RIP in pieces

RIP in pieces

What happened?

Eh, the run itself was good. But it disregarded almost all previous continuity and nobody knew what to do with the concepts or the characters it introduced.

Best way to look at it is as a standalone elseword type story.

Greg Cucka

Don't post ambiguous shit like this man, you made me think something happened. We already lost Cooke this year.

Even if you disliked the concepts, themes or ideas, it's undeniable how much better it was written than now

And I say this as someone who thinks Rucka's original run is on par with Azz' run

How it was the Azzarello run? I never read it but see polorized opinions.


>nobody knew what to do with the concepts or the characters it introduced
That's normal for Wonder Woman books though, user.

It's great, if only because it was just a plain good story, with likeable characters, and Wonder Woman feels like a legitimate presence in her own book.

People can argue about how inconsistent it is with previous Wonder Woman lore, and maybe that's true, but at least every bit of it serves a purpose in the story, including yes the Amazons being rapists and selling off their sons because it actually sets up an important part of the end game.

There's no "The lasso doesn't stop mansplaining" here.

Honestly, I get where long time fans are coming from but this is pretty much how I read all comics I decide to pick up so it was fine by me. Has Wonder Woman ever been used well in a team anyways? I feel like she might be better in her own universe

It was different from past versions of Wonder Woman but very solid and entertaining if taken on its own merits.

Only continuityfags or characterfags dislike it.

But Cooke was actually a loss for the comic industry, you lose Cucka and you lose another SJW shit lesbian writer

Yeah, this is a good summation. I feel like even if you're a feminist setting up Wonder Woman so that she legitimately comes across as a cool, interesting hero should be seen as a much bigger win then having her talking about the wage gap or whatever in an average book

Rucka isn't that bad even if his current run is boring but I thought OP meant something happened to Chiang

Eh ... it is really problematic and has no structure or armature at all
But neo Cred Forums is filled with Cred Forumstards so they will tell you it is good

I liked Azarello's run even though it contradicted or betrayed a lot of former expectations about Wonder Woman. I can do that again.

Or at least theoretically, honestly this run is sort of boring me. But it's not horseshit, it's just sort of unexciting and slow.

Wonder Woman tackling social issues isn't a problem, it happened in her excellent original run and every lauded run she's had. The "mansplaining" issue was shit because it was poorly written (as were almost all the other stories in that anthology, but nobody cares about those because they didn't involve SJWing.) Wonder Woman shying away from standing for anything for fear of offending male readers while being a feminist icon is stupid as hell.

Why would Cred Forums even like Azarello's run? It was about a foreign female hero with a multiethnic extended family and the antagonist was a white hyper-masculine asshole who secretly just wanted attention.

Also some people don't get the purpose of some changes

For instance... they complain that the book is about the gods and not about Wonder Woman, but fail to see that's exactly why Diana was made into a demigod, then god. She was part of the family now and their problems are her problems as well.

>it's really problematic

You're responding to bait, genius.

It's great, but deep down it had to be retconned cause it changed WW's origins up too much.

Like she's part of the Trinity.
You're not supposed to fuck with Trinity origins too much.

>I liked Azarello's run even though it contradicted or betrayed a lot of former expectations about Wonder Woman.
It was really the one title in the New-52 which really set out and did what that relaunch wanted to: Modernize and update characters for a new audience. We got a new Wonder Woman, solid new supporting cast, new take on the gods, etc. It was all pretty well done overall even though it's largely an elseworld run now.

You can go nuts with your changing up of WW, but be prepared for it to be changed back eventually cause she's Trinity.
Like WW Odyssey run.
Then again that run was always planned to be changed back by the end.

I liked Wonder Woman's supporting cast in New 52, but I do think it really needed some of the classic cast back. I wish we could see Etta and Zola as friends, especially.

