Gotham premiere is tonight

Gotham premiere is tonight.
Who /hype/?

Other urls found in this thread:

Me hype!

How did they de age Jeff Goldbloom?

How long until new hot Ivy is introduced?

That's not Jeff Goldblum.


Here ya go boys:

Not sure what episode but it was at the beginning of season 1.

You're a sick puppy.

Wait... is the Mad Hatter going to make us sleep now in the fire?

it that prince cosplaying as speedwagon?

He was never dead it was all a ruse.

So... wait, is this the live talkback thread or not?

So happy this show is back.

Over here.

Isn't that guy Jasper from The 100?

who this Kalabar lookin ass nigga

Not even a little hyped

Is that Eric Andre?



Kek, Ethel got pinched

oh shit speedster


why are there so many crazies before batman begins

crazies were always there, Batman just inspired them to come out from the shadows

Because Batman doesn't make his villains. It never has.

Instead they're all products of Gotham itself. It's always been the city that makes everyone fucking insane.

>why are there so many crazies before batman begins
They couldn't wait for the movie to premiere.


Crazies were always there. Batman is just one of them.

we need of webm of Cam's butt in those tight pants

>cam reads Cred Forums comments about her

What a gas.

what's she actually reading.watching there?

Savage as fuck Barnes

yeah we do!!!

Will she have a career after this show?


>still no webm of cam's booty when walking away from Bruce



30 seconds in. It's nothing raunchy obviously.



this pretty lame

These people make it obvious they're metahumans

I've been enjoying it so far.

So that's how Ivy gets aged up.


black on black crime

aww man RIP

what's she have, like 20 something low to mid tier metas?

So this pedophile looking guy will be the one to steal Ivy's childhood?

Couldn't Fish have used her to get to Strange?

That was oddly shortsighted of her.

Honestly Team Arrow could take out these nobodys

As others have said, it's because they always were. Some are bats fault of course, but Gotham is a sick city.

it was a bus full

could be 40 if they wanted

>tfw you have to watch the episode again because you read the general too often

dat cam booty is a good incentive though

Oh Ivy...

Not if she legit doesn't know where he is.

Also shut up, Boco

Yes sir...

What a weird fucking way to age a character.

Maybe one of us should use our powers to catch her...

Thats the death scene for that actress though

....POISON Ivy now.

These are the best Batman stories honestly

The Old Guard Mob vs. the New Guard Freaks


I thought poison ivy was smart

>walk into a den of bad guys

People get into this house way too often.

This isnt the first time an assassin has got in the Manor

How bout carrying a gun Aflred?


One could say that was strangely short sighted of her.

Not before getting her doctorate she isn't

user, was making a joke senpai.


>Mobsters vs Monsters
My body is ready

rip in peas kid

brb, gonna watch Lucifer now.

Have another cam

is lucifer any good

We gonna make this the Lucifer thread?


No, it's one of the first Whispers we see in TWD.

Do ho ho.

Man, Alfred gets beat up alot in this show.

>Penguin is an angry rabble rouser

Telltale ripped off shit that's less than a year old?!

Damn she got ass now!

how it usually happens

same way flash turned into izombie

So where's the ass webm


It's [thing] adapted into a cable network police procedural, so no.

what did he mean by this?


Well, thats one horny murder victim.

Is that Michelle Pfeiffer on the left

got I like the actress for the forensics chick but not digging her in this

Shut the fuck up Boco

She was cute in Rush Hour
Too bad the show was shit

Yes sir...

Well, thats a friendly little forensics girl.

Waaaaaait...this house....

I'm pretty sure they used this as a druggie's house last season...

Shit nigger what are you doing

Dragging out the "she doesn't believe him" subplot for another season.

>Maze and a MILF demon in bed

Yeah, I'm imagining it too, Luci...and I like it.

>Maze lezzing out with the shrink


pls webm of selina butt

Its a therapist/client thing, no lesbo.

So, what, are Luci and Aman losing their powers because they've been in the mortal world too long? Is that it?

seconding this.


