So why was there a cat on the bridge of the Enterprise?
So why was there a cat on the bridge of the Enterprise?
Good for morale.
She got good grades at Starfleet Academy, so was assigned to the best ship of the fleet.
That's racist
Furry points
A cat is fine too
Data here, can confirm.
Muh alien diversity
Cats and monkeys bring good luck to ships. If a cat abandons the ship at port, bad shit will go down.
Furries have been around since ancient times.
And by ancient times you mean prehistory.
Furries are way older than the 1970s.
Witness: Bast.
If this cartoon were made today, how much time would she spend curled up on the warm console?
You know it is with cats user, they come and go as they please. Somebody probably left the turbo lift open and she just wandered in.
>You will never let her haz cheeseburger.
Go fuck yourself
Because Kirk was bangin' her.
Kirk was not a slut, pls stop defaming him
We doing another stealth Trek thread? cool.
The Federation needs more aliens, for an organisation thats meant to be made up of various worlds and species its remarkably human-centric.
Pretty much all their legendary officers are human, the majority of their staff are human, their headquarters are on Earth....
Your reaction when all you get is a scene of Uhura complaining about cat hair on her chair?
Daily reminder that The Motion Picture and Nemesis are the two best Trek movies.
But user, makeup us expensive.
>The Motion Picture
I can see why you'd think that
Well now you're just wrong.
Earth basically founded and built everything by their fucking selves. I mean, the Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites were there too, but they were just being polite.
So the only Earth city we ever really see is San Francisco. What if in the future it still has the reputation of being the liberal city on the planet, and places like Texas are still super conservative?
Where is Star Trek Trump?
Patrick Stewart insisted on that nonsensical action scene being in the movie, because he personally loves racing dune buggies.
Doesn't matter how impractical it was or how entirely out of character for Picard and friends. They had to have a dune buggy shootout scene with random primitives that looked like extras from Mad Max.
On Feringinar.
too dangerous to have in engineering, too unsanitary for sick bay, can't stay in the captain's quarters because he doesn't want it watching him while he masturbates to furry porn
I don't think the Federation, with all their buttfucking pinko commie bullshit, could handle the existence of such a visionary.
>masturbating to furry porn
>not fucking them in the Rec Room
MConsidering most of politics consists about bitching about the economy and how to spend budgets, and we're talking about a world that doesn't use commerce or trade anymore?
Imagine if you could internet-pirate solid objects. Because, y'know, replicators in every house.
Imagine that world a hundred years later.
Osamu Tezuka was a well known furfag, if you want another example from that decade.
I still love his stuff.
Friendly reminder that cats have 8 nipples and love belly rubs.
Before I answer that, are you ready to take a walk on the wild side user?
Cars don't fit in the replicator, user.
>no tail
that's unsettling
it just ends up being a woman with darkish dyed skin
When the borg assimilate a Caitian do they shave them entirely like they do other races? Do they look like Sphynx Cats?
Sure they do, just some assembly required.
You could also just replicate the parts to build a bigger replicator.
What were Kzinti doing in Star Trek?
Something like that.
I laughed.
Then I cried.
Why are the new star trek films so shit?
>and love belly rubs
Only if they want you to.
Into Darkness was shit, but 09 and Beyond were alright.
Abrams just doesn't know how to do science fiction.
I never even knew about Star Trek TAS until a month ago and now I'm seeing threads about it all the time, wtf happened?
Plague of Gripes showed up once, now we're stuck chasing that high.
Satan magic
Beyond was mediocre as fuck. Warrior girl waifu made it worthwhile though.
The fact they gave Sulu a collapsible katana just because he's Asian seems pretty shit, I mean even in the original show they gave him a fencing saber instead
Yeah, well these are the assholes who made Sulu gay because Takei is and even Takei went "That's not the canon. How is this a tribute, you fuckers are basically saying I can't act!"
Yeah, but a fencing saber isn't as effective and Sulu was drunk off his balls pretending to be a swashbuckler in the show.
No they weren't. They were pretty looking, but they were not good movies. Just thin excuses to sky-dive in space.
Sulu was a collector. He had all kinds of swords and guns in his room.
Nowhere in my post did I say they were good movies.
A katana isn't really an effective weapon or survival tool either compared to a gun or machete.
I like to think that the gay men were brothers and that the girl is his niece
He does canonically have a daughter, she's helmsman of the Enterprise B in Generations.
>their headquarters are on Earth....
I always hated that. Their headquarters should be in a neutral location.
Not to be that guy, but Mass Effect did this better. The Citadel makes much more sense as a headquarters for an interstellar alliance. Or, if you prefer a Cred Forums example, the Legion of Super-Heroes has Weber's World.
And before anyone wants to bring up UN headquarters in real life, that's fucking retarded as well.
fuck off sulu is gay you're wrong and I disagree with your disagreement
end of story
You claimed they were "alright". They clearly were not "alright". They were pure crap.
Why all this attention for M'ress and none for Arex?
>and a cat face
Arex was weird
Deep Space Nine a best. It wasn't the most star-trekkish of the star treks but in terms of just being a good show it was superior.
Only like 3 out of 13 Trek movies aren't crap.
>I hate fun
He's homely as a mule's butt.
That pisses me off because they went an extra mile in order to shove the Uhura/Spock plotline into the canon in order to turn down the perceived gayness of the Kirk/Spock friendship, and then they ignored everyone's wishes and made Sulu gay.
jfc they can't have their cake and eat it too.
>m'ress thread
>no fanart
Actually I think that's one of the things the Abrams movies absolutely fucking nailed. There are random aliens just in the backgrounds of scenes. People you know went in for fucking hours of make up just to be milling about in the background on the ship or whatever.
Take the scene where they first show that cell for Khan in Into Darkness for example. There's an alien manning the controls in there and you don't even get a clear shot of it.
Cats are the true masters of the universe.
Spock/Uhura only bothers me because it led to them writing out Nurse Chapel, whose entire character was "in love with Spock"
It was the fact they were stated to be a pre warp society that bugged me.
Literally made first contact with this species by blamming them in a high speed shootout chase
Is this worth reading?
See, I'd have been fine with Nurse Chapel having a romance with Spock because like you said, that's her character. Uhura frankly came out of nowhere.
Alright here you go,
Where does this fit on the 'level of furry' chart?
I like how they had this android guy.
Yeah, I'm bothered that there's no appearance or mention of Nurse Chapel or Yeoman Rand.
I think the idea is that he'd have a new weird hobby every so often, so he fences, connects antique firearms, tends plants, etc
Apparently they based the entire idea on a single scene in "Charlie X" where Uhura and Spock perform a fuckin' song together.
>He thinks furries weren't around before this
There are furry cons that go back to the 60's. Also many books, stories etc that featured anthro characters....and even human x furry romance. Shit has been around since the dawn of man.
Because Egyptian gods weren't animal people. They were human bodies with animal heads.
to keep the mouses away.
Five of the TOS movies are good
Oh there's a mention of her. In Into Darkness, Carol mentions that Chapel transferred off the fuckin' ship to get away from Kirk sexually harassing her.
