What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Identity politics
Art style.
Making her look like your average SJW
I honestly don't think Erica was trying to make a point about social justice, I just think she's such a shitty artist people think she was.
They gave a joke character who worked best as a supporting one a starring role.
Think something like Planet Sheen.
The art also doesn't help.
Ugly fat girls need heros too, user.
They turned a sexy girl into your average american woman.
>there are people who don't like Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
you niggas probably think White Queen or Mystique is cool or something
Squirrel Girl wasn't meant to be sexy, she was meant to be an awkward looking teen.
Ugly and skinny
Ugly and fat
Fuck SJWs.
>an awkward looking teen.
That's sexy,user.
I don't think Ryan North knows shit about Squirrel Girl other than she was famous for beating up some top tear characters. Trying to give heroes books that are primarily quirky slice of life stories. Repetitive jokes that aren't particularly funny to begin with. Does nothing to expand upon the character. Art is bad. And I don't mean Henderson is a bad artist. I mean even with her style like it or not she's lazy. That backgrounds are vacant the anatomy is off or sometimes unfinished. She has this simple style but most of the time it looks like she rushed pages at the last minute.
The Overall product reads and looks like something high schoolers would kick out as a extra credit project for class.
that's not real
is it?
Honestly the redesign is pretty thicc, it's just that the art and writing is godawful.
Lena Dunham isn't thick.
>Doctor Doom defeated by Squirrel Girl
>What went wrong
She got him by his nuts.
>The redesign is pretty good
>I feel like North's dialogue works for Squirrel Girl
>The art is ugly and bland
>The Quirky Slice Of Life setting doesn't suit the character
>Doreen's personality doesn't get a chance to come through because everyone else she's around is written exactly the same way
Al Ewing's version of Squirrel Girl on New Avengers captures her personality from Unbeatable perfectly, but because she's not surrounded by Also-Written-By-Ryan-North characters, she actually feels like a character.
Generally Ryan North is a very bad choice for anything meant to have characters or plot. I'm a fan of Dinosaur Comics and enjoyed his Hamlet CYOA, because in both of those cases, "everyone is voiced by Ryan North" feels appropriate. But with Squirrel Girl... ecch.
That art, for starters.
You forgot the unlikable part.
sjws and sana amanat, the two reasons why EVERYTHING at marvel is unreadable now
>no Dan Slott
>costume change
>shit art
>not getting the character
>deaging the character
Oh I also forgot
>webcomic writer
>What went wrong?
Making her look like that scumbag Lena Dunham
Giving a character whose entire premise is a one off joke an ongoing.
Mystique is the coolest canon trans character to ever exist.
She used to live as a dude until the times changed where women were the dominant gender. The whole having babies thing becomes pretty wild when you find out mystique used to regularly live as a man.