JSA Storytime: Batman and the Outsiders

Good evening owls of Cred Forums,


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Comics aren't dying after all

I had a good lol at Uzi being all "But I like International Iron Man and it barely outsold SPAWN KILLS EVERYONE" on twitter

Hello Storyteller.

Ah yes, Hitler. One of the three greatest villains in all of history. Along with Emperor Nero and John Dillinger!

AND disregard I started with the wrong issue

fuck, it's been one of those days

I have wine *and* beer tonight

This will never get old.

sisterly or hella gay, vote time


> Poorly performing Civil War II
has event fatigue actually set in? Not just people complaining online, but actually not buying the title? It began with Civil War and it ends with the sequel

>the Soviets are rolling into somewhere on the French border

>Civil War starts big ass events every summer
>Civil War II ends it

that would be poetry

I really hope BIG SUMMER EVENT doesn't happen for a year but you know marvel and/or dc are just a couple months away from announcing one

If this is what it takes for them to realize that no one's invested in a book guaranteed to roll over/relaunch so soon...

That is seriously one of the most butt-ugly costumes ever.

>sisterly or hella gay, vote time
Probably a little of both? Like a Fire and Ice kind of thing.

"Man, it's 1986!"

and obligatory at least mostly grammatical German

Slott begging for more preorders

Hah, that's original! A female mad scientist who can't have children so she makes clones! That's not an awful trope or anything. :(

I wonder how well a crossover/event would sell if they didn't do one for a few months.
Like people get over their fatigue and the build is natural and exciting or something, and sales end up higher or something.

I love it in the vein of classic Stan shilling

well you went with the attention grabbing cover

I'm a little drunk and so I'm just laughing, here

time for some official /d/

>madame ovary


Stan never begged, he convinced you that you needed what Marvel was offering. If wasn't Marvel's loss if you didn't buy the next earth shattering issue, it was yours! He was a grade A salesman and has one key thing over Slott, Stan Lee was likable

>Hah, that's original! A female mad scientist who can't have children so she makes clones! That's not an awful trope or anything. :(

>Madame Ovary
.... Just...


I'm not saying it's as good as, just it reads to me more like him hyping his book . "You don't wanna miss out on this do you?!?!"

What the fuck "new reader" is going to want to jump on with THE CLONE CONSPIRACY

>Panels 4 and 5
>"So... Is Civil War II any good then?"

Because the big thing that could bring me back to Spider-Man was ANOTHER CLONE SAGA. Sure, Slott.

This might just be me but this is even more ludicrous when they've announced a Spider-Marriage title.

Hey...what can go wrong with Spider-Man, clones, AND Dan Slott?

>What the fuck "new reader" is going to want to jump on with THE CLONE CONSPIRACY
The ones who don't hate the Clone Saga?

By the way, idea for an SoP: Anything prominently featuring Judas Traveller.

So I take it Carol has gone full asshole by now?

If there is a just world, the married book will whump the Slott-o-rama

I fucking love that August is breaking a bunch of sales records and there wasn't even a CWII issue this month contributing

I for one,will actually buy the married book. ASM has repulsed me since 2008.

Still can't believe it's the 90s again

>good comic sales
>Jurgens writing Superman again
>rehashing Death and Return of Superman
>Clone Saga again
>those shiny covers
>Image is important
>jackets and sidecuts are hip again

I'm really curious to see how Renew Your Vows sells

the mini sold really well but that doesn't mean the ongoing will

it also kind of seems like they're doing a similar thing as the Superman books are currently, except that Lois & Clark mini didn't do THAT great and there's no competition from other Superman books, it's the main one. RYV is competing with ASM and the Miles book to a lesser extent

Maybe we'll get lucky and one or two really interesting minis or one-shots will come out of it like Edge of Spider-Verse


Should I get the Enemy Ace Showcase, or plunk for the hardcover?

>why couldn't Ennis/Ezquerra write THIS tanks comic

I saw a woman the other day with the worst sidecut, I just wanted to say "no, sidecut and long braid, they don't work"

>pages we can't post in Germany.jpg

>Wally is the Flash alongside Barry
>There are rookie GLs alongside a GLC title with the other guys
It's the non-edgy 90s

Why can't the Summer just end? September is almost over and it's still in the 90's here

no pants

I'm hoping against hope that the RYV versions will pull a Lois and Clark,and replace the BND versions entirely. It's not like Spider-Man continuity post OMD can be a bigger mess.

as a Texan, LOL

there is no fall here until November, maybe

I am wondering if they will do that, but it's not like Marvel to admit they massively fucked up or anything

if they've been sticking to OMD all this time despite the intense hatred that STILL lingers over it I dunno why they'd go back now

>tfw I like sidecuts
>don't really understand why people hate them so much

>Still no best Superboy

They really don't work with a super-long other side, they just look ridiculously lopsided then

they also have to be kept short short or they look silly.

