After the finale, how much longer do you all think their frienship would last...

After the finale, how much longer do you all think their frienship would last? Their relationship seemed to be straining in the last few seasons.

Isn't Joseph a raging Arsonist

Joseph is very likely to become a rapist and end up in prison

Bobby probably ends up being a janitor and even sadder than Bill.

Not long. They were best friends in middle schoole and like you said, they were already starting to drift apart once Joseph started playing football and they started getting into girls.
Then again, they're pretty much each others only friends so that alone may keep them as friends for a while.

>Then again, they're pretty much each others only friends so that alone may keep them as friends for a while.
Joseph seemed to be getting along with the other guys on the football team; Bobby didn't seem to interested in expanding out, though.

Heck, he barely even spoke to Connie towards the end.

Bobby's too easygoing and chill and not weirded out by Joseph's strange behavior. They're bros until the end of high school for sure.

Bonby had a ton of talents, and a lot of them showed he was pretty good at stuff that would carry him into a sucessful career later on.

Bobby was really funny and good with girls when he wanted to be. Depending on how puberty hits him the boy could do really well and popular with a little effort. Joseph needs a lot of work to be socially capablr past his good looks and physical ability; he'll probably end up peaking in High school anf ending up in some minor but niche job that keeps him busy and if he's lucky happy.

I hate thinking about friendships after the first year of high school until adulthood.

Bobby was actually talented, but he was talented in shit hank didn't like.

He'd probably have a decent shot at a good life

>Joseph's strange behavior

Depends, if he continues on his current path of physically capability it doesn't much matter, he could go to college then go pro. If he does that he'd be royalty in Arlen despite beiing a creep. And there's a chance he grows out of being a creep, he is just 14 and he's shown atleast enough social awareness to blend in with the other popular kids.

Joseph seemed to be typically aware of the line, even if he got pretty close to crossing it sometimes; I think he'd be fine.

Bobby is going to be a well-adjusted liscened councilor and you know it

Bobby, Joseph, and Connie enter a polyamorous relationship.

To be fair, Bill kinda pushed him into that.

>Bill wanted to see Bobby dress up as Cupid

Connie convinces one to bottom for the other in front of her.
Turns out they wanted each other more all along.
Humorously it turns out Bobby's the top.
Poly with Connie turns into Connie watching the other two have sex all the time to Connie growing apart from them and becoming a doctor.
Hank kicks Bobby out after he catches them fucking on a stack of propane tanks.
Bobby gets super flaming afterwards.
Joseph leaves Bobby after Bobby renames himself Bobbi and starts wearing jorts everywhere.
Joseph moves in with Redcorn under a strict "No Boys in the Trailer" Policy
With nowhere else to turn Bobbi begins whoring himself out on the streets in drag.
Bill doesn't recognize him, begins paying Bobbi to live with him because he looks so much like Peggy.
Bobbi gets away with having a penis because he ends up being able to mimic Peggy so well Bill doesn't care.
Bill has always wanted Peggy to peg him anyway, bonus points.
Now grey haired and dealing with Beavis and Butthead, Hank Hill doesn't even recognize his son anymore in spite of him living across the street.
Then he sees Bobbi fucking Bill in their house when coming over for some steak rub and it clicks while he watches his son Bobby fuck his best friend Bill while acting like his wife Peggy.
Hank Hill kills himself shortly after his last appearance in Beavis and Butthead.

Yeah, actually. He lived vicariously through Bobby hoping that a big grand insane gesture would win the girl back.

Although they'd end up being in separate social circles, Bobby and Joseph remain friends.
Joseph ends up following a similar high school path as Hank, taking the team to state, but doesn't blow out his ankle due to Hank's off-field coaching.
Bobby ends up as a professional meat grader for the USDA. He does stand-up comedy on the weekends as a hobby.
Although Joseph has to travel a lot because of his football contract, he and Bobby grab a beer together whenever he's in town.

How old will joseph be when he finally finds out that Redcorn is his real father

and how much will it fuck him up emotionally?

Joseph is first and foremost a Gribble.
It took Dale 15ish years to figure out his dad was gay, and that was only because everyone got involved and told him. Twice, the first time he still didn't understand.

Not to mention they both easily believe in aliens and the like. It would take Redcorn collapsing and trying to tell Joseph whats up, but it seems he let that sail fly and won't be getting that close to Joseph.

Thanks for such a great kek user

You're welcome. I try to live to serve and tickle people inappropriately.

But uh, user.

Wasn't there an episode near the end of the series where Joseph pretty much finds out? Like, it's never said but there's a moment between Redcorn and Joseph that has a knowing look shared between the two?

Do you think Dale's a good dad? I mean he's a weirdo gun nut conspiracy theorist, but he seems to be on a similar wave length to Joesph unlike Hank and Bobby.

Anyway it depends, I doubt Bobby and Joesph hang at school, but Joesph is a neurotic weirdo with a laundry list of emotional problems and Bobby's a good listening ear so I assume they still get along and chill occasionally.

I imagine Bobby standing there awkwardly in the corner of Joesph's 16th birthday party as Joesph's football friends all joke around.

Now that I think about it, why the fuck was Hank friends with Dale in the first place? For a guy that gets pissed so easily, putting up with Dale for 20 years seems odd.

He's a good dad in the sense that he genuinely loves and cares about Joseph. His parenting skills are pretty lacking, though.