’m a 15 year old girl. Here’s why I’m worried about Marvel’s New Iron Man
I wish I could push a button and kill every one of you faggots that post this clickbait shit on Cred Forums. Fuck off forever.
But I also don’t look like Riri. In fact, very few 15-year-old girls look like Riri and that gets to my problems with the new Iron Man cover.
Instead of focusing on Riri’s genius and strength, Marvel put the focus on her body. At 15 she is still a child, and a sexy image like this is potentially harmful to millions of young teen girls already dealing with body issues.
I understand realism is not the point of a comic book, but if their goal was to create a character who girls can relate to and one day aspire to become, they dangerously missed the mark.
Teenagers have always played an important role in superhero comics. However, they are usually boys that no artist would dare sexualize. Just take a look at one of the most beloved teenage superheroes of all time: Spider-Man.
Comparing covers featuring Peter Parker and Riri Adams, we see drastically different images.
Bear in mind, these two characters are supposed to be the same age. But while Peter is immediately seen as joyful, goofy and freewheeling, Riri’s cover simply reflects that she is hot. The message is clear: despite her genius, she will be known for her body.
>She looks too sexualized, instead of looking like a normal teenager
>Bear in mind, these two characters are supposed to be the same age.
She said she was a comic book fan
Why did she lie?
Peter has been a grown man for 45 years. Most of his publishing history actually
Is this why marvel won't let Pete grow up? His public perception is permanently etched as "teenager"?
The line about spider man was actually what I wanted to talk about but it made no sense with out the clickbait context
I know some will like to shout down this girl for saying that Riri and Peter are similar in age (despite the fact Marvel insists on keeping Peter locked in a state of perpetual manchildness), I think she has a point...
Also, it's kind of nice to see Bendis get called out on his fauxversity
Moon Girl would probably be more up this girl's alley but Marvel's done a shite job promoting her
>His public perception is permanently etched as "teenager"?
You've only just noticed this? Why did you think every film reboot has him either in college or highschool.
If you're the OP, you should have stuck it in the first post so everyone who enters thread knows what you're on about.
Public perception of Peter as a teen is mostly Marvel's fault I think - especially the Ultimate universe
It's no excuse but that shit cover makes him look like a teenager
>But I also don’t look like Riri
step it up, frumpy
Peter is going to be a manchild for forever who might as well get deaged
>too sexualized for a teenager
I take it the author doesn't actually hang around kids her age.
Oh cool some site published a tumblr blog whining about body image
Who gives a fuck
Blame Marvel for insisting that the Swingin' Single years were the best times for Peter as a character and the constant efforts to return Peter to that state
I actually had no idea that Riri was 15, I assumed that she was 18 at least
>clickbait shit on Cred Forums
That's Marvel in a nutshell though. They've become the clickbait of comics.
>At 15 she is still a child,
NO 15 year old EVER said this in history
fuck off
are having underaged sex every day
there IS no 'oversexualizing' teens
How's she fit all that hair in a helmet?
Don't they already have Moon Girl for super smart Afro Black Girl?
Having black people and women in major roles is as big of a step as the big 2 are willing to go right now. Maybe in ten years we'll have fat transgender Thor.
Ideally they are having sex with each other though
You can tell Marvel really patted themselves on the back with HOW PROGRESSIVE they were with giving this bitch hoop earrings and a giant nappy afro
On an unrelated note, who gives a fuck about Teen characters? They're rarely ever any good and even more rarely actually act like teens. I mean it's either we get a 50 year old grown man writing what he thinks the cool young kids are doing or we get some bloated pretentious shit where it turns out the teen is super special and totally amazing at everything but nobody ever listens to them because their life is so over-dramatic
Fuck, Spiderman only really worked because the world fucking hates him. He never gets a break, he just works hard to barely break even. And even then, he never gets a happy ending. He just avoids the bad one
Half of those aren't even relevant or comparable, but I have the feeling that the creator knows it.
>*snort* superman is powered by the sun. it actually makes *snort* more sense for him to be fat since he has no reason to excer*snort*cise
I can already hear it
Or with their drug dealers.
>who gives a fuck about Teen characters?
probably the teen-and-younger demographic
Riri's age is the dumbest fucking shit. I was actually kind of interested when I though she was in her early 20s since she was a college student.
Then "oh, she's 15" and I instantly stop caring. I mean shit, at least make her 18-19.
Ok user, when you were a kid what superheroes did you like?
sorry grandpa, this is how Cred Forums works now
if you don't like it u can go rot with the other old green bones on the deadchans
>literally just posting a link and the article title
When did this place become Reddit?
>Children feel self conscious because of fiction characters meme.
Fuck off. Children feel self conscious because of their peers, not drawings.
Have you seen high school girls these days? It's not even fair.
>I'm a 15 year old
Opinion discarded
>Bear in mind, these two characters are supposed to be the same age. But while Peter is immediately seen as joyful, goofy and freewheeling
Wew lad.
