4 years ago

>4 years ago

Thanos has a shitty Space GPS if he hasn't found a single fucking gem

Remember when there was hype?

He had one and have it to Loki to use.
Not to mention he had hired multiple people to get others for him.

They made a mistake not using that guy.

>2 years ago

How much more hyped would it be if they waited to show Thanos until Guardians or Age of Ultron.

This is what happens when you hype something too early!

They did. I also hate, hate, hate his southern trucker voice. Who the fuck thought that was appropriate casting?

>southern trucker voice

Did you not hear him talk in Guardians of the Galaxy? He sounds like a guy you'd meet at a rest stop diner.

> Scary bad guy.
> Surrounds himself with people who are all against him and scheming against him.

Did he even know it was in the scepter given it was in blue casing?

In Thanos's mind he has all of them that he knows the location of because in his mind he can just walk down there and get them at any time.


>order some dude to make a thrown
>he makes it out of fucking rocks
>just sticks a bunch of hockey puck thrusters on it that are apparently draw propellant from fucking nowhere

>Still have to wait two more years.
I've already lost interest in the MCU just waiting for this faggot.

John Goodman should have been Thanos.

>John Goodman

I disagree.

By the time this purple scrotum appears for real, CGI will have advanced so far that you won't recognize him from earlier cameos.

At first I honestly thought he'd be the sequel's villain.

The only acceptable voice for Thanos is Beast Wars Megatron

Legend has it, he's still sitting on that chair doing nothing.

The Bagramon of Marvel. To think the day would come.

He uses to be a dark purple but now he's a very light purple pink color . What went wrong?

>What went wrong?

One is in the shadow to emphasize his glowing eyes. One is in the light, to show he's a brick shithouse.

Back then, i was still a casual wondering why there was a red Skrull.

Oh don't forget, though, he said he was going to """Do it himself.""

>I set it all up for ya fellas, a big chinned purple CGI grape monster in gold armor. Good luck!

We're so fucked with Thanos.

He's a compelling enough character when Starlin writes him but none of that has come across in the movies. All he is is the world ender and literally every capeshit movie now ends with a world ender. How BIG and HIGH STAKES could Avengers 3 be? All of the heroes stand around on green screens and fight Thanos' CGI armies in a city while a big laser shoots into the sky? Who gives a fuck? This is the opposite direction these movies need to be going. Smaller, tighter, more focused and more character driven villains. We need DOOM. We need someone compelling and cerebral and sympathetic and not fodder for a big SFX stunt spectacular climax.

Imagine this scene (webm related) but with four times more characters in it and in the middle of space. It'll be a clusterfuck of CGI.

It'll be like poetry, something so crazy that it'll implode the Marvel Cinematic Universe (normies will shit on it) like if it was Marvel's Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Infinity War is going to cost an absolute fortune

Oh, we're skipping Black Panther and going straight to "Infinity War will be Marvel's first flop, guys! For real!"

I personally gave up on trying to predict box office successes. I just know that these movies are starting to get really genericand shitty no matter how many people buy tickets to see them

hopefully it'll change to all the heroes fighting one guy and all getting their asses kicked

And then Tony whips out a Cosmic Cube that he made and Thanos explodes in the silliest fashion. Que the monologue with scenes of the Avengers going back to their own lives, then the meaningful one-liner, then the credits. After-credits scene teases Captain Carol.

There was no gem in the scepter when the first Avengers film was made. It was all because of fan theories that the studio decided to put a gem inside without thinking too much about how it makes Thanos a stupid retard for giving it to Loki.

In comics I've just been reading him as regular G1 Megatron.

he's a fucking california raisin in the sun, cut him some slack.

Can't wait to se the thanos sing/dance off against the avengers

>. I just know that these movies are starting to get really genericand shitty no matter how many people buy tickets to see them
Third Captain America movie went out of its way to play on the audiences expectations and ended up being one of the best marvel movies because of it.

>Bad guys waking up a bunch of super soldiers cap, you gotta reconcile with Tony and bring your Black side kick and PTSDed friend and all go fight them to save the day.
>Just kidding bad guy killed all the super soldiers and just made a set up to get Tony to try and kill your friend, all out of revenge.

This. In fact, I don't think "Infinity gauntlet was even going through their heads when they made Thanos the power behind Loki in the first one. The Tesseract was the cosmic cube, and hinted to be sentient, as cosmic cubes in the comics are, and Loki's staff was simply powered by the cube.

His introduction and scenes in that movie were really anti-climatic and underwhelming. Does anyone else agree or is just me? It was like "oh and here's Thanos, I hope you already know that though..."

And I hate how they didn't mention his recent invasion of Earth even once...

I agree. Marvel's been shitting the bed in the villain department. But then again, that's what happens when you cater only to casuals and normies who are used to the bad guy just being a strawman the good guy knocks down because they can't pay attention to anything more complicated than that.

It was treading water, so to speak. We've already seen him sit in a chair, we've already seen his face, we've already seen that he's after objects of power, and we've already seen implications that those who cross him suffer terrible fates, without really any proof of it. It was just more of the same, and it didn't really seem like Gunn knew much about the character, what made the him work, or what to do with him.

Can't unsee.

>Marvel knows how to actually build up their villain before using him

Knowing Marvel these days Black Panther and Luke Cage are going to combine their might minority powers and destroy Thanos with one blow!