/sug/ - Steven Universe General

This gif Edition

Last Thread: >Onion Gang:
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>Last One Out Of Beach City:
Stream: dailymotion.com/video/x4sj22s
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Jasper is fat

I want to marry Lapis


My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
the morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's not so bad
it's not so bad


Is it just me, or does the TV go to static the moment Steven says Stop and blinks? Is there another power at play?



Going down the shitposting checklist, eh? Good stuff

I want to take care of Vidalia.


I guess we have update this.

Here we go.


Even YOUR post is a shitpost, now.

That's all for today. I'll do more tomorrow.


So this is where Rose learned to make a vagina ovaries and a uterus.

These are really cute

Lapis is not best Gem.
She is not Steven's girlfriend.
She is not Peridot's girlfriend.
She is not Connie's girlfriend.
She is not Jasper's girlfriend.
She is going to be the first one to get shattered.
She is working for the Diamonds.

A consistent theme in the show is Steven learning he's borderline omnipotent

Post Ian.

Anyone else hate the third arm? It feels like a lazy way to make the character design more interesting and doesn't really make much sense


One of the rare gifs I've made

What else is she supposed to fist connie with while jerking off?

She has no way to communicate with them though

I wonder if Mommy will let me sit on her lap tonight

Also peri in guacamole costume

It IS the only interesting thing about her design.

No, it's actually my favorite part of her design

daily reminder that Rose is evil and Steven is a weapon



looks more like a potato to me

What scares you the most user?

How would you feel if your favorite gem tried to scare you with said fear?


Kill those I love? Pretty bad

I'll always that the concept art design is way better than the canon design. The arm doesn't look as lazy, though that could just be the angle.

I have emetophobia, Pearl couldn't scare me with that

Dear Slim...


Lappy makes me happy

Loneliness terrifies me the most and Lapis wouldn't have a hard time finding out how to scare me with said knowledge.

Would you watch it?

What do you guys think Connie tastes like?


jaspearl or bust

post a gem

without actually posting them

pearl is worst gem



The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.



Fuck you I'm posting bust.


Okay I like Smoky, but holy shit this is so much better like leagues better

That's not guacamole that's just


beep beep get out da way

How about feet?




I want that car to suck my dick!

>well hidden fetish




beep beep i'm goin da other way

vroom vroom

>ruby and sapphire in the bottom right

they use it for yoyo tricks


Poor Amethyst.




Serious question, what's the appeal of a foot fetish? I don't get it.

So whenever Steven and Connie get the hots for each other, they end up fusing? Does this mean they can never have good old-fashioned mammalian sex?

I sort of like it, I mean it doesn't look super great; but since Steven is only half-gem I think it's neat how he doesn't add an extra whole set of arms, or even eyes.

Just the bits.

Post your cutest Pearl

Neurons misfiring into thinking feet are an erogenous zone

Steven is doomed to die a virgin.

they can always have sex with someone else as Stevonnie


Best Pearl

petition for them to stop drawing a rapist so cutely

What are some of your favorite faces from the actual show?




kek I just had someone explain this to me the other day. They're sensitive, innately human, and usually hidden from view. There's also a link between some childhood experience that kickstarts the whole thing, like having your feet tickled or whatever.

Still a retarded fetish tho.

It's a parallel to Garnet's third eye. It's supposed to show that the fusion is very stable.


This one is up there.

Any face Pearl makes is gold

Strap in

there is only death in her heart.


Connie's face here because I can relate

>friend tells me how much they love Steven Universe
>they ask me who my favorite character is
>I say Jasper or Lapis
>Huh? Who's Jasper? Who's Lapis?
>find out they haven't even gotten to Mirror Gem yet

60% of men have feet fetish

This is indeed true.

Reminder that Lapis is a pedophile.




Sugar's Lapis = Best Lapis

If that were true then our numbers would be dropping like rocks.

Oh shit, wrong bird.

Who gets facefucked by blacks.

Any written proof?

I like this one because __________________ lion around


>dropping like rocks
Get out Smokey.

It's written.

This is the only right answer.


Great pun :^)
Plus just because i like feet i cant like pussy either


>doubting that Lapis is a pedophile
Be careful user, she'll be after kids you know before long.

