or the forced romance between the protagonist's cousin and the villain.
durr forgot pic

Typically anything revolving around Lisa in 2000's Simpsons. When the episode where she kept animals in the attic premiered, there was a part where a tiger fucking bit Bart, I cringed so hard I just changed the TV to some talkshow. I just couldn't stand her shit anymore at that point.

Yeah, but context to cement in why.

1) If if things are 'bad' I tend to push on so I can say I finished a thing. EXAMPLE: I hated the shit out of Korra, but I kept watching. I despised No Man's Sky but I kept playing ((Up until I learned that reaching the center wasn't the end and it just loops the game)), etc etc etc

2) I was already pretty annoyed at the story, having really, realllly pushing my tolerance for edge and muh ocness. But I still wanted to end it

3) The story was droning on foooorever

4) Aku and Blossom boning.

5) Focusing on these two characters when I forced myself to continue reading a story about the OTHER two incestuous grim children

They hyped the cluster up WAY too much, only for us to be left with a lackluster semi-conclusion. I can only assume that the cluster will be back, but goddamn did I feel blue balled after all that hype. You should keep watching though, the rest of season 3 is pretty good.


That's what they been telling me
But I haven't find the will to start rewatching it

>hating Enter

These threads are just begging for troll posts. Why even bother with them?

Cred Forums truly is a magical place.

You quit watching to masturbate?

>He's never had snu-snu

Vriskagram was okay when we all thought it was filtered through Vriska's insane ego but then all the other characters started fellating her for pages on end, so.

So dumb.

It's mythology for fuck's sake.

You're taking this all as if it is solid historical evidence and not simply legends from long ago, which the entire fucking episode is drawn to resemble.

It's a creation myth first and foremost, and because of that it deepens the lore, rather than ruining it.

Where it fucks up is in the relationship between the great spirits, because of making a direct gud vs. bed connection there rather than emphethizing their balance.

>the most discussion octopus pie has ever gotten on Cred Forums was from this scene
>it was mostly people who didn't read the comic and knew nothing of eve and park's relationship but had very strong opinions on the subject of women throwing drinks at men

there are multiple chapters' worth of context

Think of AT boarders like kids sitting around a campfire making up a story.

One person says Finn loses his arm. The next person continues the story and adds their own twist. Then the next person decides they don't like where the story is going so now Finn has his arm again.

Basically the boarders are capricious and have their own pet ideas and don't really cooperate to make a strong, driving central narrative.


That episode just killed any interest I had in the show, and I know I'm not the only one.

Seriously what were they thinking? Was it sabotage? Did they WANT the show to die?

Maybe you're right, but I'll never know, because after Dumped at the Altar I don't think I'll ever be able to care again.

I literally had a, "Why am I still watching this?" moment as the credits rolled.

That sounds like a terrible way to tell a story.

It had been drab since they reached Alexandria, but the timeskip made it worse, then this was the point I knew it wasn't going to get any better.

>tried to get into the legend of korra
>season 3 ends
>season 4 begins
>just get tired of it all together and really stop wanting to watch it all together
idunno what really turned me off, just couldnt get into it.

No it's presented as actually happening as it is portrayed the memories of Wan as the first avatar with all the retarded Raava stuff being shown in the show itself. It's not someone telling the story of Wan and getting some of the details wrong, it's Wan directly recalling his life and telling Korra about how he became the first avatar.

The episode is ok in itself but it really just ruins a lot of interesting elements of mystery in the Avatar universe.

I never gave up Korra, but that's because I'm a sucker for the aesthetic/music/technology used, as well as a sucker for waifus.

TLA is a better series hands down, but Korra scratches my itches more.

I was more upset because it opened up the massive plothole of spirits being able to heavily fuck with humans' appearance and warp the shit out of them, and then Korra still decides to merge the two worlds where nothing bad ever happens with spirits ever.
Man the writers for Korra sucked.

bravo mrs goodra for the mediocre ending and the fanbase

Damn, some of you people are really thin skinned.

>1 episode
thats not dropping, thats having the attention span of a fucking ant you faggot

>not liking TLTS
>not liking best Lola

INB4 muh Space Jam Lola, she was just girrrrrlll power furry fapbait user, name something relevant about her that isn't "it's the main character love counterpart, it's sexy furry fapbait"

At least TLTS Lola had personality and I really like Bugs interactions with her parents

>Aku and Blossom Boning.