I think at least Steve didn't appear only because of how other writers wanted to deal with the whole SMWW thing

Because remember that Chiang said their original idea was an elseworlds story where Diana had been Wonder Woman for decades and Steve was an old man, basically an homage to her entire history or something like that

Good riddance

She was almost as bad as the Edgy Nu52 Superman.

Now if only they could get rid of Geoff John's Edgy Billy Batson and being the REAL Captain Marvel back.

>talking shit about Superbro

pleb spotted

>I don't read comics, but I know enough to troll Cred Forums I think

@ 86376993

>you lose Cucka and you lose another SJW shit lesbian writer

Being an insufferable faggot of a person doesn't invalidate your work as an artist.

What really pisses me off is how it was retconned away without any good explanation

At least Superman replacement made a bit of sense

Rucka's retcon is only making things worse... "every version happened but also didn't happen"

>inb4 that's the intention

it's still confusing and counterproductive

Yeah, I'm not really against that, more making the case that that stuff's more effective when we care what the character has to say because we actually like them organically and it's not just the writer talking at us. And even independent of nay social commentary making an interesting female character that male readers can empathize with is probably going to do more to make them empathize with women generally than just doing the narrative equivalent of putting your hand on your hip and wagging your finger at them

Nu52 Superman was terrible and you should feel terrible for liking him.

DC getting rid of him and Azz's Wondy were the best decisions ever.

Now they need to get rid of the edgy Nu52 Captain Marvel (No, I refuse to call him Shazam. I am taking a stand and starting a revolution).

Please stop with the baiting when we actually have a civil and interesting conversation about Azz Wondy right now.

I'm with ya. Let's start a revolution together

>But it disregarded almost all previous continuity
You DO remember the New 52 was a reboot right?

Killer Amazons
23 years old Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman without clay origin

How can someone like this retarded run?

>(No, I refuse to call him Shazam. I am taking a stand and starting a revolution)
You really need to read what you right before you post, this sounds like it's ripped from some Deviantart journal.


The 23 year old shit was dumb but that wasn't even determined in Wonder Woman's own book, it was Justice League.
The other two things are fine. It was supposed to be different and it was different.

That's why I'm annoyed about this re-re-reboot of Wonder Woman's origin.
If they just slightly altered the core factors of Wonder Woman while keeping the events of the run in tact, I'd be fine with that.
If they completely went back and reinstated her origin from the 80s Perez run, I'd be equally pleased.
Instead what we get is yet another version of this story that's different for the sake of being different, despite the fact that rebirth promised a return to the old. It pleases nobody.

Absolute comes out in February breh.

After what the Finches did with the characters and story following Azzerello's run, I'm sort of glad they put it to rest. RIP best Ares though.

Bud, it'd be funny if you hadn't already done this multiple times before.

It had the best designs of pretty much all of the greek gods.

>Eh ... it is really problematic
I actually agree... even if I hate that word. I feel the bastard daughter of Zeus is a pigheaded ignorance of the radical feminism the character was created with. To recreate her as such is a scorched earth deconstruction of the character. Yes, it's interesting in that manner, but it should never have been THE way Wonder Woman was reinvented. It was like a side series of Just Imagine Vertigo's Wonder Woman.

Exactly my thoughts. Azzarello's run reads far better as an Elseworlds, which is rather easy to do considering how much it ignored the rest of the New 52, particularly the latest attempt to make the Superman ship happen

I cannot fault Rucka for wanting to salt the earth on this run, especially after the Finches' failed attempt to build off of it (which ended up negating everything good Diana had done)

Everyone here is looking at Azz's and Rucka's re-working like they are some new thing in the Wonder Woman comics.

Come the fuck on, people. No one gets more "new, exciting, chapters" in their comics than Wonder Woman. If you take over a Batman or Superman comic, you have to AT LEAST recognize the shit that came before it and at least attempt to work off of it.

