That one time Homer was hired to kill Prince

>that one time Homer was hired to kill Prince

Other urls found in this thread:,_2000#Trump_enters_race


FUCKING offended

Why is the Simpson so prophetic?

Because they already did that.

>apple airbuds

>someone dies on the simpsons
>literally everyone dies
>prince wasnt even murdered

Well it's someone famous who died before getting old and they specifically showed that famous person being killed. So yeah, I'd say that's a little different.

No not really.

>Well it's someone famous
That's the only reason anyone takes notice. I've got news for you user, celebrities are just people like everyone else.

He's dead, isn't he?

To those who don't belive The Simpsons is prophetic, explain how they knew who would become our new president?

Make two episodes. Air the one featuring the candidate that won.

>"It was a warning to America," writer Dan Greaney tells The Hollywood Reporter.

>He adds: "And that just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom. It was pitched because it was consistent with the vision of America going insane."

I don't think that's referring to what you think it does.

The episode that predicted a Trump presidency was the episode where Lisa becomes president-elect and makes a comment that the economy went to pot after President Trump.,_2000#Trump_enters_race
This isn't his first attempt at running.

>OMG guize teh sampsons are so prophetic!!!!1

Please drink bleach and sleep on broken glass


Charlie Sheen is going to die before he hits eighty. I guess I'm a psychic now


>taking stale bait

Hasn't school started back up already?

Springtime school holidays have just started for ausfags.

>literally everyone dies
speak for yourself, mortal

>prince wasnt even murdered

Killed by an "accidental" "overdose". Wake up, sheeple.