That sounds completely miserable, just Georgia is too much for me in the Summer

>I love it in the vein of classic Stan shilling

Difference is, Stan Lee was never quite so desperate as this.

I haven't seen the hardcover, but I'd say the Showcase sorely for the sheer amount of stories. You pretty much get ALL of old-school Enemy Ace, and while it can be repetitive to read it on one go, it's still very worth it.

Shorts on Christmas can be nice, winter is insanely variable. remind me at issue break and I'll post the best pic about it.

Asymmetry is unappealing.

Maybe there's some behind the scenes shake-up going on? I was actually surprised that they did the RYV book at all,considering the hatred they'd shown for the marriage.

Also, the Showcase is less $$$, and color for me isn't necessary. okay!

>Maybe there's some behind the scenes shake-up going on?
Not unless they've gotten some new editors or somebody got promoted lately or something

The thing that makes me think RYV is gonna be a like self contained thing is Conway on it. Not like they're throwing A list at it.

then again Jurgens

>mindrape time

Maybe the beating that Rebirth has been giving them,and the fact that Peter cosplaying as Iron Man hasn't exactly won readers over, has something to do with it?

Funny you should mention Traveller and Carol in the same post. In Reed's run, her first villain was an alternate universe Judas Traveller.

And isn't what we know of the post-CW2 status quo so far "Tony quits for whatever reason, we have Bendis!Doom and Ironheart books"?

Actually, it's kind of weird, the total lack of "leveraging RDJ Tony Stark" the past few years

Slott himself,also proves they're not concerned about A list talent on Spider-Man.

Marvel literally announced 3 new events a few week ago. They aren't stopping any time soon. The most DC is doing is minor crossover stories like Night of the Monster Men.

And once again, we see that even when they're good guys, telepaths are utterly terrifying.

... Huh.

"Sympathy for the Fuhrer"

Fuck, now I want that to be a Rolling Stones parody.
"Please allow me to introduce mein Reich, It will stand for a thousand years!"

The tragic thing is, he USED to be good. She-Hull, GLA, Mighty Avengers, all great!

> the total lack of "leveraging RDJ Tony Stark" the past few years

remember when Bendis Iron Man launched on fixing that premise

Cred Forums can hate but most people seem happy with him and Spidey...

>Actually, it's kind of weird, the total lack of "leveraging RDJ Tony Stark" the past few years
yeah of all the shit they've cribbed from live action stuff I'm still surprised they've never just straight up turned comics Tony into RDJ Tony

and the big deal they made about Bendis taking over the books still couldn't make anyone give a shit about Iron Man so now they're trying the Fem Thor tactic I guess


Hitler is next! Promise!

>mine Gott

>flames on the side of my face

I'm going with Gay, to make her future gang rape even more heart destroying.

Also, Windfall, you call that a Sex Dungeon? There's barely enough room for JUST Halo in there!


D: D: D:

>I'm going with Gay, to make her future gang rape even more heart destroying.


NOW it's time for Hitler.

I'm still laughing at the fact they're going to have a big relaunch before the event actually finishes again.

Holy shit, they're actually doing it...

It's kind of proof that no one is actually running the henhouse, per se

It's not Halo, but terrible things happen to Windfall. Not that user but I was also trying to decide which of sisterly or gay make what happens later worse.

This is 1986, we totally fucking went there back then

Shit, how many of you didn't exist in 1986

they blew the relaunch for two events in a row!

Der shit, ein is getting real!

/raises hand

Everyone I know who was buying Marvel floppies was put off by that to some extent. You would think they would KNOW they had to be careful - I mean, Marvel isn't just Marvel anymore.

>Shit, how many of you didn't exist in 1986
I wouldn't exist for four more years

the most important German word is, of course, SCHEISSE

Oh, wow. This is so many different kinds of wrong.

I can't decide if this is legitimate "The villains are this evil." stuff, or if it's just edgy.

I existed in 1996.

Yo. Also, d'awww.

Okay, so when does Looker eventually accidentally put her costume on inside out?

>Shit, how many of you didn't exist in 1986
I existed a couple years later!

