Harley Quinn is now DC's premier character and kids love her
When did everything go so wrong for DC
Harley Quinn is now DC's premier character and kids love her
When did everything go so wrong for DC
The main thing it points to is how shit the rest of their female characters have to be if someone like Harley Quinn blows up and overtakes characters who have had movies and been around for 70+ years
all their female superheroes have been mismanaged for so long that a cartoon character seems more interesting by comparison
We have reached this point due to a number of problems 20 years in the making
Margot Harley's a fad
sjw pandering
I fail to see a problem here, OP.
She was great in the role. Quit being a faggot
Unfortunately the role wasn't very good
She's still a fad
One day people will look back at their shitty Halloween photos and costumes, feel nostalgic, and move on.
At least there's not a petty shipping war going on right now or that Juggalos gotten a hold of her right now or something
>She's still a fad
So was Superman.
The Trinity of DC
Harley Quinn
The Joker
Importance in that order
Superman's timeless unlike Margot Harley
She's got charm and personality. It's not hard to understand the appeal. People care more about someone's personality than their actions, at least in terms of likability.
What will her new look be
something like pic related hopefully
DC tried this and it failed
No Harley Quinn is the rare anti sjw character who somehow appeals to both demos
Fad is something like the crow in the 90s
or everyone loving the pirates movies and johnny depp
I doubt this is a fad like that but still all the joker and harley this Halloween is gonna be funny
>Superman's timeless
>which is why no one cares about Superman
He hasn't been timeless in about 20 years
Harley Quinn's branding has already surpassed supes
there's more money in dressing up like a slutty clown then there in in some s symbol
Don't forget Harambes, Trumps, and Deadpools
Maybe some black men will be Deadshot or Black Panther
Black Panther and Deadpool are pretty hard to pull off but there will probably be a bunch of Deadpools on sheer popularity
DC just needs to market all their characters like this
WW could stand to be a bit more relatable
>When did everything go so wrong for DC
When they failed to respect the Monkey's Paw, user.
Nobody gives a fuck about Deadshot
>there's more money in dressing up like a slutty clown then there in in some s symbol
For now.
Remember Frozen?
>We have reached this point due to a number of problems 20 years in the making
There's a lot of that going around these days ...
Margot will be to Harley what Phiffer was to Catwoman. The definitive , any future actor who plays her will be ultimately compared
Harley's been popular since she was introduced on the 90s for the same reason Deadpool has been.
Looking forward to her fame dying in exchange for Aquaman. I put my trust in you, Zack.
Aquaman's always courageous.
His "little fish"? Less outrageous!
Which is?
>People have noticed that Harley Quinn will be saturated during Halloween.
Step 1 completed
comic fans in general (both male and female fans) see her as more 'fun' than the likes of wonder woman. not hard to understand why, especially since ww has had either no direction or bad direction for so long in the comics, and hardly any mainstream exposure since the linda carter tv series ended except for her appearance in the justice league cartoon
i feel like dc's been making a concentrated effort to make a lot of their female characters fit the kind of quirky, off-beat niche that HQ personifies lately - batgirl's solo got a major retool once gale simon left, and black canary and starfire's books during the dc you era were a lot more lighthearted than a lot of other books were during the new 52 era
Frozen still makes a shitton of money, and it was just 1 movie.
That thing that still rakes in cash?
It never stopped.
When feminists started pushing their agenda extra hard
no real reason besides memes and I guess normies getting into comics
Harley is a cartoon character after all
WW has the same problem superman has but to a much greater degree
Not funny
has no human connection
I notice a lot of these characters are falling out of favor in DC
>When did everything go so wrong for DC
They wanted to bring new audiences to comics in order to avoid the total collapse of the industry, unlike Marlel that doesn't give a fuck and is happy to continue as SJW propaganda and an IP farm for Disney
>has no human connection
This is horseshit
People like quirky obnoxious shit. Just look at Minions.
How did Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batwoman, Black Canary, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy fall so low as to be ranked below Harley?
>The main thing it points to is how shit the rest of their female characters have to be
But user, they have a shit ton of good to great female characters. They just decided to push Harley because normies loved her already.
