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Purest Character edition

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First for best ship

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

But that's not the SS Misery

Your next line is, "SEXY"

We're back, baby!

Jasper did nothing wrong

Do you think we'll ever actually get another baseball episode? Not wish/fantasy, but for real.

When are those short clips like the "video chat with Peridot and Lapis" coming out?

>implying Jasper is ded

No known release date yet. I wonder if we are getting a hiatus, if they'll be released in between the hiatus and the next episodes?

explain the purpose of the Onion character.
you cant

I want to marry Lapis

I'm sorry for your loss

Doodlin Jaspers


Rose's sentient onions eventually integrated with the human population and down the generations resulted in Onion



Y-you really drew one with spikes coming out of her eyes! Thank you!


>she stole Lapis hair

this is sick

I love it

SO when are we gonna get the Connidemption arc?

What if Jasper DOES come back and they actually give her a halo as a homage to when Vegeta got revived in dbz

Now just watch the mods delete this thread instead of the one with a troll OP.

Connie doesn't deserve it.

Lapis can use Jasper's discarded hair as a mop or rug

>bald Lapis


Lappy makes me happy



Post horrific fan made merchandise that is literally going to kill you in your sleep

My baby left me,
left me sad and blue
I didn't know what to do...
without my baby baby baby baby
And then I met his best friend
and he took me to his house
And I said... I said...
(what you said baby) let me tell you what I said

Put it in my mouth
She said put it in her mouth
I said my motherfuckin mouth
I mean her motherfuckin mouth
Put it in my mouth
She said put it in her mouth
My motherfuckin mouth

You get to have sex with Jasper, how long do you last in her pussy before you explode violently?

What a weird picture of Lapis

Why? She has lots of personal issues and is deeply unpleasant.

Where? Is she behind that shit gem right there?

>Lapiss Crapzuli

Lappy makes me fappy

Rose is pretty cool, yeah.

>wasting energy shapeshifting a pussy


How long do you last while she has her dick in your ass?


except trying to murder Amethyst

...aaaaaaand kidnapping dogs

aaaaaaand trying to fuck them

but other than that, nothing

Lappy makes me crappy

Three minutes of ecstasy, any more would be too much.

this isn't even fanmade

So technically she does make you happy in that regard



is the current trash thread
you'll need it soon :^)

In my case. it does.

She tried to murder all of them, and her mission would eventually have led to the destruction of the entire planet and all the life in it.

>Jasper running behind the car

fucking kek


>you wake up one day
>open your eyes
>see this on your chest

yeah, but that's like having to destroy a bunch of ant colonies to build your inground pool. Sucks for the ants but you gotta improve your yard. With organic life, Earth is just a shell of a planet, anyway.

What if Pearl's penis got in her own way?

Your only option is to last as long as she wants you to, otherwise she'd kill you

Finalize my transformation in T-Pain.

thats not centi you gigantic faggot

Yeah, you could say so.

This one is pretty good but it will definitely kill you in your sleep regardless

Maybe it grants wishes

but corrupts them like the genie in Wishmaster

since Lapis can control water, can she just like, make humans explode in an instant

Centipeetle has eaten human food, Chaaaps.

I don't think she knows humans are 70% water.

That's retarded

Jasper's mission was to protect Peridot and wipe out anything that was causing her trouble, Peridot's mission was to make sure the Cluster was doing what it's supposed to do, Yellow Diamond's mission was to blow up the planet and murder everything on it

maybe she doesn't know they're made of water

>yeah, but that's like having to destroy a bunch of ant colonies to build your inground pool
It's more like killing a bunch of conscious, sentient, intelligent beings because you're pissed at something someone entirely unrelated did five thousand years ago. Maybe they seem like ants to her; I don't give a shit, because they're not. Just because you don't think you're wrong, doesn't mean you're not wrong.

She's made me explode many times.

I want to see Lapis human bend

I want Lapis to mix ovaltine in my body

Unless you're trying to argue that she didn't know what her mission would lead to or didn't carry out the orders willingly, both of which are wrong, I don't see how that matters.

The "control over water" power has always been an inconsistent bitch to write user, just go with it

Excuse me, are you Little King John?



I want to put soda in someone's IV.

She just wanted to kill the bitch who murdered her big pink mom

>her forehead is pushing out an egg
>through a cloaca
>in perfect detail

Ayy lmao

Lapis hasn't controlled anything that wasn't mostly water as far as I remember.

Just juice in AaSso far

She didn't really care about her mission or if the planet got blown up or not is what I'm saying, which is bad I guess, but her goal wasn't to wipe out everyone and everything that lived in earth, just to find and kill Rose

Going from Wikipedia, are we having another hiatus?

Everything looks to be in order. I'll let you off with a warning.

For now


you guys are on hiatus. go back to /trash/

What percentage of orange juice is water? If it's near the same amount as blood then we know she can blood bend and singlehandedly wipe out the human race if she wanted too

>Maybe they seem like ants to her; I don't give a shit, because they're not.

You don't seem to understand the parallel.


>kill rose
Capture rose and bring him to YD

We don't know if we're hiatus yet. Hide the thread if it bothers you.


>What percentage of orange juice is water?

It probably doesn't even matter. As long as it contains at least a tiny bit of water, she can control it.

Makes me wonder if her powers are even limited to water at all.

Google says OJ is 88% water

And blood is 92% water

Some quick googling says that most juice is at least 90% water.

and blood is 92% water.

So yeah, she could hypothetically control blood too. If that's even how her powers work. She might be able to just control all liquid matter.

So she could manipulate blood just as easy as she could with juice? That's wicked scary.

You can never run from me user.

I do, I just don't find it meaningful. Ants don't feel pain, aren't sentient, and have a very short lifespan. Killing ants is different than killing humans. In addition, destroying the Earth has no practical purposes for Homeworld.

They might see us the way we see ants; again, so what? That doesn't mean they're right. The existence of different perspectives doesn't absolve people from moral responsibility.