Before Secret Wars ended I saw a lot of retailers mentioning that they had a lot of readers who were holding off on new books until SW ended to avoid spoilers

not that it mattered since every fucking book went with "VAGUE THING happened but we're not going to actually say what it was for a while"

babies! tiny babies!

I kind of know someone who has a lot of inside leads, and who's said that basically there's no unified vision at present at Marvel, and people are running ragged trying to dodge/accommodate certain diktats from above.



Geez, Storyteller, no wonder you talk like everyone's wacky aunt. You're like the oldest person here.

>internalized misogyny.jpg

(yes, it does exist)

I remember the Reagan presidency, fuck

Young's relative, I already feel like rot. Just consider yourself the Katana of these threads OP.


Oh man, Tatsu gonna regret that...

>basically there's no unified vision at present at Marvel, and people are running ragged trying to dodge/accommodate certain diktats from above.

this is sad. and seems like no way to actually get changed, unless a Johns comes up to grab the reigns

hella gay for sure

Or they bomb out and Disney organizes something. And bomb out doesn't even have to be actual catastrophic failure.

I also get the impression that no one has enough pull to be leader like Johns managed to pull.

Didn't exist. My character was introduced in the post-Crisis, pre-Zero Hour period, as a prelude to Batman: Knightfall.


It's hard not to lean hella gay with Halo's look here now.

>there's no unified vision at present at Marvel, and people are running ragged trying to dodge/accommodate certain diktats from above.

That feels like the sort of environment where at least one creative person could just start doing whatever they want. Like Starlin not turning in pages until the deadline to make sure editors couldn't take time to make changes or Rick Veitch launching a time travel arc in Swamp Thing just so he could avoid being a part of Invasion

It's pretty silly when people try to write off internalized prejudice of any type as something made up. Fucking of course people of a group can hate said group. Crab bucket mentality has been rampant throughout history. To deny it is just kind of naive.

>I remember the Reagan presidency, fuck
.... Seriously?

Not going to go to bat for her or anything, but Madame Ovary is at least a 6-7/10 pun name.

To some small extent I feel like Ewing is taking whatever rope he has and running with it, yes

I think the reading which also has "Marvel likes David Walker so they gave him Nighthawk to last until they could launch him on a larger book they like a lot more" is also right.

Yeah, although I was pretty small.

False consciousness isn't real though.

They had this same fucking problem with Secret Wars.

Is it or fault for fans wanting Kaine/Ben back?

> "Marvel likes David Walker so they gave him Nighthawk to last until they could launch him on a larger book they like a lot more" is also right.

yeah that sounds right.

also stuff like Vision

I didn't exist until November of '89.

It's no Silent Majority.

Meanwhile DC is snatching up all of the creative talent to exclusive deals leaving Marvel with Bendis, Slott and tumblr artists.

False consciousness is tough. I hate it as an accusation because it's entirely too easy, but there are so many clear cases of it to point to.

My favorite was launching a new volume of Hawkeye before the previous one was done

It's not so bad as-
>Madame Ovary


Maybe when the Legion comes back, user.

Maybe the Ravers will be a new subteam of Legionnaires in Rebirth.

>there's no competition from other Superman books
Why don't "Action Comics" and "Superman" count as competition yet ASM and Miles' book do?

Sometimes I wonder what Bendis, Slott, Brevoort, etc. are really thinking under the manic positivity and passive-aggressive 'ask me' replies.

Yeah, but it's a fucking gross one.

I can deal with a woman who wants kids turning to Mad Science to do it (basically a genderflipped Pinocchio or Astroboy situation), but the name is just nasty.

>Why don't "Action Comics" and "Superman" count as competition yet ASM and Miles' book do?
Because they both star the same Superman?

ASM is regular Peter, Spider-man is Miles, RYV is a different Peter

They lost one of their best artists in Dustin Weaver. Edge of Spider-Verse and Infinity Gauntlet gave him to chance to work on his writing chops and now he's working on an upcoming Image title

And that guy who killed a skank or two. Joe The Slasher, I believe?

The fuck is false consciousness?

false con·scious·ness
noun: false consciousness; plural noun: false consciousnesses
(especially in Marxist theory) a way of thinking that prevents a person from perceiving the true nature of their social or economic situation.

Oh. I dunno, that seems like something that probably happens a a lot. Denial, ignorance, willful ignorance...

I don't think it's event fatigue but this specific event doesn't get anyone excited. Same thing happened with DC Convergence vs DCU Rebirth (though I suppose a one-shot is a little different than a full mini).

I like to think that all the completely objective "you fucked this up" pointers Bendis gets and mocks actually sting like burning needles.