Has anyone gone through multiple Wonder Woman runs, here? Even if you don't like Wonder Woman it's fascinating to see from a meta perspective. Every new writer comes along with a "plan" to "fix" Wonder Woman, and this means straight up ignoring shit that happened mere months ago to flip her world around and give her a new cast. Is she a Washington D.C. diplomat? A super spy? A Greek bastard child? A fast food worker? A neck-snapper? Editorial spends so much time setting up and knocking down WW's chess pieces that there's never any time to play an actual fucking game.

Seriously, everything good that Diana had done during Azz's tenure was undone during their run

A new era of peace and understanding between the Amazonian genders? NOPE. MANAZON GENOCIDE BY WAY OF THE EC COMICS' OLD WITCH.
Diana casting the First Born from Olympus in an act of tough love and to preventing from harming anyone else? NOPE. TURNS OUT THAT PISSED OFF SOME UNDERGROUND ALIEN BUGS AND THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE DIED.
Hippolyta's curse undone by becoming a living golem? NOPE. MELTED IN THE RAIN THE NEXT DAY AND THE GOOP WAS USED TO MAKE ZOMBIE DONNA.
Diana having to struggle between her ideology of peace and her duties as God of War? NOPE. LET'S JUST GET BABY ZEUS TO POOF ARES BACK TO LIFE SOMEHOW (AND APOLLO TOO BECAUSE WHY NOT?)
The quelling of Hera's marital bloodlust and instilling of compassion for humanity? NOPE. SHE WAS FAKING IT THE WHOLE TIME.
Zeus reincarnating himself as a baby in order to atone for his godly sins and reconnect with humanity? NOPE. POOFS BACK TO OLD ZEUS IN THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF DEUS EX MACHINA.

>But it disregarded almost all previous continuity
You do realize that Flashpoint was just the annual DC reboot correct? It disregarding previous continuity is irrelevant since majority of the characters outside of the Batman and Green Lantern lore did the same. Superman? Kents dead. Green Arrow? He is a superhero junkie loser. J'onn? Crazy mind rapist. Aquaman? Actually good for once. Black Canary? Some shitty pop star. Cyborg? Still a loser but a big league loser. Flash? Black Wally. Animal Man and Swamp-Thing? Red, Green and various colors of the rainbow.

>Criticizing New52 Cap whileposting that pic

Only other person I've seen do that was Aaron Diaz, and he was probably just assblasted that he could never think of a line that funny for his shitty webcomics

>Good for once

Johns has arguably the best run on Aquaman but

>Good for once

Don't be such a casual

>the Superman ship
I just threw up a bit.

>that entire second half
I stopped after the Manazon slaughter and I'm glad I've never gone back.

>There's no "The lasso doesn't stop mansplaining" here.
Her kissing Orion out of the blue, grabbing & threatening to rip off his balls if he flirts with her again is worse.

This bait has become entirely blasé, you know.

Every time I remember that this existed, I can't help but ask "Why?????????????"

Finch had already absolutely destroyed everything Azz/Chiang had done.

>Swamp thing
Casual pls go. Swampy was always a part of the green and never rebooted in new 52.

Eh, it's equally problematic that the Amazons are these perfect beings living in utopia because they are not tainted by the presence of men, or that WW then immediately falls in love with Steve when she meets a man for the first time.

The problem was that WW had no character. She was just a nice person that went where she should and did what others said.

Azzfags, explain to me how Wonder Woman is such a nice person despite growing up in Paradise Island where every single amazon hate men to the point of trying to castrate a god just because he has a male genitalia?

Explain to me as well how Wonder Woman didn't know about where babies come from, despite the sex expeditions being essential for the island continued existence?

It feels like Azz wanted to make the amazons into a bunch of piece of shit, but wanted to eat his cake as well by keeping Wonder Woman the same immutable character she has always been.

If you're going to change the amazons so much, where there's hardly an okay one, then at least go ahead and change Wonder Woman as well. His version of the amazons should have given us Frank Miller's Wonder Woman, who calls men as sperm-bank and wants to fuck Superman because he's a superior male.

