Wait... why were they using condoms? ... was one of them HIV positive?
Wait... why were they using condoms? ... was one of them HIV positive?
Still cleaner and less friction. Not to mention, even giving a self-edema before sex will still have a small chance for a Hersey's Kiss.
You can practice safe sex without having an STD, user.
if one of you has sperm and the other has eggs, sure. otherwise.. no? not if you're monogamous.
I just assumed buttpirates didnt mind that. and he was so insistent that he buy some, and in their earlier loud argument about the cheap ones, he obviously thinks they're really important, not merely pleasant
Maybe they were ribbed for his pleasure.
Gay sex is just the most inconvenient and gross shit ever
they were, actually
maybe that's why gus was so mad about the cheap ones that broke? maybe they were going in him
Pleasure is really important.
well yeah we're talking about people who have literally built their identity around the kind of pleasure they enjoy. but still, one has to think.. nobody got into it thinking "well this is pretty okay, but.. I dunno, all this poop? I'd kinda.. rather not go in there without a condom"
You don't want to go into the shit river without a suit of protection.
You ask as if you've never had gay sex before.
Anal sex still carries a lot of possible diseases that can be spread simply because you're jamming waste up your dick. The receiver is also at risk from bacteria getting into any ass tears.
Condoms help reduce these risks.
god it's almost like that isn't the intended purpose of those organs.
peanut allergy
Bodoque said that the "Ruta de la caca" was full of blood,poor guy.
The average homosex is dripping with STIs user.
It's why they didn't use to accept blood from them until Orlando and "waah let us help cis scum" happened. They don't want to have to test every single blood pack so they simply try and remove the most at-risk groups.
Fun fact: The human anus rejects semen, cumming in a dudes ass will give him the runs.
Heterosexual couples can do anal too
Yeah but girls don't poop
>It's why they didn't use to accept blood from them until Orlando and "waah let us help cis scum" happened.
I doubt the veracity of your information regarding how recently hospitals have accepted blood transfusions from homosexuals.
Unless you never plan to receive/give oral, who gives a shit what some faggots do?
Nope. Strawberry ice cream. When my wife has Dysentery I hold a waffle cone under her asshole.
It's still inconvenient and gross.
Women are such a mystery.
apathy is a luxury only the foolish can afford
Anal is god's gift to humanity. It's pretty great. Anything related to an ass is always pretty great.
>watch this show again
>for the first time, Andy feels like a younger guy and not a much older more worldly and experienced guy
i'm officially old
The human anus rejects everything, not just semen. The anus is built to keep things out. The skin, muscle fibers and, tissue are all made for pushing things outward. Pushing things inward would be sort of like scrubing fish scales the opposite way.
>I just assumed gays enjoyed the taste of shit
Fucking retard.
which one of us is the retard? the ones trying to justify sticking it in there, or me for thinking they must like it if they're so fucking into doing it?
i get the impression if i was a faggle i'd be pretty much strictly into swordfights. but you never hear anything about those, at all.
Right, because a man has never stuck his dick in a woman's ass.
Apathy of other people's sex life is called minding your own business
man you are 10 kinds of stupid
Thank you President Nixon.
ever known someone else's business to not eventually become your business?
It's like you've never put it in a hot girl's tight ass, faggot.
Yes, in fact that's almost always the case. Shit do you get up in all your friends sex lives?
You seem like the worst kind of person to be around.
What about that knife. Looks like it's touching brain.
It's fine.
>hey random guy, what's your fetish?
>oh I like anal because the woman feels pain during it
straight men, never again
Yet despite this, god put the male G spot in a place where it only gets full stimulation through the butt, and gave you a 60% higher risk of it getting cancer if you don't stimulate it once a month.
It really makes you think.
Is this why I receive a pleasure greater and longer lasting than any orgasm when I hold my shit in?
He just said that this was a very recent thing.
He should really go to the hospital.
You don't see the appeal of being with someone who cares enough about you to do something that's painful for the sake of your pleasure?
You realize condoms are generally lubricated right?
You realize the human ass doesn't have self lubrication like a vagina does right?
You realize that your penis wouldn't just lip right into an asshole because of something called friction right?
