X-Men: Apocalypse bloopers


pretty funny

I'm gonna need a closeup from that butt wiggle at 7:30 for reasons

I was Suprised that JLaw knew enough to make that Joke about Azazel.

i'm so mad about these movies still.

i just want good x-movies

They are good.
End your life.

I don't understand the video is just a copy of the movie

>First Class
>Not good

Hell I would only really say X3 and Origins are trying "bad" everything else ranges from fine to fantastic

>McAvoy doesn't hold his accent between takes
WOOOOOW not a true thespian.

>that bit with Beast chiming in with Mystique's drill sergeant speech

X1 and X2 are of there time so i give them slack but they aren't great. First Class is the only one worth anything.

>>First Class
Literally only first class in name. Like seriously It could've been the best movie and then set up for Apocalypse to be Giant Sized.
They're good but not in the right way X-Men should be good.

>of there time
Superhero movies were better then than they are now.

I want underages to leave.

In a cinematic sense, arguably.

In a raw comic book fanservice sense (which is what most people on this board want in the first place), definitely not.

>mystique: -you are not children anymore
>beast: -unfortunately

They're probably passionate about they're work and I know many of the actors are X-Fans. People shit on Jlaw for the bad X-Men movies but she doesn't direct or write them, she gives us the best Mystique we've gotten. Im pretty sure Scott and Kurt were prior fans of the X-Men so if you were acting you either studied up or knew the stuff already. Non-Fans of X-Men wouldn't be in X-Men. If your as Big as James or JLaw you would do something else.

>Mystique: He's my illegitimate son from Azazel
>Beast: Oh you fucked Azazel too? Great!

I want to hang out with Nicholas Hoult.

I wanna have sex with Sansa

>In a cinematic sense
Yes, and they are movies, not comics.

Especially after 2+ months of filming they must get to know their characters.

Not gonna lie, I like JLaw a little now that I know she's at least that invested.

I don't think most people go into these things looking for high art, though. I can appreciate true comic book FILMS like The Dark Knight or Spider-Man 2, but I can also appreciate the loyal fanservice pppcorn flicks like The Avengers and Deadpool too.

I don't think it's an either/or deal.

I like how apocalypse squeaks every time he moves

Yes, but then you have people claiming that The Avengers is better than something like X2, which is an unjustifiable position, said only out of Fanboyism.

And really, the X-Men movies are a lot closer to the comics than people pretend.

I wish they hadn't cast her as Mystique though. Shes a seriously good actor its just they've had to write Mystique into every movie, even though Raven Darkholme is a B list character. Im trying to think of a better X-Character for her to play.

Who imitated Joker, Apoc or Angel?

Emma Frost?

>the X-Men movies are a lot closer to the comics than people pretend.
mmmm I think that depends, I think they're fairly accurate but when Cyclops is in the back row the whole time and they're wearing leather costumes the movies are doing something wrong. Of course Apocalypse did a ton to change both of those things.


That's the thing about cinema: it's all subjective. If someone derived more entertainment out of The Avengers than X2, that's their opinion. The movie simply appealed to what they look for in movies.

Cinema is an art form: at its core it's meant to be about interpretation, personal value and connecting with audiences in different ways. You can argue that X2 is an "objectively superior" film in an artistic or cultural sense, I guess, but at the end of the day opinions are opinions.

Not mean and mature enough, until we get a consistent and well done Scott, I don't want them to do a character as complected as Emma. Lets try for a good Kitty first.

Get in line faggot

Rachel! She could die her hair red and she allready has practice acting as a character from an apocalyptic future. It would have been perfect!

Was there any truth to the rumor of Taylor Swift playing Dazzler? Because she would seriously be perfect for the role. Shes also probably peaking in popularity in music. Perfect time to get into acting.

>mystic leading the x-men
Are you retarded?

>Best Mystique
Please shill. Please. Raven mystique was better in every way.

I like that these reinforce what everyone was saying about the movie, first of all, it's garbage, and secondly that Jlaw is a massive cunt.

>but at the end of the day opinions are opinions.
this being objectively much worse than any footage from X2 proves you wrong

> she gives us the best Mystique we've gotten.
>Non-Fans of X-Men wouldn't be in X-Men. If your as Big as James or JLaw you would do something else.

AHAHAHAHA what the fuck, Cred Forums keeps getting worse by the day. Are you the new shillbot that just came out this week or just underage?