Oh god, I hope not. What happened to Superman is bad enough. Just get rid of Slotted and bring back MJ

The true brilliance of DCR was the one-shot "rip the bandage off" oversize and underpriced but beautifully drawn book. You can read *anything* going off of it.

The terrible thought is he doesn't know he's shit, right?

i.e., if you're going to do a retcon, it's actually better to make it quick and get on with what you're honestly interested in, RUCKA

Nope. The RYV book was planned before Rebirth's success

>... Huh.

Carol's version of Judas Traveller was just a straight up Wizard, though. Basically House of M's Punished Strange.

Rehiring Rucka was a mistake.

is Wondy still dragging? I decided to drop that in favors of trades a couple issues in

>Maybe when the Legion comes back, user.
I just want some news. And not like that panel thing. Something substantial, some confirmation. Goddamn.

I dropped the Sharp issues and am really enjoying Year One

I really hope there is JSA and LOSH news at NYCC, along with Wildstorm

Whatever, his current run isn't bad or anything he's just wasting too much time retconning shit. Still better than the Finches.

People need something to whine about, because the only other option is to improve themselves,

Which is haaaaard.

I'm still 60% thinking old Clark and Lois are going to die, leaving Jon tragically orphaned while Superbro comes back to life. They've been making such a deal about Superbro's death instead of sweeping him under the rug and getting on with it.

I've seen some panels of Nicola's Steve, what a fucking cutie

They probably want to wait a while before they deliberately launch a book with plummeting sales user ;^)

I honestly can't tell if Bendis knows he's shit and is putting up an aggressive facade in compensation, or if he honestly thinks he's hot shit and we're all just jealous.

I've only skimmed but I can't give a shit about either story, even though Nicola's art is nice? It's that "nice" is how it appears to me. It's very nice. It's very anodyne. There's no thunder and blood and spirit to any of it. It's incredibly careful.

>beautifully drawn

>Finally! We found Hitler's death ray! Now to prove he's really Hitler, let's feed him this little Jewish Girl.

Not sure if this is better than some of the Nazi shenanigans Marvel's pulled off, with Hitler as the Hate Monger and Himmler as a Satannish revived supervillain with poison gas powers named Ziklon, but this sure is a thing all right.

The Sharp issues finally started to go somewhere in the last issue.

>i.e., if you're going to do a retcon, it's actually better to make it quick and get on with what you're honestly interested in, RUCKA
I'm trying desperately to be patient, but Greg really needs to just get the fuck on with it already. Nothing is happening in this book!

He should've been a straight up wizard from the beginning.

With Tim and Doomsday I'm expecting Ozzy shenanigans for Superbro and Lois

tbf Hate Monger was a clone too

>Bagful of Metamorpho

It's still a mistake. Like maybe from marketing it's not, but for the comic he's too focused on settling grudges even in-story and everyone else has to tread on eggshells around him because he's talent and he knows it.


Yeah, that's what I mean. Can he be ignorant? Reminds me of this asimov story


I'm kinda reminded me of Rucka's Punisher run, which started really fucking slow. I was about to drop it 'till the snow house issue.
But yeah, decompression is a fucking cancer, and especially with the two stories set up.

>Shit, how many of you didn't exist in 1986

Am I one of the oldfags of this thread for actually being a two year old then?

>Himmler as a Satannish revived supervillain with poison gas powers named Ziklon
Silly user. We all know Himmler is a disembodied brain hanging out on the moon.

That seems rather unlikely to me. They've put in a lot of work into establishing Rebirth Superman and his family...on top of how well the books are selling. And honestly, DC seems to want to get rid of most things Nu52.

Also, it's this intense disappointment of "THIS is what he'd have done for Earth One that he wanted so badly, and enough to put his successful indie on hiatus for? THIS?"


younger than me, too

>You pretty much get ALL of old-school Enemy Ace
>like 30 separate issues of Heinrich doing the exact same thing he did in the first issue

>Shoot down some planes
>hang out with a wolf
>sleep while people call you a badass for it, ignoring the fact it's because stress and guilt are robbing you of it until you pass out
>"Now, let us return to the lonely business of killing."


I'm glad he didn't respond to the Cho controversy and just let it blow over. He could have made it way worse.

See when I was a kid I read Commando comics so.

See, that thought bubble from the last thread wasn't a mistake, it was her being a redheaded telepath with no boundaries.

Yeah. But how are those titles not competing with Lois & Clark?

>Listen, Gaby, Lia is Momtana's new girlfriend and you need to understand and be nice to her, okay?

