>Character is called Trigon
>His defining physical characteristic is that he has four eyes, not three
Character is called Trigon
Other urls found in this thread:
It's tri-gon.
He has three gonads.
Three dicks.
And when he assaults you your ass will be "tri gone".
let Tri-gons be bygones.
Works for me.
This thread's trigone.
He's Trigon, not Triclops.
>It's a Trigon Thread
>Posts Quints
Where was Trigon during COIE, anyway?
Just jacking it.
Do yoy think it has something to do with Trigonometry?
But seriously, where was he? You'd think he'd vie with the Anti-Monitor for Earth-One. And what about other entities, like Nekron?
Has he ever appeared in any major crossover outside of Teen Titans?
Do any of the other major players on the cosmic scale even know he exists?
Where are the Guardians, Spectre, or Dr Fate when Trigon comes to town?
He appears in Injustice and seems to be on equal footing with Mr. Mxgxgxgxhplix.
>Trigon thread
>gets dubs
Fack off
Mister Mxyzptlk
That powerlevels floats more often than crossover Flash
Emperor Joker was easily higher than all the newgods, the Spectre and the lords of Order.
Then Superboy Prime beats up Mxy with fists...
It wasn't directly related to Raven so there was no need to get Trigon involved.
The converse is also true.
I don't think anyone but Marv Wolfman gives a shit about Trigon to use him in crossovers.
But COIE was written by Wolfman.
Oh shit.
It's neat to me
This is actually an interesting question.
Presumably Raven would have been with all the other magic users as they fought against him, even pre-crisis John Constatine got a speaking role and that was only his second official appearance.
So out of all the characters in DC's pre-crisis catalog, Trigon was the one on the bench.
Maybe we'll find the answer in the new Raven mini? We won't.