They have contracts that bind them to these movies and her mystique is terrible in both looks and characterization. Go back to wherever the hell you came from and leave your celebrity worship there

>it's garbage
(not true, by the way)

>AHAHAHAHA what the fuck, Cred Forums keeps getting worse by the day.
Golly gee

Kek at the part with McAvoy and Fassbender @4:18

I forgot how ridiculous beast and mystique looked in this movie. Thanks

Get out of my head, Charles!

I need a gif or a webm of this part.

is it funny as the X1/X2 bloopers?

>Hugh Jackman and his body double
>suddenly spiderman
>jackman trying to be intense snickt bub while wearing goofy glasses
>Singer and Patrick stewart in wheelchairs
>"This table is unstable!"
>"Kiss anyone who approaches, especially if it's me"

Pretty amusing.

There's one way to make the x-men movies work.
Everybody experience memory loss over time.

>she gives us the best Mystique we've gotten

>Non-Fans of X-Men wouldn't be in X-Men

I really hope this is an elaborate troll.

Fuck off, DoFP is a great movie, better than any of the Marvel or DCEU movies

I'll give them some sort of credit with going in a different direction for Mystique for the second X-men trilogy.

But the problem was too much of Mystique not enough of the others.


DOFP was the best theater experience i've had in years.
>dat old cast reunion

>dat score
>dat acting from McAvoy/Fassbender and Stewart/Mckellen

>JLaw bitching about lunch all the time
Is she friends with Amy Schumer or something

>>dat score
When I heard the X2 theme I fucking creamed my self.

DOFP really is amazing. It seems to be underrated as well.

>Magneto starts a dance party at Auschwitz

We can disagree! Even if I think you're crazy and vice versa

literally yes, they're doing a comedy together.

It's truly amazing to me how much people still love the X-Men movies. I mean they're ok but but nothing really worth really talking about.

The MCU doesn't have a bad film and DCEU's flims are good in their own way. But for some reason people still think these Foxified mutant movies are somehow better than everything.

Is this what you want? Or would you be happier if Marvel was able to make their own version of their own property?

>The MCU doesn't have a bad film



I personally like the X-Men with Fox.

DOFP and X2 are better than anything Marvel's put out.
And I enjoy every movie, even Origins. It's dumb, but it's entertaining. Best Sabertooth too.

Cred Forums loves Thor. They're cute and comfy and full of le feels.


Iron Man 2 is the weakest but it's still not a bad film. Sorry if I worded my original post strangely.

DOFP is great and I appreciate how hard it tried to fix all the glaring continuity issues but it ended up making more. Call me autistic all you want but continuity is important for me to immerse myself in these connected films.

>They should give the rights back to Marvel

Marvel would just turn them into a meme and then shove movie shit into the x titles so no thanks Jeff

>Marvel would just turn them into a meme
Explain that statement. You're telling me Marvel, the company that created the X-Men, would turn them into an internet joke?

>and then shove movie shit into the x titles
What does this mean? How would it be a movie if it didn't have "movie shit"?

Gaga was rumored back during DOFP, which was perfect

Honestly, if Marvel got the rights back, you KNOW we'd get that deleted mall scene at feature length and it would be perfect.

They're decent.

How mad is everyone going to be when Legion is the best thing in the XCU and the only thing actually produced by Marvel?

But Marvel would make the whole movie like that!
No gravitas for you.

They would have beaten Apoc with a dance off.

Absolutely impossible to get better than X2.

Imagine for a second that GotG didn't exist. Now simply use one of the other 12 films as a reference. You fucking memer. Why would they beaten him with a dance off if they have powers?

See Iron Man is a meme quip character in the movies and they turned comic Tony into that

What if they remade the film without the tacticool Matrix era outfits? It would be better. For sure. Maybe not to you 5 or 6 people obsessed in this thread but to the actual fans of the X-Men, it would be better.

>Marvel makes it

>Havok is a Horseman so Scott has a plot
>Mystique is a Horseman giving Kurt and Xavier plot and a TWIST
>Angel is a Horseman
>Psylocke is a Horseman
>Xavier and Magneto running the school and leading X-Men.
>Scott-Jean-Hank love triangle
>Jubilee is actually in the movie
>Kurt and Psylocke swordfight
>Storm is actually Storm

>ITT: Foxshills hugbox.