I don't get scared at films, even horror ones but his voice really unsettled me for some reason the first time I heard it.
I'm fine with it now, I think its a great voice, I guess its cause I wasn't expecting it
Yeah they had a really good background character variety in Yorktown and for the Enterprise crew in Beyond, and it was nice they didn't really deliberately draw attention to them
That's generous as fuck. I'm only prepared to give you Wrath, Voyage Home, and Undiscovered Country.
One of them is mentioned in Into Darkness by the admirals daughter on that shuttle
Apparently the new series is going to be some kind of mini-series with a serialized plot. It's supposed to follow some minor officer around like one of Data's special episodes. At least it is in the reguar Trek universe.
Actually Kirk is one of the few people who didn't. Sulu and Scottie both hit it. Kirk surprisingly did not.
They shouldn't have written out Chapel but pairing her up with Spock would have been dumb too
They don't need to force Spock into a relationship or keep pretending he's heterosexual
go back
TMP is great if you watch the Director's cut, and Search of Spock is pretty good.
TMP and Search For Spock were good user.
Kirk didn't bang his crew.
Kirk never seemed to shit where he ate, or to the best of my memory
> Sulu and Scottie both hit it
At the same time?
How does Pon Farr work for a gay Vulcan?
Because, y'know, him and Saavik totally did it in 3.
Nemesis is the most unnecessary shit ever. The execs wanted it to be TNG's Wrath of Khan, but they already had that in First Contact.
>Star Trek: Deep Space 9
>not Star Trek: Terok Nor
Is anyone else sick of all the Federation propaganda?
TMP is a million hours long if you watch the director's cut, fuck off.
TMP is fucking dire.
I adore Star Trek and to this day have never actually finished it because it bored me to fucking tears
I bet you only watch movies less than 90 minutes long.
>They shouldn't have written out Chapel but pairing her up with Spock would have been dumb too
Yeah, but it would have been slightly less dumb.
I assume the same way but with more violent fucking.
I really don't understand the hate for Nemesis.
Sure, it isn't the best Trek movie by a country mile, but its enjoyable, Tom Hardy was great and the Scimitar looked fucking awesome.
Not a fan of twenty minutes of a ship just slowly moving?
>perceived gayness of the Kirk/Spock friendship
There were people stupid enough to think that either of them was gay?
Yeah, I don't see the end of a lot of films because by the second act, I've usually already blown my load in your mother and fallen asleep.
The director's cut is like 5 minutes longer, and still only about 2 hours.
Yeah, but they were mostly women in the 70s.
There are easier ways to let people know you're 14 years old user
It really bugs me how ridiculously nerfed the Borg were in Voyager. A single cube barreled through the entire Federation fleet, but suddenly a single ship low on supplies can constantly take them on.
Yes then she watched them
Go where?
Perhaps, but few of them will be as effective in letting you know what a dick I think you are.
Probably the same as it does for straight ones except you have to do it twice as often
this isn't even rekt, just plain old cringe material.
Please, as if the writing in Voyager was even competent enough to make lack of supplies an issue for the ship, at most it got a vague mention and then they went and blew up a dozen more shuttle craft for giggles.
There are people that think they aren't? They were gay as hell dude
They became creepier in that they were more a faceless entity, but then they lost their teeth when they were so easily defeated
Its a double edged sword
As you get older and wiser, you'll find that not every goober you'll meet on the internet warrants your A-game.
fuck off already
How do you ever have low resources if you have replicators?
Is it about to scan some groceries at blinding speed?
That ship literally invented slash as we know today, user. Amok Time is the grandfather of gay pairings.
I'm trying out for the role of M'Ress in the next movie!
it's like magic!
>They became creepier in that they were more a faceless entity
How the fuck did the Borg become a more faceless enemy in Voyager? The exact opposite happened when they started making the queen an actual character. At least in FC they pretended she was a Locutus stand in.
I would bang her if she shaved her pussy
This month is the 50th anniversary of the original series. TAS is the only Star Trek show that's on-topic for Cred Forums.
Nog had the deepest lore.
>furry qt
>needs pussy shave
do you also order pepperoni but ask them to take off the pepperoni beforehand
You could be low on energy/dilithium
Replication and matter recycling most likely isn't 100% efficient. Losing resources on even the atomic level is still losing resources.
Huh, well I'll be.
Well you do know replicators aren't magical goodies creators right? They still require power and material. Plus there are things that can't be replicated which is the whole reason Latinum is valuable while gold itself is not.
And federation ships aren't replicating swarms of nanomachines, the federation has massive spacestation docks for more intensive repairs, maintenance and construction, you can only get so far on duct tape.
>The Preservers lore will never be further expanded upon.
Didn't Scotty figure out some magical way to recharge Dilithium back in ST4?
.. Did he?
I always took it to be that you could tell when something had been replicated which is what kept the value of Latinum
Scotty recrystallized a burnt crystal. The crystal itself holds no power, but it is used as a zero-energy method of turning matter into anti-matter. Can't be replicated, can't be manufactured, has to be mined.
>Freindly reminder that Mirror Quark did nothing wrong and had never even heard of latinum, he just wanted to help prevent the suffering of others and got shot for it.
Cave paintings from 10000 years ago had zoophilia, so it's been there all along.
Because Voyager's writing was terrible and inconsistent.
Case in point:
... but to be fair, they don't discuss it in Next Gen, so they might have learned how eventually. Kirk was always out looking for replacements because he drove too fast and wrecked his ride.
>Pretty much all their legendary officers are human, the majority of their staff are human, their headquarters are on Earth....
The way it should be.
I like him because of his voice. That was cool shit
>tfw used to know a chick with weirdly feline features
At least it had the Doctor, Seven of Nine and Chakotay (for the memes)
Beyond was such a weird viewing experience because it felt more like a Second Movie type film rather than a Third Movie, if we go by trilogy setups. Though I guess Star Trek benefits from being able to go outside that mold.
But Dilithium IS supposed to be a resource that the engines spend over time and requires replacing, isn't it? It's like, the only thing close to a fuel source that a Federation starship is ever mentioned needing.
So if you can restore them using 20th century technology, then I ask again, how would the Voyager EVER run out of resources?
I mean sure, if they were damaged enough, they'd need to find a dock for repairs, but people complain all the time about them never running out of photon torpedoes or shuttlecraft, but what's actually stopping them from constantly building more?
"building material" isn't even a problem because replicators work by using transporter tech to change the atoms of something into something else. They make food out of the ship's garbage. What's stopping them from beaming up a giant slab of any god damned kind of rock from the nearest planet and turning dirt into steaks, potatoes, warp coils, and torpedo parts?
In fact, speaking of transporter capabilities, here's something I always wondered: what's stopping them from cloning dead crewmembers? I mean there is that whole philosophical argument of "what if every time someone is beamed up, they're not actually the same person, they just died and then were recreated when their molecules were disassembled and reassembled?"
>Have consultant on the show for all the Native American shit
>It all devolves into stereotypes
>turns out he's not even Native American
This guy's actor put a ridiculous amount of forethought and effort into what amounted to a glorified walk-on role.
