I thought the latest Gwenpool issue was pretty good. Her team-up with Miles went to hell in a fun way...

I thought the latest Gwenpool issue was pretty good. Her team-up with Miles went to hell in a fun way. And it suddenly seems likely that she was transported to 616 as a result of Secret Wars.

I'm looking forward to the Holiday Special too, since that looks like it's going to be all about Gwen getting into hijinks with an odd assortment of people.

Also I'm happy to have Strychalski come back to sub for GuriHiru in the future now.

Yeah, it was pretty good.

I'm still interested to know what was wrong with Gwen in her original universe to make her believe her family is better off forgetting her. Was she just a parasitic hikikomori, or was it something more involved?

>tfw this series dropped down the top 100 by about 20 places

I'm glad that the upcoming Holiday Special seems to be focused on Gwen instead of treating her as an afterthought like the last one, but I'd still advise downloading it to be sure before buying it. Ryan North being a writer has me wary, and I'm not overly familiar with the other names aside from Hastings. With her lackluster appearance in RR&G I'm not excited about the prospect of other writers taking a shot at her.


Dammit. He is literally writing the worst series that the big two is putting out there. This will be dogshit.

I thought that was pretty obvious from the get-go considering when she appeared and the fact that 616 is crawling with people stuck their from other universes as a result of Secret Wars.

Thanks Reed.

>Ryan North writing for Gwenpool

>Ultimate Spider-Mam

What does it mean?

>in a fun way
she just goes full retarded. How the hell she thought that would play out?

Remember how the Holiday Specials work. It's very possible that he won't touch her and will just do an 8 page story of some other character doing Christmas stuff. Possibly SG, and without Henderson since her only credit for this is a variant that no one here would touch anyway.

She thought that she would kill the kid, Miles would be angry but shed get away while saying that this was better because it stops the kid from threatening more people as a supervillain, and in about a year he would begrudgingly team up with her in an annual. Basically like Pete and Frank, but Frank isn't that cute.

>Miles would be angry but shed get away
she didn't plan to escape from him at all. She even stays to discuss the matter with him. She retardedly thought he would just accept it.

Well I think a number of people (me among them) got stuck on the idea that she offed herself.

It still seems that it could be something like that, since she doesn't want to talk about how she transferred.

You don't have to plan to escape in cape comics. Characters just wait until things go to shit and run away while shouting a parting remark.

my point is not simply 'she didn't plan to escape', it's about what she was expecting to happen in the first place. Her retardation kicks in, and she thinks Spider man will be okay with it.

Look, i know the level of this comic is already very low, and that's still slightly better than the shit of the other issues of this comic.. but c'mon, it's clear that there is something wrong here.

Maybe everybody loved her and she just had/has a warped view of the world.

Again, look at how Spider-Man and Punisher's team-ups go, especially in the Bronze Age. Pete knows Frank will try to kill the villains, and though he doesn't like it he'll still work with him. He'll yell and get a little pissy, but he expects Frank to act that way and if it does escalate Frank never gets any long-term consequences from it and they repeat the whole thing in their next crossover. Gwen assumed that Miles knew she was a Punisher-type, not unreasonable considering the knife and gun she clearly has strapped under her arms, and wouldn't be surprised at her shooting someone.

I hope North and Henderson are on the Punisher section.

The difference is that Frank expects Spider-man to object to his killing and plans accordingly. She didn't expect spider-man to react like that at all.
Hell, the worst part is later when she expect a deus ex to happen to be able to fight spider-man. That's serious retardation.

Yes, it's been well-established that she's not all right in the head.

Can we storytime the latest issue? The last one I read was the one where she had just met Miles (who is apparently spiderman now?)

>parasitic hikikomori
She says she used to waste her paychecks on comics and statues, so it can't be this.
She was probably jsut one of those annoying people who can't do anything right. The ones who mean well and are typically nice people, but fuck everything up for the worse.

It's for the best because if they remember she existed and she's fucking GONE now it'd be a lot of drama and crying.

>The ones who mean well and are typically nice people, but fuck everything up for the worse.

Best protagonists

>since she doesn't want to talk about how she transferred.
Dr. Strange said that her transfer was nowhere near as pleasant as the trip they took between dimensions in issue 3.