That sounds fucking stupid. What a bunch of memes! You forgot the dance offs and quips! ;_;!

btw Marvel's done better period pieces than any of the X-movies.

First Class at least tried but the Singer movies are a disgrace

>Why would they beaten him with a dance off if they have powers?
Because Marvel would have played up the LE 80's WERE BETTER meme way more.

Ragnarok is their 80's meme movie though.

Why do you people get hung up on what thier clothes look like.

The X-Men aren't Superman. They can wear whatever.

you're like girls

>oooh that shirt is the wrong shade for those pants dear OOOOH

>First Class at least tried but the Singer movies are a disgrace
Apoc maybe, but DOFP was 70's as fuck.

People who unironically love marvel movies are no older than 14, physically and mentally

>actually produced by Marvel
If it's gonna be good, it'll be because of the showrunner being fucking great at his job, not because some suits from X or Y studio were around to foot the bill.

>Because Marvel would have played up the LE 80's WERE BETTER meme way more.

How is that bad? What happened during your 40 years on this Earth in that particular decade that triggers you so much every time you see a rubik's cube?

There's irony here. That mentality right there is one of a younger person. That is straight up teenage angst talking. No fun allowed. You don't yet like Marvel movies for two reasons.
1. You're so young, the MCU has been around since you were 11 or 12 and you never got to appreciate what it was.
2. You're currently in a stage in your life where nobody understands you and you're sick of everything being happy or funny. Meanwhile, DC is right up your alley right now but it's loved by every one of your peers at school so you stick with your X-Men to have some semblance of gritty originality to your taste without going overboard.

>people are going to come into this thread and tell me the X-men movies are bad

don't piss on my leg and tell me its raining

Thor 1 and 2 sucked
Ultron was meh
Iron man hasn't had a good movie since 1
and the entire MCU doesn't have a good villain.

>claiming that constant levity is more mature than a mix of levity and darkness

I'm not saying that. I'm saying your inability to enjoy Marvel movies for their levity AND your inability to recognize that they're not just straight up comedy films is what makes you not yet mature enough for them to fully appreciate what they are.

We've got ourselves a psychiatrist here. Buy yourself a rope mate

>not yet mature enough for them to fully appreciate what they are.

I can't honestly believe for a second that you are saying that a prerequisite for fully enjoying Marvel films is maturity.

There is nothing going on under the surface in these films. I understood Iron Man fully when I was 13.


I'm sure that would've cut deep when I was your age. But I promise, it gets better.

>But I promise, it gets better.
I recognize your posting style. IIRC you are the king of arguing in circles.

Psychiatrist and a midlifecrisis eh? Rope and a stool lad


I'm 26, friend. Now you can select friendly quip or desperate biting insult as a response to my age. I wonder which one you'll choose.

Think about which one would be better in this situation. Also, for the sake of being topical, which choice would align more with Fox's style?

>extreme pattycake

>you're young
>muh mature mcu, for mature individuals (such as myself)

Marvel/Disney makes kids movies. The same amount of levity you'll find in those movies, is the same amount that you'll find in a Saturday Morning Cartoon, for the same reasons. The biggest MCU fanboys are young (and obnoxious and immature) because they grew up with and its all they know. Anything else seems weird to them, which is why they hate dark and gritty shit.

why are you ignoring this post

>oh so you fucked azazel too?

They probably just didn't have time for all these plot lines, but it is indeed really cool that the cast/crew had them in their head canon.

Maturity isn't normally a perquisite for any comic book film. But it's obvious that sometimes it is. For some people. I mean good on you for being able to enjoy a good movie at a young age. Nice picture by the way. I like it.

>Stark posting
Nice, now you lost all credibility.
Ultron was worse than meh.

How do you think the New Mutants movie will turn out to be?

It'll be the 7th film in a row to completely fuck up the continuity and it'll serve as what Fox wants to be the second film after Deadpool in their new cinematic universe while still connecting to the previous films. For SOME reason. The point will be to try one last time to get something going before giving up and doing a deal with Marvel.

Oh god why do they have to waste the team on this. If they give the rights back to Marvel right after New Mutants, we won't get a New Mutants movie for years. BUT, if they turned it into a Netflix show I would be so happy!

Who gives a shit about airtight continuity?

no J-law or Wolvie to wank up so having the focus on the kids should be an improvement

Karma gets the shaft once again I see.