That only makes sense if we go by Cred Forums's AU in which she developes a god complex and goes full Manhattan/Ozymandias

I pretty much gave up on Simpsons after the episode where Moe has a relationship with the midget literally disgusted me, that cartoon should have ended with the movie.
I also finally dropped our favorite show with horses after watching the premiere of the sixth season(but I started getting really tired at the fifth)

>Interdimensional Cable 2

I'm not one for making excuses but that year Dan Harmon was working on other projects and justin roiland was left running the asylum.

Dan had at least some involvement in most of the episodes but this one was 100% roiland and it shows.

I believe season 3 will see a significant jump in quality and I'd honestly recommend most people just skip interdimensional cable 2, it has no real effect plot wise.

>door singing episode
I didn't drop it right away, it takes me some time to break a habit generally, but it was that episode that made me realize Adventure Time had changed from what I enjoyed.

It was still executed extremely poorly. If that's true then why would they base an episode off a scrapped version when it was confirmed that the people that make this show never watched the original?

Not /co, but the very second this happened I was done.

>Not /co, but
Why did you need to post it then? Do that shit in Cred Forums or at least try to do something Cred Forums. I don't cry about any Cred Forums reaction images or anything, but this "not Cred Forums but" shit is so retarded.

Since some of you fags were talking about Korra, ill give my two cents.

I feel like they had no direction in terms of story. Zaheer was a good villain, so was Kuvira, and especially Amon. They have no shortage of good ideas for characters. They just keep on throwing them in willy nilly. The reason its relevant to this thread is cause honestly, I felt like I needed to just stop and tell this show to stop and go away.

you were a webcomic once
a webcomic

inb4 Thomasfag

SU as a whole is just far better when watched all at once, if you like the rest of the show there's no reason not to watch S3

S4 has been pretty bad so far though

I fucking love grass swordarm. It's such a cool concept.

Pic only slightly related. I put down the comics just as we discover the group wearing zombieskin suits and Rick became a cripple. I wasn't a fan of that idea and having a time skip lets me think "and they lived happily ever after."

The cluster was always just gonna be a way to get Peridot on the team so they had to get ride of it as soon as she was buddy buddy with the group but they really did make it seem like too big of a deal for Steven to just say "Yo guys how about we all be friends" then BAM everything's totally fine.

God season 2 was such trash

>S4 has been pretty bad so far though
What? There's only been a handful of episodes and two of them are top tier.

I mean it's difficult to have the main character who needs to be very active and do lots of shit and go on adventures only have one arm. Plus he's got a weird grass-elemental monster arm which is kinda cool I guess.

Fuck you that was the best song after laser beam
You should move to Bolivia

That episode were bugs has to get into the family photo now because lola doesn't want him in it anymore

Aside from South Park I usually drop a show once it starts giving tertiary characters their own episodes.

>not loving "dick jokes: the subplot"


I mean, he pretty clearly has latent psychic powers with his glowy arm thing in the tower episode and his astro-projection in the episode where Glob sacrifices himself.

that's shit was just one and done randomness to get the plot rolling, I don't think it means anything.
the writers just give Finn random super powers when the plot calls for it.

It just seems like extremely minor characters don't carry the show as well as the main cast. Even South Park suffers this. The Goth Kids episode was awful. A Million Little Fibers is the worst episode ever.

>hey Finn has a psychic arm
>no, let's just have him grow back the old one

and I never looked back.

>the blue Mouse was shit
Winslow was the best thing about that shitty show

I know this is after the show went to shit, but that Family Guy episode where Stewie gets herpes. That shit was awful. There were no funny jokes in the whole episode. I didn't even smile the whole time. It was just disgusting and nothing else.

I don't understand what was bad about interdimensional cable 2

Shouldn't Finn be 18 now if he ages every year? Why is he still a 5 foot manlet?

I think he's actually still 16, maybe they made him 17 at this point but if they had it hasn't been explicitly stated. He totally should be 18 but they kind of reeled that back a year or so.

And changing his design is way too much work for those guys so he's gonna be the king of manlets forever, or at least until the last episode of the show in which case he will have a growth spur and be Guts Finn all of a sudden. Quality showing right there.