There's also the problem of....I think Rucka's thinking "I'm going to get to set The Origin Story That Lasts", but all it takes is one clever fucker who wants to tamper, and all your work is basically gone if it can't really stand on itself/be stronger than what wants to overwrite it.

But what he actually wanted was Diana with no interference and the chance to fix what people did after him. I would rather have had Bennett honestly. It might have been a total fuckup but it would have been different.

Yeah, that's what I meant by repetitive. It's really not something you want to read in one sitting, unless you either skim the dialogue and focus on the gorgeous Kubert art, or get some liquor and start a drinking game.
>Take a shot every time the Dr.I talks to Hans
>Take a shot every time Hans salutes a honorable opponent
>Take a shot every time someone in Hans squadron gets shot down

>Cho controversy
Oh please, that was barely controversy. The two didn't like get along, so one of them left.

This is what qualifies as drama now? You disappoint me, Internet.

Well, Lois and Clark is done

there's just Superman and Action now, right?

Judge, do you WANT to kill my liver?


Yeah, and there is some novelty to be had in watching all the different ways they'd show the exact same story.

Once they started telling different stories, it got really good. There's something fucking awesome about Heinrich being dragged away by his Fokker by his allies, while screaming at it like a goddamned madman.

I know I'm not SUPPOSED to laugh at that last row of panels, but I did anyway.


>I've only skimmed but I can't give a shit about either story, even though Nicola's art is nice? It's that "nice" is how it appears to me. It's very nice. It's very anodyne. There's no thunder and blood and spirit to any of it. It's incredibly careful.
that's really unfortunate

I love Nicola's art and I loved Rucka's first WW run, and I was super hyped for the Rebirth book, so it has been pretty disappointing

That's why I'm down to 60%. It probably depends on if sales dip.

I hope you're right, but I don't see it happening. I think it's more likely they'll end up saying The new52 Superman wasn't the real Superman and it was actually the current Superman

>"I'm going to get to set The Origin Story That Lasts"
I hope not, because that's naive as hell. It's comic books.

Though if he's going the direction everyone thinks he's going, that's actually pretty slick. Wondy being a mythological figure, and thus her reality changes frequently as a feature. Not bad. And hey, Diana and Donna have something to bond over now!

Because Lois & Clark is a mini that finished like a year ago and they moved Superdad to both Superman & Action? how exactly are they competing

The puppy issue is magnificent too. That's one that I actually think works even better if you're burning through the book, because suddenly you get to see Hans all happy and joyful and almost child-like. Which makes the rest of the story hit that much harder.

In my head Canon you're 60

It made me start thinking about the difference between "I want more of this, please" vs. "This is really just a retread"

The latter is why even though I like Samnee I haven't done anything on Waid/Samnee BW


Did the thread talk about Perez's cameo in this weeks Wonder Woman? there was a dude in the live thread mad af about it

I am deffo not 60


Gosh, 70?!

If they're going to do that, I wish they'd done it right away. But I'd be okay with it, I guess. I just find this situation where Supergirl and Superman aren't cousins because they're respective versions are both dead and there are two Loises to be too damn confusing.

That's some Yakety Saz nonsense!

I'm thinking mid-30's




HA! So this is what I've been missing. Damn, no wonder you're all waifuing Katana.

Mad? I mean, the cameo was kinda there. It wasn't super flattering, but it's nothing to get upset about.

I like these Soviet troopers complaining about their campaign goals.

Storyteller is secretly Vandal Savage, but the good one from Justice League.

> I wish I had ein remote
> why won't they let me watch The History Channel?

i was watching supergirl and loling at the comic doing the TV status quo but also her dad is Cyborg Superman

It was either that or the Scooby-Doo theme. And the page frankly doesn't have enough doors.

Technically speaking...since Pre-Flashpoint earth and Nu52 earth are the same...Rebirth Superman actually is Supergirl's cousin.

do we want ONE MORE tonight?

>because I don't have to go to wrrk in the morning, just the afternoon

Scooby Doo used different music every time, didn't it? I haven't watched OG Scooby since it aired on cartoon network.

Since it's been brought up, I still don't see the appeal in Orlando with Supergirl. And that first page was a bad copy of ASS. What made the ASS page work was how little was said

Did that one team up with Stalin as a knock off Colossus?

>It made me start thinking about the difference between "I want more of this, please" vs. "This is really just a retread"
that's a good question

There's some characters who seem to get the same storyline redone every so often (i.e. Black Widow since the movies came out, X-23, etc) and it seems like a rehash, but then there's other characters who kind of feel like they have cyclical development where they go through similar stories but they don't feel like rehashes? It's hard to describe the difference

And n-now it's... s-springtime... for Hitler... ;_;

Don't we always?