I just want her to be okay

save her, Steven

Lapis is so insanely over powered on Earth, holy shit

Holy kek, there's still people who believe in this?

But I love you Lapis, why would I ever want to run away?

If gems had blood lapis lazulis would be the rulers on homeworld

>It's okay to do commit genocide if you think you're right!
Holy kek, there's still people who believe in this?

Don't worry

believe in Steven

But you really don't seem to get the parallel based on your comments. Your argument is "but we're not ants!!! we're humans!! it's different!" which is completely bypassing the point of the parallel. To them, we may be ants. So it is the same as destroying an ant colony. Notice how Peridot had no problem whatsoever with crushing Steven to death, because he was some organic thing that wasn't supposed to be in the Kindergarten and was going to get in her way.

>In addition, destroying the Earth has no practical purposes for Homeworld.

It's creating a weapon.

Momswap when. Wheeeen.



The only thing Jasper will ever know is Eternal Suffering, and you know it

I really hope we see another lapis lazuli at some point. I wonder if other lapises can control liquid. If our Lapis' hydrokinesis is her literal weapon, it makes me think that it's somewhat unique to her.

Era-2 Lapises with artificial wings when?

>To them, we may be ants
And I have already said twice, I don't care. It doesn't make it not wrong.

That's the only thing she knows now. But she'll experience happiness.

Oh god, what have I done.

If they never do a momswap episode, Crewniverse are confirmed hacks

I made her less fat/flat but she is still too thin.

Maybe she shouldnt have raped a dog.

>And I have already said twice, I don't care.

Then why bother responding? If you're just going to act like their perspective has no bearing on their actions, don't bother.

>If our Lapis' hydrokinesis is her literal weapon

It's confirmed that it was. Rubies don't share the same weapon, so it must be the same for all gems with a physical weapon. Elemental gems, on the other hand probably all share the same power.

flip your fucking images

Is water manipulation her only power? She traveled between Earth and Homeworld with just her wings. She's got to have some form of super speed.

>things you never thought you'd read about a children's cartoon

Would you be willing to sacrifice Jasper for an edgy momswap series

Not him, but I relate to many of her issues, though she's been through a lot more problems and has more issues than I do. I want to be able to hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay.

I am drowning, there is no sign of land
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand
And I hope you die
I hope we both die

Is what the homeworld gems doing any worse than what humans do when they wipe out ecosystems and rainforests and shit? Destroying life and the homes of lower life forms is a stupid and selfish thing to do but even when we know it's bad we keep doing it.

>Then why bother responding?
I could ask the same to you. If morality is completely relative, why bother making a statement like "Jasper did nothing wrong"? It's meaningless.

>If you're just going to act like their perspective has no bearing on their actions
I never said that. I said we shouldn't refrain from judging someone just because their perspective is different.

>reusing a futurama joke

Come on, there were better openings with her

She probably flew to a Homeworld operated planet that she knew of. Crossing whole galaxies in a matter of a few days/weeks in unheard of with anything less than light speed.

I don't see why all lapis lazulis wouldn't have water powers, some of them might not have water wings that they can sprout of their gem if their gem isn't located on their back though.

>deeply unpleasant
nigga you saw how she can be around steven and peridot, you just gotta treat her right
And that's a big appeal to me, I love cheering up sad girls

You don't scare me.

reminder that Lapis was in control of Malachite when she started demanding and eating Watermelon Steven sacrifices

>Is what the homeworld gems doing any worse than what humans do when they wipe out ecosystems and rainforests and shit?
Actually, yes. Because if they had succeeded in destroying the Earth they would have done all of that and more.
>Destroying life and the homes of lower life forms is a stupid and selfish thing to do but even when we know it's bad we keep doing it.
I take exception to that "we". And in any case, if you're acknowledging that what humans do is bad, you can't possibly deny that it's bad when Homeworld does it as well.

Sorry. Uploading from mobile and it looks fine until it uploads. Got a cropping app that should fix the problem.


>Sacrifice Jasper.
No, I'd prefer a April-fools episode of a standard non-canon momswap episode, but still not enough to risk best-gems redemption for.

Humans deserve to get blown up for treating our planet like shit and letting Trump run for president user, space is a dog eat dog world and homeworld is the bigger dog

Thread sucks, needs more Pearl



>and letting Trump run for president

>letting Trump run for president
fuck off mudslime

>except trying to murder Amethyst
Well but Amethyst is defective, thus bringing shame to all quartzes, and according to HW state of mind should be purged

Just watch, a part of jasperdemption will be her recognising that Amethyst, despite being a pathetic undercooked runt, has worth and skills, and understanding that harvesting gems just for not performing perfectly up to their predetermined standards is monstrous

Homeworld pose is the same as the Unitology Church pose.

Homeworld wants to make us whole.



Muh nigga

>tfw she never got to upgrade to human sacrifice


Not really; Peridot states that Earth has unique resources and possibilities due to its organic life. So it's really just being a massive bitch.

If Lapis and Peridot fuse, what do you think their fusion song will sound like?

And they'd just get eaten by bigger dogs from somewhere else.

It's so poetic...

oh amethyst will play a role for sure. amethyst called her sis.

>letting Trump run for president
I mean, we also let Hillary run.

Burgerland deserves everything that happens to it at this point, we're royally fucked and we don't really have anyone to blame for it but ourselves.

Remember when Peridot and Lapis were relevant?

Yeah, that was cool.

she only said that after she came to care about Steven

The one guy who did give a shit was forced out by his own party.

Dark days are ahead.

I blame you because I haven't been old enough to vote untill now and you have absolutely ruined my life


Yea, don't let the memes fool you, both Trump and Clinton are shit. Either have a liberal who will continue to lie about the dangers of Islam or a faggot who is going to shit all over your privacy to catch a few terrorists.

but no shouting pls

Thank god they're out of the picture.

>all these europoors thinking they can comment on our election
dont you have migrants to bend over for?

Based on Meep Morps, something wacky and playful with a side of Lapis' pretty sounds

painfully screaming while hitting herself in the stomach with her weapon



Nobody has shit on Cold Tea user

We also have to deal with the TPP and the TIPP, both of which will fuck over everyone.

