Misery is best Girl and you know it.
Ruby Gloom
Other urls found in this thread:
they're all like 7 you creepy fucking pedophiles
There in their twentys
>any serious attempt at a relationship with Misery would end with your untimely death
Why must the best girls be so unreachable?
That makes her Sexy.
Irise is a terrible Mary Sue piece of shit that contributes nothing to do the show.
Iris is cute.
ok, who invited facebook?
Needs more Morose.
Morose a shit.
More like you got shit taste, son.
Misery is superior.
Not neccesarly, it involves bad luck on her not you
Mayhem and Mildew are better than Misery.
But Ruby is better.
Malady and Malaise are better than Misery.
Misery is better,Ruby is 2nd best girl.
Even Migraine is better than Misery.
Stop hating Iris she's cute,CUTE!
Agreed. Missrys the best, but i still love ruby.
Misery is the best outve her relatives you chucklefucks morose is the best out of miserys relatives
Overwatch I think?
And a Totoro parody with Concept Misery.
I dont hate her, i love cyclops girls. I just think out of the three shes the weakest.
This user knows.
Early Misery a cute.
This isn't over.
>concept misery
This. I love all three, but Misery is definitely my favorite.
I loved how some of the background realitives were just recolors of alternate costumes of misery.
But she's clearly very strong.
I mean weakest by not as interesting as the others. If she was real id gladly be her friend but its misery that id have as a fuckbuddy
Misery the First is the greatest.
Misery had 3 designs before the one in the show.
The one in is the second re-design, the left Misery in this drawing was the very first that only appeared in certain RG bags and old items, she was meant to be a ghost back then.
Huh, interesting(in glad they went with the final design desu senpai)
My favorite thing about Misery is that she looks like she was taken straight from a japanese horror movie and still look adorable as fuck.
And she's hot
did she piss off God or something why is her bloodlune cursed
Early Misery a cute,CUTE!
fuck you and fuck your SPAGHETTI
I just want a new cartoon about cute spooky girls is that too much to ask?
The concept of early Misery remind me to Despair of the endless
In america....Yes,It's hard.
>No nipples so no ban dont be gay M0od
>Happyest Girl,
I can't believe canada made a Cute girls doing cute things show before america.
Canada is always ahead of America.
I guess you can say they're on top
Poor Alaska always on the side.
Misery's over a thousand, so if the others are still kids, then she's the pedo for inviting Iris to grab her butt. Forbidden fruit is always the tastiest.
>tfw you will never make babies with a banshee because she will most likely miscarry from all of the violent and painful misfortune she suffers
Not quite hurling-boulders-at-asshole-seafarers strong, and definitely not forging-thunderbolts-in-a-goddamn-volcano strong, but she's getting there.
Maybe she knows some of Iris' family, and that's why Iris got into the Gloomsville Manor in the first place?
Banshees are harbingers of misfortune befalling families, their wails meaning that someone in the clan will die or horrible events are about to pass.
A pic of Ruby showing her butt is too much and gets deleted but a pic of ruby showing her butt is OK.....
alright then.
Best Girl.
A cute.
I love all three of them, and also quite fond of several members of Misery's extended family.
I'm seeing an striking similarity in this with the precure threads on Cred Forums and generals on /mlp/
How come niche discussion forums about little kids oriented cartoons are now a thing
Why no love for Malady? (I'm usual attracted to bigger chests but Malady's backside was most fetching.)
Malaise had really cool close.
If only it were true.
I like Misery. Her brand of humor and her voice really work for me.
To this day I still haven't watched this show, but the character designs make me diamonds.
You should give it a shot, its comfy as fuck and i always watch it when i want to an hero.
>wakes up and sees a ruby gloom thread
>everyone is already talking about my waifu
>mfw i miss all the fun while i'm asleep
Dont worry user, ill talk about best girl with you.
So much good taste on this board. You anons are all ma african american
Okay user.
I want Misery to marry me and for us to live the rest of our lives happily even if it means i have to fight through the black plauge or constantly watch for quicksand or falling rocks or lightning strikes because i just love her that much.
I might have a legitimate problem
Watch it user,the series is a nice time waster.
Don't worry,you have good taste.
I have that same problem, id do anything for my waifu
Malady a shit.
That's not a problem,user.
That's true love.
>Misery and Malaise
>holding hands
But that's double-forbidden love!
Forbidden love is always the purest love,user.
I really struggle with love for each of the girls. Iris wouldn't make a good waifu I think, but damn if she wouldn't be a fun girlfriend. Ruby is kind of the perfect waifu for me and I really like her, but there's also something about Misery that makes me want to cuddle and love her forever, plus she's hilarious.
How is Iris different in personality from Ruby? I just see her as Ruby with one eye. I can't figure out how she's supposed to be different.
As much as I love Isuzu's art, I still find it weird how he/she just stopped drawing Ruby Gloom (in a sudden way) and went straight to draw Phineas & Ferb.
Not necessarily a bad thing, maybe they were tired of drawing the same characters for years, is that so?
>How is Iris different in personality from Ruby?
Iris is way, way more energetic and driven by impulse. Ruby is more calm and likes to think before acting... at least most of the time, I think.
Well Misery is my one true love, so if anything that means Ruby is all yours.
Kirby leave Ruby alone you are killing her!!
