Wow, how did this make it into a kid's show?

Wow, how did this make it into a kid's show?


I remembered this one episode fro BTAS where ivy made literal plant babies that grew up to horrid plant abominations and that was kinda fucked up.

I seem to remember those things realized they were abominations and did not seem happy about it.


What happened to the gold digger nurse?

>tfw you will never help him get over his ex wife

Sorry it's not Tumblr Universe thread #136,446,773,367 you fucking queer.

it didn't. it was all completely offscreen and in your imagination. that's how they did it.
they died within minutes, so I think.. no. they were never aware of the implications of their nature. now the ones she had been raising as sons, I wanna say they said something as they melted

Seriously. It gives children far too little credit. Not every kid's show needs to be Dora the Explorer.

don't remember the episode. What was so bad?

the cucked doctor killed his cucker while under anesthesia

A gang was keeping a docto's wife hostage to obtain sweet robot prostetics. Batman revealed to the doctor that his wife was actually a gold digger in cahoot with the gang leader. The doctor gives Batman the kill switch for the prostetics and the leader escapes.
The last scene is the gang leader going to see the doctor to get upgrade. It´s implied that the doctos kills him under anesthesia.

The doctor doesn't give him the kill switch. He figures it out.

Things were better back then, fuckboi.

Things weren't constantly ruined by assblasted sjws and media networks shitting themselves over the possibility of getting sued.

What would sjws be offended about in this scene?

Violence against cripples, probably some crap regarding monogamy being patriarchical, and a bunch of other shit 'cause people nowadays will find anything to get offended over.

Probably went after her next after


In the comics that tie into the cartoon, it was revealed that the reason Ivy's skin turned green in the cartoon for no seemingly reason is because it was a plant duplicate she created if she ever needed to escape something and to keep Harley company. The real Ivy was actually cured and settled down with a husband. When plant Ivy started dying, it found its way to the house of the real one and died in her hubby's arms while the real thing shrugged it off as a decoy that did it job, horrifying hubby at how callous his wife is.

Which is the epilogue for Ivy that wasn't in Batman Beyond. She's the only Batman villain Arkham ever actually helped. She became a normal ordinary scientist.

Wow! OMG, so edgy! Lol, what were they thinking??? Kids today would never get this kind of quality TV. ;^)

Wasn't the husband Alec Holland?