Teen Titans Discussion!

I just recently downloaded more than watchable copies of Teen Titans and that inspired me to purchase the entire show on DVD.

They managed to take a show of characters that were relatively unkown (at least to me) and gave them distinct personalities.

The show had some amazing arcs and mini adaptions of classic Teen Titans stories (Judas Contract, Trigon Arc). It also had one of the most amazing episodes of any animated series (Haunted). So in honor of this show post things you liked, disliked, or wish you could have changed about the show.

>Favorite Episode
WIthout a doubt Haunted.

>Favorite Story Arc
Honestly all of the Season Finale's rank REALLY highly in my mind. Although I would have to go with Apprentice just because it was your first real taste of how sadistic Slade was as well as how competent Robin is.

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Why is Brother Blood not nearly as popular as he should be?

Shill more please. Show was mediocre at best.

t. TTG fan

I have no idea. After seeing Brother Blood almost take over the Titans East team and headquarters I immediatley read through his wikipedia page. Shit was cash. Also it was really refreshing to see a Finale focus on someone other than Robin.

The show was really funny too, which I think a lot of people forget. The episode where they all dressed as Robin was hilarious.

It's not often that I find an adaption of a character I enjoy more than the character it's based on. I definitely fancy mastermind martial artist Slade as opposed to mercenary sociopath Deahtstroke.

Dude should be mega over.

He's literally a batshit android who rejects his humanity

It's too bad literally every arc that he's the focus of in the comics is terrible.

They should make a version of him that's a Cyborg rogue in the comics, Brother Bloods always being resurrected so they could do it. Cyborg's best villains and stories were literally all in this cartoon I swear.

Does he... have any other rogues?

Did the show ever explained his endgame and why he wanted to take down the Titans besides "hur durr im evil" ?

Literally boiled down to "i wanna take over the world"

That and "I wanna leave a legacy in the form of mentally scarred and tortured children". Would have been intersting if they revealed his desire to acquire apprentices stems from his alieniated relationships with his children.

He hasn't had a book until a year ago so no

WHO IS RED X!?!?!?!?

You can take the implications of bits of dialogue and a photo of him as a safari hunter across the series to infer his comic background to the character.

Just assume this is a Slade Wilson that decided to make up for his shitty life by being a fullblown monster than a relatively good-hearted mercenary.

Brother Blood was a Raven villain originally, right?

I think so, not sure though.

More hers than anybody elses, though he did fuck with Dick some like he did Raven
Then Johns made him into a Trigon worshiper

I'm writing an outline for a story that features Red X. It turns out he's an obscure character from a little known 90's series Hacker Files, along with being the main characters online girlfriend.