It's canonically proven that's Steven's spit makes her moist

If 60% of men were weebs then maybe the poplulation would drop like rocks


Your friend is plebbin

Does anyone else just find it fucking... fucked that Jasper dug out the exit holes of other quartz gems (some of whom likely were shattered in the war) to turn into makeshift cages? Something about it just seems so sacrilegious


Re posting my request. I want a drawfag to make a pic of Jasper saying "My name is Jasper of Beta Kindergarten. You killed my Mother. Prepare to die"



>He kisses Ruby's gem
>He uses his hand on Lapis'

Steven what are you doing

inb4 she starts getting cracked on purpose so Steven can get his wonderful spit all over her gem

>killed my Diamond

Clearly Jasper was driven insane even before the corruption took her.

What is this lapis pedo meme? what is it referencing?

Violating a Gem's exit hole like that is wrong

Jasper has always been psycotic evil




>Implying Jasper doesn't think of Pink Diamond as her mother.


>Was a Garnetfag for every season
>Hardly any development anymore most of the development is for Pearl
>Last One Out Of Beach City might be the last straw to convert me to a Pearlfag

I dont know what to do guys

Post the rest of the pic yo

She loves the feeling of it running off her gem and down her back.


Embrace your inner Pearlfaggotry.

It's not like you can't have two favorites.

>Bara Gem
>Disappears after one appearance
why does rebecca hat beef? is she really just that offended by anything resmebling the traditional Western ideal of masulinity?

So what exactly was so wrong about building a weapon that can shatter the diamonds and usher in a new era of freedom and choice for the gems? Is Steven seriously retarded enough to believe he can make friends with everyone and that will somehow save the day with 0 gems being destroyed in the last battle for earth?

because Bismuth didn't want to just shatter the diamonds. She wanted to shatter Gems who fought against them in the rebellion.

>Listen up you homeworld upper crusts!

There was nothing wrong with it and yes, Steven is retarded.

Moral issues.
Plus it has ridiculous start up time and you'd be lucky to even hit a gem once before they killed you.

Also this

Anyone else hoping the Rubies will be redeemed soon enough that we'll get to see their fusions?

I'm betting on Eyeball + Jasper = Tigers Eye and Eyeball + Sapphire = Pyrope (a type of garnet whose name means "fire eye")

>a type of garnet whose name means "fire eye"

>Rebecca Sugar
>hate beef


You think Vidalia wanted Greg to be Sourcream's dad?

that's true


Sometimes she was probably charmed by him, but she got hesitant as he became more and more involved with Rose and as he wasn't getting a job. She did say he used to be hot.


>159 posts
>99 images
Do we really have that many newfags who don't understand image limits?

>TFW Jaspers gem is missing from the temple.
>They find out Pearl has been sneaking it out to the healing fountain, because Jaspers corruption reverts to a more stable tense while she is in the waters.
>Pearl has been bonding with Jasper, as she has no one to really speak to about homeworld, the war, Rose, Pink Diamond, and all the others, because Amethyst is too young to know and Garnet doesn't like talking about it.

Ohh, I just realized that the reason Onion doesn't care about food is because he's a vegetable person and mostly just absorbs nutrients. Also, being a vegetable which is food, maybe he resents the whole idea of eating food

Also Onion Trade is a fun ep

Note also, that Garnet's third eye is Ruby's left eye, so Pyrope would have her gem on her forehead (which may imply she wouldn't have future vision)

They understand, they just dont care. This is basically a meme thread


>Implying anyone even non-newfags care.

the early eps were so off model sometimes


>jaspearlfags are THIS delusional


Seriously, that's even exceeding lapidot levels of delusion.

I feel like even if Jasper gets redeemed, she and Pearl won't get along that well. Especially since Jasper has been indoctrinated to think of pearls as lesser. Not even Peridot is 100% able to stop seeing Pearl as just a lowly servant.

Not them but there's nothing wrong with coming up with fantasy scenarios

Just wait for her to start getting obsessed and clingy with him.

She's going to be so passive-aggressive to Stevonnie, you just know

>Lapis' haircut

ive been meaning to update that picture

"They're here to hollow out the Earth. It's part of the great Diamond authority. They can take on any form."

How did he know?

i'm curious - how did the CGs survive or evade the corruption bomb/song/whatever, and were they the only ones?
i don't recall if anything during the show has even hinted towards how they managed it.

and if the CGs managed to emerge unscathed, do you think there's some other gem out there, trying to live peacefully in a place that's hard for the CGs to currently access? i don't imagine there's many, if any, teleporters in places like japan, for instance.
actually, speaking of portals, does anybody have that modified map of the world with all the gem locations pointed out? that might help determine some places the CGs haven't really been.