As shit as BvS was and how terrible I find Gal Gadot people seemed to really like her. If Warner don't fuck it up WW may have her own resurgence
lol, what are you talking about, Superman is still timeless, stop being a faggot that doesnt read comics
lol how is Superman falling out of favor? His comics sell well and his movies are making money.
I swear, this board gets stupider by the hour.
They're WB executives, shush.
>the main character of the DCEU is a slut
>kids love her
I'm pretty sure it's the vrigin neckbeards that love her.
But so is Tony
>implying that terrorist dictator's best days aren't already in the past
Cap sure as shit isn't going to replace him. Fucking Suicide Squad made more money than Winter Soldier and it was terrible
Data from social activities back when Age of Ultron came out it revealed more people were talking about Cap than about Tony.
>When did everything go so wrong for DC
Take your daughter to work day, but too be fair everything else went out the door that way too.
She's "wacky" and "ironic" like Deadpool which normies love, it easy to understand they are "fun" and not easy to understand decades of convoluted backstory. Also it's been harder for people to take superheroes seriously for decades, the successful MCU is also "fun" and "quippy" even today. Not really criticizing the MCU by the way, just saying.
>the main character of the MCU is a virgin (& gay too...)
Marvel makes people gay for Cap, DC makes girls sluts like Harley.
I think I'm ok with this, I guess.
WW in BvS was a charming thief that flirted with Batman, wore a very revealing uniform and had fun fighting Doomsday.
So if they keep the flirting amazon who likes to smash heads they're set.
The problem is that in the comics WW is this super sweet and serious amazon that only fights as a necessity.
I think harleys popularity recently comes from a couple of sources i think.
There is the movie of course so her solo gets boosted however even amongst normies dc is known for having far less synergy the marvel so those with a difrent favourite character probably just assumed they weren't in the comic squad or something.
Thing with that movie is the way it was put together it was going to create many fans of characters but little intrest in the squad itself.
The sefond major one is people who refused to give it a try because they were still (understandably) angry about the lack of joker and while i will admit the comics style of humor is certaintly not for everybody come rebirth the people that had been mad before had monstly calmed down and gave it a second try.
And of course its a piss easy costume to dress up in.
People love bad girls. Women want to be her and men want to be with her.
Female role models suck and are boring.
Role models in general suck and are boring.
People want to be seen as cool and daring, not as someone who won awards for their contributions to society.
Batman = cool and daring crazy motherfucker.
Superman = that guy that won the key to the city.
Didn't kids always love her?
when they gave up on the DCAU to try and make movies.
Yeah, but don't tell Cred Forums that. Hating popular things is where it is at.
Okay but you gotta admit that second post has a point
I'll allow it
Not to this level now kiddies legit love Harley
>Black Panther
Kek no.
Captain america barely make in into the top 50 last year.
But user only women can be sluts.
>women project female empowerment in a deranged sociopath slut
degeneracy meme is real
its not women who support harley user
dc women kicking ass has been against the character since she got popular
keys vs locks man
What, you don't find a woman who sucked dick to get through life and then threw her career away for an abusive boyfriend and became a criminal not a strong female character?
phew this isn't a kid. less guilty boner.
Pffft, the SJWs hate sluts like her cause they're objectified.
>It's an anti-harleyfag circlejerk
Since when did morality came into play when it comes to deciding what's popular? To say that Harley quinn shouldn't be popular because she's a slutty bad guy is soccer mom tier bitching.
>sucked dick through life
>abusive boyfriend
top 3 female fantasies imo
his symbol is timeless together with a vague description of the character, nothing beyond that though.
You put your faith in Zack Snyder.
both dcwomenkickingass and poisonivyleague are against harley quinn
sjws hate her and her book usually makes fun of sjws
nothing went wrong with harley quinn, she sells like hotcakes
sjw books like black canary and batgirl failed
The leader hates Harley as a character than the book itself, she/he also hates Ivy/Harley
>hates Ivy/Harley
sjws don't read comic books
and dcwomenkickingass has gone full hillary, barely posts about comics
>comic readers
its okay though
she's a anti hero
You should see his/her Twitter. The level of entitlement is high, also the way that person talks to DC staff is almost harassment
that's what is so stupid
nobody gives a shit about this morality bs when we like sinestro or lex luthor
don't play that game with harley
>sucked dick to support herself
>abusive boyfriend
Oh look another wildly popular character with her own movie
To be honest, the whole Harley/Ivy thing ruins Poison Ivy as a character.