Ripe targets for SUFFERING, which Gwenpool seems to be delving into.

>Can we storytime the latest issue?
Sure, why not?






Cool. I haven't checked out the comic yet but I probably will soon, now.







I want a nude edit.








Gwen logic aside. Kind of makes sense to let Gwen kill him if this kid was going to kill dozens more. Only drawnback is Miles would be mindfucked for Civil War and would have to go along with Carol no matter what she did.




>She was probably jsut one of those annoying people who can't do anything right. The ones who mean well and are typically nice people, but fuck everything up for the worse.
brb, 616

Boom. Finished.

And here's the next issue page for good measure.

wait what, Batroc out of nowhere?

Batroc is one of her main supporting characters

>Kind of makes sense to let Gwen kill him if this kid was going to kill dozens more.
How would the federal government handle a minor for domestic terrorism charges?

I *Want* to like this character, but the second she gets to popular she's going to get yanked away from the current writer and they'll totally fuck her and her world of supporting characters over.

She's got an interesting dynamic over, but how can you get invested when a character like this can so easily get destroyed by bad/mediocre writing?

>how can you get invested when a character like this can so easily get destroyed by bad/mediocre writing?
That can apply to any character in capeshit. Hell, that can apply to any fictional character in general.

the older superheroes tend to "snap" back to their roots every so many years. Batman, superman, spiderman- they all revert eventually.

brand new characters like this that try new things tend to be destroyed by new writers, and then abandoned.

Yeah, you may as well enjoy things while they're good.

You enjoy it while it lasts. I'd say we have at least a decent while with Hastings writing

Make sure to go to Ronnie so you can get a costume and not get killed off in the background.

>the second she gets to popular she's going to get yanked away from the current writer and they'll totally fuck her and her world of supporting characters over.
That's kind of the fear for all new characters though. Either they become popular and thus get ruined by other less competent writers, or they don't become popular and their book gets inevitably cancelled as the character falls into limbo only to be killed off during an event to "raise the stakes" down the line.

Thank you.

Eh that's all up to him to keep her hovering around the middle then.

There's more to it than that. That line is an echo of the previous page, where she said it's probably for the best that she can't go home.

why does she dress up like deadpool if she has zero powers/anything to do with deadpool?

He may or may not be subbing for an absent father figure.

Because she originated from a cover mashing up Gwen Stacy and Deadpool.

Ronnie thought her superhero name was "Gwenpool" (her name is Gwen Poole) so she modeled Gwen's costume after Deadpool's.

Costume lady thought her real name was her superhero name, gave her a Pink deadpool costume because her last name is Poole.

Her costume designer designed the costume after her name, Gwen Poole.

>Gwenpool #5 (Marvel) - 30,232
I wouldn't worry about her selling too much.

>No further explanation is needed for people to tell which Spider-man is doing what.
>Everyone can always tell if someone is talking about the "red one" or the "black one".

le ''she is crazy so that explains lazy writting'' meme.

This is how Gwenpool arguments go, either that or ''breaking the fourth wall explains everything via convoluted mental gymnastics

Oh, here we go with this shit again.

Please stop saying "mental gymnastics" every time somebody makes an informed observation about the comic. It doesn't substantiate your "criticism".

>replying at all
We've been through this whole song-and-dance a thousand times before. Just ignore him.

Gwen should bee the first addition to Mile's own rogues gallery.

Like she's doing in the comic itself, with what trying to kill people just because they're in the D-list and shit like that?

It's true user, you're right.

Yeah because anons bringing 10 times more meta references in conversations than the comic itself is not mental gymnastics!

>user talks about how meta references are used in Gwenpool: Gwenpool can that because according to comoc book ratings... blablabla... know that she was part of a Marvel event means that her actions... blablabla... she knows that since they just announced a trade paperback, that people are going to read the every issue in a row, which means...

>When the Gwenpool comic actually makes a meta reference: ''Wow, this feels like like the first Civil War event all over again, am I right?'', ''The artwork looks different in this issue!! We look totally different, I have larger boobs!!''

Holy shit. This IS a Civil War II issue -- Gwen, using the information available to her (meta-knowledge of Marvel universes) analyzed the problematic kid who would just in the future get free and threaten or kill someone with more bombs... and tried to off him.