Should've made Scotty the Canon gay character :^)
Didn't Chakotay's actor give so little shit about the terrible character he was forced to play that he intentionally phoned in his performance and tried to get fired by asking for larger and larger raises?
Did the throw 7of9 on his face in the final episode to try and placate him? That shit came out of nowhere
>The writer should have made himself kiss a dude instead of making his own waifu for his character to spend the whole movie with
>here's something I always wondered: what's stopping them from cloning dead crewmembers?
These are the people that won't even contact pre warp civilizations. They aren't going to go around cloning their dead.
Oh neat, I didn't know David Finch cameoed in the movie.
This was the problem with characterization in the JJverse. KJJ never watched the show to get a feel for the characters. He just characterized them according to how normie pop culture perceived them
And the most prolific Sulu moment was that swashbuckler scene, even though that scene was actually the EXCEPTION to how Sulu's character was portrayed
Kirk really wasn't a womanizer. He was more of a serial monogamist. He NEVER set out to find a woman to screw. Falling in love with some woman usually just happened. And far more often than not the most he did was kiss them
And he didnt violate the Prime Directive lightly. The instances he did were unusual circumstances. Exceptions to the norm. He usually played by the rules.
But Pine Kirk was characterized as the pop culture trope "Kirk breaks all the rules and fucks green women"
Okay, moral implications of death and resurrection notwithstanding...there's numerous episodes where they used saved data in the pattern buffer to reverse something bad that had happened to a character.
Why isn't Sick Bay just a fucking transporter?
They could beam Nog's fuckin' leg back onto his body. They could revert someone to an earlier goddamn age.
Isn't it basically the cure for all injury and disease ever?
Voyager makes me damn salty cause i love the concept.
I always wanted the ship to get progressively more fucked as the seasons went on, or obviously patched up with scraps and shit so when it finally got back to Earth it was a horrible frankensteins mess of a ship.
I also wish they showed the prime directive being compromised a lot more, not constantly, but some proper questionable descisions.
Yeah I know we got Scorpion, but they never touch on how fucking shady that was and it was the only time I can remember
>But Pine Kirk was characterized as the pop culture trope "Kirk breaks all the rules and fucks green women"
To be fair, different timeline and all that jazz. But I agree with your post.
I remember loving Voyager as a kid because I always thought the concept was them stranded in an entirely different universe. Then when I got older I realized they were just really really far away from home. It was never the same after that.
Worst part of the JJVerse is that by going in the past and killing Kirk's dad, everything from TOS on was completely written over. None of that ever happened now. 50 years of rich comic folklore flushed down the shitter.
All my DVD sets and cherished childhood memories are now nothing but lies. Only Enterprise is still canon
It's JJverse.
That automatically means it's shit
JJverse is an alternate universe. It's how he gets away with this shit
Time is the fire in which we burn.
Uhh...they make it clear even within the movie that they didn't overwrite any universes, time travel just creates a new one in the multiverse.
There's even an arc in the JJVerse comic where Q briefly visits Picard on the E before hopping timelines to fuck with Pine-Kirk.
I quite like Karl Urban's Bones, but even then he's the stereotype of Bones being gruff dialed up to 11
The original universe still exists.
The JJverse is an identical parallel universe that is just altered by the variable of the Kelvin's destruction.
>None of that ever happened now.
You realize none of it happened either way, right? It's all fictional.
it's the only piece of Cred Forums related star trek media. that and the cat girl.
Its on Netflix now, so its more readily available
There are a number of Star Trek comics too
>it's the only piece of Cred Forums related star trek media
Star Trek comcs exist you know.
Kirk isn't a slut, he is pure
It's all still canon ding dong
Hell the new tv show is set ten years prior to TOS
Yeah, David was totally born in wedlock...
Then again, I guess the Klingon's corrected that little error...
>How can there be war crimes if there was no war?
Speaking of Q, has the franchise ever addressed the existence of all these various God-like beings running around the universe? In TOS it seemed liked they ran into a different one every other week, and then TNG has Q which is basically a coalition of them just hanging out, fucking with humanity every now and then.
Local networks like H&I and I think Comet have also been airing it recently.
Urban's McCoy is easily the best part of nuTrek
muh 600 gorillion
There are novels where some of those TOS characters are revealed to be members of the Q Continuum, I believe.
The universe is constantly bending over backwards to give Kirk what he wants so it makes sense that it would correct itself and get rid of David
talk about fandom overkill
There's too many literal damn 'space gods' in Trek, its why you have to laugh at any trekkie who goes on about it being serious science fiction and looking down at those other series like star wars for being 'childish space fantasy'
>when your exploits become so legendary and infamous that they create an entire division of time cops to make sure the universe doesn't get fucked
>time travel just creates a new one in the multiverse.
That's a temporal based universe. Star Trek operates on a physical multiverse. All these alternate universes always existed. And a little something is different in each one. Star Trek does NOT make a new universe when a decision is made. That would mean countless new universes are created every second. And where is the physical mass that each and every universe will require going to come from? You cant create matter or energy from nothing.
I call your attention to "City on the Edge of Forever" Which spells out in no uncertain terms what happens when time is tampered with. The universe gets written over like reformatting a disk.
They made this point again in two DS9 episodes, In one a Molly OBrien from the future vanishes from existence when her younger counterpart is rescued. Then theres that episode where the Defiant crashes on some planet and forms it's own colony. THey make a distinct point that future Odo wiped their descendants from existence when he altered history to save the Defiant and Kira.
So when Nero killed George Kirk, everything was wiped out that followed. This is how time travel works in Star Trek
but Star Wars is childish space fantasy
Fuck those people.
I first got into Star Trek as a kid because pew pew aliens and spaceship battles.
Obviously when I got older I got the more cerebral parts of it, but fuck anyone who pretends that a little bit of laser firing space ship blowing up action isn't something that makes Star Trek so enjoyable
Then the Narada and Jellyfish travelled to one of those alternate universes that always existed.
We know for a fact that the TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY universe still exists and has continued on.
As has been pointed out already, Discovery will take place in the original universe, set ten years before TOS...which would be AFTER the destruction of the Kelvin if it were set in the JJverse, which it's not.
Wouldn't surprise me, really. Like that one episode with the diety that was revealed to actually be an immature child, scolded by his parents. Could easily have been Q when he was younger.
Unless that really is the canon explanation. My knowledge of Trek lore is spotty at best
Well, there's nothing wrong with a healthy mix of both. It adds to the fun of the universe.
>So when Nero killed George Kirk, everything was wiped out that followed.
You were correct up until this point, for you see this occurred in one of the alternate universes that you've mentioned.
>Expecting there to be logical consistency about time travel and multiverses in Star Trek
Star Trek has about as much internal consistency in such matters as Doctor Who, which is to say fucking none.
Are there any good human x furry romances cause I have had a hard time finding them?
>So when Nero killed George Kirk, everything was wiped out that followed. This is how time travel works in Star Trek
Then how did grandpa Spock end up in the Kelvin universe? If his timeline got wiped out then he wouldn't exist anymore
I think they did retcon Trelane to be a Q
Black hole shenanigans.