I was babysitting my cousin and pickle and peanut came on. I went to take him to the park instead after 3-5 minutes

Forgive me if I'm wrong here but weren't those episodes before this one?

You got past episode 1?

I'd given up on Family guy long before this, but that episode where Stewie impregnates himself with Brian's babies made me realize that Family Guy is not only awful, but that Cleveland Show is more deserving of a timeslot than it. How the fuck does that even get past the writing desk?

AT after the comet shit happened
RS I think it might have been when Thomas left, but I just stopped keeping up with it
Korra after the first season

I know you're still reading it.

There was a much deeper low than that, and you got past it.

This arc will end "soon" anyway.

I just didn't care anymore

Honestly, who could care?

Did they erased her butt crack and cleavage or that's the original form?

It's pretty shitty for the human race when 2 out of the 4 kids who survived your session turned out to be gay, and the other two are siblings.

The hide and seek episode was where I drew the line. After that I realized that Spongebob was just jingling keys in front of your kids now.

Saw this premiere, I thought the ending was top tier.

Is that the one where they had Squidward crash the car and they put is face over what I think was a crash test dummy? That shit was hilarious. I don't remember much of the other scenes from he episode.

>cannot enjoy Mabel as a character anymore.

Anyone who says this never really enjoyed/understood Mabel as a character anyway.

I can't be assed to find the specific part that made me hate and wish hadn't finished it.

Anders love Maria.

That webcomic still makes me mad.

>sadies song
That episode was good. Definetly not worth dropping a series. Fuck you.

Can you at least describe what happened?

Its been terrible well before then. Stopped being good around the 7th to 8th season. The CGI was the final nail in the coffin.

That's exactly when it all went to shit

Welcome to new Cred Forums. Don't forget to take up your torch and pitchfork on the way to the SJW hunt.

>Sadie's Song
But Sadie's mom was the cutest mom featured in the show

i didn't stopped reading amazing spiderman completely per se, i read the issue here and there but i hate brand new day, even if i like shed and avenging spiderman, everything about the OMD universe post retcon is disgusting, seeing harry alive was what made me say "oh i don't give a fuck where this trainwreck goes" and considering how bad things are with slott i'm glad i did, it's not like i could force myself to care tho

Oh where do I begin
CatDog: Trespassing
The Fairly Oddparents: It's a Wishful Life
Spongebob: Cephalopod Lodge
The Loud House: The Sweet Spot
Homestuck: Pretty much the start of the actually story. Once I realized the humans weren't even important Hussie became a bad writer you don't waste time on the first few chapters
Regular Show: Merry Christmas Mordecai
W.I.T.C.H- The 4th episode because the dialogue is just cringeworthy
Family Guy: Chap Stewie
RWBY: The 3rd season finale Ever After High > RWBY
MLP: Twilight's Kingdom
The Simpsons: Donnie Fatso L-A-Z-Y

This. And no amount of feelz-splaining will make me feel otherwise. It's a copout end of story.

I'll be honest I skipped that episode altogheter.

I appreciate the show for being genuiely progressive unlike the SJWs everyone thinks it panders to, but that episode did feel a bit too pandering with the musical number.

I might be wrong and I missed a funny episode, but from the clips I've seen and read I just find it uncomfortable Steven was so eager to dress in drag and nobody reacted. I know gender roles can be broken but what Steven did reminds me of those crazy libtards that want to force their messed up gender politics onto their children. I don't know.

>I can understand PB being made old again
I can't. Especially after dropping FP after so long. In both instances they were supposed to provide growth for both participants in the couple, but it just went nowhere.

I can't remember why I dropped Young Justice. When it aired I was so happy to have a superhero show with great animation and a mature styling, but before long I got bored.

>MFW I only stuck around Sinfest for so long just hoping that Xanthe will become a good character but it never came.

I dropped it around the part where she was quoting some Ice Queen quote about women having to thaw men's evil heart or some shit.

>in the real world
>steven is laughed off the stage
>labeled as a tranny by bullies
>bullied to the point of suicide

>Sadie's Song

am I missing something? I get it it was a townie episode but

I think it was the Steven in a dress thing.

Squidward's Suicide.

Honestly, what the fuck was Nickelodeon thinking? They took it too far.

It's no coincidence that after that episode I had no patience for cartoons with Spongebob's premise- an upbeat nuisance that bothers the hell out of a grouch (who's life is complete misery because LOL SO FUNNY). That included Regular Show, Bunnicula, and many others. It's fucking awful and needs to stop.