>that episode of Lucifer
>Black Brother losing his power
>Lucy getting beat down by a fat fat fatty
>Chloe tossing his blood
>momma showing up bloody asking for help
>two weeks until the next episode

Well Lucifer only loses his power around Chloe. But it didn't start until after they were around each other for a while.

No idea on why Aman is losing his though.

>that excited hand clap when she's being handed the cards

Cam a cute. I want to visit New York and have her as a tour guide.

THAT'S the Mad Hatter? You fucking kidding me right? Hahahahha

>he's just a creepy stylist
>runs into Selina



Holy shit
The catwoman one is fucking eerie

Magnet when?

ain't it though?



Anyone else thinking they're turning Barnes into the Calendar Man?

He's big, bald, and walking with a limp like in the Arkham games. I wouldn't be surprised if he snapped and started killing criminals with a holiday twist or something.

Mfw the previously on just made me realize I missed the season finale

then watch it you silly goose

"previously on" as in "Last time on Gotham"

what...? How?

Kirk Hammet is an actor now?

She's always had a booty

Bonus points for what appear to be tan lines on it

>a kind hearted soul hasn't made a webm of dat cam booty from this episode



good night gothamites.

See you next week for Gotham, Lucifer, and camposting. And hopefully a clip of that Selina Walk Away Booty

Aww man. I totally forgot the season premiere was tonight. Was the episode good?

Man, I got to see Episode 2 of Telltale's Batman at PAX West, and I was not prepared for how crazy that shit actually is.

That's... that's accurate.
I knew it reminded me of something.

And now I cannot stop hearing Speedwagon with a Prince voice. Hilarious.


now just 720p of the butt :^)-/-^

So was that bit with Selina saying Italy is better and wishing she could visit Europe a subtle nod to the ending of The Dark Knight Rises?

Telltale Oz is a combination of Gotham, The Batman, and Arkham Penguins.

I thought this might have been The Shade from the catalog thumbnail and was momentarily hype.

That kid looks so much like a young Batman, though.

Is this show good?

I mostly like it for Penguin, Alfred, and Bullock. It's a pretty neat Burton-esque take on the City and its happenings.

I agree on the Burton-esque thing. If you try to think of it as a normal Batman story, it's fucking shit and doesn't make sense according to the comics. But if you think of it as a brand new story that serves as a prequel to the Burton movies, it's fucking great.

it's a pretty good take on depicting gotham gradually sliding from standard organized crime into bizarre costumed crime in a way that doesn't just lazily go 'all the costumed criminals were created by the hero putting on a costume and changing the game'


> iZombie isn't the best thing ever

I like the escalation before Batman angle, even if I prefer the after-Batman-crazy-town angle of the comics.

As far as alternate takes go, I approach every incarnation of a comic as new ground unless it's a continuous run of the same writer. Adaptations especially get to play with this, so I have no problem with "canon/non-cannon" shit on this level.

i didn't know Cred Forums had gotham threads

we have them all the time, including regular talkback threads. conversation just died down for a while between seasons

kek I thought I saw that as well.

>Bruce leaves
>Cat gets pissed
>starts doing evil
>shit happens
>she comes back to Bruce again

Their relationship is already like in the comics and he is still years away from wearing the cape.

Waited all night for no ass.

Caught up with Gotham after getting emotionally raped by CW capeshows.

Count me in for the hype

camcam catwoman

camren catwoman growing...

cat camcam bicondova






This week's episode of Gotham felt like it was the first episode of the sixth season of a show, it was kind of all over the place.

Lucifer on the other hand felt like a mid season finale, it was really good this week.

That's a tight little booty.

Not sure if yawing, sneezing, or getting ready for a cum shower

This is a good way to think about it.
Thanks user, I'll adapt this kind of thinking

Dude, Bruce was practically swimming in pussy last season

Lucifer have mercy for the thoughts I have for this young womans booty, for I am just a man.

Captain Barnes is Clayface

>there will never be an infinite crissis crossover event between gotham, the CW shows, and the movies

that would be hilarious







camren catwoman


spoil it,pls

is Fembane canon?