Because it's a joke.

Lapis keeps trying to get close to them but Connie always gets super uncomfortable and they unfuse

The plot of this show is ridiculous enough to be one of Ronaldo's theories. That's the joke.

Conspiracy theorist are right about everything, they just tack on some extra memes that ruin.

>Lapis leaves for homeworld as soon as shes healed
>Comes back a prisoner and goes into the ocean as a fusion to save steven
god damn it
>Shes back, finally have a nice moment but goes off screen in a meme barn, jasper also ruins everything
fuck me, can these two please have more happy moments

>i don't recall if anything during the show has even hinted towards how they managed it.
Maybe you should finish watching season 1 before coming here.

Yellow Diamond contacted him personally via dreamfucker.exe

this shit is ugly and so is that pearl

Eyeball doesn't seem to think so.

rose's shield

Kinda have to tell you off for that first half for not watching the show.

As for if anyone else survived...
We don't know actually, there could be a peaceful working gem out there who just wants to live peacefully like they were originally fighting for.

Rose protected Pearl and Garnet.

They need at least a couple hours to have a good cuddle

She just needs a good dicking, courtesy of Greg.

I love this, it makes me smile.




Something's not right if there are at least a dozen recurring characters you would unthinkingly sacrifice to get one lost gem back.
>yoople bloople

I wish I could sleep with Jasper /sug/

this was the first zuke picture i ever saw

Take Lapis, give me Jasper back.

Can someone pls edit peridot into steven?

>tfw no big tall muscly/slightly muscly girl to nap/cuddle with

It's a fetish, you either get it or you don't

Lapis will shine this season
Or I riot

Should we really be counting the time she spent in the mirror to her age?

I want edits of this picture to get progressively empty until it's just Greg, tying into an unfunny creepypasta about how SU is Greg trying to cope with the loss of his wife and unborn child by making up the show on his mind

>I will never be the small spoon

It hurts inside user how do I make it stop

>hates beef
You wot nigga?

Really? I assumed it meant the opposite


Mm, too dark and sophisticated.
Could work though knowing Rebecca

Don't think about it

>all her episodes will be written by zuke

There's an edit where it's only Steven, so I'm sure that exists, too.

Would you want to live in Beach City?

But I'm going to bed and its so big and empty

Unstable fusions have extra eyes and a lot more extra limbs. Smoky ties with Garnet for least amount of extra parts.

I would want to nuke beach city


Seems like a waste of a nuke when even a few conventional bombs could level the entire place.

Dream a while and pretend that bed isn't so empty, you'll fall asleep without a thought

we're almost there

from the corruption?
guess that makes enough sense - it protects well enough from everything else.
wonder how far-reaching and penetrating that corruption was, then.

wish we had more information on the corruption bomb and what it did.

I'd live in the Bay Cave with my friend, Suitcase Sam.

But user shes all alone

What about Stevani? Do you have a source for this?

It'd seem like a nice place to visit for a day, like Malibuu beach.

Don't know how I'd react to the gems shenanigans though


Pls someone edit peridot into steven im very sad man

honestly wished they kept the stars
pretty comfy

She's only alone if you think she is

Fuck off

>not the barn
No thanks

>What about Stevani?
Stevaroni is gross so that kind of evens things out.

Good night /sug/

Anyone find Pearl actually disturbing? She's up there with Peridot. It's just that her lanky figure and naggy voice, are so.. unsettling.

I believe you humans have a saying:

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Nobody deserves solitude.

Ok i will "fuck off"

>ywn watch Camp Pining Hearts with these two cuties


Goodnight user

>Lapis' face

Christ she really goes from 0 to 100 whenever Steven's around. That's almost manic levels of excitement

here ya' go




I'd rather watch the Twilight Saga by myself than watch anything with Peridot.

This meme won't ever take off no matter how much you force it.

