What kind of relationship do they have? How does it compare to, say, Bruce and Dick?

What kind of relationship do they have? How does it compare to, say, Bruce and Dick?

They are literally uncle and nephew, though Wally did admit at times Barry felt like a father way more than his actual father.

They're not anything like Bruce and Dick.

Barry is Wally's cool uncle, the type kids love because they do all the fun stuff with them but not the day-to-day parenting.

Didn't Wally say he was taken into custody by him? Or am I confusing things?

If the speed force can make a costume, what else can it make? Can it make glasses? A glass of water? Bullets?

You know what it can't do? Make your waifu real.

The speed force's ... relationship? With the individual partly determines that, but hypothetically yes, yes and yes. It gives some people superstrength or energy blasts...

I was expecting bring back Ed's mom.

I want someone to explain to me how going fast makes a glass of water.

They are really really close as Wally wore Barry's clothes for 20 something years

Why doesn't it just grant go-fast powers to its user and prevents him from being harmed, or from harming others unwillingly, with said powers?

Barry was Wally's cool uncle and they were cool. The Flash was Wally's hero, so when he found out his bomb ass uncle was the Flash, he was pretty stoked. Wally idolized the Flash and got to be hit partner.

Then Barry died. Wally, despite being an adult by then, didn't want to tarnish Barry's memory. He didn't think he could live up to the standard Barry set.

So when Wally was able to take on the mantle, it was a big moment. And he continued to compare himself to Barry, who's death essentially made him a superhero martyr. It's kind of why I like Wally being the Flash more than Barry. I think his story and growth as a character is far more complex and interesting than Barry.

It creates the glass out of force fields and slows down moisture in the air to condense it from gas to liquid.

E=mc^2 ?

It does that too

That IS what it does...but I don't think you understand how vague and easily twisted what you just said is. See


>It creates the glass out of force fields

you what

Go watch a capri sun commercial from the 90s theres your answer

Why are you confused? We know it can make googles and the metal things as part of costumes so why shouldn't it make a drinking glass or at least a clear cup?

The vast majority of the benefits to a speedster that the Speed Force was created to explain are just a force field, sir. The immunity to friction and windshear? The fact that they don't splatter and die if they trip and slam into a wall?

That and infinite metabolic energy so they don't get tired after dashing a couple blocks are the whole reason it exists as a narrative tool.

What do you think Wally's costume that he creates out of Speed Force IS? It's just him making a visible force field.

They're actual uncle/nephew, however there were times when Wally said he basically preferred Barry over his bio father, especially as time went on and they made Wally's father worse and worse.

Though funny you compare it to Bruce and Dick when their relationship is less cut and dry compared to Barry and Wally. Some writers make them father/son (mainly Dixon), some prefer them as brothers (like Morrison), and some just write them as best friends (like Snyder). And others just write them as close but don't specify how they see the relationship (like Johns).

Barry did do day to day parenting with him, though. The second Wally got Superspeed he could run over to Central City to hang with Barry any time he wanted.

Barry raised Wally from that point on.

The Speed Force has infinite energy and matter is just energy in a different state.

The Speed Force wasn't created to explain their powers. Their powers had be plausibly explained for decades.

It was used to give a bunch of old school golden age characters a unifying origin to put them all under the same umbrella because Mark Waid wanted to use Johnny Quick, Jesse Quick and Quicksilver(max mercury).

it's kind of funny because Barry never knew how to do this in the first place. Dude was a rookie compared to Wally when he came back.

It was also created to explain powers and Wally's ridicolusly contrived origins.

Wally told him about it still, but yeah. I don't think he ever did it on his own.

Barry is new as fuck.

If the speedster takes all the speed in the water molecules (the warmness), I guess you can convert it in ice, water glass.

He as a character himself is, as far as I can tell. Despite being almost all powerful and gifted for his job, he has notable flaws, and has his own voice, and fuck up things now and then.

I got to know him recently thanks to rebirth: I've been reading the old staff he is in, and I think he's grown on me a lot, way more than Barry (which is a nice guy but not than appealing for me).

They really should have made Ezra Wally in DCEU, especially when Batman is that old.

Now we're just going to get generic Spider-Man rip-off.

I feel like Barry hadn't personally been written well since his return until the current Rebirth series. Like there wasn't enough done to really give him a proper voice and all, or at least I didn't buy in until now (a shame the story itself is pretty lacking though, I'm like an issue behind already and I don't care to catch up that badly).

The speedster grabs grains of Sand one by one, arranges them in the desired form, the friction hearts them enough to turn them to glass. He condenses and energizes the moisture in the air making a mini rain cloud on top of the finished glass

He definitely now has some kind of voice. And it's fitting for the character, I guess.

Let's hope he ends up developing it properly. And let's hope the story gets better.

There is really a lack of solid Barry stories compared to Wally. Whenever someone asks me recs I give Brave and Bold and that's a fucking team up mini series.

