Monsters Unleashed

Anybody else actually kinda looking forward to this? It's been a while since there's been a Marvel crossover that I thought actually sounded fun.

Can't believe they killed the hulk

Sonic Unleashed?

Is that guy in the wingsuit Darkhawk? It doesn't look like it because he has an open mouth piece but I don't recognize him otherwise.

it's black bolt

Oh I see it now. Weird angle. Is this event happening pre-Civil War or does Tony get over his "wah let me be replaced by Doctor Doom and a black girl while I go cry" phase that quickly?

What is this, Pete and Tony take the D-listers for a walk?

>"Hey everyone! Let's go on a fieldtrip to monster island!"

>"Oh shucks, we've crashed on monster island!"

They put that logo in a really bad spot if they wanted to make a big deal about Groot being one of the monsters.

I don't like land or larroca at all

Whats this is it like dcs upcoming night of the monster men.

I need more Info before I can truly hype. If they actually take up the suggested monsters I will be hype. Is suppose to be Riri because that looks like Tony's armor?

>Anybody else actually kinda looking forward to this?
I would be, but it's a Marvel event.
Standoff was good, but maybe that's because I wasn't expecting it to be.
Ironheart's suit is basically identical to Tony's, so maybe it's her.

Did it have to be the kaiju monsters? It seems too similar to DC's Monster Men. This could have been better of they went with the classic Universal Monsters instead with a huge vampire and werewolf outbreak. Could have been an opportunity for them to do the rest of the Monsters as Marvel knock offs. Like the 50 foot woman and blob.

I imagine this was in the works well before monster men was anounced.

Fair enough, but I still think it would be better with the Universal Monsters instead.

I read this and cried a tear of joy and hope.
Nah it's Black Bolt.


This, considering the number of artist and how long it takes mcniven to draw anything.

If Xemnu isn't the big bad orchestrating everything I will kick the fuck off.
Shame Banner is out of the picture, would've made for a interesting event.

I'll never look forward to anything with Bunn attached.

Who's the one the asian Hulk is helping?


Amadeus Cho. He has a puppy.