>To them, we may be ants. So it is the same as destroying an ant colony.
It shouldn't be that way though since the level of sentience of humans is equal, or in the case of Rubies, greater than gems, and they're able to recognise that and communicate with humans. It's not a case of "lol dumb insects", it's a case of "lol fucking organics and their planet with exceptional unique lifeforms and possibilities, HW fuck yeah".

It's committing casual genocide because fuck those foreigners and their weird ways and shorter life expectancy, they're like a different species, we have better tech so we have the right to annihilate them all permanently lolololo

If homeworld/the diamonds recognized that humans were able to contribute to homeworld and gem life then they would have reason to leave earth alone rather than destroy it in order to make a weapon. Rose starting a war to protect humanity and life on earth would be like someone starting a war to protect some useless animal species that contributes nothing to the animals or plant life of the ecosystem it's living in, like mosquitoes (they're pretty useless right?)

The Ballad of Richard Nixon


>Reading comprehension
"We" includes me dipshit.

>they're pretty useless right?

They're a food source for a large amount of species, so no.

But the context of that was Peridot trying to get authorization to terminate the Cluster and save Earth in a logical way, after she had befriended the Crystal Gems and Steven, hence why she tacked on "without disrupting the local--" after talking about the resources. She didn't notice or care about the resources until she wanted to protect Steven.

>cold tea



the difference is that one wants my guns and the other doesn't
>inb4 b-but no fly list!
not an argument, he talked with the NRA and they convinced him it was a shit idea.
also, Hilldebeast won't survive election day, let alone a single term.


human's soft, fragile bodies, short lifespan, high resource requirement, and unpredictability make them useless to gems. not even worth using as labor.


Rebecca Sugar is a qt
this has been your daily psa

Something weird and experimental. Like modern art. If their fusion isn't a snobbish artsy cunt, I'd be surprised.

Homeworld gems do that on a regular basis and on a global scale. I imagine at the height of their power they've taken down entire solar systems without even batting an eye.

And the only person willing to stand against it was a Rose Quartz. Every single other gem outside of those convinced have been all for it.

She's a bad good girl



You fucked up, Pearl.

Because of that, you must now fight this creature to the death.

Nah. Sugar has said in some interview that part of why Peridot converted to support the Crystal Gems is that her faith in the infallibility of YD's judgement was destroyed. She honestly thought that there had been a mistake in reports or appraising the potential of the planet, and if she'd only deliver the objective facts, that Earth has potential and resources, to YD, her amazing diamond in her infinite wisdom would, objectively, decide to halt the cluster.

Instead, YD reacted with vindictive, illogical emotion, which made Peridot realise she's not wise and unerring and objective at all.

She didn't lie about Earth to protect Steven. She really believed she was giving an important, correct report to her diamond, the best diamond, Yellow Diamond. That's why it's in-character for her to suddenly turn HW traitor.

Are you sure you aren't a pearlfag?

Because you sure are salty.


>Looked up the song

What is garbage?


>yfw Jasper raped Greg for this


>implying any self respecting, Emperor fearing subject of the Imperium will want to be useful for a bunch of literal faggot xenos


>Peridot is the only other gem besides Steven who makes her smile

Are you even caught up?

No shit I'm a Pearlfag. I've loved her since day one.

Then why didn't rose also fight for all the other planets with life on them that were getting destroyed?
She's a selfish slutty bitch who only ever lusted after cocks of earth species is why.

Uhh, why?

Fine, not like I haven't fought worse. Is that a gem?

What the actual shitting fuck

Are you even in touch with reality or do you just see everything through shipping tinted lenses?


a cornerstone of american history, eurofag

>Pearl and lancer jousting

>forgetting Leggy
>forgetting our Ruby
>he didn't even watch HTD

It's the Lapidot Way™

fuck off with your falseflagging bullshit

pearl wall user btw


I'm not saying that Earth's resources can't be used, or that Peridot was lying about the possibility of utilizing Earth's resources. I'm saying the REASON she even bothered with that argument is that she wanted to protect Steven and the Crystal Gems by stoppig Earth's destruction via Cluster.

>She really believed she was giving an important, correct report to her diamond, the best diamond, Yellow Diamond.

She literally lied to Yellow Diamond about what happened on Earth, so that she didn't know about Steven or the Gems destroying the ship. Why lie about that? She had no problem before with killing Steven, before she befriended him, yet when she presented her idea she made sure to work in that she had ideas about utilizing the earth's resources without disrupting the local (population/lifeforms).

anyone got that picture of lapis lifting weights

Fuck off

Ruby made Lapis smile in hit the diamond

Rubpiss confirmed

umm . . . I'm sorry?

hey you

I mean, nothing he said actually had anything to do with shipping. He's using the same reasoning as shippers to explain why they'll fuse, but they'll obviously fuse some day anyway, but I feel like you're wearing anti-shipper goggles too tight right now. They can be fused without it needing to be romantic.

Can't wait to go back to trash

But it's a fact
Aside from that screenshot user posted there's the bit she smiled and laughed watching her do the one-man band thing

Is Steven making her smile a shipping thing too?

she's smiling because steven is there and she doesn't want to be a jerk to her guests
did you even watch the episode?

it pisses me off when people draw pearl's sash as a bow
into the trash

oh hey, that pearl art is actually really nice looking
good job m8, youre still a huge dork, but nice

Grandma Pearl

Thanks :)

No! I paid and waited a long time for this

You promised you wouldn't do this again!

We have no idea why she was smiling. It could have been she thought their stupidity was funny.

Where as Peridot watches TV with her, makes art, and from her twitter account post, stays near her off screen.

neat user
will you stream you cumming on it?

crewniverse:yes lets forget the most fucked up moment in the show.

absolutely pathetic. pearlfags like you make me sick. jasper is clearly the better gem

was it rape?

You're beyond help, shippertrash.