Allegedly minority children react better to fiction that depicts their own race, I can see children liking stories of people with their own weight class too.
I find the metaphor of Superheroes works well when paralleled with concepts of growing up and puberty.
I don't care
Being fat shouldn't be praised.
>I'm a 15 year old girl
Opinion discarded.
Okay, so now it suddenly changed from.
>This is damaging!
>They would like it more.
Even the ignoring the fact that they just don't make comics for kids anymore in general, promoting unhealthy body types shouldn't be encouraged.
Not same user, but I liked the teen titans and x-men when I was a kid. The younger heroes were more relatable to me. Even shit like Sailor Moon because they were all teenagers and dealing with school. Now that I'm older I don't really follow the kid heroes, though I probably would have been into something like Champions or Young Avengers back then.
>Fuck, Mad Max only really worked because the world fucking hates him. He never gets a break, he just works hard to barely break even. And even then, he never gets a happy ending. He just avoids the bad one
Still works?
Not the user that you're talking to, but that was the exact opposite for me. I was into married Parker, Batman, and Wolverine.
She clearly doesn't actually read comics so why do you guys care?
I think what's important is all children to see characters of different races interact, work together, and get along with each other because it does actually impact their acceptance of their peers. It's not just so white kids can admire white characters only, but for them to acknowledge the existence of people outside of their own race as playing a role in society. Black kids aren't restricted to only liking black characters, but it does help them see people like themselves as being part of that world.
Because she's going to say shit like her suit is "on fleek" and other shit a 50 year old bald jew thinks teens say?
DC has pretty much overturned everything on that list. It was always b8 anyway
When did She Hulk become that girl who plays Arya Stark?
I don't give a fuck if you agree or disagree with whatever this issues is, if you post this trash on this board you are the problem.
Riiight, and what comics are you currently following?
When she was drawn by Pullido.
I actually agree with this 100%. I wonder who ghostwrote this article.
The fact that different people like different things is proof that there should be a wide variety to choose from. Black teenager Iron Heart may not appeal to you, but I've also talked to some comic readers that are excited for it. There's plenty of books I don't give a shit about out there, like Punisher or Deadpool, but I know those books have their audience so it would be stupid of me to say that just because I don't like it that it shouldn't exist. Cred Forums is a pretty small representation of comic readers, but for some reason people here tend to think they're the only demographic that exists.
I'm unconvinced this was actually written by a 15 year old girl.
While I agree with her that it's a pretty dumb double standard considering they didn't do it with Spiderman, this line stood out to me.
>However, despite the image you probably have in your head right now, I’m not a nerdy-looking, awkward kid who drinks Doritos through a straw (although there’s nothing wrong with that!).
1. Who the fuck drinks Doritos through a straw?
2. What the hell does she mean there's nothing wrong with that?
Vision, Thunderbolts, CA:Sam, CA:Steve, Ultimates, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Gwenpool, Civil War, Power Man & Iron Fist, ANAD Avengers. Why?
>What the hell does she mean there's nothing wrong with that?
That she doesn't judge people.
Well, setting aside that it's fucking gross, it's highly unhealthy. Which means there is something OBJECTIVELY wrong with that.
Exaggerating the idea she's an asocial nerdy CHUD and then saying there's nothing wrong with being an asocial nerdy CHUD.
But the "double standard" pretty much amounts to "Riri is too hot looking for my likings in that picture change it" it's not like she's overtly sexualized she's not posed in a ridiculous way showing off how hot she is, she's just in a shirt that reveals her stomach.
>In fact, very few 15-year-old girls look like Riri
You're just not looking hard enough.
If you have to look hard then that kind of proves their point
>tfw missed out on all the good times growing up
>All Marvel books.
>Vast majority of them are shit.
Figures, but regardless, you as a reader should know that what you said is a load of shit. Comics have (and the big two in particular) a /very/ wide variety of different types of characters in all shapes and colors. For you to say that they have a problem identifying with characters that aren't their own color then they aren't exactly reading comics now are they? They only possible way I could see someone getting that impression was if they only watched the movies.
At least in the case of DC characters, this list is fucking retarded
Sadly, that is what teens say.
Or 20somethings with a teenage mentality at least.
It's a pretty obvious bait image. You have shit on there like Gwenpool replacing Deadpool, even though she's an unrelated character and he has his own ongoing right now, same thing with Miles and Peter.
Don't even know what the Batman and Superman images are supposed to signify, and the She-Hulk and No-Varr ones were literally just art changes.
Teenage girls are shameless.
>tfw back in your school years a bitch was constantly teasing you and flirting with you
>tfw was too autistic to understand that
And now this thread makes me want to start drinking.
Very few people look like most of the A and B list characters in the Marvel U who are for the most part handsome/beautiful or at least very attractive and athletic. That doesn't reflect the majority of the planet.
How about the fact that at 15 your brain isn't even fully developed yet, but apparently she's a genius surpassing Stark. Like experience and education mean nothing to intelligence according to Marvel. You don't actually have to spend time gaining knowledge, it just magically comes to some people.