Prescience / clarivoyance / future-profiling. Just done by a little girl instead of a shoehorned-in not-mutant.

Yeah, Gwenpool fans and mental gymnastics never go together at all.

Her sidekick that got toasted survived?

Did he have a brainscan of himself backed up somewhere?

>Her sidekick that got toasted survived?
I mean
He's a ghost, he's still dead

awe man

that sucks but at least he gets to kick around with the living for a while.

Such a shame he's a ghost and can't fuck her now.

>little girl
Have you seen that bod?

The way she behaves, I thought she was 14 tops. Early bloomer maybe.

She's been shown drinking fruity umbrella drinks. She's at least 21.

It's been implied that he was at piece before she forcibly brought him back, and that he doesn't want to be around as a ghost.

Putting her and Morales face to face, that would Also make him 21.

What? It just means she's young-looking enough to pass as a teen. Not at all strange for a 21 year old girl.

She's just a sperg or something, one who now believes that she do whatever the fuck she wants and live consequence free.

>Ted Poole


She's definitely in her late teens, at least. For all we know her umbrella drinks may have all been virgins, but there's your floor.

Fuck off! The way Hasting is to make the reader put his or her own spin on the story! leaving details to the imagination is not a bad thing, specially if it leas to cute!

Gonna guess she was a worthless NEET and probably does have some kind of fucked up mental issues or something.

I kind of have the hope they're going to throw a curveball and after a point Gwen decides to embrace how people view her and go full villain because that winds up being who she is: she WANTS to be the hero but she can't be, she's naturally inclined to be the villain. Kind of like whole "Hank Pym is actually a mad scientist fighting his villainous nature" theory.

That's not Hellcat.


We really don't need more Black Cat syndrome.

Batroc and Gwen's father/daughter relationship is what initially drew me into the comic. It's pretty well done and I like how Hastings actually treats the character with respect without trying too hard to make him badass. Kind of like how Deadpool treated Taskmaster back in the day.

Legitimately, I hope the series ends with her death. And I don't mean a "oh, Banner was killed" style thing. I mean full on Vigilante style "Gwen realizes how fucked up she's become and blows her brains out" style. It'll be too shocking for anyone to want to touch/bring the character back for a long time and could possibly make her seen as toxic to attempt because every time she shows up it'll just be "oh, it's that character who offed themselves after becoming a total basket case" undermining anything else they try and do with her.

That didn't stop people from using Mysterio.

Just read through all of the Hellcat storytimes on ocho-chan Cred Forums since the storytimer does those image comps of the previous threads and they're usually pretty funny if you like a lot of ripping on Kate Leth for being Kate Leth.

>GuriHiru will never make a Batman comic
Just fucking murder me.

No pls, I'm not ready for that level of Suffering.

Ok someone sum up wtf this gwenpool shit is and is it as stupid as it seems every single time I see it here? Or do you have to see the whole picture for it to be good?

>Or do you have to see the whole picture for it to be good?
Well, I'd recommend just reading the first couple issues (i.e. #0 and #1) if you want to find out, if that's what you mean.

I mean it's about an off-kilter Marvel fangirl (maybe from our universe) who gets sucked into 616 and makes it her mission to become a popular hero who can maintain her own ongoing, so that she doesn't die. Harrowing tales abound.

I mean would you prefer that or Bendis and/or Slott getting their hands on her?

That's... true.

I suppose for her that would be the ultimate Suffering.

I don't understand her character. If she's a comic book fan wouldn't she be reading Peter Parker Spiderman?

It hits a pretty good sweetspot being amusing and horrifying, with a few touching moments.

She's got a poster of him above her bed.

I usually never do this, but I had to make a reaction image out of this

>specially if it leads to cute!

Gwenpool fans should get laid

stop samefagging

I tried.

>you will never have Gwen assault you with her body

bad runs don't invalidate good runs or make them cease to exist.

don't get hung up on continuity

It's good. It's a genuinely funny comic about a comic fan from the real world getting trapped in the Marvel universe, and abusing her comic knowledge for personal gain. She comes off as a sociopath because to her, the whole universe isn't "real". She basically acts like someone fucking around in GTA.

>she sees your dick

>Placing her face on a jail's mattress.

Gwen Pool? More like Gonorrhea Pool.

More like Cesspool!