>Azzfags, explain to me how Wonder Woman is such a nice person despite growing up in Paradise Island where every single amazon hate men to the point of trying to castrate a god just because he has a male genitalia?

Because she lived a sheltered life as a princess and wasn't indoctrinated as badly as your average Amazon. After all, her mom loved teh dick enough to sleep with Zeus. And it signifies how good of a person she is despite shitty cultural background.

>Explain to me as well how Wonder Woman didn't know about where babies come from, despite the sex expeditions being essential for the island continued existence?

Those happened in around 18 year cycles, not every Saturday night. Sometimes you just are blind to things because you grew up not questioning it, and with herself thinking of being made out of clay, magical origins for the other girls is not farfetched.

Point one, they were nice to Diana. She didn't interact with any men for them to hate. If the object of your scorn isn't there, there's no reason to constantly harp on about how much you hate it. ...Then again that might be a hard concept go grasp here on Cred Forums.

Second point, seeing as how there were no children younger than her, and she was told she's made of clay, there's very little evidence that the sex raids happened in her life time. Presumably once she was old enough she'd get the actual story about the raids. Remember that until Hephaestus tells her what the deal is, she has no idea it's the case.

Hearing it from her mother would've also been a pretty good arc.

>Because she lived a sheltered life as a princess and wasn't indoctrinated as badly as your average Amazon.

She still lived and trained with the other amazons, user. Her mother, despite loving Zeus' dick, still condoned and kept that toxic culture. She should have absorbed something. Her being nice doesn't change anything. I'm sure that the Third Reich had plenty of nice people, but they still followed Hitler's orders.

I know some people don't like Peter Tomasi take on the character in SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN, but given her background i think that was the most realistic take. This is who she should have been. At least initially.

>Those happened in around 18 year cycles, not every Saturday night. Sometimes you just are blind to things because you grew up not questioning it

Come on, user. Something so essential for the island should have been instilled inside the girls since a very young age to make them 100% sure complacent with the act.

Leaving to tell a bunch of 18 years old amazon that grew up hating everything about male population that they have to take a trip and share their amazon bodies with the despicable men in order to take their seed and get pregnant, so that the island can survive, would leave most of the young amazons appalled and disgusted, putting in jeopardy the trip and the island continued existence.

Basically people who care about good writing?

>Point one, they were nice to Diana. She didn't interact with any men for them to hate. If the object of your scorn isn't there, there's no reason to constantly harp on about how much you hate it. ...Then again that might be a hard concept go grasp here on Cred Forums.

She should still keep some of their culture views, user. Imagine growing up in Israel. Sure, you'll later in your life meet a bunch of nice Muslims, but thanks to your culture you'll still harbor a bit of prejudice, specially against Palestinians.

Honestly I think it's more problematic to say that the only way a character can have a core feminist message is if she's got no men in her origin at all, even if they're not really relevant beyond being a sperm donor.

It's always rung kind of hollow to me that Diana can be an effective ambassador when she didn't even see an entire gender until she's an adult (anywhere from 20 and 2000 years) old. She exists in an essential fantasy utopia; what solutions can she offer when her world view is so alien and divided and she doesn't have the problems that exist in the "real world"?

But then given Marston's brand of feminism and how tied up it (no pun intended) was with his BDSM fetish I can at see why people make the argument in that favor.

I'm gonna miss her going super sayian tho.

I thought about your example but it doesn't work because like, if I were an Israeli, there's a chance, however small, that I'd meet or at least see a muslim on TV or hear about them.

But Diana? She doesn't get that. She never so much as sees a man until she's in her 20s in this version. There's no real evidence what her culture taught her. We know they hate men, yes, but we don't know that she as an individual picked that up.

This is why I think that for all its faults, Morrison's Wonder Woman absolutely nailed what the Amazonian society should be. Peaceful, enlightened and carefree, but also closed off and limited having evolved without any male input. If writers don't start emulating aspects of that book I will be sorely disappointed.