Sugar didn't say that "part of why Peridot converted to support the Crystal Gems is that her faith in the infallibility of YD's judgement was destroyed."

She said

>It’s her obsession with rules and regulations, her belief that things can be one way and one way only, and her unquestioning obedience toward Yellow Diamond that eventually rockets her into becoming a rebel and anarchist when she realizes Yellow Diamond is capable of being wrong. How can you believe in what makes sense when what makes sense doesn’t make sense anymore? She’s excited by the infinite potential of everything, and fascinated by her own capacity to care, because those things had been a total blind spot for her.

She said that her realization that Yellow Diamond could be wrong is what caused her to rebel not to care about the Crystal Gems. She obviously cared about them enough to hide their actions from YD in the first place, which happened before she realized YD wasn't perfect.

Possibly, but the body is long gone.

Oh, and if you ARE able to beat that one then this one's up next. I made sure to use some of the darkness in Rose Quartz's heart in its creation.

Too bad the look wouldn't transfer over, a pinkish-purple Defender with feminine features would be a terrible sight.

The lance itself is also animated. And it doesn't get along with its wielder.

>She literally lied to Yellow Diamond about what happened on Earth, so that she didn't know about Steven or the Gems destroying the ship. Why lie about that?
Because the CG are rebels and bringing up that she's friendly with them now before she's had the chance to present her findings might effect YD's priorities. After all, Jasper said that Rose Quartz takes priority, and if YD reacts the same way as she might, it'd mean that the cluster hatches and the Earth is destroyed before HW has a chance to detain the CG - or more likely, they might decide to destroy Earth and its possibilities just to make sure the CG are destroyed alongside it.

When she was fine with killing Steven she didn't really understand anything about Earth's lifeforms, so she didn't care about them. While she got to know Steven she also alongside that learned about Earth and got her ideas.

What ever happend to that flash game?
the one that guy put a marker up his pooper to get a Hand ship mod?


nah dude

fuck off
okay I'm a bit pathetic but damn me if i dont love it

:) thanks

Rose emotionally abused Greg by putting on a cosplay of worst and ugliest gem every time Greg wanted to have sex , pass it on

Tried to draw with as few lines as possible, and i accidentally drew big assed bloople.

yall who say why do we want jasperedemption for a character who is just awful and terrible,you just answered your own question.

Nothing wrong with that.


That's really fucked up. She did it before and she did it again. People talk a lot about Pearl's moments of shitty behavior but Amethyst was being really horrible here.


Make her a centaur

don't embarrass us,user

I hate TimeHuntress, but I've always been fond of that piece.

please don't mention that faggot or he'll come back. I just want to forget

I do have to wonder why Pearl gets the most backslash when shit like that exists.

>When she was fine with killing Steven she didn't really understand anything about Earth's lifeforms, so she didn't care about them. While she got to know Steven she also alongside that learned about Earth and got her ideas.

Thaaaaaaat's thhheeeeeee poooiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnntttttttt.

She only brought up the ability of using Earth's resources when she cared about Steven and the Gems and didn't want them to die. Before that, Earth's resources didn't matter.

>mfw the navy will never be this cool again

>like that's a bad thing

cause pearls actions are reminded in the show.they forgot that scene frpm ame entirely.

Well based on what we know about fusion songs, I'd imagine it would be a mix of their theme instruments.

I know fuck all about music or how to talk about it, but how I imagine their themes and instruments mixing would probably end up with an upbeat, quick harp with Peridot's musical sound acting as backup.

>its a gif
thanks famalam
I dont give a shit if it wasnt the best shield in the game. Once I got face shield I never swapped

she big

Learn to write better sentences

Look up the definition of redemption while you're at it

Calm down Matt.

Pearl fucking up gets way more focus in the show plus Pearl is a much more popular character

did you?
cause seems you didnt get it.

>Before that, Earth's resources didn't matter.
Before that, she did not properly KNOW about Earth's resources or lifeforms.

Do you actually bother to read the messages you quote?

Yes, and the superior ship at that.

Greg's reaction when she did it is so depressing too.

What kind of earth resources was she even considering would be more important than a giant nuclear-grade weapon? Ukulele songs and gay television shows?

Lapis's leg freaks me out in that gif.

Did you miss the part where hearing/seeing Steven made her get all cheerful? FFS, what is it with you people.

It's the same damn thing desu, only ones a het ship with a little jew haired fattie and one's a gay ship with a ridiculous frog


If this is what being wrong feels like then I don't want to be right

You should already know how that feels.

gave me a good laugh

>yfw Steven tries to heal Jaspers Gem, but can't find it in the room.
>Garnet is furious, can't figure out what is going on.
>Crystal gems looking all over for her.
>Pearl took the gem to Roses fountain, keeping Jasper uncorrupted so long as she doesn't leave the water. Has been visiting her regularly to talk together and bond because she has no one to talk about about the war, homeworld, life before, rose and Pink Diamond, traits she shares in common with Jasper.

Good god guys, he's not trying to push them as a ship, he's literally asking about their fusion. I vastly prefer Amedot and hate Lapidot and even I can tell you Lapis and Peridot are getting along really well now. user never claims they're a ship or any shit like that, he's just talking about why they'll be a fusion and asking about the music from the episode.


You disgust me deeply

I see someone's been getting all their news from Cred Forums.

Either that or she wasn't even created or sent to those planets to begin with. Nobody knows.

Although the way she acts about the earth it would seem earth in very unique in the steven universe universe. Even peridot seemed surprised

Most of the Rose and Jasper things are good

Shut up, shipper.


>Lapidot fired the first shot, post the OTP


She doesn't actually care about Earth's resources. She cares about Steven. That's why she brought up Earth's resources to YD: she wanted to save the Earth, so that Steven and the Gems didn't die when the cluster emerged. Peridot, thinking YD was a perfect logical matriarch, made the argument that they shouldn't destroy the Earth because Earth had resources, and hey, Peridot even had ideas for ways to utilize those resources without disrupting life on Earth (thus sparing Steven and the Gems).