The shenanigans are that the black hole sent them to another universe where things were superficially similar.
Transporter cloning only seems to ever happen by accident, but it is possible.
Reversed polarity transverse bulkheads cause a feedback loop using the black holes energy generating a chain reaction, which if timed just right could create shielding from chronometric shockwaves that would erase the ship from time.
>that episode of DS9 where they travel back in time to the 2020s and discover what it's like in Hilary's America
You'd think once they figured out it was possible, they'd want to start researching the Hell out of it. Not only would you be better prepared to prevent it from happening again, but the philosophical implications are enormous.
>That episode of DS9 where Quark Rom and Nog travel back in time and discover the earth Trump wants to take us back to
I kid of course, but one should always take easy lazy jokes when they're presented
That was Shatner writing a book
But what if you fired a tachyon beam from the deflector array?
Q-Squared isn't Shatner, it's Peter David.
>a Star Trek comic
>an Abrams Trek comic
>an Abrams Trek comic based on the worst of the trilogy
>an Abrams Trek comic based on the worst movie which is seemingly written solely to explain why this one guy doesn't look like the original actor despite everyone else being recast too
I dunno user, it seems pretty shitty to me.
>seemingly written solely to explain why this one guy doesn't look like the original actor despite everyone else being recast too
to be fair Khan did go from having a brown skin tone to being whiter than snow
Kirk used up crystals because he kept running his warp 7 ship at warp 8+. If Kirk drove at more sensible velocities, the crystal could have lasted forever.
>not wanting to be british
Sure you're ugly as fuck abnd you sound like a queer, but you have pound for pound the most successful people on the planet. Pound for pound the most useful inventions, pound for pound the most important and influential musicians, pound for pound the best athletes if the Olympics and Paralympics is anything to go by. Pound for pound the best actors. Best poetry
Your ancestors owned literally half the planet.
Remember he was genetically engineered to be better than everyone else.
Larry Niven wrote that episode and inserted them in. They are supposed to be relatives of Catians, much like how Romulans are relatives of Vulcans.
the fuck are you going on about
Just Cred Forums bullshit
It's an analog device, so it has no lasting digital storage. It has an analog buffer that fades fairly quickly. You can materialize an old signal, and it will be a melted puddle of nightmare pain.
Arex is the chillest nigga in space.
>blazed as fuck on the bridge of the Enterprise playing his giant mandolin thing
>Kirk surprisingly did not.
Kirk only had confirmed sex three times during TOS/TOS movies
Khan. Was hispanic, now white. Did have a hispanic accent, now British. Played by a white British man.
They explained why in the comics this was the case
Do keep up.
If you follow a couple of episodes from the original series and from Next Gen, all the humanoid planets were populated intentionally from the same source. Next Gen had the race of humanoids claiming to have seeded primordial oceans. Original Trek has the race transplanting pre-industrial humans around to new planets. Sometimes the planets were literal copies of Earth with the same continents.
Watch Amok Time, Shore Leave, Naked Time, This side of Paradise, On the Edge of Forever and tell me they are not gay.
How the fuck you feel ashamed over friendship and then say that Vulcans have no issues with friends ever episodes later?
None of those episodes have anything gay in them.
Also in the movies they make it pretty clear that Spock is the most important thing to Kirk and vice versa
I mean you don't have to think they were banging if you don't want but they were real gay
>it has no lasting digital storage
Except for all those times they used the buffer backup to re-materialize someone they thought they'd lost
>Not rerouting your transporter signals through the EPS conduits
Its like you WANT the crew of DS9 to be in Bashirs James Bond Holonovel user
its clearly a space Lute dingus.
Composing space greensleeves on that shit.
There were always special circumstances when they pulled transporter bullshit. By design you can't use it to copy people.
Dilithium is used to control the antimatter reaction (SOMEHOW), not convert material. Ships used two fuels: antimatter and matter collected by the Bussard collectors on the tips of the nacelles.
>Kirk is literally not affected by the spores because he's jealous at Spock with a girl
>Jealous at Spock being with a girl
>Not the girl
I'm not even going into the "Sinner repent" and "Love humanity thing."
I don't understand why people think they are not gay. They didn't have to be banging but it's there. The only thing that pisses me off with the new movies is the whole Spock/Uhura pairing and writing off Rand/Chapel.
Kirk ditched his spores because he was loyal to his ship. Maybe you should watch the episode.
There any online copies of this?
In Conscience of the King Spock gets really pissy when Kirk brings a girl on board and he totally denies that Kirk would be interested in her
Wow, I hate everything about that.
>Whenever a Vulcan looks down on Human emotion, it must mean gayness.
>Whenever a Human makes fun of a Vulcan for being unemotional, it must mean gayness.
see this motherfucker knows whats up!
Try sequential art.
I'm not a big Star Trek fan but I enjoy the series, how exactly does a replicator work as far as materials are concerned. Is there a universal raw material they take, are there reserves of it on the ship or do they need to resupply every so often? Is the food tasty or sort of "This tastes like a machine made it" How does it synthesize stuff like insects and other animal products like pork and vegetable matter?
This. Kirk/Enterprise is the OTP.
Kid appeal character
Bagi maybe?
E = MC^2
Star Fleet is technically the Earth military. they function like UN Blue Helmet peacekeepers, but for the Federation.
All the other Federation members still maintain their own self defense forces. The Vulcans have the Vulcan Science Academy.
I wanna pinch those paunchy cheeks.
Think of a 3D printer, but it can fabricate simple known compounds to use as the materials. it uses the same basic hardware as the transporter, but everything is made from a pattern. None of the patterns are good enough to make anything living, and apparently a lot of things taste kinda wrong.
It was interesting that there was a whole sector of space in TNG that was nothing but Borg. You imagined it as a nightmarish realm where every planet and planetoid was a glowing infestation of green and black shit.
In Best of Both Worlds they sort of retcon the Borg as wanting to assimilate people, when before they were established as not caring about organic life at all. They even vat grew their own host bodies through infancy to integrate their components over time.
When Hue came along, they made it clear that the Borg were generally not people (aside from circumstances like Picard's rescue) under the suit, and if you disconnected them, that was it. They had to grow a personality from scratch.
Then of course, Voyager and First Contact annihilated the Borg forever by turning them into drug addicts that want to forget individuality, that are led by an evil bald lady that may or may not have a billion bodies and has no clear motive despite actually having a personality.
Did you even watch the episode? Kirk was hit twice by the spores. They did nothing the first time. The second time he was hit on the ship did he go loopy. They did nothing the first time because he was jealous. They even point out that strong emotions can fight against them. And what strong emotion did he have the first time he was hit?
That episode was gay as fuck. Admit it. Don't make me screencap from it.
>Whenever a Human makes fun of a Vulcan for being unemotional, it must mean gayness.
Bullshit. Leonard Mccoy makes fun of Spock all of the time and we not saying that he's gay for Spock.
How do people miss stuff like this?
I still kinda want to fuck the queen.
You mean the ship he blew up to rescue Spock, and then said it was worth it?
