Batman Tops Online Superhero Merchandise Sales

>The Dark Knight rises to the top in terms of online toys, games, and apparel sales; 28 percent of superhero merchandise purchased since January 2015 was Batman branded.
>At the brand level, Marvel superhero themed online toy and apparel sales soar over DC by nearly nine percent. The Marvel lead is powered by purchases on Spiderman merchandise and the characters featured in the Disney backed Cinematic Universe.
>Spiderman teams-up with Batman as the second most popular perennial character. While Spidey is the second most popular character throughout the year, Superman and Captain America merchandise purchases surpassed him this spring. The Man of Steel soared above the web-slinger in March, the month that Clark Kent’s film premiered. March and April were also big for Captain America merchandise; The First Avenger’s toys and apparel sales officially sprinted ahead of Peter Parker in April, the month before Steve Roger’s newest movie.
>While comic book fans are often depicted as young men, women actually buy the majority of superhero toys, games, and apparel online. Female buyers account for 60 of online superhero themed toys and apparel purchases. This skew grows when looking specifically at comic themed apparel sales where women account for 70 percent of online buys, which is important since online revenue on superhero apparel is 26 percent larger than toy sales.

Considering this study ended 4/30/16, I'm sure Harley has jumped several spots due to the sheer amount of women buying merchandise. Wonder Woman should probably jump up several spot once her solo comes out and her merchandising hits its stride.

Most excellent news

Honestly I'm more surprised superman is third. I'd have assumed he'd have been surpassed bu cap or iron man.

Batman topping everything isn't surprising, but that strong lead kind of is.

>To see Captain America on the same level as Superman, Spider-Man and Batman.

Life is good. I'm glad Cap is getting the public recognition it deserves finally after 70 years.

Once again, the bat god era has returned!

I'm surprised Ultron is so high. Also, the fact that Cap surpassed Iron Man.


You gotta have a villain for your hero figures to beat up on. Ultron's a great generic robotic man.

>Wolverine that low.
I know he isn't something kind of merchandise juggernaut, but with Marvel basically throwing him and the rest of the X-Men into the closet it almost seems like he's just some character that edge-tards follow now. Just like with people sporting Punisher logos and shirts. Which makes me sad, considering just under 10yrs ago he was Marvel's second biggest character for decades.

>marvel and disney have destroyed Spiderman

Who saw this coming in the early 90s?

>At the brand level, Marvel superhero themed online toy and apparel sales soar over DC by nearly nine percent.

>Cap is finally second most popular Marvel

Did anybody think this would ever happen in their lives?

That's a surprisingly narrow lead considering how well the MCU has done and the 8-year head start they had with their movies. It actually really speaks as to how timeless Batman and Superman are.

Well obviously, nobody cared about the likes of Cap, Iron Man or Groot before the MCU. Bats and Supes have been extremely popular for more than 70 years.

The last list was done by a big website this one by a literally who

This is a shipping and sales analytics company. The other list you're talking about was done by a company that counted crates in a warehouse.

not buying this at all

Online merchandise sales is going to skew man-children. It would be interesting to see overall sales #s because children tend to prefer Spiderman to Batman.

I really want to know what purchases this is counting because
Batman only has so many funko pop figures

>These numbers don't fit what I have in my head so I'm going to say they're biased and wrong.

He's asking for more data, not discounting the data given.

mfw Superman outsells Captain America

Cap has been around for a while too user, one would spect some sort of reconition at this point

>MoS 2 is so good that Superman finally surpasses Spiderman and Batman

Am I allowed to hope?

Joker is best superhero.