I'm not saying she lied about Earth's resources. I'm saying the only reason she utilized the resource argument was that she cared about Steven and the Gems, which should honestly be pretty dang obvious to anyone who watched the episode. She spells it out throughout the entire episode when she is fighting for the communicator, she spells it out throughout the conversation, and she yells it out after she realizes Yellow Diamond isn't the perfect being she thought she was.

I disgust myself, wanna know why? Because I'm a Pearlfag. Can't you tell?

How so flyboy? Don't tell me you're voting for a tyranical traitoress who is on death's doorstep.

Fighting autism with autism isn't the answer.

Those are just quick smiles. Lapis and Peridot do have some sort of chemistry going on.

I can't wait until they fuse already so that way Lapidot shippers will shut the fuck up and people who don't like the idea get BTFO

That's 100% better than anything else you could've posted, bby;^)

Trying to eliminate Cancer with AIDS is only going to kill us faster

>ruining one of the best pearl moments of the show with the fucking MEMEDOT


That's what I think of your fusion idea.

no shame, mate

>Pearl acting cringey
>one of the best pearl moments

I rather not fight, more like, ship n chill

>zeroing in on that
user means that Lapis was happy in general because the whole segment was meant to show how well she and Peridot were doing together in their new lifestyle. Like Steven said, they looked great. She enjoyed showing her friend the stuff she was doing with her roommate and she enjoyed watching her roommate as she did her wacky thing

Fuck sakes I hate when people post lapidot these days even though it's my favorite ship because everyone gets angry now

my headcanon is that it works like allomancy; they can control metal UNLESS it's embedded in something alive, in which case you get a 99% reduction in pushing/pulling power. so same deal with lapis and water contained in a living being.

>That's what I think of your fusion idea
>no fusions were mentioned

I'm kinda jealous, no way my family will let me hear the end of it if I ever ordered one for myself.

Too be fair they certainly aren't anything like this dude seems to think they are.

They don't hate each other.

That's all she does.

i just want to ship rocks,user
i don't want to fight

obviously not cringey enough for you to replace her with the fucking meme goblin

I'm not reading your propaganda, shipper.

Trust me I will never hear the end of it
I've told a lot of stories but maaaan
a lot of people find the stories funny though

A lapis peridot fusion is just going to make the lapidotfags worse and even more autistic user

Malachite was better than Jasper and Lapis combined


Bill Clinton is widely considered to be one of the best U.S. presidents in recent years. He finished his eight-year run with an economic surplus, something we haven't seen since. His wife has been a senator, secretary of state, and the first lady. She's currently running for president on the democratic platform. The other candidate, Donald Trump, is a racist who's been supported by neo-nazis, the KKK, and actual, real life dictators.

The fact that I have to explain this shit to you is proof that Americans are dumb as fuck.

why do you hate this qt user?

There is no need to fight, we can all ship on this board together.

in design yeah, but she never got to be herself, she was dominated by lapis for 95% of the time while Jasper got a quick 5%
We have yet to see Mally as herself

Wew lad, I WISH those two could have more moments together. I miss Sugi.

Why is Peridot considered a meme? Is it because she's crazy popular?


>Most fucked up

>Lapis tried to kill Greg

>Pearl tried to kill Steven and almost let him die

>Pearl almost put the entire earth in danger for the sake of fusing
>Onion watches videos of himself being born

>Jesus watermelon Steven sacrificed his life in order to save Steven

>Steven once turned into a repulsive cat monster.

>Amethyst got into a fight with Steven because she's a huge insecure cunt

>Steven broke Ronaldo up with his girlfriend because he was a fatass and wanted pizza and french fries

At this point the only gem flawless is Centipeedle

trips of truth

trips of truth
and whats with Thanks Doc the ship and neon + glowing art

>Is it because she's crazy popular?
Yes and also because she's the generic comedic relief character.


but jokes aside shes a mini support beam these days

the only real possibilities besides lightspeed lapis are that there's another galaxy warp on another planet in the Sol system and she flew to that, or she was -planning- on spending decades or centuries in transit and simply ran into jasper's ship on the way. it's still over 4 lightyears to the nearest star system.

Because she is a comedy relief character who has a spastic and autistic personality and is pushed by CN and the writers of the show as your new favorite gem

Stuff like this is tolerable so long as it's not being thrown at you from every angle. Imagine a /sug/ where people could contain themselves.


Can we really?

by what i've seen it was part of the 'amedot bomb' on tumblr

Except you, you need to leave.

What's up with the salad? Did she make it herself?

I honestly have no idea.

I know Amethyst has had glow sticks before with Crack the Whip. I guess people just associate Peri's fingers with glow sticks?

Aw, dammit.

Autistic people are quiet and unsociable, Peridot is nothing like that.

>ran into jasper's ship on the way

No, I think she was just intercepted or reclaimed on one of their controlled planets, like I said earlier. Homeworld would've been alerted to her presence, she would been interrogated, and they would've sent a ship to pick her up in order to investigate earth.

I hope Becky is have a perfectly pleasant day today!

ă‚´ ă‚´ ă‚´
ă‚´ ă‚´
ă‚´ ă‚´

Jasper is tired

Clinton's presidency had nothing to do with the economy, but was conveniently at the same time as the boom in the market caused by the popularity of the internet. In addition, Hillary has literally been found guilty of giving out national secrets and feigning ignorance about the scandal, as well as being directly involved in the deaths of our nation's soldiers and being accused of assassinating political dissidents.
Meanwhile you spout memes you read on your liberal facebook wall. This is why Americans don't take your fucktarded Euroshit opinions seriously, while you're sitting on a refugee timebomb. Enjoy the collapse of your "progressive" utopian society.


My brother is a sperg and he's nothing like that, definitely closer to peridot than quiet and unsociable.

You know, I dont ship it but I do like the theme this ship has going for it, they pull off neon lights nicely

my point is that in order to get to a planet outside the sol system at sublight speeds without a warp would have taken at least a decade assuming there was a gem controlled planet in the very nearest star system.