Poison Ivy should be an egotistical and control freak femme fatale who uses men, not a man-hater and hopeless lovey-dovey that will do anything for her clown girl.
Leave it to DC to turn her into a hero.
DC has always been amoral and fetish-y.
Sure, things changed in the 50's, but at its core DC is pretty much that.
>Leave it DC to turn her into hero
DC didn't do anything of the sort.
Eh, characters change over time, sometimes for the better sometimes for the worst
She can be both.
See, Poison Ivy, at least to me, changed for the worse.
She stopped being the confident and sexy feem fatale that can have any men groveling at her feet...
... to become a lovesick sidekick to some clown girl who never have any time for her.
I'd rather she doesn't. What does Harley/Ivy brings other than lesbian bait, that while hot, can be done with any other character?
>Implying Poison Ivy even has a solid character to mess up.
She does, though.
And Harley stopped being the poster character of abuse, like I said characters change, Ivy isn't the only one
Harley/Ivy is the reason why Poison ivy is even relevant.
So they both changed for the worse. Fine?
Or the reason Poison Ivy isn't relevant anymore and only appears when in relation to Harley Quinn.
So you ruin Ivy to bolster Harley?
Cap is the most gay character in the comic books and movies right now. He is the next gay icon.
No?. Where do you get that?. I only said that characters change over time, nothing more
No she doesn't, Ivy has been consistently inconsistent as a character.
Poison ivy has never been relevant. She's like Scarecrow, an Iconic Batman villain that no really cares about.
Weird how most "Bad Girl" comic characters have fallen out of favor.
>No?. Where do you get that
You support Ivy changing into a whimpering pet following at Harley's heels.
Poison Ivy has an established character.
She's egotistic and a control freak. She thinks she's a hot shit that should be adored like a goddess and tries to control others to get what she wants, and will retaliate for any perceived slight, be it against her or mother nature. She also likes to believe that men as despicable useless things, but she's actually crazy for Batman's cock.
Of course, that was before they turned her into Harley's sidekick. Now she lives and breathes for Harley.
I don't support that, I'm against that. I was only explaining to user there that no character remains the same all the time, you are taking things that I have never implied or posted
>Poison Ivy has an established character
Your headcanon doesn't count user.
Nobody really cares about Ivy. Hot lesbian girlfriend is cool and Harley's books deliver plenty of fap material. Ivy never had a solid character and Harley/Ivy sells a shitload of books for DC.
Hi poisonivyleague
>Poison Ivy has an established character
Because of Harley quinn.
Hi poisonivyleague
This "Ivy never had a established character" is a goddamn lie. Wouldn't be easier to just admit that you guys don't care about Poison Ivy previously established character and prefer her as Harley's lesbian beta?
Just go out and say it. We only care about her because we're Harley fans and like to see them together.
It's better than coming out as a casual and a liar.
If you say so, champ.
It's the truth. Poison ivy was inconsistent and had like three different personalities.
>Bland femme fatale that never really jive because Catwoman and Talia already fills that role
>Misanthrope who hid her toxicity behind ecological feminism
>eco terrorist earth mother
She never had an established character
>Since when did morality came into play when it comes to deciding what's popular?
Since the CURRENT YEAR started and gender and race politics became the axis of American society.
You also come out as a casual, user. Pre-N52 Ivy was all that that you described but also added her friendship with Harley. You are only raging because of N52 stuff
It's funny when you remember there are people who want Harley to be moral/heroic to justify her current popularity.
You just picking apart her characterization.
She's a femme fatale who's into Batman and also a misanthrope that hid her toxicity behind ecological feminism spouting shit about mother earth.
That's who she has been since the 70's. This characterization is consistent in several comics. Be it either Secret Origins, Legends of the Dark Knight, Suicide Squad, some minis and several other odd issues from Batman's comics.