Cool as hell


>even onion is actually a human being with emotions and motivation behind his actions
that's it
the show is getting to real
pearl is too relatable

new artwork for today. what dose sug think?

always wondered what Lapis would do if Steven got hurt or killed.

can Lapis bend Steven's semen



my god there's no discussion about the Mystery girl in this thread at all. has your interest died out already?

well whatever, I had a crazy thought today about the episode. At the rock show, S. wasn't really there for the music. She was waiting to meet someone at that party, perhaps someone she knows but hasn't seen in a long time.
Someone who didn't show up.

why does this song remind me of weezer so much

every single fan theory for anything fantasy/scifi ever

>wanting to watch a show for meme references with two meme gems

She's as anti social as Pearl is. After one minute conversation she already wanted to leave kek.

So we have a new episode on Thursday, right?

>has your interest died out already?
Yes, there's nothing to discuss.

She'd throw the ocean into space.

I swear if she turns out to be greg's ex or relative
I'll get an aneurysm

I really like it user.

Lappy'd go berserk if anything ever happened to Steven. Wonder if anything like that will come up in the show. Would love to see her going full ham with an intact gem.

You'd think. New Regular Show doesn't start until next week, so having one week of nothing new seems odd.

Why would you find Peridot disturbing?

>Greg's ex

She's gotta be like half his age.

how did Greg hear about this show again?
did he say he knew someone there?

no worries user, there'll be a new episode on A Thursday.

Why would you say that user

She looks, sounds and acts like she crawled out of the 9th Circle of Hell.

>tfw no friends
>tfw this rock concert is boring
>tfw no qt alien waifu to chase after me

So we don't have one this week, but next?

Fucking dammit sugar

same here would like to see that too.


I hope so, going back to /trash/ isn't too bad, but I really want more episodes.

I listened to the peri casting couch thing and i haven't been so turned on by anything in over a year

i've had it on loop in my headphones as much as i can for the past day

even at work and in public

oh right
greg is OLD

I will never watch a soap opera with two annoying lesbians? Life is truly suffering.


Are you guys ready for Haitus.

>peri casting couch
I require further details.

It doesn't even sound like her

It's not even well-written or well-acted

It's just crappy fanfiction read out loud by a chipmunk


>going back to /trash/ isn't too bad
Boy are you going to be proven wrong /sug/ is just gonna be spam of shitpost porn and just being basically underground Cred Forums while Cred Forums has not generals.


>>>It's just that her lanky figure

If he got hurt, she'd risk hurting him further or possibly even killing him as collateral damage.

It's not like Lapis is a straight-minded fighter considering she can literally "punch" all of her problems away. She's probably too dumb to even plan ahead in an actual combat situation.

i could see that as a possibility. or throw it on the one who hurt steven.

S. is a lonely lady

>didn't say anything at the mart
>was alone texting at the party
>she got shy and left early

Pearl needs to eat more

Pretty cool stuff user.

As for how'd she react to Steven being hurt, she'd probably flip her shit. She was willing to subjugate herself to a tormenting experience just to keep him safe, could you imagine if somebody did actually harm him?


My imagination buffs over all that stuff, anyway

Not going to lie, I'm really curious to see what Sapphire would look like in normal clothes.

Lapis likes Steven way to much and it is borderline weird

Will this cause any problems down the line?

Hey /sug/! What are ya listening to?

Which is why I have her cute face on a pillow now :3

I like porn and shitposting.

I hope she has an awkward personality like that. I hate slutty girls which was my first thought when I saw her.

I did not expect it to be that good, God bless you user.

>Jasper skullbashed Steven in front of her and everyone
>Jasper bitchslapped Steven on the boat while she's right there

>Sapphire the strategist support of the team
>Lapis the heavy hitter glass cannon of the team
>Blue Pearl literal middle grounded man of the team

This might be a well thought out team if Sapphire and Blue were pretty good fighters under all the subtle gentleness.

sweet baby steven, the way it's laid out reminds me of my old pokemon bedding. This is so cute.

..I bet that bedding is still at my mom's house. Fuck now I want it.

>we never got to see anyone else's reaction to her headbutting him
>she immediately ran for him but was grabbed by Jasper

It wasn't until Jasper made a beeline towards Steven that she actually did something.

>Jasper bitchslapped Steven on the boat while she's right there

And then she punched Jasper literally over the horizon.