>but also closed off and limited having evolved without any male input.
How as this framed though? Because it doesn't seem to be as a negative.

Themyscaria is basically Wakanda only it doesn't get the hate Wakanda does.

>There's no real evidence what her culture taught her. We know they hate men, yes, but we don't know that she as an individual picked that up.

You don't need a real evidence for being prejudiced, user. There are people that never met a black person, but is still a bit weary about them because of what they heard about others and the general kind of thinking that his people share about them.

Wonder Woman was too goddamn nice for my liking in Azz's run. The only time she treated a male somewhat in an extreme way was when she grabbed Orion's balls and threatened to castrate him.

Yeah, but again, what was Diana taught? Where's the page of her as a child being told about how evil penises are?
For all we know there was a law that goes "don't tell the princess scary stories about dudes'. There's just no evidence to support the idea that she's sponged up all their misandry.

...Which honestly wasn't even that aggressive. It was more callous than anything else. They treated guys like tools rather than monsters.

Normally, the amazons of Paradise Island doesn't hate men, they're disappointed by them. The ones that truly hate men are the Bana-Mighdall.

What Azz did was make the Paradise Island's amazons the Bana-Mighdall.

>Three thousand years ago, the two Amazon Queens (Hippolyta and Antiope) split the Amazon nation in two. Hippolyta's tribe traveled to the isolated island of Themyscira (otherwise known as Paradise Island) to live immortal lives in order to protect the doorway to the Underworld called Doom's Doorway. Antiope's tribe was never given immortality and were forced to mate with common men in order to guarantee their tribe's survival over the centuries. As they had renounced their Olympian gods once the two Queens parted ways, they eventually began to assimilate various religions and goddesses from the many lands they traveled to. Some of those included the goddesses Isis, Mammitu, Bast, and Neith. It was in Egypt that they finally built the city of Bana-Mighdall, which in their language translates to "The Temple of Women". Thanking the Amazons for their worship, one of their new goddesses created a powerfully consistent sandstorm to surround and protect their city from any outsiders who could not be trusted, or "ariadnas".

We see the Amazons acting as stuck up bitches when they start interacting with the real world.

The book makes it clear that Diana's brand of feminism and philosophy isn't the philosophy of the Amazons, it's the philosophy of Etta Candy and other imperfect women already living in the male world. For all its faults its feminist message is pretty sophisticated.

>Yeah, but again, what was Diana taught? Where's the page of her as a child being told about how evil penises are?
>For all we know there was a law that goes "don't tell the princess scary stories about dudes'. There's just no evidence to support the idea that she's sponged up all their misandry.

See, that's the problem. Azz spend more time building up the Greek gods than he did doing Wonder Woman and her amazons. So we see Wonder Woman being super nice to everyone while her fellow amazons are constantly going on about how much their hate men, how much they want to castrate them and how much they're useless, which is just weird because WW grew up with these people. The few times we were shown WW days growing up in the island she's just mostly teased by Aleka, who's her good friend, or lover, or being bullied by the other younger amazons for being different, but despite being bullied she still lived the younger amazons she still lived there and was friends with Aleka, who despise men.

Something, anything, should have rubbed of on her.

>while her fellow amazons are constantly going on about how much their hate men, how much they want to castrate them and how much they're useless,
That sounds like projecting or maybe they were doing that in non WW titles because not really in her book, if for no other reason than as you said, they didn't have a lot of screen time to do any of what you're claiming.

Most of what we see from Amazons interacting is Aleka giving Diana shit and calling her 'Clay". But we also know she had a pretty decent childhood because that 0 issue has her doing the rites of passage (which is why I think it's possible there's a final rite where you learn about the raids) and getting rewarded with a birthday cake made from harpy eggs.

>That sounds like projecting or maybe they were doing that in non WW titles because not really in her book, if for no other reason than as you said, they didn't have a lot of screen time to do any of what you're claiming.