Lightened a bit.


Post moar of her.


I want to stuff her used panties in her mask and have her go for a run.

Is this a Gotham thread? It's gone places that I'm uncomfortable with.

Why is Butch back to being Penguin's yes man? And why is he hating Fish? Butch became his own boss and at the end of last season, only reluctantly helped Penguin and tagged along with a rocket launcher. But now he's back to being a bitch.

Fish knew he was brainwashed. I don't think she would hate him. Penguin, however, cut off his fucking hand. I guess that's just fine and dandy now.

Have any of you fucks bought the Selects figures yet? I kind of want pengy

That also bothered me, I think it's mainly just lazy writing. They seemed not to care for his character enough to give him some proper development.

Ra's this season, yes or yes?

>dat Valerie Vale
When's Bruce gonna hit up that fine older Asian poon?

Owlboy has really clean hair for living on the streets for 6 months

Penguin says the only reason he hasn't killed Tabby is because Butch wants her to live. If Butch struck out on his own, he would be a rival boss, and Penguin would have no reason to honor his wishes anymore. So I assume that Butch is only still working for Penguin in order to keep Tabby alive.

Thought the same thing too

He looks like a pedophile, nice.

I hope FemBane does bad things to Selina.

That's exactly what he is, isn't he?

Not yet.

He's looking for his sister Alice. Who is probably underage. She'll probably die, and he'll go nuts and keep looking for a new replacement.

we still need to see a good demonstration of her powers

I want her to strangle someone with her thighs.
Preferably me.

i hope she is not just another goon that will be killed off in one of the coming episodes

The Eighth Doctor?

God damn you man don't scare me like that.

Whatever happened to Victor Zsaz? As far as i know he disappeared for no reason and never showed up even when he would've been incredibly useful.

I really thought Bruce had some sort of plan. Maybe it's all still going according to keikaku though.

I questioned it for a second and accepted it.
It's a bit iffy but I find it within reasonable means.

>Why is Butch back to being Penguin's yes man?
Butch never really suited being a crime boss.
He was often seen pretty bored and dejected.

> And why is he hating Fish?
I didn't really see what gave that impression other than Butch not objecting to Penguin's plans.

>But now he's back to being a bitch.
He is and always will be someone's bitch. He's a beta. He was Fish's bitch, Penguin's bitch, Tabitha's bitch. It shouldn't be surprising.

>Penguin, however, cut off his fucking hand. I guess that's just fine and dandy now.

When Oswald first came back from the Arkham and greeted Butch, the later said everyone lost something, that he believed in an eye for an eye and with everything that happened that they were square. At the very least, he was forgiven a long while ago.

Acc. to the actress' twitter, her name is Nancy.

i like how tall she is

She's super huge and it is glorious.

He looks cool. Should fight Zatara.

I almost thought he was Zatara until I looked at the filename. Would be neat if they introduced him and Zatanna later to teach Bruce how to be an escape artist like in BTAS.

twitter handle?

I feel like he died but I'm not sure. I think against Azrael's sister or Jim

Oh wait, I feel like I remember Zsasz going outside to fight a bunch of people and dying

was Bruce checking out her butt?

They're pretty shit and all over TRU. I mostly want the dio piece


The actor that plays him was in a production photo with Barbara, Tabitha, Oswald, Ed, Ivy, and Butch. He'll be back.

I think they just allied together and when they resolved their differences he didn't see a point of a war. Many of his men probably went back to Penguin anyway.

good stuff

She has very sensual eyes

Hopefully we get more of her and her sexy outfit soon.

>even if I prefer the after-Batman-crazy-town angle of the comics.

Mate, you fail to realize just how crazy Gotham gets once people start putting on spandex and dressing up in cat-costumes on a regular basis and you've got a man-bat preying the night.

good, keep based Campnoir away from CW crap.


Awwww motherfuck.
She and her costume are fantastic


I mean why start after the show

Left is hotter amirite???

>Is this show good?

Only if expectations are low

>open the door
>see that
>what do?

try to resist as much as possible