I just dont like her long her feet are, I'm not a footfag, but it bothers me a lot for some reason


>I hate slutty girls

yeah well I love slutty girls

well it was made back when she was still a storyboard revisionist

No, that was when Jasper screamed THIS IS YOUR FAULT ILL SHATTER YOU and charged at Steven

i can imagen the horrors.

and the best part is that they will never love you back

They'd serve as a much better defender if they all fused together. Like it or not, Blue Diamond is sitting on a gold mine of powerful fusion possibilities.

guys i made a thing

>she was gonna shatter Ame too
>forced herself on a zombie
Jasper is literally fucking beyond redemption, I don't care what any /freak/ says


I find Jasper's teeth disturbing. They're thicker than lapis's wrists

She didn't hit her hard enough

Wallfag user? How did your mom react to the body pillow? Tell story.

that's cute

are you kidding it's awful

What was Lapis supposed to when Jasper was no less than a foot from her? Jasper, herself, is way too dangerous to try and pull a fast one when she's literally right next to you.

If a fucking construction worker could take Lapis off guard, then so can a war veteran.

>A water manipulating fusion with even greater ice powers that can see possible future events
Jesus Christ, that's some power

So if we're officially on hiatus now, why is /sug/ still allowed on Cred Forums?

>Amplified Ice and maybe Water powers
>Future Vision
>Whatever Blue Pearl would have

Not a half bad fusion.
And BD is probably sitting on tons of powerful fusions but because they are oddly racist against different gem fusion it won't come to fruition.


I got you user, don't worry.

This image disappoints me every time I zoom in

we need more time to talk about Onion Gang
so much lore

That's me
no body pillow though
talking and thinking about commissioning one right now though


God I wish I had a better version of this

I have an idea. What about, instead of a body pillow, you get yourself boxers with a pearl points pattern? Like pic related, but with more pearl

>Whatever Blue Pearl would have
Agility and speed, which are both perfect considering how slow we've seen Lapis react to threats like Bismuth.

Different gem fusions aren't even necessary, really. Multiple Lapis Lazulis could have more than enough potential to ruin a battlefield and, if my theory on her powers is correct, they wouldn't even need a water source.

What did Steven put in Pearl's drink?

that's interesting
good luck finding a way to buy that though

Lamar has:
>a perfect Garnet, Sardonyx, Rubies
>a good Lapis and fun Jasper
Some people may not like big hair or tallness for Lapis, but I do.
>an OK Ame and Pearl
>a Steven with a cute face and hair but whacked out tiny body that ruins it
>a shit lopsided mini gremlin peridot



Who else here trusts Rebecca and company to produce a good show, and is generally looking forward to seeing what they come up with over the next few seasons?



I trust Rebecca, but everyone else in the crew has disappointed me at least once

>Pearl motorboating Rose

all you need is a service printing cloth for you.
Boxers are rather simple of shape. About 5 pieces of cloth, looking at one right now. probably nothing a sewing machine and a cut open pair of boxers for reference can't fix


Also, better version of by the same user

a little bit of greg's murdercock sauce

I just can't take his Steven, the big hair looks awful with the tiny body


I believe in most of them, not Zuke though.


Normally I'm all for cracking some skulls, but when it comes to Blue Diamond, I'm a lot more tame with my opinions.

hahaha this is interesting


don't you mean C-M-u? what does that even do??

>C-M-u runs the command backward-up-list, which is an interactive
>compiled Lisp function in `lisp.el'.

>(backward-up-list &optional ARG)

>Move backward out of one level of parentheses.
>This command will also work on other parentheses-like expressions
>defined by the current language mode.
>With ARG, do this that many times.
>A negative argument means move forward but still to a less deep spot.
>This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Fucking Emacs.

>naked Bismutg
One of the best errors in the series

Does anyone have any good garage rock bands/song like the one from the show

I know frank iero's new shit sounds like it but i want... more

Pearl's is still bigger

What is it about Pearl and undressing girls with her mere presence?


Do you wear any Steven Universe related clothing?

Blue Diamond, I feel, is like the Stalin of the Diamonds. Now by this I mean she's much less active then YD in her tyranny, much less in your face about it, so people tend to let it pass. Yellow Diamond on the other hand is sort of like Hitler, in that she's much more open with her evilness, much more aggressive, and has been hinted at and even shown more then BD.

