Look diversity

look diversity

There's a white child in there.

yeah but they are retarded so its okay

But they're all mentally handicapped.
As a sane person free of developmental handicaps, I am offended by not being properly represented in this group.

youre on Cred Forums

no need to lie about yourself

>undertale ripoff
>bully kid with baby
>mute or emotionless child
>smug black child with head as big as Gumball

0/10 designs

took me a second to realize that's not from clarence

you dont gotta lie to make friends

I'm glad the race of black Luigis with their necks attached to their jaws instead of their skulls is finally getting representation in media. What a time to be alive.


Beach City is s tourist trap, it isn't surprising that tourist of varying races stop by for the summer

Oh no, the horror.

Is pink scarf kid meant to be a boy or a girl

it's just political commentary as usual.

Ben Carson is the turnip kid or w/e his food name was, Onion is clearly Trump, and the girl is Clinton, Garbanzo and Pinto are just the american public, stuck in the middle with all these tards.

nigga on the right honestly has the worst design I've seen in Steven Universe and after some of the shit the shows pulled that's quite an accomplishment

also these don't look like children, more like a bunch of gay midgets or something.

I'm glad I stopped watching this show

They do all have different skin tones, but Onion, Garbanzo, and Pinto all look white. Soup is ambiguously brown and could pass for white, but you can really imagine a couple ethnicities they might belong to and you can't rule them out. I'm not even sure if Soup is a boy or girl, come to think of it. Squash is black and is the only one that is definitely a minority.

This is SU, he's guaranteed to cry at some point. Like he did in this episode

The SU filler has been such shit lately.

I like SU but they really do follow that tumblr character tutorial to the letter

I hadn't watched SU since pearl and mysterious girl ep.
Is this ep good?

Holy shit this episode was so shit, if we dont get a good episode soon I feel I'll loss interest at this point.
I'd say its in my bottom 5

Look at how progressive we are!

Race-mixing and homosexual!

And also the white one is taller, skinnier, and has the longer nose. While the black one is shorter and fatter.

Looks like the party of an Earthbound game.

no, and I'm not even a lorefag

So... the American public is also retarded?

Say it with me, Cred Forums.


God this episode was fucking trash, shit ep to leave out on before hiatus

Mr. Smiley being gay is bs. I mean, look at the hug. Does that look like some passionate gay love hug? And besides that, it was just mr. smiley trying to cheer up frowny

Am I supposed to be mad about something?

You guys are surpassing Tumblr at looking for shit to bitch about.

The second one aren't gay though.

Three outve the five are white. Fuck off


>Beach City is a tourist trap
>There's zero tourists or background people in 90% of the show.

>the beaners are named after beans
And here we thought this show was all SJW.

Ya'll just salty you ain't friends with Sue.

If they want to be really progressive.....
they need to add a furry and a pedo.

Mr. Smiley/frowny? They're gayer than disco!

It was great, shittaste motherfucker

i really liked it. thought it was cute. just onion and his pals fuckin around with steven. i dont get the hate for it, i dont keep up with the show but i liked this one.

Is the literally a pothead Latino? Because otherwise, I have the Priviledge to get Offended at this.

I made it two minutes into this episode before deciding there were better things to waste my life on

Looks like I didn't miss much

A storyboarder confirmed Mr.Smiley and Frowny so they're offscreen gay.

>drawing the black one with thicker lips than the others
That's fucking racist.

They're the source of this whole Diversity™ madness, after all.

It would be much more entertaining than that episode.

I want the SU one to just be platonic friendship, because friendship is undervalued in today's society.


Garbanzo Bean.

Freakin George Zimmerman is whiter than two of those three kids.

You don't have many friends, do you?

Would that stop American liberals from being strawmen incarnate?

The episode was pretty inoffensive and it's silly to try and construct even ironic outrage at it.


Welcome to Cred Forums.

I'm pretty sure this is in retaliation to the kind of forced diversity and general anti-white prejudice around. that or it's some kind of lulz by someone with a shitty sense of humor

Children and animals can't give consent.

i thought it was some tumblr user who said she knew the storyboarder claiming that he was

Homosexuality was seen as an unnatural malady, until the LGBT did enough social engineering and hired enough lawyers to legitimize themselves. Soon enough pedophiles and zoophiles will start lobbying as well and then one day twenty-somethings will look back at the days when society thought children and animals couldn't consent.

That's all there's to it: campaigning and lobbying. With enough money and lawyers, you could make society approve just about anything.

Oh, you got a problem with Clarence, user? Tell me more...

>or it's some kind of lulz by someone with a shitty sense of humor
No shit?
"Retaliation to anti-white prejudice" for fuck's sake.


onion is yellow. i thougth that was implied

>a bunch of obviously severely retarded children left alone in the woods to care for themselves and a baby

This episode made me extremely uncomfortable.

So are these kids retarded or something?

Children and animals can't give consent, you absolute dumbass.

>Watching filler episodes of Steven Universe that don't star Greg, the cool kids, Mayor Dewey, Jaime, or qt pizza girl or features Lars getting btfo
You fucked up son

>having diversity for the sake of inclusion
>thinking that being progressive alone will determine the quality of a work
>watching cartoons (or viewing any kind of art in general) for political values

Not saying that SU or any show in particular is PC bullshit but doing any of the above is jut retarded.

>qt pizza girl
Jenny or Kiki?
I mean I'd fug either but just curious.

That's literally what that episode was about you dummy

Having grown up in the Maryland / Northern Virginia area, the amount of diversity you find in the show is actually pretty accurate. Out of curiosity, where are you from?

So ugly...

>watching this show in the first place
Disappointed in you.

Maine, studying animation in Boston currently.

My only real issue with these kids is that they're all look well above the age of speech and the only things we hear any of them say is Garbanzo saying his name over and over again.

Are they autistic or something? Even Onion speaks more than them (he was blubbering like Yellowtail in this episode, and the show established that's just a foreign language).

Gonna need a citation for that.

have you ever seen a ginger beaner?

Also for the record, when I say "diversity for the sake of inclusion," I mean shit like "HEY GUISE THIS DEMOGRAPHIC OF PEOPLE IS IN THE SHOW BECAUSE WE ARENT PREJUDICE WE'RE MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!!!!1111!11111"

Of course, I'm not saying there are shows that do that, but it makes more sense to have a variety of skin colors in a cartoon crowd, for example, for the sake of literal diversity. As in, giving more than just one shade of skin for the eye to look at, if I'm making sense. It'd be boring to have a crowd of entirely white dudes cus they're all the same color, but having a variety of skin colors adds more "depth" to the crowd if that makes sense. So the latter wouldn't make sense in a "PC" or "equality" context, ergo thinking that way would be foolish.

Man I wish I was stupid enough to believe this

Aren't they like three or four years old.

I don't know man, they say ignorance is bliss but it seems like it just makes a person worry about fucking nothing all the time.

Children and animals can't give consent, you absolute dumbass.

Diversity is a good thing. Or would you seriously prefer all characters being mostly one color, like black?

I agree, and I would also say SU does the latter pretty well. There's a variety of skin tones in the show even if you ignore racial backgrounds. Heck, OPs pic has four different shades and one of the white kids is tanner than the hispanic. Granted, you said you weren't targeting any show in particular, including SU, with that statement, so I'm not holding anything against you. And it is pretty bullshit to see diversity pandering via overdone charicatures.

let's fight the good fight to get Furries and pedos on children shows.

I don't think anyone at SU is doing that.

Hell, from my experiences growing up there is a distinct lack of black people in most shows.

If your 3-4 year old isn't talking by then, idk what.
My 2.5-year-old niece can talk