>The point will be to try one last time to get something going before giving up and doing a deal with Marvel

Why would they do that? The X-Men films, even the crap ones, are financially successful. Most are also critically successful. Deadpool made a killing and Apocalypse was one of the most profitable summer blockbusters.

I can see FF going to Disney, but not X-Men

They're fucking sequels! It's a shared universe! It wouldn't be an issue if it was simply not connected. Why is that hard to understand? You can't get immersed in a sequel if it completely undermines the previous film that served as a prerequisite to this film.

I disagree with that way of thinking. Spiderman was making a killing but Sony saw a business opportunity. Even if they dont sell the rights soon, by the time the super hero bubble pops and the money's stop making money, Disney isnt even gonna need big bucks to get our muties back.

That sounds like a you problem.
Things like having two Emma Frosts running around doesn't bug me.
I find it amusing.

>DOFP retcons the shit movies
>MCU just ignores AOS

Storms in it tho, so the first part of the movie might be the Magik Mini series. Karma is the worst new Mutant who was never well written as a New Mutant. Shes good in other work but her and Magma never shinned bright on the X-Babies. My waifu though.... from and center.

Fox will never sell. Hate to break it to you.

I mean, they still haven't sold FF, and look at the state of those movies. Not good.

I liked all 3 FF movies fwiw.

I disagree, the best part about Deadpool was it was in the X-Universe but, had the X-Team in it. No weird ass shit from the old universe.
Two Emma's only works if there are two Scotts.

>I love your body.
>I love my body too. Every tuesday night. While I think about you.

I just feel bad for her. her entire history is just getting fucked over.

Shut up and talk more about the gag reel assholes.

That defeats the purpose of it being a series though. It's literally the same thing if they did that in the same film. If 2 versions of the same character were running around in the same film with no explanation, you'd have a problem then right?

How can the name of AoS's continuity ignore AoS? Though I agree with you and it's almost as bad.

Deadpool didn't have old universe shit because DoFP retconned the old shit. What Deadpool DOESN'T explain is how the very same Wade Wilson that looks the exact same as he did in the 60s/70s was born 40 years later in present day to again become some version of Deadpool. Time ripples? Ok sure. But that's just lazy story telling. If they wanted to do Deadpool in the X-Men universe, they shouldn't have fucked him up in a different time period.

>I mean, they still haven't sold FF, and look at the state of those movies. Not good.
>I liked all 3 FF movies fwiw.
Bias opinion? lol I kid but I still feel like they will someday. Super hero movies are like westerns in the 50s, they won't be big in 10 years. They will probably have a resurgence but after a while, Selling to Walt Didley might sound like a more sound investment than doing movies that don't make money. They do make money now, but won't always. Plus image is important to corporations, Fox is the bad guy right now and if they can lighten things up a bit, by doing little things (perhaps working with Disney) they will.

They're still fox's strongest franchise and that's without marvels help.

The Spider-Man franchise had been losing money though and had been a critical disappointment since Raimi's films. Not to mention there was no sense of direction at Sony and people struggled to stretch Spider-Man into his own cinematic universe.

The X franchise doesn't have those problems. They are almost always financial and critical hits. And they have an already established X-Universe that consists of movies in different time periods, featuring different teams, and different characters.

Magik? how so, Im not reading Extraordinary yet.
Faggot this is an X-Thread, let us do what we want.

My dude, throttle off the autism.

>no sense of direction
I feel like thats the biggest problem for X-Films, as much as I hate them focusing on Wolverine and not getting anything done accurately to the comics I can deal with that, the problem is theres no build up. There are no Arcs. Sure characters come back and know eachother but I feels like we havent moved forward. There is no goal. The films feel disconnected. the MCU has the opposite problem, they're too connected.

>How can the name of AoS's continuity ignore AoS?
Have you seen the movie or are you dull?

AoS is a television show, brittish insult.

well yeah, continuity in cape movies wasnt a big deal until avengers, by that time FOX was re-doing the x-men.

I think im seriously retarded. Man AOA and AOS are different.

no Karma

raped as a kid
almost dying on a mission and going MIA
forced to serve evil uncle
become jabba the hutt
gets leg cut off

>become jabba the hutt
Fuck that was weird. Still fun issues, but I would rather if that just wasn't there.