Yeah, I know comparing them to Hitler and Stalin is stupid, but that's the same sort of attitude that history has had to the two dictators.

at home yes


I have the pearl dress, I don't wear it

>A new Garnet eye edit

just a red tank top with the star.
I've only worn it to music festivals so far

Don't forget this one

I have the Mr. Universe shirt and wear that. I have the Pearl dress but can't fit into the size I bought yet and wear the official hairbows and jewelry from Hot Topic. I'm also tempted to go for some of the unofficial skater dresses down the line.

absolutely not because I don't have any


I was very pleased with that discovery myself

>don't wear it



Somebody needs to edit Amethyst to be hanging off of Jasper's helmet like that.

I bet they could. In fact, I bet they'd stop their constant unconscious fusing once they started fucking. They'd become too aware of each other, if that makes sense.

damn that perfect quartz cock

>I have the Pearl dress
why must pearlfags be so highly molestable?

She redid the entire scene.

There's one where she's shoving her helmet down her throat.

I'm not a grill


Dihydrogen monoxide

I think Jasper's hippo teeth are pretty fucking great

why do you have it then


>still afraid to wear Pearl dress

Aleth uploaded one of his pieces from the SDCC zine


Wow, that's pretty good.

Stop lookin at me with them big ole eyes

made an attempt to clean this one up a bit. could prob use some more work imo

... for reasons

Maybe a little


I saw a version with animation as well, but I can't find it now. Help?

>Onion crushing on Lapis
i like it

Just this

Literally just desperately wants to kill the bitch who murdered her big pink mom nigga


Do you actually wear that outside?


Did you draw this originally? Apologies for not knowing you.

I should really go to sleep because now I have the urge to hit on you
Cred Forums has fucking ruined me.

it's an altered 300$ HM jacket, so yeah I would.
too hot right now though, it was an amazing birthday gift.

thank you!

No. I edited it but I have no idea who the original artist is since there's no signature/url

>Jasper just wants to kill Rose

>captures and tries to take him back to YD
>fucks around from SWI to AaS
>doesn't do shit in Gem Hunt
>tards out and runs in Crack the Whip

Malachite is not for ass shots


100% this. If they haven't fucked up the show by now, they won't do it any time soon.

Even if CN decides "fuck you, you have only one more season," they'd be able to wrap it up nicely. But that's not going to happen.

I've been waiting for this

Amethyst is supposed to be like the owl on the right?

-mon visage quand when when my name is greg and I imagine them being reminded of me when they watch the show

Thank you, kind user.

then why did you buy it if you won't wear it? it's sold you, you goon!

What material? Autumn is coming up and I need a new jacket.

wavves sounds like indie pop garbage, fidlar is okay, yuck sounds like sonic youth emo crap

Oh, I figured it was your art and you were fixing it up. I appreciate it, though.

Not all emotionally unstable dumb girls can be perfect user

Will you cosplay bad pearl?

it's canvas

i did for a party, i dont really cosplay so i didnt get the hair perfect but i did get everything else right down to a t. ill wear it again if i ever go to a con or something because it looks pretty casual thrown together

She captured "Rose" in The Return because she didn't expect Rose to be some weird reformed human hybrid.

She was mindfucked from her forced fusion with Lapis and was only focused on getting back to Lapis between SWI and Alone at Sea.

Between Gem Hunt and Crack the Whip, she was gathering gems for her army. Because Rose had an army. So she needs an army. She retreated in Crack the Whip because her dog army got poofed, and she needed to regroup.

Post pics

I do not believe in Steven or the crewniverse any more
Show needs to end asap so Sugar can move on to her next project already

Thank you for posting literally what I was listening to in college.

I miss those days and the qt gf who introduced me to Wavves.

FIDLAR is pretty great live too. They did a cover of Undone by Weezer (that sweater song) but instead of singing the lyrics they just went "MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW" for the whole thing.

Is it comfy? I've never had a canvas jacket before.

Would Superman be a Lapisfag due to his well-known LL initials fetish?

very comfy, same material as a military jacket

L o n d o n

I feel like Supes would be a Rosefag.

Very cute. I didn't know that girl being posted was an anonymous.

Why do you have your mouth censored? Also

Is sug dead?


Anyone working on any SU crafts?

One of yesterday's threads inspired me to start working on a custom Pearl doll, one that will hopefully not be horrifying


>Not recognizing a well known meme

there's no such thing as a good custom Pearl doll


Coincidence? I also started working on a Pearl doll thanks to an earlier thread.

This one would at least make a good scarecrow, I think.

im too autistic to know what faces to make in pictures so my mouth always looks weird


Who made this originally?