Regular Show - picrelated
Adventure Time - Hugwolf
Steven Universe - Beach Party, returned to see season finale, it was shit
Harvey Beaks - Michelle episode
Korra - just kidding, i actually had the bravery or stupidity to sit through the whole thing. Same goes for Gravity Falls
Gumball - some season 1 episode, I don't remember
Star Wars Rebels - season 2 finale

These are more-or-less recent shows that I actually decided to follow at some point, then quit. Doesn't include shows I never really picked up, but catch a new episode sometimes, like Star Vs.

Negan is the only reason i still read it.

Remember when John was trapped in his weird house with his goofy dad?

Remember his obsession with shitty movies and con-air which was a masterpiece?

Remember when we were making stupid useless shit to put in our library with lathes and other bullshit instruments?

Remember when Dave got his ass beat by a puppet?

Remember when Rose had a complicated relationship withe her mom and also a pony?

Remember combining random shit to make cool combinations of shit?

I ask you, Cred Forums, why is it that everything seems to burn out so quickly for us now? This threads gives me flashbacks of my days on Cred Forums before I got tired of video games altogether. Is it an inability to commit? Are we that flighty and hard to keep interested? Age? Autism?

Or do modern comics and cartoons really do suck more than ever?

Porbably just people bored with everything and they only like furry fiction now

I think it's a bit of everything. After watching a few episodes and liking them, you want the rest of the show to be like this, but somewhere in its run, it swerves on a different road which you might not like. Or the show is very good, but sometimes it makes bad mistakes, which feel even more painful because they contrast with the rest so much.

Also, looking at my most liked animated series, I want to say that they only got there AFTER they ended - all of them kept to the same ideology from beginning to end, didn't get distracted on stupid shit (and weren't stupid shit by themselves), and ended before they could lost their identity

Aw yeah I 'member

>It's mythology for fuck's sake.
>You're taking this all as if it is solid historical evidence and not simply legends from long ago, which the entire fucking episode is drawn to resemble.
The thing is, Avatar is a fantasy setting. And in fantasy, as per the rules of the genre, legends and prophecies are always 100% true and exact. The "Chosen One" and the "Ancient evil awakens" are never interpretations of more grounded, realistic events brought about by human flaws like in real life; good and evil aren't just concepts but tangible forces that talk like humans. That's why when they aren't there's a dissonance in the lore, it feels like a retcon or a asspull.

Pokemon XYZ 38 I watched through every season but that was the last straw

Exit 9b

The only time it's happened to me was in /you knowwhatshow/ when someone got turned into a princess. Tried to catch up with it past that point but I couldn't really muster the desire to and there were too many good shows running at the time to care about a mediocre one.

>there were too many good shows running at the time
Do you still watch those?

Yep, at least the ones that haven't finished/aren't in a hiatus.

Novelty is more important than quality in the Internet Era. When the surprise factor wears, people take off their rose-tinted glasses and start seeing thing for what it is, and it's downhill from the on.

wears off*

>Watching SU for braindead entertainment before bed, 6/10 it's alright
>Suddenly the black one starts singing
>Drown out most of it by bellowing as I make my way towards the computer
>Slam my fist on the keyboard in an effort to make it stop
>Pick up the monitor, yanking out all the cords
>It's still fucking happening
>Can't use the now unplugged mouse
>Finally step on the main breaker, killing everything in my room

Literally unforgivable. I will never stop cringing.

I think you might just have mental problems brah.

This and the Regular Show episode 'Married and Broke'
There was nothing wrong with the episode, but I just got bored with the shows and couldn't be bothered to keep watching.
I still occasionally keep up with Gumball since there isn't as much continuity.

>the black one

>Can't use the now unplugged mouse
I don't know why, but I find that kinda funny.

Hahaha, flippin hell man, you can't press the pause button like a normal person?

Last episode of Avatar. Hated it so much I didn't see Korra.

>I didn't see Korra.
dodged a bullet

But it got better

I stopped reading this shit when Marx showed up. The guy is literally a walking plot device, Deus Ex Machina AND Mary Sue, and really it just seems like the author self insert in the story.

Sadie's Song immediately preceded Catch & Release

Are you actually autistic?