The people that run Fox, hate Disney. Iger and Murdoch's hate each other.

This one was okay, but we all agree first class was the best of the trilogy right?

No. DOFP. Obviously.

its my number 3 behind X2 and DOFP


liked em all tho

Yeah but money can solve all problems between then. Plus I mean 2 men can't control 2 companies. They might haver a lot of power but not that much. Plus in 5 years who know's whos gonna be in charge.
Rip the New Mutie that couldn't

>first class
Naw, worst of the 3. Its as if they said " hey you know that X-Men story, First Class? Lets do it but its only the same in name." Its like if they did the Dark Phoenix Saga with Magik and Cannonball and the rest of team being random characters from other teams like X-Force.

Yes. Because First Class is a good movie in general, not just a good superhero movie.


Why are you watching the bloopers to this film before seeing that actual movie?

So you hate Civil War because it's not he comic story right?
Be consistent now.

They wouldn't be plowing on with another F4 movie if that was true when the entire series is economically a near failure since the very first one for Fox.

You do not understand business or the people involved. Ego's like that, they'd burn a 100 mil to piss on the other guy's ashes. They have a media empire just like Disney and a multi-corp backing them. Sony is an out of country player, they don't have the same inter-corporate politics that Fox/Disney have.

Fox literally just poached about 100 people from ESPN.

Disney owns starwars, but who owns distribution rights for the first starwars? Fox.

I do not think you understand the level of pissing match between Fox and Disney.

>implying Apoc wasn't a good movie

No. Taylor met the cast randomly and I think everyone thought she had posed for Dazzler record cover. She might have or someone on the film made the cover look like her, but I don't believe she was actually involved in anything.

I fucking love how much Fox keeps Disney from having a media monopoly.

I see literally every cape film in the theater and I even like all of the X-Men movies. Including Origins. But I was severely disappointed with Apocalypse after DoFP.

The problem is Civil War was a bad comic, so I couldn't give a shit a shit if they adapted it poorly. If they based it off a good Avenger's comic I would be mad yeah.
I hate to be that guy, seriously. But how do you understand it more than anyone else does?

>But I was severely disappointed with Apocalypse after DoFP.
Yeah, but Apoc was a 6.5/10 to DOFP's 9/10.

Apoc is fine when not compared to the best of the best.

Fox are the good guys, they try and do there best with the movies and for the most part they're good. They're distancing themselves from Wolverine and Leather costumes and are getting better! Disney then tortures us comic's readers. The only hope for the movies is Fox, the only hope for the Comics is hoping that the next EIC has mercy for X-Men.

People just cannot comprehend the scale. Fox bought franchises at the station level, media-middle management level, the middle out as it were of broadcasting. Fox and Disney compete in network/cable television arena, pretty much every type of media from ABC/ESPN/Free/20 other channels Disney owns, to Fox who owns a variation of every single thing Disney does, Fx,FXX, Fox tv, Fox sports, FS1, etc they're competing in so many different arenas that when people say, "well about the money" if it was about money, most corporations would get along, like the book industry where they built a pseudo monopoly/book prices and slowly consolidated together till now they have 2 large media book conglomerates.

That is business when it is getting along.

But DoFP to me was the normal level of good I felt all the other movies should've at least reached, if not been better. I simply thought DoFP was the start of Fox actually doing justice to the series.

Oh and to add to the irony, who owns Harper Collins? as an example but News Corp, who owns Fox. The Murdochs.

Well, Apoc was certainly the most pulpy X movie so far.
Singer's trying to update his style.
DOFP proves he's still got it.
Apoc proves he's willing to have comicy costumes and crazy power battles and be colorful.

Don't count him out yet.

As a bloke who worked in a cinema in a major city over both ASM films, no they really really didn't

Which is a shame because I like Andrew Garfield, maybe not as Peter Parker, but as Spider-Man I do and certainly as an actor

But it did diabolically when compared to other equallly fucking shite films

Wait so your saying we're living in the worst timeline, are you saying that the Marvel Universe as a whole will most likely never be seen isnt pessimism? Are you saying Marvel won't stop fucking over X-Men comics?

It would be a fantastic Cred Forums banner

Zero moments of Olivia Munn.
Guess she hated it there.

Maybe she just is a boring actress while acting, or maybe she just didn't anything funny. Maybe she doesn't like X-Men. Fucking idunno. She honestly wasn't important in the film so maybe she were only there filming for a few days.