Okay, well what did you want to do instead of posting endless fan art of random shit?

There isn't much to talk about except complain about the hiatus, and some shipping art is really good, even if some ships get way too much attention. Complaining about it isn't going to fix anything, and /sug/ isn't your hugbox and doesn't have to conform to your standards, so just make the best of it.

Or you could always go somewhere else.


me too


There was an old trend going around where people would draw Lappy with salad.

There's a tumblr account that archived it all.

Important Poll!

Whoa dude I made a tumblr crawler a while back
do you know what blog it is?

Yes we can. We just need to not make a big deal about other people's ships.

Oh who am I kidding, even if we had a truce, it would last an hour tops before someone started flinging shit again.

How would that even work, though?
Why did Jasper come back to earth and fuck Greg?

>Autistic people are quiet and unsociable
Not always.

you linked to the results page
you dumb
regardless you're probably talking about me
This pillow is really nice though

>being accused of assassinating political dissidents.

Stopped reading right there. This is actual conspiracy-tier bullshit. Please, for your sake, don't vote.


>look at this thread
>it's 80% lapis and jasper
hmm biased much...

>stopped reading more than half way through the post
I'm sorry you're wrong and have no way of refuting my statements. Maybe your meme candidate will miraculously survive until election day.

I'm a multishipper, anyway. No point getting worked up over others' taste.
My shit remains un-flinged if yours does.

Amy and Lapis are the most boring gems, why do people like them?

why anyone like lapis or peridot is beyond me

I'm american and voting for Trump.

Point aside, Lapis would sing "I will survive"

Here's her voice actress singing the song, skip to 2:00.


Lyrics: And so you're back
From outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock, I should have made you leave your key
If I'd known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?

If you disagree fight me faggot.

I want Jasper to take a nap and have sweet dreams

I miss the green threads during the Peridot arc. I'd love to relive that catch and release thread.

Why on earth would I read the rest of a comment from a mentally-ill man?

post malacute

How is her hair growing out of the hat?

Keep the ad homs coming, it makes you no more correct.

She's a pretty questionable gem.


Lapis and Peridot are two of the most interesting gems.

Amethyst is just an insecure asshole, Pearl is just a thristy dyke, and Garnet is a quenched dyke.

what happened in that thread?

Shit I can't upload it


no one cares about your shit written meme character anymore

>How lapis feels about Jasper

Lapis is shit, Amy is best gem.

I'm not really sure if I ship everything, or nothing. I guess it depends on how you define a shipper, I didn't really ever care for shipping, but there's a lot of good shipping art that gets posted and I like collecting it. At the very least I'd probably say I ship Amedot, but that's mostly because it's the one ship I could personally see becoming canon. Not to say other ships aren't possible, even other Peri or Amy ones, it's just the most likely from my PoV.

I never understood why people got so worked up for it like their ship had to be the one and only one for the show unless it was something that was already canon like Connverse.


for you

>Lapis and Peridot are two of the most interesting gems.


whoa I like that
maybe I'll put it on my wall :O

>Being a gem cuckfag

Pearl was a mistake

There needs to be more Malacute pictures. Or even Malachite in general, she doesn't get enough love.

Lapis is a boring bland emo waifubait character.

Alright anons of /sug/, let's settle it once and for all. Who's the worst gem we've seen so far?


You human supremacists disgust me.

All of Peridot's potential has already been used up
She is washed out and uninteresting
Lapis's dark side is(was) interesting but they keep waving it aside as Lapis just having gone through so much that nothing bad she does is really her fault
So she's just mopey and emo and uninteresting too

>tfw didn't SEXYpost in this thread

You're losing your edge.

cute abomination


>being disgusted by the truth, that is that Humanity is the supreme race of beings in the universe

First time seeing Peridot small and the realization of a Peridot redemption turned the thread into a celebration one. It helped that nothing was leaked beforehand.

Pearl is the best gem in terms of writing, design, voice, potential, character depth and character development.


Was it a good thread from a Perifag's perspective or from everybody's perspective?

>Blue Diamond: 1
Someone wants to get fucking shot.

Around Catch and Release I was fully caught up and it's probably one of the first few /sug/ threads I participated in. However I can hardly remember anything from this thread so I wish the archive wasn't total shit or someone has a screencap collection of our reactions.

>joke vote got more replies than the real worst gem

Haven't drawn malachite in a while, here you go

fuck off,blue pearl
bd is shit

Pearl fags are at it again. Remember to vote in this very important poll!

It was the waiter!

>Accuses others of getting information from Cred Forums
>Reiterates word-for-word propaganda spouted by CNN/MSNBC who are financially supported by Clinton

where's the "Rose did 9/11" choice?


Is she serving the severed head of a sea monster's dick

faggots are actually denying that Lapis is undoubtedly best gem

>dog fucker thinks he has tje right to opinate

Nah. Peridot is still pretty cool.

And lapis kinda has a excuse to be moppy. Shit the last time we saw her she seemed to be doing better though.

Fuck off Yellow Slut, BD has a court that'd actually win a war.

No tip for her then.

nobody really had much of an opinion on Peridot back then, besides the majority wanted her redeemed and a minority wanting her to stay a villain. Don't remember anybody complaining about it.


I want someone to Drawfag Jasper as Montoya saying, "You killed my mother. Prepare to die."

Best gem deserves love and happiness

But how can Lapiss Crapzuli even compete against

>tje right to opinate
This is the quality you can expect from Pearl fags.


Somebody tell this user what year it is

user everyone knows she was pink diamond's fuck toy


Who voted for Centipeetle? She doesn't deserve this

Y-you guys like me right?

kys, purple trashbag


>Pearl, Lapis, Jasper, and Peridot are the "worst"
I imagine some of that's shitposting, but I doubt all of it is.

Why do people insist on judging character's by their respective fags?

I can understand disliking a character, but these are the most posted characters on /sug/. They're all good characters, yet people seem to forget that because someone autistic likes the character.