Sure, if you can muster your frail old bones to do it.

Nah. This guy is some Superman from an alternate universe, he's not the real Superman.

>Very well, Ready! Aim!


>i.e., if you're going to do a retcon, it's actually better to make it quick and get on with what you're honestly interested in, RUCKA
I told you, Cred Forums. I told you that Rucka was gonna write "not muh" the series.

But she thinks "her" Clark is dead and she doesn't know the other guy.




you mean knock off of THE PROLETARIAN The Worker's Hero!

>there's other characters who kind of feel like they have cyclical development where they go through similar stories but they don't feel like rehashes?
How come no examples for this?

I haven't felt this sad for the death of a Nazi since I saw Battle Tendency.


It has a bit of it's own thing but the attempt at importing TV Cat was a step too far for me.

I think there were some outright bad pages of writing in it (I think there are/have been in TK's Batman too) but overall it was like one of two or three introspection-heavy Rebirth things I haven't hated.

True. The missing ten years will probably be returned and change that. She and Nu52 Superman weren't exactly close anyway.

Johnny Storm is kind of like that, in some ways?

because I'm tired and I can't think of any

maybe Batman going through I'M A LONER, STAY OUT OF MY CITY, I WORK ALONE versus THE BATFAMILY ARE MY BABIES, I AM BATDAD phases? Or Hal losing his ring roughly every 10 years and having stories where he gets it back?


> And they all lived happily ever after
> except Stroheim who died in WWII and never got to see Joseph again

>Barr discussing why Batman should kill the Joker

Nazis never get happy endings. That's like a law of fiction.

>Actually, it's kind of weird, the total lack of "leveraging RDJ Tony Stark" the past few years

Comic fans just don't give that much of a shit about Iron Man. No point.


It's that they've gone kind of half-assed with it--they've done some obviously RDJizations but they've held back/done weird COMICS! style shit instead

I'm thinking of maybe Jonah Hex, who under Palmiotti and Gray had his origin story retold not once but twice. And it worked both times because the first was a three-issue job that intertwined it with events currently going on in Hex's life, and the second was more of a greatest hits with a slight extra part at the beginning.
The big problem with that is that it depends 100% on the quality of the script, because you can try doing an exact retelling with newer art and sensibilities or you can try to add new stuff or change events, but if the writing itself isn't gripping or compelling either way it's gonna read like crap. There's no easy way out, I think.


I would say doing something with a distinct theme, like a Western theme, makes this easier too.

God I love Barr and Katana.

Also, with Batman, there's so much good Batman material that's so different that you are now oddly free to write 'Batman' by whatever model you feel most drawn to, most possible paths have been trodden. Whereas I still feel strongly that there's not remotely enough range of Wonder Woman material out there, so I resent retreads more intensely.

Yeah Wonder Woman has less than Bats and Supes in that adaptability.

>also her dad is Cyborg Superman

I guess you missed all the theorizing that they are going to do that to Dean Cain on the show then?

Booster Gold?

See, you're all thinking M. Bison. But I'm that one nerd thinking of Smash Daisaku.

Tatsu is so tiny!

Why is Tatsu's face so squished?

actually just got to that episode lol. still not Zor-El
or whatever

And it's not that it's not potentially there, it's just that right now we're not in a comics era where people will go off the wall like they had the freedom to in the past, e.g. Sword of the Atom. In fact, WML's opening gambit was utterly about that, and everyone after him fucking wasted it.

Wow, Brion deCAPitated him.

Hitler was a REAL an Hero, and a real human bean.

That would still be the wrong dad.

Her dad being Cyborg Superman is something from the New52


You think you're the only one who played Gunstar Heroes, user?

also the tire fire of the attempt at spy Wonder Woman

>also, we can fuck later

God, you just know Ostrander read all of this.

What was wrong with groovy spy Wonder Woman?

> We're not in a comics era where people will go off the wall like they had the freedom to in the past

Is it really the freedom or the desire? I feel like as publishers outside of Marvel/DC became more and more viable in the mid 80's and early 90's and some people found there way into self publishing the creative people are now free to make their own comics rather than tell them with established characters. So more and more the people going to The Big 2 are just the super fans who want to make their own version of a story they've already read

I mean Frank Miller wanted to do crime comics and was told no, so he used Daredevil as a vehicle for his interests. If he was coming up now he'd just be doing a crime comic for Image

I'm glad I'm not, my friend.