Manapul and Booch had a bland Barry that would make Superman look like deepest character ever and less said about Venditti, the better.

Williamson's bar is low and he already gave us the definitive Barry moment with picture above. I think it's mostly because he's a fan of Mark Waid's stories rather than Johns so his portrayal is pretty akin to Waid's take on the character.

>he has notable flaws, and has his own voice, and fuck up things now and then.

I've recently finished Waid's run on Wally and I loved how a flaw he showed 100 issues before became relevant in the middle of a story later.

He takes down a dictatorship in the future and later finds out they became even worse after that. So he learns he shouldn't put his nose into every culture without knowing everything and that lesson helps him later when he meets his cousins Don and Dawn.

tl;dr Wally West is an amazing character and he deserves more love


>Though funny you compare it to Bruce and Dick when their relationship is less cut and dry compared to Barry and Wally. Some writers make them father/son (mainly Dixon), some prefer them as brothers (like Morrison), and some just write them as best friends (like Snyder). And others just write them as close but don't specify how they see the relationship (like Johns).

I have a feeling Rebirth version of Wally/Barry will be akin to Synder's Dick/Bruce considering the age gap between them being closer now.

Barry's also a huge nerd/dork and DC reaaaaaaally wants to shy away from that image of their heroes

except ezra miller's barry is a huge nerd/dork?

But the nerdiness is a trait of his personality that makes him apart. Isn't it? I don0t know him very much, but that was my understanding.

Besides, what's wrong with it?

I mean it became what they used to explain powers but it wasn't needed, unlike what I mentioned. People, for ages, just happily operated under the idea that Barry and Wally were mutated by lightning and chemicals, and that Johnny had a magic formula and Jay breathed some hard water fumes.

It wasn't heavily questioned or cared about, logicwise.

It's funny, Waid thought Barry was an absolutely boring character but he is by far the best modern Barry writer between JLA Year One and his Brave and the Bold mini.

Nah. Barry will always be Wally's idol and surrogate father, even if ages get fucked. Same with Iris.

I never got this. Barry was established as a dude with a super cool job (CSI) with a smoking hot fiance from day 1. He had a couple of dorky qualities (always being late and a bow tie) but the dude was a charming Adonis. It's one of the reasons his run cratered at the end -- he was so perfect that he was boring so they started resorting to shock tactics to keep readers reading.

I think I like how Waid gave him a paternal side. He was hilariously lame but he showed love and affection in a way no one else could show to their loved ones.

This is why I hate other adaptations. They are making him into a manchild instead of "an introvert man with lame interests".
Waid's Barry is the most mainstream version of him only to extremes. When Wally met him he even mocked his job for "not being a real cop". CSI wasn't a big thing back in the day.

He's still a special snowflake though. His only flaw is he tries to handle too much at all times which is...not a flaw at all.

That's a made up dig to fit the story that Waid made.

When Wally first debuted he thought Barry's job as cool as heck because, back then, it was.

You're confusing things. But Barry and Iris did act as parental figures to him.

That's because the concept of the Speed Force didn't exist when Barry was around. He did a lot of stunts on his own, but he didn't have the handwavey Speed Force to give him all sorts of bizarre tricks.

>didn't have the handwavey Speed Force to give him all sorts of bizarre tricks.

let's not downplay the insane silver age shit Flash did

Yeah, he did do a lot of crazy shit. But he didn't have the SF as some kind of all-encompassing reason to do wild stunts and expand his powerset. And of course there's a very good reason he wasn't well-versed in the tricks of the SF.

>That's a made up dig to fit the story that Waid made.

and that's the version EVERYONE is basing the flash on so user isn't lying.

geoff johns retconned it in the rebirth.once his parents got a divorce, barry & iris took him in.

>I want someone to explain to me how going fast makes a glass of water.

Bullshit energy = bullshit mass

>There is really a lack of solid Barry stories compared to Wally
If you are happy reading the silver age there are good Barry stories. Death of Iris, murder of Eobard, Trial, COIE and then into Return of Barry Allen, Cobolt Blue, Rogue War, Rebirth, Dastardly Death Of the Rogues, Flashpoint.

I much prefer Wally, but there is a decent enough Barry reading list.

>It's one of the reasons his run cratered at the end -- he was so perfect that he was boring so they started resorting to shock tactics to keep readers reading.
They even had to retcon in some flaws in Identity Crisis.

It DOES that. It's why Barry could run at light speed without the friction murdering him.

Not in the Silver Age it wasn't.

Geoff pls go.

I mean even without speed force he zapped Wally to a different costume. Can't underrate stuff like that.

Bruce makes Dick feel like shit and almost never shows affection. He talks nice about Dick from his back.

Barry loves and trusts Wally a lot and doesn't hide it from anyone. Most of Wally's insecurity comes after his death.