How did this scene make you feel?
How did this scene make you feel?
Like a woman
Imagine Wario with a big thick cock with a gaping urethra that you could squeeze your penis into.
Holy fuck
>Dawkins was assblasted over this
Like South Park is funny, from a certain point of view.
Dad watched the entirety of the second part episode and the whole thing is just weird set-ups and drama with no actual humor up until Cartman starts calling the past, which is where it suddenly resembles humor, except dad is a pussy who can't handle cussing, and even if it didn't have cussing it still wasn't exactly hilarious, he was in the kitchen when Cartman finally called Dawkins to tell him about Garrison and listened to the sex scene that's only funny if you know about the previous episode, and like the theatrical concerned religious parent he is he said to me in an all-powerful voice ''son you better change the channel, that sounded like a scene of sex''
The only funny part was that my brother already changed the channel, because the entire family is pussied out by sex, even when it's a badly animated representation of Dawkins fucking Garrison that ends with him discovering he's a tranny
I've seen this too
The scene? Whatever. It kinda felt lazy (like, hey we disagree with him, so let's make him fuck Ms Garrison) but whatever.
I don't like the fact that I've had people legitimately think the "retarded fish" explanation of evolution is a good counter though.
I also thought the ending to the event "we don't like any -isms" was a bit of a cop out though.
South Park is good from time to time, but it always stumbles when it tries to play itself off as the "enlightened ones who see above it all".
sweaty & smelly
(S)he pays to get the genitals warped but couldn't bother with a hair transplant or wig?
God, I hate this board.
>Oh yeah, pound my monkey vag
"enlightened ones who see above it all"
thats exactly what they were making fun of, high horse atheists acting like they got everything figured out.
penn from penn and teller even got really mad at them for this episode cause he thought south park was smarter than this, and thought it was a pro religion endorsement. but thats exactly the type of person the episode was spitting in the face of, "im an atheist so i got everything figured out and could fix the world if only all the idiots would listen to me" types. Acting like science has figured everything out is just as dangerous as acting like we knew everything before with religion or whatever else is, science demands we keep an open mind and allow for new information and we certainly do not fully understand our own existence yet.
the fish argument thing i have heard in real life as well, totally misunderstood on the part of people saying it, it was suppose to just sound stupid not make evolution sound stupid.
It made me laugh.
Why is everyone obsessing about Wario nowadays? In the past week I've:
Been requested to draw him naked
Seen multiple threads on Cred Forums saying he's the only character worth playing in Mario kart
Seen people discussing if he has a giant gross penis or a surprisingly cute, feminine one
Seen people disscussing what his vagina would be like
>these days
That's how it's been since '92, you just hadn't noticed until now.
>you stick your dick in
>wario spins you around and tosses you with his dick
>you explode into coins upon impact
>Only one group of people is capable of having huge egos and smarter-than-thou attitudes.
Sir, are you attempting to meme me?
Felt really bad because I'm a tranny
Doesn't existence in itself make you feel really bad? Can't blame south park for that.
Absolutely. It's just worse when you go online and all you see are mrs garrison / chrischan/ assigned male shitty webcomic / tumblr idiots and people think that's what we are, and we're the smallest possible minority with no way to stick up for ourselves. All the sjws who fight for our rights just end up making us a bigger laughing stock and bringing negative attention nonstop
I'm tired of trannies just being the butt of jokes. I mean how many people have even met a transsexual in real life? I just want to blend in
>I mean how many people have even met a transsexual in real life?
Everyone who has gone to an anime convention.
The amount of gross dudes in their 20s demanding to be seen as cute anime girls is staggering. And they're always, ALWAYS "lesbian".
This is what happens when you're weak-minded, socially retarded and watch too much cute girl anime.
Is an anime convention a fair example? That's the ultimate gathering for nerdy, social inept, unhygienic types who normally shy away from society.
It is a fair example when the people who get exposed to the online idea of trannies are the same people who go to anime conventions and get their stereotypes confirmed.
Normalfags haven't heard of any of the infamous internet "trannies" like Chris Chan in the first place.
>I mean how many people have even met a transsexual in real life?
I have. That or she was a butch lesbian. I never knew. She used to be one of the household help. She was fine, but after staying with us for a long time, she got really lazy and rude to newer people we hired, so we had to let her go. Apart from that, I've met some while walking on the street over the years. Not often, it's like a rare occurrence. There were these 3 guys with their shirts tied up and heavy make-up on with their arms around one another's waists. So yeah, the stereotypes have been pretty true for me.
I THINK I met a group of them that had a night out back when I lived in my country's biggest city. Or they were just dudes dressed in drag. Either, one of 'em asked me if he/she could borrow a lighter, and that's basically it. Seemed like they could be fun to hang out with for an evening.
Only know one personally, she is a gud friendo.
Only know 2 personally, one is a top tier friendo. The other is autism incarnate who i wished to avoid at all cost. but thats just how many people are
It made me reminisce on when South Park was funny
Nobody is saying that
That's not the argument atheists make though.
Well, at least not Dawkins. Few scientifically educated ones claim we have it all figured out. That's kinda just a strawman made up by the religiously conservative.
They just are pretty confident that God isn't real.
Which is offensive to those who think that God is definitely real.
They even made fun of agnostics, so it's clearly just them being "above it all"
but really though that sounds awful