>Guess she hated it there.

Doubtful. She was the one who apparently pushed for that stupid costume she wore. Could be that they simply didn't like her for being too demanding because of her 'i'm le nerd' horseshite.

I feel like thats all a shit, because by the end of the movie, all the X-Men got costumes that are basically their comic equivalents. About as close to the comics are the Avengers costumes.

>I feel like thats all a shit

Unfortunately, it wasn't. There were various reports during Apocalypse's filming that Munn pushed for her costume to be as close to the classic Psylocke outfit as possible. Honestly, I would've preferred too see what the costume designers originally had in mind because the final product looked like shit. But then again, the classic Psylocke costume always looked like shit.

At least they had fun while making this movie. It's shame, movie was shit in the end.

Paylocke is one of the few X-Men where people hate her usual costume. Fuck thats bad lol. I hate that they brought Besty in so much. Like is she even Betsy Braddock? is this her Asian body or her Brittish body? Is Brian Around? its like they're teasing us with quality.

Who owns the rights to Captain Britain? Because if its Fox, we need an Excalibur movie STAT.

I'm loving McAvoy's scottish accent.

Honestly, i would better pay for movie about those ppl making a shitty movie than to watch the result.

>movie was shit in the end.

What was good about this movie?

my taint suffocating you are mother

well when you realize JLaw and the guy who played Beast were involved for years then broke up him going "so you fucked Azazel too" can take on a whole different meaning

I think it was more likely in reference to Mystique leaving for Magneto

Fox takes risks, MCU plays it safe. I appreciate the x-men movies because they try. I wish theyd try more, as XM:A felt tried with lots of retreads. But my god the final fight was amazing.

wew laddette

Munn knew about the character, and hinted that this might be the post-body change Asian form.

>"Now I'm with this guy... this blue guy."
Watching this, it seems to me as though the actors were well aware of how ridiculous this movie was.

I love that they get along off camera great chemistry

I've been reading DC since middle school how do I get into Xmen? Preferably stuff before they shared a universe with the Avengers.


They've always shared a universe with the Avengers but in years past they were allowed to do their own thing. The best way, as always, is to start with Giant Size X-men and the move onto Uncanny X-men 94. You've got ~70 issues before the spin offs start and you'll cover many, many classic moments

>she gives us the best Mystique we've gotten

>ruining my Grey-fu with a baby-faced actress

>That's the thing about cinema: it's all subjective.
No, it really isn't.
There are techniques, disciplines, and schools of standard.

>Karma gets the shaft once again I see.
Karma is shit tho.
I say this as someone that has recently come around to like Karma.

>Preferably stuff before they shared a universe with the Avengers.
so, the first five issues of the very first run

Maybe because Tony had no personality before.

>they are still FOX's strongest franchise
That says more about their other franchises than about X-Men.

>you're my favourite

Lost my shit at that scene

Why is this so funny?

>And I enjoy every movie, even Origins. It's dumb, but it's entertaining. Best Sabertooth too.
Best Sabertooth is the reason I liked Origins more than The Wolverine.

I agree with this statement

I'll never understand how they managed to get the least attractive cast of actors to replace an entire movie series that was played by quite literal super models.

Kill yourselves Disney shits

Hey, at least they're better than what D*sney's putting out.

MCU =/= Marvel Comics.
Feige didn't create X-Men, Stan Lee and Kirby did, therefore your argument is invalid.

In order to sell the X-Men to wider audiences, they would need a lot of compromise (and quips)

It's kinda funny. I mean, I don't believe in shilling, but it is funny that when the movie was released, it was constantly shat on. Few months later, dust had settled, and people actually liked it.

Coincidence? I think not.

Of course not. You thought shilling was just a meme?

No, I only pretended to be retarded :^)

This guy gets it. Too bad these two guys feel the need to make up some bullshit. Please, fucking enlighten me on how the "objective standards" are measured in empirical fashion. I'll wait. I love how the success of capeshit on film has turned every nerd into a film school graduate - sorry bucko, but watching "cinematic criticism" from some dickweed youtuber who thinks they too know all about film at a technical level doesn't credential you for jack shit. Art it is literally the most subjective thing you can be involved in. I went to the Art Museum in Chicago and there's a fucking "world renowned" modern artist that took photos from biker porn mags and slapped a filter on them. It's all bullshit. Like what you like, but stop pretending their is some verifiable metric of quality in this shit.