Besides, Scotty/Enterprise is the true otp
We saw New Orleans
pick one
Enterprise is Riker's fan fiction.
>this week on Voyager
>"I sure love making up idealized towns of fantasy people on the holodeck!"
>"I fucking love drinking all this coffee. It's also nice to have fresh vegetables every day, along with replicating everything in the universe."
>"Life sure is hard out here, huh? Pass the gold-encrusted ultra lasagna please."
This. Scotty/Enterprise OTP.
>a lot of things taste kinda wrong
Which is the opinion of the Federation equivalent of hipsters, who insist actually cooking real food is infinitely superior to anything you can get out of a replicator
Despite the fact the replicator can make whatever you want, perfectly, every time so if you get something you don't like it's because you haven't adjusted the blueprint to match your tastes
Your fanfic is pretty crap. You should watch the episode. Kirk didn't get hit the first time he sees the spores, he only gets some on his shirt. Kirk is only infected after everyone was on the surface, and he broke the hold with his love of the Enterprise. Even McCoy recognizes why Kirk was able to get free and comments on it.
>Kirk was hit twice by the spores.
Wasn't he simply out of range the first time it tried? Then on the ship it got him point blank.
I think the worse part is that Romulus is now destroyed, regardless of which universe they're writing. The Romulan Empire was a huge threat for all of TNG, to the point that we never got to see the Enterprise square off against a warbird. Then they die like flies in DS9, and now they're just gone.
Nigga, Spock doesn't look down on human emotion - he calls out McCoy and Kirk for being illogical in certain circumstances, but at most he sees it as being their personal quirk. Hell, Vulcans have exactly the same set of emotions, just under control so they don't go around murdering each other.
If that was the case, he wouldn't be friends with Kirk in the first place.
What new tv show?
And Paris.
So wait... I could get tendies for free whenever I wanted if I joined starfleet?
I kinda see it as food that was designed by those people that make the air freshener in your car. It says strawberry on the label, but it doesn't really smell like a strawberry does.
Romulus is still around in JJ verse isn't it?
I'm still annoyed they blew up Vulcan though
Replicators are basically teleporters that can create anything, as long as it has access to the required elements in sufficient quantities.
Ensign Red Shirt poos in the space loo. Which beams his shit to the waste storage tank.
Somewhere else on the ship, Nurse Hotlips is ordering a Chai Mocha Latte from a replicator. So the replicator beams the necessary atoms from the waste tank. Then uses them to create a reasonable facsimile of the requested item.
You have to get to Lieutenant Commander before they will let you slack on your waistline.
In the past, it is. The universe starts with their star going supernova suddenly, destroying it before Spock goes back in time.
Star Trek Discovery
Coming May 2017
>Kirk doesn't get hit the first time he sees the spores
>It gets on his shirt but he's not hit at all!
Now I know you are just in denial and bullshitting.
I like how you ignore the whole "I have responsibility for this ship and the man on the bridge," and all of the other episodes.
You rang?
Nope. Waste is turned into energy, energy is turned into matter. It doesn't need to look around for the right atoms, it MAKES the right atoms.
So it'd be replicated diet caffeine free dr. pepper and salmon/broccoli for me
I thought that was in the prime timeline? I thought I recalled people thinking Nero was nuts because Romulus was still there even though he said it blew up
you know, if they just went along the edge of the galaxy, instead of across. they could have reached the Gamma Quadrant's wormhole back to DS9. In less time than going across.
It always bugged me how they gloss over how nightmarish all that is.
Not the shit part. The part where transporters have to be able to break apart and store your whole molecular state, destroy your body and then make a clone of it somewhere else. So, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to make an infinite number of someone, using generic matter.
You don't even need to do that. Replicators are a common tool in just about any home on Earth, or on any planet colonized by the Federation. It's a post-GBP world out there in the 24th century.
Nah he was hit twice. They probably did that on purpose because he had no reason to be hit the first time at all. They simply had to make Kirk walk behind Sulu and the crewman. Instead they put him on the front to most likely make a point.
Even if you ignore that he points out that Spock was with the girl twice when he tries to get Spock angry. It's just weird.
Space poo is converted into "power" and put into the batteries. Replicators make matter out of "power".
>I thought I recalled people thinking Nero was nuts because Romulus was still there even though he said it blew up
Yeah, that was stupid.
> I could work with all my nifty future knowledge for the advantage of the Romulan empire
> ... or I could go blow up Vulcan.
> yeah, let's blow up Vulcan.
The empire could easily conceivably still exist post Romulus and in fact could lead to very interesting stories regarding how people in a fallen empire act to change, or the desperate lengths people will go to after sudden changes in fortune, or even having it as a galvanising incident that causes xenophobia to run rampant throughout the empire leading to increased shitting on Remans and a Romulan people who are done poncing around with shitty neutral zones and trade agreements and are ready to conquer some motherfuckers.
You could even do something there with a Klingon/Romulan war and the troubles of being an ally of one faction, yet still trying to remain neutral
I'm not even a writer by any means and I came up with those concepts within a minute of reading your post.
No-one likes stagnation.
You take a strawberry, or a couple hundred, scan them every which way with a tricorder until you have the definitive strawberry molecular structure, then you slap it into a replicator which shits one out
In what way is it not a strawberry
Yep. In the Main Timeline Romulus gets blown up by a Supernova.
Nero destroys Vulcan in the JJ-Timeline as revenge because the Vulcans didn't help them in time.
He was out of range. At this point the troll is baiting.
Man how gay was Harry for Tom?
I'll be pissed if/when in the new show they don't use TOS uniforms.
Play Star Trek Online, my dude. They go into a huge quest arc about how Romulus is trying to survive a few decades after their planet blew up, and a New Romulus faction forms that tries to make peace with both Federation and Klingons, as a more democratic world.
No, you'll get your dozen prequels referencing that thing you liked as a youngin'.
>Coming on my birthday
I'm ready.
Replicators don't have that kind of detail. The ship computer doesn't have the space needed to store a scan of actual matter. The replicators know what kind of substances are supposed to be in a strawberry, and it knows what basic shape it needs to be formed into. It's more of a jello maker.
>the new tv show is set ten years prior to TOS
I wonder what the odds are of an appearance by Ensign James T. Kirk.
Remans would have been fucked too.
They were the natives. When the angry vulcans split off and traveled space to find their own planet. They settles on their world. Then they enslaved them and sent them all to the moon.
There is something else wrong about the Roddenberry timeline. Star Trek 5 or 6, the Klingons blew up their moon around the homeworld of Quonos. This was supposedly turning the planet uninhabitable. Resulting in the Klingons needing to resettle in the Federation. Yet the Klingons had an empire with multiple worlds. They could have just moved the capital to an existing empire world. Then once TNG starts. It is like the Klingon moon never exploded.
Did they just forget about TNG Spock's plotline? where he leads in underground Romulan movement for peaceful reunification with Vulcan.
I think Fuller said he wanted to, I hope they do
I think they might avoid TOS characters, but Fuller said he wanted to use Amanda Grayson
I wish the post game in STO wasn't so grindy and boring. Getting a new ship and customizing it is fun as hell. But by the time you hit end game, it's just menial work. It doesn't help people fly around doing 50k damage per minute while your vessel is doing about 5k.