They didn't have a lot of screen-time but the little they had they were like that. They were joking about how they were going to castrate fucking Hermes, man. One of the coolest Greek Gods.

The only time they were "nice" was when WW forced them to fight alongside the man-amazons and the rest of established characters against the First Born, and even then they were doing mostly as a necessity and still didn't liked the idea.

>But we also know she had a pretty decent childhood

The older amazons were good her, it was mostly the younger amazons that teased her.

>One of the coolest Greek Gods.
The one that stole babies?
Which I liked because Azz remembered he was also the god of thieves.

Slightly off topic, but can we just note how man-amazons are totally shit idea?

The entire point of amazons in WW comics is that they are a counterpoint to a world ruled by men by being a world ruled by women. So man-amazons are then a counterpoint to a world ruled by women by being... a world ruled by men again. So what is the fucking point of that? Why the constant need by writers to introduce a gender equivalent society of an already gender equivalent society? What's next? Amamanazons?

The only shitty idea Azz had about the man-amazons is that he had WW taking them from Hephaestus and placing them back in the island with the other amazons.

You can hate the Finches all you want, and i do hate them, but if there's something i can't fault them is the fact that they had the man-hating amazons not sitting well with the idea of sharing their island with men, even if they were the sons and brothers of some amazons, and going about to slaughter the shit out of them.

Seriously, what was Azz expecting? That the amazons he wrote about would just turn their backs to their entire fucking culture and embrace men like that?

The man-amazons should have stayed with Hephaestus, where they could serve as nice background characters.

What the finches have done is a war crime...

I mean, yes, of course, it's WW/DC, so you had to accept that sooner or later, somebody would've come and erased/retconned everything Azzarello did... but to have it happen so suddenly, so brutally, and so badly... holy shit. Only Earth 2 had it worse.

Amazons remaining isolationists is an equally shit idea. At least with Man-Amazons you had the prospect of Amazons doing a redemption arc through re-integrating men to their society, with all the issues that hard road bring, rather than the current model that insists on them staying separate because that's the status quo and the flawed "girls are naturally better than men, so there" Utopia that Paradise Island inherently represents.

The best thing about the Finches run is that WW admitted that she helped Zola and her baby Zeke because she wanted to get pregnant from Superman and have his baby, which for some reason is not possible, and thus thought of Zeke as her own baby.

It's like... WTF? Would she eventually steal Zeke from Zola or something?

>At least with Man-Amazons you had the prospect of Amazons doing a redemption arc through re-integrating men to their society

Dude, no. They'd kill the man-amazons, which is what ultimately ended up happening. I just can't see Azz's amazons being okay with men on their island, even man-amazons.

People don't go against their culture of thousand of years just like that.

If you want to do a "redemption arc"(which wouldn't have anything to do with any redemption but whatever), how about integrating Amazons into the actual global society, rather than creating a bullshit parallel structure?

I mean this is the equivalent of Superman creating a New Krypton, and then creating a new race of humans to live there so that they could be protected. It's utterly missing the point.

>I just can't see Azz's amazons being okay with men on their island, even man-amazons.

That's where the drama would come. But no, lets bring back the old shitty status quo instead, that writers always hate given how they love throwing disasters at the island.

With man-amazons it would be easier to implement into a comic story than trying to integrate an island to the rest of the world, where the cultural shock and technological mishmash would be more jarring

The only way i can see the type of conflict you're talking about is if WW stayed on the island to serve as mediator and body-guard for the man-amazons. Otherwise the amazons will slaughter their asses.

So WW would have to take a sabbatical leave and stay on the island for a few good years to rework the amazon society, in order to integrate the man-amazons, and even then you run the problem of a civil war where the amazons will attempt to overthrow WW as their queen for trying such a hateful idea.

Either way you've war and death.

Read what you write* before you post.