This doesn't prove anything.
SeeShe goes from this to an eco-warrior antihero so once agai. For clarity
>Ivy never had an established character
So wait, characters can change, yet a character showing changes over the years is also considered "inconsistencies"?
There has to be a force to motivate the changes.
See and shut up.
You're just picking apart the character.
That's like saying that Batman doesn't have a established character because:
>bland cape crusader like Superman and Daredevil
>larger than life guardian that can beat any odds or anyone alone
>flawed detective that depends on big supporting cast to solves his cases
In Kesey's run Poison Ivy was still independent enough, and was mostly trying to save Harley from the Joker, but from Gotham City Sirens onward she became Harley's sidekick.
>paper says lorem ipsum
What was the force that motivated Ivy into becoming Harley's muff diver?
Only thing I'm picking apart is your argument.
Nah, what you did could be done with any fucking character and you know it. You took different facets of her previously established characterization as a proof that she has no established characterization.
Harley/Ivy sells 400.00 copies
Poison Ivy sells15.000 copies
Even Gang of Harleys sells more copies than Poison Ivy.
A book about Harley's sidekicks sells more copies than your waifu.
These are not facets but wholly different characterzations that comes from the fact that ivy doesn't have a consistent personality or established character.
Pretty much. Admittedly i like the version that has a good time when she's fighting.
No part of that post makes any sense whatsoever.
Those are not facets but inconsistencies.
I already proved you're wrong. I don't have the time now, or else i would dump all of Ivy's post-crisis comics in a chronological order to school your ass.
See .
>I already proved you wrong
No you didn't.
Those are characteristics of Batman. This are inconsistencies.
>MUH Snyder
You people are obsessed with this guy for some reason. Harley was popular before the SS movie, Snyder had fuck all to do with SS other than directing the scene where The Flash captures Boomer. Get off his dick already
>That SS nod in her Joker tattoo
Yes, i did. See .
No, they aren't inconsistencies.
If so Batman is more inconsistent than Ivy. How can he be a loner that's capable of everything and also a flawed human that needs his clan?
Ivy being a misanthrope with daddy and man issues doesn't stop her from also being an eco-terrorist that spews shit about the hurt mother earth, because guess what? She's relating her own life and issues with men with that of how the humankind treats the world, or "mother earth". That's why she likes to control and be pampered by men, because she thinks that the earth needs to regain its control and be respected/feared by mankind.
But that douche simple picked apart shit to make his point.
It's funny , i've never had a problem with the Harley/Ivy thing back when they actually had fun with it. They were basically friends who hung out, did crimes together and sometimes fucked. That was all there was to it. Then some genius got the idea of making it "lol tru luv/i would die for you" bullshit that appeals to Tumblr and just like that it became shit.
I honestly wouldn't mind Harley and Ivy thing happening in the movies, so long as it's closer to how they were originally portrayed.
Also with Ivy played by either Christina Hendricks or Jessica Chastain
Also, Ivy before was into Batman because she regarded him as a force of nature, something more than just a man.
Harley/Ivy isn't that great
Ivy is just some woman harley has sex with from time to time
oh and she happens to be really abusive as well
>Yes I did
No you didn't. You can't just claim your shitty argument won, you need proof.
I'm no shipper but Harley is way more interesting with The Joker than with Ivy.
>they aren't inconsistencies
Yes they most certainly are. You cannot have a toxic misanthrope who only uses people and a well intention eco-warrior who cares for kids be the same character.
I have no problem with Harley/Ivy, but more with how they're portrayed these days.
Timm had Ivy as the cool and confident one of the duo, who would easily lose her cool and become temperamental whenever Harley ruined her carefully placed plans, making Ivy go into busts of rage trying to kill Harley. While Harley herself was the one that always managed to drag Ivy into doing something and was the fun one of the group.
In a way it mirrored Joker/Harley relationship in a way, but with a more cartoon-y violence instead of plain abuse.
But other writers, specially Conner & Palmiotti, have turned Ivy into this sad and pathetic women who's desperately trying to win any kind of attention and affection from Harley, and is just there constantly on the call, even if it is to help Harley get some random guy while feeling sorrow for herself.