Cryptic doesn't really care THAT much for TNG, they fellated DS9/Voyager and now they're fellating TOS pretty hard with some new alternate tutorial update.
moving the capital inside a country is a logistic nightmare, I can't imagine how it would be in a galactic scale.
Unless you have separate political and economical capitals for reasons, the truth is that a nation tends to develop in relation to the location of it's capital - it's the most developed place, it's the most advanced place, and so on.
At that point the Klingons might have just considered easier to join the federation.
>ten years prior to TOS
Hmmm.... So that would be 4 years after Kirk had a run-in with that vampire cloud.
About a year after Pike and Spock meets those brain guys on Talos IV.
>implying Kirk didn't fuck Rand at least once
War happened, the planet blew up, and Spock disappeared.
He didn't. Kirk mentioned to McCoy in one episode that he intentionally avoids her because she is on his crew. Rand literally cried in an episode about how he never noticed her.
Its mentioned in the opening cinematic when you first create a character. It also mentions the fact that this went completely tits up when the star went Supernova
Makes perfect sense for me. Underground contacts aint shit once the capital of the empire they're in literally gets wiped out
If the device that made that scan can fit in the palm of your hand, you can sure as fuck put the data in your replicator
Marathoning TNG with my best friend, on season 5.
Why is every Admiral or non-Enterprise Captain a douchebag or a scheming psychopath?
Tricorders don't keep that level of detail either.
The good captains mostly keep to themselves.
She also said that she tried to get his attention and it never worked
Because humans and Power corrupts.
Admiral is the position they give to Captains they don't want in command of a starship and fucking things up any more
>You will never cruse the Next-Gen galaxy in your own refurbished Miranda-Class ship that you got a good deal on.
>a good deal on
>in a society with no money
Go to bed Quark
They don't need money for basic living, but they still use money if they actually plan to own anything.
>society that still has menial labour
>no money
Humans aren't THAT perfect
The movies make no sense
Amanda Grayson? Sign me the fuck up. I love her.
Not only do they have labor, but they force holograms to do it as slaves literally by hand or given primitive picks and shovels
Don't the 2300's take place 100 years or so after TOS?
I mean, I like ladies who've clocked in some overtime, but that's pushing it a little.
Which is why Janeway is an Admiral
>Implying human age means anything to aliens
wasn't Guinan centuries old?
That's far too tragic, user.
Like, several centuries old. She was a "young" member of her species in the late 1800s, a solid 600 years before TNG.
>Gets a ship across the delta quadrant home in relatively one piece after 7 years when they were only supposed to be out for a few months
Yeah sure, she's the fuck-up
there are some novels that have M'Ress thrown forward in time through some bullshit
>See, for us, there is no fight. Which is why winning doesn't enter into it. We go on, no matter what. Our fandom has always been here on Earth... in one form or another. The Ancient Egyptians. The Disney films. We were there when the very first cave man finger-painted pictures of bestiality, and watched in fascination as he painted animal people. See, we're in the hearts and minds of every single living being. And that, friend, is what's making things so difficult for you. You see, the world doesn't work in spite of furfaggotry, user. It works with us. It works because of us.
The scene just before that he confirmed he was a fencer.
>Has about four races and numerous planets eradicated in order to do so.
Any other universe she'd be in space prison.
>holograms with pickaxes
All the budget was spent on the holograms
The entire reason he had that was because of the episode with the fencing sabre being in the public consciousness and you know it
And you know he as only given the Katana because he's asian
Now I'm not one to be bothered by a little light racism in a film, but when there's stereotyping like that it does drag me out of it, out of hilarity more than anger
a lot of people forget that shitty racist stereotpyes can be awful if you care whether they're racist or not.
The weird part is that they were re-purposed medical holograms. As if they guy at the mine couldn't just ask for a guy to work a pick ax.
I know these porn
>katanas are only given to asians
Sounds to me like she needs a few medals.
>Implying you wouldn't do whatever it takes to get your family home.
People shit on Janeway for that, but even though she isn't my favourite captain, I can't help but respect her.
As if you wouldn't do some questionable shady ass shit to get your family home especially when you know its going to be a 60+ year journey without bullshit science helping you along the way
Or Egyptians I guess.
I could respect her if they dumped her on some lone Prison colony lie they've done to all their other heroes who went nuts.
Shady ass shit is maybe killing some civilians to get shit done. That's like, 10 or 11 orders of magnitude below serial genocide.
>It's an Admiral Nechayev is a bitch episode
It was a tight budget
Knockoff EMH's cost less than laser drills and OSHA inspections, apparently
>Spacemen and shit
That episode where Cisco built a Bajoran space sail boat was when I dropped the series.
Hello, my children.
I never hated her until she went full retard with Dukat.
Ayy, your options are, commit some shady fucking shit, or you and all your family get assimilated by the Borg
What were the 4 races? I remember species 8472 though i I remember rightly, they got gud at fighting the borg again, not that Janeway would have known that
Ironically, if she did do shade shit she would have been home by episode 3.
She just wanted to wreck shit outside of the federation and the bleeding hearts.
So what you're saying is, she's the answer to
Banging Dukat is the only thing she did right
Apparently programming replicators to make specific food was more art than science. Which is why certain foods never came out tasting quite right, and why people rarely even tried to fix them. Remember, one of Picard's obsessions was to program his replicator to make a specific type of booze (iirc his goal was to make it evaporate at a certain temperature so it would turn from liquid to gas inside your mouth) and in many episodes he talked about not being able to get it right. It's not as simple as just telling the machine what you want, unless it already has the correct pattern stored.
>early on
>Hary was the cool down to earth smart guy and Tom was the useless smarmy asshole
>later on
>Harry was the useless boring faggot and Tom was the cool clever guy
Even Troi complained about replicators not being able to make "true" hot fudge sundaes, or something along those lines.
The furry fandom as we know it was born in the late 70s and early 80s, at sci-fi cons, as a discussion group for works like the book you posted. (As well as Lt. M'ress.) I'm not aware of any dedicated furry cons prior to the 80s, though.
There were undoubtedly people we'd identify as furries in a modern context, like Osamu Tezuka, but since the context didn't really exist yet, I'd argue there was no one to pander to. It could've been solely authorial interest, though.
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
never getting laid or promoted will do that
>Ferengi were meant to be the next main villain race after the Klingons were no longer universally evil
>nobody liked them so they were turned into incompetent backstabbing space jews
They were meant to be the Klingon replacement because when he made TNG, Gene originally said there could be no TOS alien species as antagonists
You've got to admire the balls on the man for that, even if it was a shite decision
You see that you and I are of a different stripe, don't you? We don't have to dream that we're important. We are.
House > Ryan
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!
I bet you get a lot of brow sweating done with that rain gutter on your face.
>It is another "omnipotent space lord takes over the ship and you can't do anything about it" episode
Goddamnit I love William Sadler. One of my favorite Character actors ever.