>In fact, WML's opening gambit was utterly about that, and everyone after him fucking wasted it.
I miss Taco Whiz.

And I-Ching.

>Batman's editor needs to write a nearly page long essay about "Why doesn't Batman just kill the Joker" after Batman's teammate once again kills somebody

Fiction. Fiction never changes.

Space Ghost CTC is making me think of the *other* HOW THE FUCK DID THIS GET AIRED???? thing of my youth, TV Funhouse

(I have the DVDs)

Yes, I think

>he didn't like O'Neil's run

Check this nigga out. Literally the only problem with O'Neil's run was the way it ended and the reasons why.

>Comic fans just don't give that much of a shit about Iron Man.

Iron Man is never more than 5 years away from becoming a villain protagonist again.


I do like that he admits that a big part of it is "We don't want to keep making new villains."

I mean, it was a tire fire in the sense that "it got disavowed and wiped off the face of the earth" more than "it sucked in and of itself"

that previous page: lol fanservice

also: Katana STILL best mom

>No Chewbacca there to not get a medal.

Halo is totally gay.

Halo is cute. CUTE!

This is going into Jeff's display case, right next to the Olympic medals.


>We don't want to keep making new villains

I think it was Erik Larsen who admitted that sometimes he would just make up new villains because he forgot what older ones looked like

Alan Davis has drawn he head extremely square the entire time he's been on art.

That sucked, new 52 Cat was so much better than TV Cat

That tailor is rightfully pissed.

>I mean, it was a tire fire in the sense that "it got disavowed and wiped off the face of the earth" more than "it sucked in and of itself"
You know what else I miss? Dr. Cyber. And Diana's groovy boutique.

Uhoh, I'm drunk enough that it's CARAMELLDANSEN time

>Tatsu has to deal with Gaby's first real crush going wrong

There's a cut of the end medal scene which goes to the wreckage of Leia's home planet and I'd be grateful if anyone who knows it links it.

lol @ that blunt-ass letter

Didn't Halo get a boyfriend during that Cobra mission?

Hah! "The Private Life of Helen of Troy" is a 1926 John Erskine novel.

Poor Cat goes through so many personality transplants. I liked sweet airhead Cat, too.

>going to LA for real


Yeah, but he was creepy and too old for her. There was that boy at school before that.


No, Halo was about to ask Windfall if she would like some making fuck!

>I've only skimmed but I can't give a shit about either story, even though Nicola's art is nice? It's that "nice" is how it appears to me. It's very nice. It's very anodyne. There's no thunder and blood and spirit to any of it. It's incredibly careful.

I like Year One ok enough, but yeah. This is pretty fair.

Probably the worst part is that we just had Earth One come out and even though it wasn't really too adventurous either it seems like it did more interesting stuff as far as mythology goes, like the underlying sci-fi shit and orgy festivals and all. Felt like we got more of an understanding of their culture when Year One is just kind of there.

Looker reading like "This sounds fun."
Also, Metamorpho inventing Duel Disks like ten years before the fact.

Who printed it?! Also, those jeans.

omg that shirt

>Probably the worst part is that we just had Earth One come out
I still find it funny how we got 3 Wondy origins in one year

>Legend of WW
>Year One

Curious to see in Jill Thompson's OGN is an origin too lol


Donna Troy is standing on the sidelines with a sign that says "THIS IS WHAT THEY DO TO PEOPLE".

>Curious to see in Jill Thompson's OGN is an origin too lol
Doesn't it take place with young Diana on the island or was that something else

"They Retcon Wonder Women, Don't They?"

Gaby, pls.

What annoys me about WWEO is that the Amazons don't have their crazy Golden Age tech in the mainline books, and that's really fucking lame. Themyscira needs more SCIENCE!!! dammit.

>Metamorpho inventing Duel Disks like ten years before the fact.

What's the point of playing card games if you aren't simultaneously driving a motorcycle?

drunk OP is a lewd OP

Yeah, at least the pitch for Thompson seemed to have a genuinely young Diana the whole way through.


>Denise was able to see past Superman's brilliant disguise

She's trouble, that's what she is!

>What annoys me about WWEO
what annoys me about WWEO is all the Amazons were wearing pants

it made sense when I posted the RIGHT PAGE, which is

>I’m a 15 year old girl. Here’s why I’m worried about Marvel’s New Iron Man.

>It's gross af that she looks that sexy


Yeah, and you put them away so you don't accidentally crush them.
Not that I'd have sny experience with that, you understand...

Oh, sweetie.

