Hey dork, do you wanna break into a dead mall with me?

Hey dork, do you wanna break into a dead mall with me?


It depends, will there be old shirts? I'm starting a collection.

A small town mall would probably be the only type of mall safe to break into. Any mall close to a densely populated are would have vagrants and crackheads in it.

She is such a qt. I wish I could smash that.

She would just string you along and use you, user.

She can use me all she wants

>all gravity falls posters talk about is AUs and Padippica

Pretty sad.

>Robin asks Dipper if he wants to hang out after work
>He makes up an excuse
>Wendy asks Dipper if he wants to ditch work to hang out
>He can't leave with her fast enough

Pacifica x dipper is pure love.

Who here do you like the most, Cred Forums?

Fuck off I'll be busy raping fem dipper.

How much does Mabelino gets beaten up in school.

It's between Maria (Soos) and Robin.

I don't like this. This just doesn't work.

Dipper has no taste. What else is new.

Robin-She's nice, people seem to really like her with dipper.
Wendell-He seems kinda boring,As was wendy chill friend.
Dot-Same as dipper, with more female maturity problems stuff instead of masculine insecurity.
Gable-Even worse than Mabel, Because dudes usually can't use cuteness as an excuse for being an asshat.
Graunt Kat-Same as stan.
I'd have one say dot is the best.

Female Robbie does nothing for me, I personally like normal jerky but somewhat caring Robbie better.

Jerk with a heart of gold is what I think it's called.

Spot on.

That's no Soos.

Robin only works if she has male Dipper to torment. Everyone else here just doesn't work period.

>ftw robbie would go from unlikeable and unamusing asshole to your favourite character with a gender change because youre that much of a waifufag