The last time we saw her she was being used as a support meme beam to memedot while they were acting cringey and doing nothing at the meme barn, which isn't any better than being mopey and emo

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW that actually believe this

Worst gem

Sorry there, you may not be my worst gem, but you aren't the one i love.

Nobody fucking believes this.
Even I don't.

Don't know, but here's the script for the 9/11 episode of Seinfeld:



Fucking meme magic.

what if the next time Lapis fused, she had so much fun with it, she refused to let her partner go?

Lapis is just a boring sociopath, Peridot is just autistic. See how easy that is?

She's my favorite gem, but saying she's undoubtedly best gem is a bit much. There's a lot of competition for first place.

Of course we do. You're in fact my favorite Gem Amy.

Ruby is gonna be mad.

POILED again.

I would love if they made this a plot point.

Sure. You're fun. Of course we wouldn't fug you, but you don't want that anyway, do you?

Peridot is best gem. She's the cutest. She's the smartest. She's also close to Steven when it comes to friendliness. Also she's the funniest.

Peridot is shit Satan.


I'll see you in hell.

What fusion do you want to see the most in a future episode? Pic definitely related for me.

Fuck off turbo Satan, Peridot is shit. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT

Peridot is retarded

I'd serve that fusion.


I would like the show a lot more if Peridot was written out of it




How can Pearls even compete?


What do you guys think? Anything I can improve? should I continue?

That face on the right looked very Samurai Jackish in the thumbnail.

>Anything I can improve?
Well for starters you can flip it.

yes she does
she deserves all of her suffering



just waiting on the mods


Good evening /sug/

What do you think of this Pearl point I just made? Should I make more?



That was an easy one.



Make a buncha points.
Start counterfeiting.



Flip her face and you've got a CG-colored Yellow Pearl.

It's cute! You should make more user

>Not making the water hand Garnet
But since you made me kek i'll let it go.

Can you post the rest of them?



You should shoop her head at the base of the water arm, as well.

>That pic

Is this the part of the fan base I keep being warned about?

Drawfags please.

True endgame
Best endgame

yeah the color scheme is way off

Me too


Indeed. Stray too far and it's just vitiligo, fat people, and gender blobs.

>she's filthy!

ur ein fagit kys

>another episode proving Lapis is a psycopath

yes, i want it

Is Connie truly irredeemable?
The answer is yes.

>ywn give Peridot a job

Lapis is a canon fusion rapist so it's not like that'd be ooc or anything



also stay away from the part of the fandom who bullies the crew
now go play with your friends,user

I still would.



The Jasper Goes _____



Sorry, that's too many images and not enough for Cred Forums.
mokkaquillart.tumblr.com/tagged/steven universe
Here's the artist though.





...until she gets what she wants.


This will be fun.
I'll limit it to the main cast though.


we can see the entire week's schedule

SU isn't even on except for the 1pm rerun

0 primetime slots at all

To change those ugly clothes

>They are square stickers instead of cut right around the design
so close



Into the barn.


I take it that you don't understand the meaning of nuance


Into the background!



Is there math to as why Pearl episode are so fucking good?
People complain that she gets the most episodes, but she actually only had 2 episodes last season, it's actually that her episodes have more substance than the other characters'.
Why is this?


It's easier to write retarded meme garbage about Pearl or Peridot, autists eat that shit up

This old Gem tech is simply archaic

I did it..

I thought it was going to be funny but now I just feel horrible!

this desu senpai

Honest answer, because she's popular so her episodes get more attention.

I personally enjoy them because I like the character but there are far better episodes than LOooBC.


>this mad that his garbage waifu doesn't get that much attention

nobody seemed to like the meme barn episodes, though


When will she be back /sug/? Why has Sugar forsaken her? The individual townies have each had as much focus as she has since we got back from the barn.

Damn you Sucrose, you make life suffering

you're the only person I've ever heard say that before


My garbage waifu is better than your autism waifu

Blame Puke, not Sugar.

Canonically worst gem can't be better than anyone.



They're just biding their time. There are too many things going on with her for them to just have her meme around in the gaybarn for the rest of the series.


I know, but it's a bit of a tease to bring her back and then do nothing with her.

haha lol

We won't be waiting forever, user.

so what was that episode that Ian teased during SDCC? Some sort of family episode airing in the fall I believe?

>tfw Peridot only serves the purpose of cheering Lapis up
>tfw Lapis builds up enough courage to live in the temple
>tfw "Thank you, Peridot!"

>tfw pericuck.jpg

Since when did this thread become tumblr, with all these ship wars?

Looks like your future vision failed once again, Garnet.

She's a writer's pet because she's set up for it from the start. Her character as a concept is the most complex even on the surface: she's been everything from a concubine/slave, soldier, and mother. She's also apparently gay, suffers PTSD as a war veteran who wasn't able to settle down with the woman she loved, and deals with neurotic tendencies and mood swings that depend on her conflicting feeling about her surrogate son and his father. On top of that she's voiced by a broadway actress; it's really hard to make an episode involving Pearl that isn't interesting or relatable.

Give it a shot: come up with a mundane concept for a Pearl episode and see if you can spin it into dealing with any of her dilemmas.

you suck!

Oh really?


Poor sport, faggot.

I have the map, and I steer the ship.

We're never forming you again.


how embarrassing

Bet you won't do it again!

Try not to steer it into an iceberg next time.

So how about that Marty? Great guy, or what?

>that picture
Maximum degeneracy

Page 10 can't come soon enough

Dude wasn't even a good manager. Like it's fine if you need to have a sponsorship, but you'd generally want to tell the artist performing about the sponsorship before the show. And you'd probably not want a sponsorship from a product that is completely awful. Plus all you would need to promote the product is have it on a few banners and a "thanks to our sponsor" before the show.

Dude blew his only job, hard.

bet you can't come before page 10 does

So much for fatherly affection, I guess.

>lapidot becomes canon

I just blasted it to your post, AMA.

I'm posting from work, but I KNOW I can come before page 10 does

how does it tastes like?