Shit is just sad and weird given who Poison Ivy once was.
Harley porn is the best!
They're pushing Harley because Deadpool is huge now after his movie, and DC's trying to push her as their le wacky meme character to cash in on those reddit bux.
>busts of rage trying to kill Harley
You got everything right except this part. Ivy has NEVER tried to kill Harley, she would smack her, yes but plain trying to kill her no
Yes, i did. You guys have no fucking argument.
>You cannot have a toxic misanthrope who only uses people and a well intention eco-warrior who cares for kids be the same character.
Unh... yes, you can.
>I can prove my argument but I won't
>Red and black hair
This will never not trigger me.
Explain me this dude, if you can have Ivy CARING for kids, then why can Ivy don't CARE for Harley?
What was the guy's argument? That because Ivy is a misanthrope he can't be an eco-terrorist? That she was a bland femme before?
I never said that Ivy CAN'T care for Harley, just that she lost nowardays her previous characterization and became Harley's sidekick
>She's egotistic and a control freak. She thinks she's a hot shit that should be adored like a goddess and tries to control others to get what she wants, and will retaliate for any perceived slight, be it against her or mother nature. She also likes to believe that men as despicable useless things, but she's actually crazy for Batman's cock.
Yeah...this was pre-Harley Ivy
Yes it does...
Ivy whole character is eco-terrorist, everything else is secondary. Writers thought that adding her caring for kuds would benefit her character L, it did. Writers thought of many things to do with her character, some worked some didn't. The state of Ivy now if deplorable but it isn't Harley or the ship fault but rather the writers fault who only base on that for Ivy
The argument was that she doesn't have established character but instead bounces from being a toxic sociopath to a well-intention eco-terrorist. Those are two separate characterizations.
>Ivy whole character is eco-terrorist, everything else is secondary.
Her eco-terrorism is allied with her being a woman with major issues with man. It's thanks to her abilities to control plants and poisons that she regains power as a woman and discover her sexuality.
There's nothing well-intended about being an terrorist, even an eco-terrorist. She's not trying to rescue animals from cosmetic companies, but try to kill people to save the nature. She is and always will be a sociopath.
Just because she care for kids in some comics that doesn't stop her from being a molester and killer. That just means that when it comes to kids or Harley Quinn her womanly and mother instincts kick harder.
She despises man and even then in most of her previous appearance she was falling over Batman, despite him being a male.
But this is
This halloween season will be great
Superman is one of the largest cultural icons in America he's literally American exceptionalism the character
>>Ivy whole character is eco-terrorist, everything else is secondary.
>Her eco-terrorism is allied with her being a woman with major issues with man. It's thanks to her abilities to control plants and poisons that she regains power as a woman and discover her sexuality.
And nobody is saying she shouldn't be that, anons here are saying that you could work that while also working her being Harley friend. You are blaming a pairing that have been going on since the 90 for something they have no fault on, saying that Harley is ruining Ivy is like saying Midnighter ruins Dick, or Clark ruins Bruce. Good friendship can be created while maintaining the characters core. If anything you should be angry at Palmiotti and Conner than the pairing itself
...god i wanna kill their parents
They arent kooky and quirky. For some reason these stereotypes are like crack to girls
Geez do you think it has something to do with the fact to nobody really tries to appeal to female readers?
Midnighter got flanderized by Grayson hard
He barely resembles the same authority character anymore but nobody gives a shit because teh gays are cute or whatever
Harley and Ivy is different though that didn't come out of nowhere and change Ivy's personality
>She despises man and even then in most of her previous appearance she was falling over Batman, despite him being a male.
She's very tsundere in general.
Girls and normies love Harely because they misunderstand her relationship with Joker. It's as simple as that.
And they now think she's some kind of super anti hero who has some good in her but is still a bad girl.
It's not that he got "flanderized", it's just that his shtick got old.
Nah he used to be gay Batman who kills and now he's just gay batman who is also gay don't you see how he's flirting with dick
I don't even mind the gay shit but how unimaginative and lazy the action goes.