These issues are always great right up until the point she actually tries to apply her meta knowledge. Then it's just disappointing and cringe.

What bothers me is that in he first issue she acknowledged that she could "die", but then she acts like that around everyone else.

She's more worried about publication death.

Hastings truly is a master of the craft.

This passes as good art? Interesting.

Have we had any good gwenpool/deadpool interaction? Mainly on how she is from the real world? I remember in one scan I saw on here, deadpool spoke about how he hated and despised comic book readers because they only saw him and other characters as entertainment, and not as real people. I would like to see his take on gwenpool as she is a comic book reader.

It really doesn't but I think it's kind of funny.

wait, why is he allowed to hit her

Ultimate Spider-mammal

They haven't met yet, but based on an interview Hastings did earlier this year, he wouldn't be too fond of her.

We should be finding out soon, since he's a part of the Holiday Special the OP mentions.

Because she wanted to be baby punisher to his baby spider-man.

Maybe it's her bipolar disorder

She's not bipolar, user.

She's a very different kind of crazy.

Gwenpool as an ABDL/Little when?

No, she's a pink ghost with no pants.

>Kind of like whole "Hank Pym is actually a mad scientist fighting his villainous nature" theory.
In that case, wouldn't it be more interesting if she grows into a hero explicitly dealing with that kind of struggle?

If she embraces her inner villain, then she does become a lot more like Harley Quinn as people have mentioned.

I actually think this is such a good Miles moment.

if anything I think it would be most entertaining if she gradually became a NOT MUH fag, convinced she knows how the world should be and trying to force it to conform to her ideal status quo and make her headcanons canon
>try to bring down Parker Industries
>try to manipulate Carol and Jess into hooking up
>track down her favorite D listers so they get more appearances
>risk her life to try and make Hank Pym a hero again
>finds Cyclops's corpse and keeps trying to revive him

Do people actually like this comic unironically? Y'all know she's a coal burner right? Course you do, you probably jerk off to it.
Y'all deserve death.

>coal burner
Getting tired of your shit, Cred Forums. Make like a kike and gas yourself.

Oh shit, I'm down for all that.

at the end of the day, hers is the only girl buttcheeks I've seen in comics in like years

Lazy. You can do better than this.

Bartoc is a legend here.
Easily one of the best parts of the comic.

So, it doesn't bother you?
You aren't revolted.
Damn Cred Forums is too far gone, must've been looking at too much porn.

guess it's time to holocaust us in your imagination, master race pimple face

I suppose you're right. It's a damn shame. What could have been...

I would fuck two hundred black men and women in a row if it could magically make you shut up

Man, that's really bad, are you sure you just aren't saying that?
We all can say things in moments of anger, but there's no need to defile yourself.

But, there are entire butt threads on Cred Forums ever week...

>Implying Miles Morales isn't the most white-washed black kid in Marvel
Paint him white and no one'd notice a difference.

But you're a delusional Hitler-jugend so your opinion is just sad.


Sorry, I have no idea what a jug end is. It doesn't matter to me if he's an oreo, to fuck a respectable decent black man is still coalburning.

I would notice his mom that I wanna fuck isnt white

Christ, you must've sucked dicks at school. Ever had to study WW2? Bet you didn't, you fucking mongoloid.

It's obviously because she's gone and she doesn't want her parents worrying about her now that she's gone and she maybe? thinks she's dead if you buy the "got into comic books via suicide" theory.

her whole schtick of being a real person getting sucked into the marvewl universe, and using the fact that it's a comic book to justify being a sociopath is really interesting to me. She doesn't care about peoples lives because they are literally just comic book characters.

Stupid fucking capeshitters would prefer a lifeless "house style". Please kill yourselves.

I'm not really a fan of ww2 or nazis.
I just don't like coalburning.

What does that word even mean in this context?


When a character has sex or is shown to have any kind of attraction to a black character people like to scream coalburner or more commonly BLACKED, to show they are part of an on going shitty meme

Of course the real reason is that this entire series is based on a Gwen Stacy Deadpool variant cover.

user, do you understand that text and metatext are different things?


Grant pls.

I agree, it was a strong show of character for him (and also Gwen).

Nobody will remember.

It's only a meme If you consider all aspects of culture to be memes.


I hope your mother gets raped and murdered by blacks.