It really doesn't. You're trying to downplay 1.3 billion from two films, when studios like universal, and sony aren't anywhere near that with 3-4 films. Fox is succeeding in a declining platform.

my complaints aren't about how the movie looks. It's fine and works. It's all script/plot/character/adaptation problems.

You people arguing about numbers here as if it's proof that Fox makes good X-Men films. If the X-Men were to go back home, that number would be astronomical.

>If the X-Men were to go back home
>Wanting Disney to make X-Men films

I want Marvel Studios to make Marvel properties, yes.

Why? The best Marvel films have been produced by other studios (except for Iron Man 1). And under Disney, Marvel Studios and Marvel Comics has gone to shit.

>The best Marvel films have been produced by other studios

Paramount and Universal only served as distributors. Marvel Studios still made those films. And they kept the same level of quality when Disney came and changed nothing.

>The best Marvel films have been produced by other studios (except for Iron Man 1)

Except there have been Marvel films jsut as good or better than IM1.

Though I do agree that some properties should not be made under Marvel Studios. X-men being one of them.

Marvel Studios should reboot X-Men but not in the MCU. Yet.

>reboot X-Men but not in the MCU. Yet.

Ever. It would totally fuck with the setting. Shitloads of people with superpowers roaming around for the latter half of the last century without Shield or Hydra's noticing them is beyond retarded. If they haven't been established to exist earlier in the MCU, then they shouldn't be brought in now. It's too late. They don't fit.

Simply stick to the idea that we're just now reaching the point where mutants are starting to be born. Focus on the rarity. One or two having been born decades ago but keep it hidden for their safety.

Am I alone in thinking DoFP should have been the last of the Singer X-Men movies? It ended on such a high note—tying things together with both the old and new cast—that I remember saying aloud later that I'd be totally fine if they never made a mainstream X-movie again.

Apocalypse was made so incredibly blasé by comparison.

Super model that couldn't act for shit

DOFP was GOAT and like Nolan with The Dark Knight it was going to be tough for Singer to top that one.

That said I did like Apocalypse and feel it's a further step in the right direction for the franchise. However, I feel Singer should step down from the director's chair for the next installment but stay on board as a producer/writer, similar to his role in First Class, as I really feel he excelled on that role with Vaughn's first outing with the X-Men.

Either way I look forward to what's next on the plate for Fox's merry mutants on the big screen.

Off topic here but Rises was pretty good at cramming the rest of the mythos in there. It shouldn't have been a trilogy. Then again, it should have since someone else would've come along, like Snyder, and fucked all of them up retroactively.

I somewhat agree, but the actors could barely move around in those gimp suits and it shows in the fight choreography. In the behind-the-scenes of X1, the X-Men can't vault over a knee-high barrier because of the leather costumes.

>media monopoly
>Disney doesn't own DC or Dark Horse
>are killing acquired games and not developing new ones
>owns a handful of channels out of thousands
>doesn't own any print media

Still wouldn't work. Charles and Erik are too closely tied to WW2. You can't have them and not have Magneto having done something that would've got public attention, likely on a global scale. Between when Cap went under ice to Stark revealing himself as Iron Man, the whole superhero/extraordinary people shtick was controlled and kept under wraps from the general public and mostly died out after the cold war. The most there would've been was maybe a few hits done by the Winter Soldier. Something like Magneto would've been beyond their control to cover up as he would've likely pulled off something in similar scale to the battle of New York or Sokovia.

I'm sorry, but if at least a handful of mutants aren't established as of this point, it would just be too obviously forced. If there was ever a window to integrate the X-men into the MCU, it's too far gone past.

>I'm sorry, but if at least a handful of mutants aren't established as of this point, it would just be too obviously forced. If there was ever a window to integrate the X-men into the MCU, it's too far gone past.

You're a faggot. Why do you like bad films?

>Are you happy with that, because that seemed weird?
Pretty much sums up my experience with the last few X-men films.

It's capeshit films. They're all bad.

Read more comics, kids.


>Read more comics, kids.

But comic books aren't for kids.

>Why do you like bad films?
>Fox Men

>I appreciate the x-men movies because they try

What was the last x-men movie where you didn't hear Charles or Eric say "old friend" to one another?