They even implied that Q may be Trelane's dad.
The book "Q Squared", put Trelane's species as one of the member species of the Q continuum. Our Q helped by playing babysitter/teacher for a while. The book isn't technically canon, but it was very popular.
The comic was bullshit.
>no clear motive
Seven mentioned the Borg Sought perfection
And The Borg was the machine race that upgraded V'Ger. We even got to see the original homeworld in TMP
Hence their first appearance they were pretty much butthead Klingon
Actually, Khan was Indian played by a Hispanic.
Now he's an Indian played by a white British man.
Id love for that to be the case.
Or at least shunt it and First Contact off to be the pre-history of the JJverse
>M'ress' face
Whoever drew that should be shot.
I love Section 31. Created because they knew Peace and Love could only go so far.
No matter what that gene modded short bus doctor does.
The idea that any fucking thing connected to a computer would have "no digital storage, analog only" is actively retarded, and even if it was canon that they deliberately chose to build them that way, you could simply choose NOT to if you wanted to reap the myriad fucking benefits.
Too much information in a body to story the data in the computer.
CBS / Paramount's latest disappointment in the making.
One of the creators literally told us to lower our expectations
The problem with that comic is that it plays straight the whole "The Eugenics Wars really totally did happen in the 1990s, let us abandon all pretense of Trek's inherent premise of imagining an optimistic possible future for the real world" thing, as opposed to what other adaptations of Khan's backstory have done, where they try to explain the Eugenics War away as something that happened secretively between spies and shadow cabinets and that's why it didn't fuck with real history.
The ship was an ancient wreck due to be mothballed at that point and he hadn't been her captain in like 10 years anyway.
Wrongway Janeway is an idiot
Tuvok should have led a mutiny and thrown her off the ship
>don't have that kind of detail
The entire premise is that they literally build items ON THE MOLECULAR LEVEL.
There's the matter of the soul of course. You cant just create that via science
Last heard they were in an argument over half a female as part of the main crew. Since earlier CBS nuked their Nancy Drew detective show over not wanting too many woman lead shows.
That and their digital distribution plans fell flat after CW cut a new deal with Netflix.
Computers from the 23rd century...don't have enough storage space?
Just stop making up bad excuses already and admit they could do this shit if they wanted to.
That's never been an issue.
Riker's accidental clone was a fully formed person who went on to have his own life independent of the real Riker.
Consider a sugar cube. Every molecule is the same sugar molecule. They aren't going to store the whole image of a cube, because all they need is the formula of one molecule and the basic cube shape. All the other foods work in the same basic way.
The show has discussed it. They can't do it.
The whole point of Star Trek is that humans only got their shit together after WW3 almost killed everyone
It's an optimistic future built on the foundation of "humans finally learned the value of life and discarded war to become better people"
A sugar cube is not nearly as molecularly complex as a bowl of stew and yet the replicator can make the stew AND the bowl the stew is in AND the spoon.
Not yet.
>over half a female
Well, huh.
WW3 happens in the mid 21st century, a time period we haven't yet arrived at in the real world.
The Eugenics War is this one weird anomaly, the only event in the Trek timeline we've actually passed. Thus, it HAS to be written around to maintain verisimilitude.
The comic didn't write around it, it just says "yep, the world was ruled by genetically engineered super-armies in the 1990's". Thus the problem.
The homeworld is gone.
No Romulan homeworld = no Romulans. It's just that simple. And there wouldnt be enough starship personnel to make continuing the species even remotely viable.
When the Xindi blew up Earth, they managed to wipe out all offworld humans in less than a decade.
And no way will the Klingons, Species 8472, the Breen and the other predatory races in the galaxy pass on the opportunity to finish off the Roms with them so weakened
Isn't that basically printing. Like it has the "blueprint" of Bowel of Stew And then just uses transport jiggery-pokery to "print" it.
Improving Romulan history wouldn't bring his wife back, but spiting Spock would make him feel better.
That's what makes him a villain.
Yeah, and it does a passible but unconvincing job of it. It isn't playing back a recording of some soup t saw once, it is following a recipe of chemicals. This is also why it can make alterations on the fly. It knows what chemicals belong in a gob of meat, and it knows the shape of a gob of meat, and it knows the recipe calls for X number of gobs of meat. I knows a water molecule, and it knows how much water. It knows what the bowl is supposed to be made of, and it knows the shape of the bowl.
Supposedly the destruction of the Romluan's sun was the work of the Iconians, and it was in retaliation for Sela going back in time and trying to kill them
So Sela is literally worse than Hitler
I just noticed the forced auto sage
It's a species in the books. Riker fucked one.
There's no reason a machine that copies things on the molecular level can't recreate them with 100% perfect accuracy.
If it worked like you say where it can only save so much data, so there are gaps in the blueprint, then it couldn't ACTUALLY make things, everything would beam out as an incomplete Brundlefly-esque mess.
The whole "replicated food doesn't taste as good" thing is literally people who like to cook being snobs. Let it go.
>I'm ready.
It better be for disappointment.
Yeah, but apparently the blueprints are rather hard to make and involve a lot more skill and effort than simply scanning the shit you want to make.
It doesn't make sense but that's how it works in-universe.
I love these comics
It doesn't work the way you want it to. The show has discussed this. They would do better at replicating if they could. Maybe instead of imagining that everyone there is a food hipster, you should consider taking their word for it.
It's not headcanon when it's literally how it works in the show.
Just because it doesn't make a lot of logical sense doesn't mean it's headcanon.
M'ress and Reginals Barclay, my OTP
Why is the thread autosaging
>more than 2 ceunturies of Romulan Empire means the Majority were on Romulus
>Even if they were than means billions couldn't possibly have been off world
>Implying all those off world are on Starships
i'm not saying it wouldn't shake shit up, because it would, I'm saying that its not impossible to imagine the empire living on crippled and it would be far from impossible to write interesting stories from that
Because the trailer footage they had at SDCC using a McQuarrie style ship was only a placeholder
Mods are fags.
It's technically off topic as fuck, but it's a civil and constructive discussion, so mods usually allow some leeway.
Well the show's explanation isn't possible. I don't think you understand the amount of molecular complexity INHERENT in making compounds.
The soup alone contains liquids full of different ingredients, plus the chunks of meat, plus vegetables, maybe grains of salt and pepper are in there...and then it has to be inside a bowl, and NONE of the pieces are inside EACH OTHER.
If you're leaving out ANY data AT ALL, you're AUTOMATICALLY getting a pile of melted garbage phased half-way through other melted garbage, not a bowl of fucking soup, no matter WHAT the writers of the show say it works like. It's just not actually POSSIBLE their way.
Plus the idea of 24th century data storage having such a low capacity is something I would physically laugh you out of a room for if we were having this conversation in person. I would laugh, in your face, invading your personal space, forcing you to backpedal, until your feet had taken you out of the door, and then I would close the door.
It pretty much a "working" model of the current economic climate. Its all in the machines and we "trust" that it works.
There is a reason people got pay in gold pressed latium in DS9. Rest of the universe isn't stupid.
Contain your autism, please.