But the cultural shock is what makes the Paradise Island interesting. Otherwise it would be just another random place. And even with the man-amazons there you still have a technological mishmash, since the man-amazons are just as backwards as the amazons. They worked for a god manning forges and making ancient weapons their whole lives. They know shit about current weaponry or technology.

>The only way i can see the type of conflict you're talking about is if WW stayed on the island to serve as mediator and body-guard for the man-amazons.
This doesn't sound bad.

You keep trying to paint Azzazons as this impossible axis of pure evil with no story potential but it's not like we hadn't seen their deadly bee weapons before this.

build on* it

work from*

>You keep trying to paint Azzazons as this impossible axis of pure evil with no story potential but it's not like we hadn't seen their deadly bee weapons before this.

Amazons Attack was a terrible event precisely because it paint the amazons as these evil as fuck people that weren't above killing children if they had dicks.

Azz's amazons are just as bad. They have almost none redeeming moments. Even when they're fighting alongside the normal cast of the book they're doing it out of necessity and force.

It's like if WW had grown up with villains and later for some reason had turned nice. The only way you can use the characters WW has grown up with is as antagonists and that's how the Finches, Tomasi or Johns did.

Kryptonians were dicks and Superman turned out fine.

Not to mention you'reacting like the whole "princess that rebels against the conventions of her society" hasn't been a common trope for decades. Hell Disney alone has made billions of dollars repackaging the Rebellious Princess.

>But the cultural shock is what makes the Paradise Island interesting.

Yet somehow they've never really managed to do anything interesting with it that lasted longer than five minutes.

Superman was also raised entirely away from Kryptonian culture by a cliche loving farmer couple.

>Otherwise the amazons will slaughter their asses.
They fought side by side to defend their home from a God of Hate. Them still mistrusting the manazons makes sense, slaughtering them after five minutes doesn't. The Finches had to introduce not one but two evil witches for this thing to work.

Superman didn't grew up with the kryptonians and almost never traveled to their past after the Byrne's run. It's different. WW grew up with the amazons in Azz's run.

>Not to mention you'reacting like the whole "princess that rebels against the conventions of her society" hasn't been a common trope for decades.

See, though, we didn't have that. Azz didn't show us WW past where WW hated the island, thought that what she was being taught must have been wrong and rebelled against her mom. No. We see Azz's WW having ties to her island because that's the first place she decides to bring Zola and Zeke. At most she's oblivious about the sex voyages.

Not always.

>They fought side by side to defend their home from a God of Hate

Out of necessity and the amazons were against the idea of fighting alongside men, even man-amazons. WW had to pretty much school them and guilt-trip them into doing it.

>Them still mistrusting the manazons makes sense, slaughtering them after five minutes doesn't

Azz's amazons don't simple mistrust men like the past versions of the amazons. They hate men with fervor.

WW dropped a bunch of men on the island to live them. The amazons wouldn't simple sleep with open eyes, no, their tensions would be high as fuck at all moments for the simple fact that men's feet were on their sands. They'd be disgusted and enraged by the simple notion. They would be screaming for their heads and hating WW for such a bull-headed and extreme move.

In Byrne's run, where the kryptonians were first shown as super cold and major dicks, Superman wasn't raised by them. Heck, he was born on Earth thanks to the Matrix, making him essentially American, because that was something that Byrne felt strongly about for some reason.

>no structure
I also think the structure is strange. Like the writer lacked the pages to support some developments.

>and nobody knew what to do with the concepts or the characters it introduced

Nobody even tried! This is not a Morrison transmultiversal shit, this is a perfectly common story with a good use of greek mithology.

>But it disregarded almost all previous continuity


Jesus Christ, you are dense.

>Posts arc where Superman makes readers warm and fuzzy inside

Contrarian loser.

>Why Supermanship

Mandated by suits, i guess. Did not fit in anywhere.

Could you imagine, if Azz wouldve been allowed to go with Orion?