Thank you user

> Oh Brion...it felt like the Earth moved
> Yeah sorry about that

Now that you mention it, Riri IS pretty sexy

i thought it was gonna be anti-bendis for the first paragraph or so

>i was excited until i saw the cover

>Instead of focusing on Riri’s genius and strength, Marvel put the focus on her body. At 15 she is still a child, and a sexy image like this is potentially harmful to millions of young teen girls already dealing with body issues.

>I understand realism is not the point of a comic book, but if their goal was to create a character who girls can relate to and one day aspire to become, they dangerously missed the mark.

>Teenagers have always played an important role in superhero comics. However, they are usually boys that no artist would dare sexualize. Just take a look at one of the most beloved teenage superheroes of all time: Spider-Man.


with powers like his, he'd better get her off and good

I can't help but be suspicious of this one, but probably I'm just being paranoid.


>rehashing Diana's origin
Please... please just stop. Are you really so hard up for ideas? You know she's an ambassador, right? Have her go do diplomatic shit or something.

You did notice the night-long orgy, right? And yet you're bitching about pants.



>with powers like his, he'd better get her off and good

God think about Metamorpho, or don't

>Bear in mind, these two characters are supposed to be the same age.

So she clearly hasn't been reading Spidey comics whatsoever, which also makes me think "this is one fake 15-year old" or at least "this is a Concerned Citizen"

Men in three-piece suits: I approve.

I can't decide if we're supposed to sympathize of think he's "ungrateful".

that adorable Halo outfit

Dear owls, I think we are going to leave the Outsiders here for now, and go over to some weird Marvel shit.

Back Tuesday, and thank you for reading.

I'm kinda confused myself...

Peter hasn't been 15 in over 40 years!

Halo really is not for lewd.

>weird Marvel shit.


there's so much bronze age marvel we're underread in

Aw, is user grumpy because it's past your bedtime? Just take a nap and you'll feel all better.

Don't forget that picture explaining Texas weather

well peter IS going to be a manchild for forever even though he hasn't been a teenager in decades

And Halo gets to dress like Donald Duck.

I was all weirded the fuck out by the Looker backup in last storytime, but I think we're supposed to see it as unhappy and unfortunate and she's kind of fucked up.

Thanks for the storytime!

I think there are elements of both!

Thanks OP!

There's an angle that he's a douche for wanting to change her back and not being happy that she's happy, but she's also turned into a shallow crazy person. It's all so creepy.

Well, we could say that, but then Ultimate Marvel fucked things up by creating a totally redundant universe.

I think there was a mix, Hyppolyta had a skirt

I liked the weird fashion aesthetic with the colors and shit tbqh

Hey, continue taking solace in your fictional dyke island.


Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

>weird ass Marvel shit
... Oh shit, did you actually take my suggestion? Oh dear...


>Dear owls, I think we are going to leave the Outsiders here for now, and go over to some weird Marvel shit.


Maybe she was thinking of Spidey the comic about teenage Peter

Enjoy your nap, user. Catch some Zs, maybe you'll stop being a little bitch. Good night.

In this case Weird Marvel shit means Quasar, anons. It's been previously announced.

See you Tuesday, hope the hip surgery goes okay.

we're reading WENDELL next



Did we miss an issue of Punisher 2099? I don't think we got around to this.

Thanks again OP.

Yeah the whole thing is odd. I don't feel like he's actually acting an asshole though even if that's the intent.

Oh thank God. I accidentally inspired someone to storytime Penance: Relentless.

>wrong thread


It'll be this weekend if I get some vodka, FYI

Post raises a question this thread is best-placed to answer: what does Zemo drink?

He's Saxon, so he likes Gose, but mostly schnapps

also if we never read losh/trek and spider-boy& The Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099

You upload 'em, we'll get to them when the drinkie gods dictate it

I apologize in advance, Anons.

Oh, it's been lurking in the background since we did Ellisbolts

You just happened to remind me

and I need flavored vodka

solicits are tomorrow, right?

not sure, might be next week since we get top 300 sales tomorrow

They don't usually put them out the last week of the month and there was a few early DC solicits over the weekend so they should be this week

What is that pic from, anyway? Is that fanart or a cover?

I think it's an unused cover from Born Better.


71 years after his death and people think still use him as a go to bad guy.

>tfw no Zemo's bartender one-shot

It's from Helmut's Fash & Ass blog.

Why is it that Outsiders never really caught on properly?

The name's a bit crap. That's what happens when you let Metamorpho coin it

I know it's late but I have the hardcover and don't regret it, it's one of the biggest Archive editions I think.