I don't see a reason to. The ideas at play here are primitive as fuck, I don't care what somebody wrote in a series bible from like 1994.
What Nero SHOULD have done:
- Drop a probe to monitor for Spock's reappearance.
- Go to Romulus to warn the world about the nova and start the evacuation process.
- Submit the plans for the Narada to the Romulan high command and start the process of reverses engineering the technology to build new, more powerful starships and upgrade existing ones
- A few decades later, lead the enhanced Romulan Armada to victory across the galaxy
>I would laugh, in your face, invading your personal space, forcing you to backpedal, until your feet had taken you out of the door, and then I would close the door.
>Telling someone to contain their autism in a star trek thread on Cred Forums
Nigga get the fuck outtahere.
A data device capable of storing a literal perfect image of a chicken thigh, would take up more space than the actual chicken thigh did. Subatomic particles with various charges, positions, motions, interactions. Your fiction is much less plausible than the fiction of the show.
>I would physically laugh you out of a room for if we were having this conversation in person. I would laugh, in your face, invading your personal space, forcing you to backpedal, until your feet had taken you out of the door, and then I would close the door.
First of all, we are again talking about computers from 400 years in the future.
Second, the fuckin' Disney movie Tron from 1982 paints a more well thought-out picture of how scan-and-store-molecular-data based teleporting would fuckin' work than what you're describing.
>Ayy, your options are, commit some shady fucking shit, or you and all your family get assimilated by the Borg
WHat part of serial genocide are you not getting?
Third, come to think of it you haven't presented any proof at all that your bullshit about leaving out data is canon and not just a justification you made up to drag out a hypothetical argument about people being food snobs.
A computer is made of matter. The same kind of matter as the thing you are scanning. There is a physical limit to miniaturization, and the math is against you.
I can recall two off the top of my head. The Silver Blood aliens she knowingly and willingly tampered with, leading to them all dying in space. And the planet that got assimilated by the Borg because Wrongway Janeway made a deal with 8472
Janice is cute! CUTE!
You expect me to believe you've done any math at all as opposed to you just automatically assuming you're right about how much storage space a scan of a bowl of soup would take up and how much room the hard drives of far-future-computers that use some kind of gel packs you can't even comprehend as a storage medium would have, just because you want to be.
Also the underground society that had formed within the collective.
If you can store all the data represented in an atom of hydrogen in a device that is smaller than an atom of hydrogen, I invite you to patent it.
Out of the way, scrubs.
Section 31 was pure evil. There wasnt a single thing they did that wasnt extremely underhanded or highly unethical.
They even dress all in black. The only way they could have been more obvious was to literally print EVIL on their uniforms
They should have had an arc where Sisko organized a campaign to end their evil machinations once and for all. Shady shit like that has no place in Roddenberry's noble vision
The holodeck creates miles worth of images in perfect, eye-fooling resolution, and every person on a ship with a crew of 1,000 people has multiple programs saved locally.
Oh, and it can spawn a fully formed artificial intelligence immediately, with no processing time, by accident.
Please, tell me more about how much storage space the Enterprise computers don't have.
They exist to keep that noble vision alive.
It's not that big of a stretch that computer technology could have evolved to the point where storing a vast amount of info like that would be no more taking than storing an MP3 file on your HD
Literally hollow images.
Let's ask Barclay as he's put his dicking in many a photon
>The only way they could have been more obvious
How about handlebar mustaches?
Now theyre going to force progressiveness down our throats by putting a literal fag on the crew
Holodecks actually combine image projectors and force fields with replicator tech. So for example, you can pluck an apple from a tree in there and eat it.
But you're missing the point, which is that you can't even comprehend how much space the video games in the 24th century require to save to disk and yet here you sit telling everybody about how much storage space the ship has and what is and isn't possible to be saved. You're not even using numbers, you're just being a faggot about hypotheticals.
Already we've got 1tb size drives as big as your thumb
But TNG already had Wesley.
Name one time Section 31 ACTUALLY stopped a real threat to the existence of the UFP and wasn't just full of shit.
Not ever. Man is not God.
If you want a perfect copy of something, do
Can't as they never record that stuff. They are just that good.
Not yet.
Even Q was afraid of that prospect
>people still arguing about Kirk/Spock in this very thread
It will always be the ultimate gay ship
Right. Because Star Trek has NEVER been a progressive show
How many non-humanoid species were wiped out as a result of The Preservers spreading humanoids all over the galaxy? Are they actually more evil than the Borg?
Or goatees
So I looked it up.
It turns out that Federation computers don't even measure storage in bytes. They use a completely new unit of measurement called "quads". That's how incomprehensible their storage methods are in the future.
Here you are trying to say "this is how much space in the physical world ones and zeroes take up" and they're not even playing the game by the same rules you are.
Too far!
And 64 meg USB drives now are cheaper than 1 meg drives were 10 years go
If those aliens wanted to be competitive, they would've grown opposable thumbs to manipulate tools with.
And he's got a living example that humans will stick their dick in anything. So it's only a matter of time till a challenger appears.
Not ever
God would never allow us to get to that point
And yet they don't do things they way you want because it's too absurd.
>A singular big-g God
>with the power to limit human potential
>In Roddenberry's creation
Homosexuality is degenerate sexual perversion.
I guess pedophilia and bestiality are embraced then too
That's very difficult for clouds of sentient energy.
"let's not clone people with the transporter" is a CHOICE.
"replicated food doesn't taste as good as real food" is an OPINION.
"Replicated items have molecular data missing because of hard drive space limitations...but they still come out whole and functional and close enough" is literally impossible.
Bones is best Trek
The original series kinda mentions God a lot. Even the aliens worship the one God that created all.
I'll see you guys on /trash/ for the after party.
I don't think you're in the right place, sir. This is a Star Trek thread.
There's probably some nice Baneposting going on over on Cred Forums right now that you might enjoy.
You should contact the writers and let them know how you feel.
>Homosexuality is degenerate sexual perversion
user, you're on Cred Forums. We both know there are much worse perversion out there.
Characters mention their beliefs a lot, you mean.
That rabbit and that man are both dead.
Enjoy that fact.
Could just hang out on /m/.
What, did you get tired of trolling the SU thread?
>Kirk will never punch out God while proclaiming that humanity needs free will and obstacles to overcome to avoid stagnation
Friggin' Vallejo
He delegated the task to Spock, and Spock shot God in the face with a Klingon disruptor. Captains get to delegate like that.
Kirk doesn't want to have to explain that during Sunday service.
Sulu left a litter of kittens on the ice planet to die of cold and they miraculously survived.
And its not like a white British person with an Indian name is that weird anyway.
The Prime Directive be a cold mistress.
And so was named the Sulu's basket of kittens paradox.
Eh, it didn't bother me, and I think the comic's "we gave the famous historical figure extensive plastic surgery so he could do spy shit for us" explanation is solid.
What does bother me is the plot of Into Darkness actually might have worked better if it was just plain about some rogue Section 31 agent turned terrorist named John Harrison. Stuffing elements of Space Seed and WoK in there at the last minute is the weakest parts of the movie.