Ruby is talking being eaten alive very well.
I find of these ruby gloom lewds somewhat upsetting for some reason.
Her voice is heavenly.
Misery voice is Nice too.
I'm not usually into the tickling fetish, but I like this...
Throw in Misery and it'd be perfect. Ruby and Iris going to town on Misery's tiny feet.
A little animated banner that I made for my Quackup comic series.
The series can be found at raytoons.net
I can't tell if I should feel good, or bad about this....
Feel good,very good.
Quick, im depressed and wanna look at ruby or misery when i start up my phone. Suggest a wallpaper for me.
This has been my wallpaper for a while now.
Does anyone have the image of Ruby with a clothespin on her nose? I lost it when my computer died.
Misery the Vampire Queen
All of my yes.
Misery is best Girl.
>they're all like 7 you creepy fucking pedophiles
I thought they were 3? Ruby, Iris and Misery.
Specifically their ages haven't been disclosed. Different sources say different things. Some say Ruby is 6, some say she's 10, the original creator Martin Hsu purposely left it a mystery.
So really Ruby and co. are as old as you want them to be.
Besides I think Ruby is a doll that can't actually age and Misery has probably been around for hundreds of years.
This is kinda odd. Their character designs are so strange, yet I can still find them to be attractive while on model?
Oh well, looks like I have a new show to watch.
You won't regret it.
I like the idea that they're ageless. They can just hang out and be friends for years and years and years and years.
Yeah!! also dustin when are you gonna start drawing more rg again?
I've been a bit too busy, but I'd like to draw SOMETHING sometime soon.
No more sugar for you Misery,You dirty slut.
I had Hsu on my goybook, and upon inquiry he merely said that Ruby is an extremely old soul.
I need to take some HD screens...
>tfw we had a booru full of nice and wholesome images until somebody did a porn dump and everyone left.
The worst part is that it's not even largely fappable either.
You ever not know about a show but see some characters from it, look up the porn, and decide to give it a shot?
This is another addition to the list
I was lurking at random on 4chin casually, and wanted to ask you guys, Out of curiosity, how large is your porn folder?
I'm asking this because this is such a niche part of an already niche forum I'm curious how big is the spotlight of this thing in the fan-art world.
Do you scratch the end of the barrel searching for NSFW and SFW?
Could you post your best picture to see how many skilled had thrown their effort into this?.
I can see you aren't a part of this, just like you said. Toon porn was a niche interest circa early 2000s and even then you had lots of artists running around but they were low skill grunts barring a few exceptions here and there. Fapfiction however (erotic fanfiction) was already huge. Cred Forums porn slowly gained traction over time and now is just another facet of the overarching perversity of the Net. It is not a niche thing, it is not obscure, it is not difficult to find or indulge in. And the number of skilled artists that cater to all sorts of stuff ranging from simple porn to fetish stuff has exploded over the years.
To me your question sounds like it came from 2002. The only people who nowadays have trouble finding these sort of things are those who shouldn't be allowed on the Net in the first place. Ergo the old "don't spoonfeed" adage. Unless you're willing to explore by yourself you don't deserve any respect or help. The exception is if you're looking for something that is indeed rare.
The problem now is that WWOEC is dead and TJA and Palcomix forums do offer something of a base, but there is no central hub for everyone regardless of this or that interest, and the artists have scattered to the four winds which makes keeping track of them somewhat difficult. Furthermore some places outright banned loli (like HF) due to outside pressure (in HF's case the Russian federation).
I can't post "the best picture" because there's skilled work up the ass. Lurk moar.
Furthermore Cred Forums is by no means a niche "forum," and that's in quotes because this is not a forum. It's an imageboard. There's a world of difference. Cred Forums now is a shadow of a shadow of its former glory. It was once something else entirely, now it's just another normie central.
I'm assuming you're a teen or something and that you missed out on the glory days of Cred Forums and the Net as a whole, but I'm not going to go on an oldfag ramble about it. Simply put the various agencies, goverments and other busybodies, usually of the liberal persuasion, have systematically waged war against our freedom in all its aspects. With every captcha solved you're teaching machines how to drone strike, every comment is logged, every IP recorded, every dissenting opinion stifled.
Fear not however. Peace was never an option.
Almost everything hand picked, only couple packs downloaded. Collecting shit for 5 years already. 30% of it are pictures of the yellow one from you know where. Sometimes get bored and starting saving pictures of the characters i like, just killing time. Kinda proud of it, most of the shit really good, I'm not just saving everything i could find.
It's basically about knowing places where you can find stuff. Paheal, e621, boorus, threads on /aco/, /trash/. Much harder with SFW stuff, not every art gallery suited for this, which makes searching really slow. You can't really missed anything good because it's always posted everywhere.
the fuck are you talking about, I was asking how many pictures you had of this cartoon
>44 448
>5 years
Holy shit man, how much time do you spent lurking this cartoon in specific
You're underestimating the fandom. Pic is from 2007.
Your post seemed like a question going beyond that. Anyway, not that many. Purely because over the years I stopped collecting basically any fanart of any show. Imagination is the king of lewdness, and in Ruby's case there's a divine 35,8 Gb HD rip of the whole show, rendering pic collecting meaningless in my case. The show by itself is pleasing to the eye.