I never noticed how her "fingers" on one hand form the screen


Like that shitty bubblegum with a Zebra on it that loses it's taste after like 0.000023 nanoseconds of chewing.

Oh yeah, Fruit Stripe.

I miss her detached fingers and robot limbs more than anything, you guys

Such a cool design. And now she's a midget. With socks.

how what? how they form it or how I never noticed?

Im pretty sure that quads confirm.

How did you never notice when it was prominently displayed multiple times?

I just never noticed it in motion, I guess


>Ally to Steven Peri is without limb enhancers
She will not get them back

>Ally to Steven Lapis is without mirror eyes
She will not go back to that state

>Ally to Steven Jasper is without her perfection: partial corruption
She will never be fully healed

How did you not notice the one finger that was interacting with the screen? Where did you think the other four fingers went?

We've already seen Lapis with mirror eyes again.

And Jasper would probably never be able to fuse if her corruption was never healed, which I doubt they'd restrict her forever. It might be a temporary problem, but I doubt she'll be corrupted forever.

At least the socks are cute. ^w^

>She will not go back to that state

Oh fug
Change mirror eyes to crack then

dumb side characters anyways senpai

You only want gems when they are worthless.

Shut it pearlfag

>She will not get them back

Paint cans, faggot. She's a big gem now.

Wasn't planning to deny this post anyway, but you can't ignore those Satan quads for sure

I'm ignoring them.

>Ally to Steven watermelon is sold to Onion
Like, whatever.

I'd probably accept that. I can't say for certain she'll never get cracked again, but her gem being healed was the second time Lapis smiled, and it seemed like the moment she knew she could trust Steven, even if she was leaving.

The loserly gemlet could hardly hobble in those

Sockies forever

Gotta give worst gem credit where it's due, she's learning.

She hasn't worn them once since then.

>implying she doesn't practice off-screen

Let's say if this "mark or redemption" pottery does have merit

>Lapis DOES get cracked again
That means
>Peridot will build new limb enhancers
>Jasper will be fully healed

She's also building new limb enhancers off screen that she'll never once wear on screen :^)


She went swimming for her old enhancers that Purpleshit threw away :^)

>lapis gets shattered
>peridot permanently breaks her legs
>Jasper spread her corruption to others

>Lapis gets Peridot's limb enhancers back for her

I'd be okay with all of those too, so long as Lapis manages to survive, Peri's new limb enhancers are mostly junk metals and scrap put together and lifted by her metal powers, and Jasper suffers for a while first.

I love Jasper, but seeing characters suffer is what makes them lovable.

>crushes them right in front of her
>Peridot makes a meepmorp out of them

Well she'll clearly never find them, hopefully she'll be away searching for the rest of the series

>breaking their legs
The only reason this would be relevant is if you were talking about Leggy.


>Peridot's "hunt for enhancers" becomes the new Garnet "hunts for malachite"

Still better than townie episodes.

does lapis seem dumb?
>bad decisions constantly
>doesn't socialize well
>base level deepness of morphs
>hasn't ever said anything smart

You got that backwards, sarge.

No, I don't. Townie episodes these days are garbage.

she is basically a caveman in gem standards

this. i didnt watch the onion episode and dont ever plan to

She used to suck a lot of quartz dick back in the day, it's no surprise she's dumb.

That is so cool
She's like a mammoth they had enough DNA to clone and make alive

Lapis IS dumb.

You have to remember she hates everyone around her except for Steven. The only ones she interacted with who she didn't have a reason to hold a grudge against were Greg and the Rubies, and the Rubies might insist on taking her back home if they found out enough.

None of her decisions are particularly bad if you think about them while keeping that in mind, they're just impulsive decisions to keep herself as free and as far away from people she hates as she thinks she should be.

At lease Sadie's Song has a catchy pop song

>she swallowed every time
>this is why she's so OP

>page 10



Only bad thing she did was keep Jasper bound to her

Peridot and Steven needed to fuck off in barn mates

I don't care how shitty the episode is, I'm still going to watch it and like it.

Take that for what it is.


>Peridot and Steven needed to fuck off in barn mates
Peridot was there first and the barn belonged to Greg anyway. If anyone needed to fuck off it was Lapis.


Peridot didn't just get out of a years long traumatic fusion and 5000 years of isolation, which Steven knew

>months long fusion that could have been ended earlier if she didn't indulge in her martyr complex by just telling Steven where Malachite was

This has nothing to do with Greg. He may be nice to Lapis but he doesn't have to be hospitable to her.

Doesn't matter
Still hurt her

So? I'm not going to go crying for sympathy if I drive a nail into my hand on purpose.

Greg wasn't exactly in the picture

If you've been through some shit yeah you might

Forget about shipping and waifus for a second

On the real tip, does everyone agree the best season was season one?


I hate all the heaviness in the show now

I miss those sweet summer s1 says

If Lapis never acted like a stuck-up crybaby that thought she was entitled to freedom she wouldn't have ever alerted Homeworld to the presence of the CG's base by trying to "go home".

Don't you think it was possible she was forced or intimated into giving up such info?

yeah, I remember this show had dope fights and shit

Like I remember when steven was falling in the lava but Garnet rushed at him so fast, he locked her legs into the wall

Peridot has become quite empathetic


So, I know you guys are having fun arguing this, but I feel like everyone was justified in how they felt in Barn Mates.

Lapis just got through a traumatic experience, and though it was mostly her fault (she probably wouldn't be in the situation if Jasper hadn't grabbed her and forced her to listen to her, so only mostly, Lapis is the only one to blame for the fusion being such a fucking mess) and wasn't about to let some fuck who dragged her back to Earth and imprisoned her after she spent 5000 years stuck there edge her out of her new choice for a house.

Peridot grew a lot in the time she had on Earth and wasn't loyal to anyone who would care about Lapis anymore, at least in a possessive way, and would want to make amends for what happened earlier, especially since Lapis is friends with Steven.

And Steven is going to want his friends to get along, especially if they both want to live in the same place, and it can be frustrating if one of them doesn't want to get along.