Webcomic Recomendations?

I have a fair bit more time on my hands than usual, so now I have to fill it. Read Discworld thrice already, don't feel like reading it for another half a year or so, so I figure might as well see about adding a few webcomics to my list. Any recommendations?

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Whomp! and Nedroid seem to be the only comics that Cred Forums nearly unanimously agrees are good.

I really liked Fanboys Online but it died a death after the author went through a LOT of personal shit.

this is the best one going

Try with SSSS, yeah it is slow, but the art and the story are amazing, besides she updates daily.

It's an old list but still pretty faithful.

The ones I personally keep up with are:
It Hurts
Dr McNinja
Gunnerkrigg Court
Cucumber Quest
Awkward Zombie
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
Poppy O'Possum
Gogo Bomango whenever that officially starts
And probably a few others I simply forgotten.


missed one

I fucking love you, man. Never, ever stop being you.

That image is small and hard to read!

I recommend Endtown. If for any reason than that 90% of the fans are in Cred Forums.

That image is tiny, but I don't think I see Erma. Why don't I see Erma?

Kill Six Billion Demons is pretty fun


Started off strong but it's been getting really stale

I came in to say Manly guys, I'm surprised to see Awkward Zombie, I don't remember when I stopped reading but her strips just stopped being funny a few years back. Did she hit a stride of funny again?

>I came in to say Manly guys

It sucks hard ever since the artist changed focus from jokes about action characters in popular fiction to focus on her original-characters do-not-steal panromantic bisexual WOMEN-CAN-BE-STRONG-TOO.

Has Ronnie become Dr. Claw? Or does he need to get his arm bandaged first?

I don't know I liked the story of Commander and his Gf going to the future and the death battle. However she does still put out action character comics too. I think she has a nice medium

I'm one of the maybe 20 people on Cred Forums who actually reads It Hurts!!. It's really good.


Don't forget Heathcliff. Even though it's not technically a webcomic, every day's new strip gets uploaded onto a variety of sites (like gocomics.com) so you can basically treat it like a webcomic if you don't have a newspaper sub.

>Dr. McNinja (on its final arc, will probably be over by the end of the year, still, that's a lot of backlog to read through if you haven't already and if you get caught up fast, you might be able to hop on board for the last dozen or two pages)
>Kill 6 Billion Demons
Seem to be the generally recommended webcomics around here.


May as well cut to the chase then and read Homestuck. It's the one you'll like the most anyway.

I rather enjoy SSSS actually- It's ponderously slow, but it's also surprisingly delicious.

Yeah, I rather enjoy those series, though not in bingable formats- Largely just popping in every once in a while to see what the comic is.

What is this, a list for ants?
From what I can tell, I read It Hurts, am lagging behind on Dr McNinja, read Gunnerkrig, Cucumber Quest, Testosterone, Unsounded, Gunnerkrigg, Guilded Age, and OoTS.

I generally try to steer clear of Fancomics about fandoms for stuff I don't really enjoy.

Never heard of it, and it's site's difficult to browse. Can you provide a short blurb about it or something?

*Googles Erma*
... Well. This is odd. Slightly terrifying. But kinda enjoyable. Like that new york spinach tomato pizza. If there's an official site, post the link.

*Begins browsing*
Huh. Looks intresting, but the begining is one of those "How 'bout we drop you in without any sort of framing device and lots of blah blah" starts.

What the fuck. Imma look at that when I'm less tired.

Another "Browse once in a while" comic. Honestly have no idea how I feel about that one.

Already have mate. At least until it kinda lost me, somewhere after the megagigapause or whatever pause it was.





Oglaf updates once every sunday and theres a huge backlog of strips that will take a while to get through


The story is still at a very early stage, and so is the development of the characters, nevertheless so far so good, and the excellent art always leaves you craving for more.

Plus it has a GILF!

Part of me is actually shocked that Bleedman's fanfic crossover comics are still going after all this time. I would have thought the audience for those would have left years ago.

if you like fantasy world building, check out Unsounded. it starts off pretty fun and light hearted, but shit gets fucking brutal in the later chapters.

EGS is still going, too. And Mega Tokyo. Some things just never get old.