That's why it's supreme bullshit. Any teenager in the real world isn't going to be smarter than adults, on some newer subjects maybe, but they never will be overall smarter. Especially in the engineering and sciences, where you don't even get to thick of the subject-matter you need to understand them fully until college anyways.
But this is appealing to the "I'll just google it" fucking generation.
And I probably think that some of the books you like are shit. Different tastes, but you just gotta accept that people are looking for different things in their entertainment. This whole thread seems to be full of people that think that every book needs to be catered solely to them and anything that might appeal to somebody that's not them is wrong and bad.
I did not say people have a problem only identifying with characters of the same color, though maybe my wording wasn't clear. It's not just about representing characters for people of their own race, because black people can like white characters and white people can like black characters. What I said is important is that children seeing characters of different races interacting and working together to be more accepting of each other. I think Marvel is fine in diversity, but that doesn't mean they hit some magic quota and no more black characters are allowed to be created now. There's nothing wrong with variety and options.
>tfw back in your school years a bitch was constantly teasing you and flirting with you
>tfw was too autistic to understand that
Fuck me, man. I remember I was was a group of my friends and (being the edgelord kid I was) I kept making shitty sex jokes designed to make people uncomfortable. Hot red head friend of mine would look me dead in the eyes shooting them back to me. I thought she was just trying to be a funny edgelord too.
>Civil War
Please at least tell me you're not enjoying it.
Google Valeria Richards, casual. I know it's hard to read things older than a year or so but Marvel had a girl genius character that precedes Iron Heart by literal decades.
A lot of clickbait sites forgo having them so as to not have people publicly disagree with articles.
I fucking wish Carol had been replaced by Kamala and Carol fucked off into obscurity. Her character has been insufferable for years especially now in Civil War.
No one is arguing about that. What people are arguing about is two major things. One) legacies are an old and tired trope by now, it's getting stale. Two) Bendis is notorious for making characters like this without know what direction he wants to take them. New characters like Mosaic are far more interesting and rely on riding off the waves of an existing successful character as an excuse for popularity. It's just laziness at this point.
Implies that an average American would look like some model from tracer.
It's a guaranteed 400+ replies
I'm not, but I want to know what the fuck is happening in the tie-ins. Don't worry, I'm not even paying for it.
I know I didn't when I was one.
Even when I was a kid I liked shows about adults since I always figured anything a kid was doing probably wasn't that important anyway or they'd have gotten a qualified adult to do it.
What I don't understand is why people say hating Carol as Captain Marvel is sexist. It's like they're completely unaware of who Monica is. And if we're going by their logic, wouldn't that make them racist?
>One) legacies are an old and tired trope by now, it's getting stale.
>muh tropes
Fuck off. Legacies are a logical part of comics.
>New characters like Mosaic are far more interesting and rely on riding off the waves of an existing successful character as an excuse for popularity. It's just laziness at this point.
And when writers introduce brand new charters connected to nothing people call them OC Donut Steels.
Reminder that this is the audience Marvel has chosen. This is the audience you are standing side by side with by reading Marvel.
You can just report the thread, close it, and ignore it. Thats what I'm gonna do
It's been proven that people that are part of the "Carol Corps" don't give an actual fuck about Carol or her comics they just like the "idea" of Carol, even KSD commented about it and it was pretty funny.
>Cred Forums isn't allowed to discuss comics or articles about comics
The article itself is stupid but I don't even get what people want from this board anymore.
So is Riri going to be the straw to break the camels back or are we in for 5 more years of shit? Because I want the mouse to clean house
Fucking Amerifats...
>Legacies are a logical part of comics.
No they're really not. In fact, most characters are more memorable when there isn't a legacy following them. There's only select examples when a legacy works and that's when it's been previously established long before the legacy even shows up. (Nova, Flash, ect.)
>And when writers introduce brand new charters connected to nothing people call them OC Donut Steels.
That has never happened. The only time that does happen is when the author introduces them as a side character in an existing book when their powers are literally "Everything the other character can do but better". Which is also a tired trope.
Monica is better as Spectrum anyway. The Captain Marvel title didn't really fit her.
The point of most superheroes is to protect people and to be a symbol that inspires people and gives them hope. It's logical that people inspired by specific heroes would take up their mantle or model themselves after them.
>There's only select examples when a legacy works and that's when it's been previously established long before the legacy even shows up. (Nova, Flash, ect.)
>what is the Bat Family
>What is the Superman Family
>What are Spider characters
I could keep going...
>That has never happened.
You obviously don't read comics or are not connected to communities that consume comics media. It happens all the fucking time. Look at Hickman's Avengers series with Ex Nihlo for a recent example.
>The only time that does happen is when the author introduces them as a side character in an existing book when their powers are literally "Everything the other character can do but better". Which is also a tired trope.
Not true at all. Maybe don't spend all of your life on TV Tropes, m8