Is this a virgin post?
Why is Jim Gordon married to Agent 47?
Poop fairy user. Magically removes the poop.
Though I'm told the poop fairy disappears when you get married.
It's easier to use a condom than it is to clean jizz out of your asshole
Stop fussin'
I forcibly fill my bladder to its limit using sterile saline. Average mans bladder can hold about 800ml. Im able to get about 900ml in there now before I cant even hold it in anymore, and then I start jerking it. Its the most intense orgasms youll ever have.
>Anything related to an ass is always pretty great.
This kind of taste explains why you're browsing Cred Forums
>the same one user get blasted over ass play
I'm not even a fan and I think you're being a faggot, what are you, 17?
I've tried fapping when I've needed to take a piss before.
Usually it just ends with me not enjoying the fap. Especially since I'm trying not to piss myself at the same time.
Technically, yes. The prostate is a large chunk of male orgasm pleasure, which is why pissing for men is strangely satisfying.
The prostate is a donut-shaped organ around the urethra. It does a bunch of stuff, regulating things, but it mainly adds fluid to ejaculate (which is why castrated or sterile men can still orgasm, the balls only add the cloudy sperm itself to semen, most of the fluid is added by the prostate and keeps the sperm alive in the highly acidic vagina; removal of balls greatly reduces desire for orgasm, not ability to get it).
Seminal fluid crystallizes when it gets stagnang. Like honey that gets old. On a molecular level, those crystals are somewhat sharp and irritate the sensitive tissue. Tissue that is irritated too long becomes scar tissue, and since its a VERY important sensitive part of the body it tries VERY hard to heal it. Every time cells reproduce you have a chance of cancer occurring (which is a cell that has lost its ability to suicide when not needed and all controls the body has of forcing it to die, making it just not stop reproducing and choking all other organs and tissue).
This is literally how asbestoes causes cancer in the lungs. I repeat, letting jizz sit too long in your sack is like sticking your head in asbestos and taking a deep breath every day.
You can do four things to precent this. One and two are diet and exercize, the general preventative measure to pretty much all medical problems that nobody does.
Three is jerk off at least once a week, which we pretty much all do.
Four is prostate massage once a month. It can only occur inside the butt.
>letting jizz sit too long in your sack is like sticking your head in asbestos and taking a deep breath every day.
Somehow I dont think you're a doctor
You can do Kegal exercises, which is basically the solution to all penis priblems that aren't disease or size. Or physical stimulation. You can take a cock or a dildo, which is like doing a daily triathalon to lose weight. Or you can buy a sex toy, no joke, that the American Proctology Association recommends. The Aneros Helix, a fairly small prostate stimulator that when in your butt and relaxed does nothing, when clenched presses the prostate gently like a button. Once a month. Very little pleasure, but it does the jib and gives you the dignity of only putting something the length of your pinkey and width of a thumb in your butt for like fuve minutes twelve times a year.
Here's a video showing their "Syn" model, which has silicone around it.
Citation of butt stuff reducing cancer risk.
As for the asbestos comparison, its called Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia.
>faggots are trying to advertise dicks in the ass as a solution to cancer
We don't have enough trees and rope
if dicks in the ass make you leave they are a solution to cancer
shit in your dick is bad
They'll make you leave the mortal coil
Faggle should replace faggot.
>girlfriend tells me she wants to try anal
>I dont because I dont want my dick covered in shit, and she wont do an enema to clean her ass out
>finally give in, but Im all out of condoms
>we try it anyway
>I eventually cum
>shes crying
>2 hours later I go to take a piss and a small lump of shit launches out of the end of my dick, followed by piss
We call that a Hersey's Piss.
>girlfriend who WANTS to do anal
'Mortal coil'?
What is this, 1910?
I am learning so much from this thread.
Science is the only truth.
Enjoy a doctor sticking a long metal rod with a saw blade at the end up your cock periodically, and never sitting comfortably or taking a normal piss/shit ever again.
Resectoscope is the tool by the way. Its a Cystoscope with a cutting tool.
It goes up your dick, and they cut out a shitload of your prostate so you can never orgasm again. Even that might not save you.
Its also less miserable than full blown prostate cancer.
A third time for effect: pic related goes into your dick. It gives your orgasm organ an abortion. You might still die anyway.
You underestimate how many girls want to try anal. Their friends tell them its "so amazing", and they see it in porno all the time so they think it might be fun.
But then they finally get a dick up their ass and they start crying and begging you to stop.
Anal shouldn't be painful.
Am I doing anal wrong or is everyone else doing anal wrong because it's only ever been intensely pleasurable for me...
>buy a medium rex
>literally took everything but the knot on the first day
>dont use it for a month
>try to use it
>holy shit this hurts its like im taking a knife in the ass
>fart blood for the rest of the day
Personal preference, and the fact that a lot of people's inly experience is trying to put a sharpie in their butts without lube.
Some people can get anal orgasms, some people just feel like "gotta poop, don't gotta poop, gotta poop, etc". For what its worth, skinnier people get more sensation put on their genitals through the butt than fat people because there's less between the two and releases of hormones have far greater effects.
The male G-spot is the head of the penis you faggot. Women have prostates too.
>citing Natural News
The only sources they gave on this article that are actually related to prostate massage are other Natural News articles and a site that sells prostate massagers (talk about journalistic integrity).
you're either retarded or this is bait.
Y-you can get fat in between your ass and pussy???
The important questions
but it's literally their only reason wanting to try it
just like deepthroating
Deepthroating shouldn't hurt either. Also every man I've been with has wanted to try anal either just out of curiosity or because they hear it's a tighter and more intense feeling. Not because they're all secretly sexists who want women to be in pain to get their rocks off.
>watching a porn where a guy fucks a girls ass without a condom, and she immediately spins around and starts sucking him off to get the money shot
Is this true?
>sticking your dick in a woman's ass
is this the "times you acted like the joker" thread?
It doesn't necessarily give you diarrhea, but you do have to shit out the cum eventually.
Gay sex can get pretty gross, and usually requires a lot of prep work and planning, so a condom is an easier solution for a quick bang.
>implying there weren't multiple cuts between those two shots
So what you're saying is I can write-off a Bad Dragon as a medical expense?
>You realize the human ass doesn't have self lubrication like a vagina does right?
It does though
How do you think your turds slide out so nicely?
>he hasn't had his girl go ass-to-mouth
Turbovirgin detected.
there is such a thing as gay men who aren't into anal you know
Anal is like being an adult. It sounds like it'll be great but aa soon as you do it you'll do anything to go back
Heterosexual couples can also have gay sex.
mpreg is real
I'm not alone? All I need is frottage and a neck kiss.
If you get poo poo in your wee wee then you might get a UTI.
>built their identity around pleasure
Fuck off back to Cred Forums. The fact that Gus and Wally are gay is used as a joke kind of a lot, but they're both well rounded people outside that. Wally is a film buff who used to have a career as a director, who still works as a projectionist at the art house theatre, and Wally is a navy veteran whose whole schtick is that he's absurdly gruff and tough, he's constantly talking about roughing up punks and in one episode he gets stabbed in the head and just leaves the knife in there. Gus and Wally's sex life as a gag is used twice in the first episode and one other time when Kevin covers a shift at the market
That's exactly why youreceive a pleasure greater and longer lasting than any orgasm when you hold your shit in. Now you should upgrade to a butt plug.
If they care enough to take pain for me then I care enough to not hurt them
he's over exaggerating, but he's not wrong.
>not if you're monogamous.
This is a common misconception. Many sexually transmittable diseases (and indeed, external parasites) can be acquired through non-sexual contact.
For example, you could - quite against your will - receive a peck on the cheek from your grandma and catch herpes. And then you'd have herpes the rest of your life. For most people, that's never going to be much of a problem, but for some it keeps recurring and, even though they did nothing to "deserve" it, they're forced to live with the consequences of the disease.
Or you could catch crabs from sharing clothing with someone that has them/had them. Or you could get any number of infections that aren't STDs in the traditional sense but can be transmitted sexually. Or you could be just really dry and prefer the lube. Plus a lot of people are into latex in a small way.