Ha, it does look like a scarecrow. Wonder what they were thinking when they made it.
No idea.

I'm not crafting the body myself, I'm reworking it from other fashion doll parts! So it will at least not look like Harold.

doll minds think alike! What are your plans?

I'm going for a Barbie/fashion doll look. I'm thinking Made to Move body + Disney Store doll head since those proportions lend itself better to the more expressive eyes.

As much as I pretend to hate things because hating them is memes, there are very few things I don't like about Steven Universe. I don't mind any of the crewniverse's style, and I like seeing their different takes on the characters (Like how almost everyone has a different way for drawing amethyst's eyes). I even love the filler episodes. Honestly the only way they could fuck this show up for me is A solid season of Hey Uncle

That one's pretty nice. The only thing I would change is the mouth shape.

Besides the fanfiction that is Beta, why does everyone hate Zuke?


People joke about Rebecca "not being THAT evil", but I think this is one instance where she literally couldn't be THAT evil.

all memes aside

Oh sweet. Turns out I already have one canvas jacket.

Isn't Vidalia's hair EXACTLY how a Peridot + Amethyst fusion's hair would look?

Every episode she makes plays out like a fan fiction.

Off model art is another factor.

I have the fortune of having a very talented mom
We usually go shopping at the black market for materials. Cheap prices, you can find about anything you need
I was also thinking of making a figure out of clay if the Pearl plush doesn't turn out as I want it to

Anyone who waifus their own characters is scum.

I just don't really like her artstyle.


She's kind of obnoxious about being gay, but it's mostly because of her extremely unprofessional favoritism and open shipping. I'm saying this as a lapisfag.

Oh and her Lapis in Beta looked like a druggie.

Didn't deserve the harassment she got on twitter tho.

Fan Fusion: Eyeball + Sapphire = Pyrope
Pyrope is a form of garnet whose name means "fire eye" (pyro, ope) in greek

>pic related

And her eps have a really predictable plot among other things.

Oh yeah, that's why Lapis' hair looks strange. I haven't seen her with that hair in a while, and something I knew was off about her hair.

THIS, she completely ruined Lapis for me.

she really pisses me off

cute cute cute

>One Punch Lapis


What SU scenes would this fit with?

She's making it increasingly hard to take this character seriously.

Because zuke a shit

She's turning into a blue Peridot.



Is there a full picture or is that it?

amen to that

Does Zuke actually write episodes though, or simply storyboard them? Does a storyboarder write an episode or do they just do what they're told by the writers?

she's stupid

The fact that she is the one who created Bad Pearl years ago should tell you enough.



dingo should really kill herself tbqh flamingos

but good pearl is best pearl

On SU, everyone who writes an episode also storyboards it.

This sentence hurts to read because of how true it is.

they get an outline of whats supposed to happen in the episode and then they write the dialogue/storyboards

dingo is a gay furry

she sounds like a bad influence for Becky and the show :(

Boarders go off of an undetailed outline by writers like Ben Levin and Matt Burnett

Ben posted an example on his tumblr.

When Smoky Quartz is made, she says "I think a Amethyst and a Rose Quartz make a Smoky Quartz.", which means that regardless of what gem it is, the type of gem a fusion is is always determined by what types of gems are fusing. A Ruby and a Sapphire make a Garnet, no matter what ruby/sapphire it is. A Rose Quartz and an Amethyst will make a Smoky Quartz, even if the rose quartz is half human.

are your assholes ready, /SUG/?

she only created the outfit

>Especially since Jasper has been indoctrinated to think of pearls as lesser.
Yes, and that's exactly why her finally learning to respect Pearl as a warrior will drive it home even to the densest of viewers that her worldview has fundamentally shifted away from the HW indoctrination.

It's such an easy, touching, clear signal of her changed attitude that I'm sure they'll use it. Also they're both veterans of the gem war and old PD gems, both pretty into battle and doing things right, both struggle with feelings of inadequacy, both value loyalty etc etc. There's a lot of common ground.

She ignores pre-existing characterizations and art styles to push her own headcanons which are significantly worse than the original

Pre Zuke Lapis: A cute girl who just wants to go home and has a endearingly childish sense of humor
Post Zuke Lapis: A cardboard cutout

Pre Zuke Pearl: Finally getting over Rose, but may be making a wrong turn by falling for the man who reminds her of the one she lost

Post Zuke Pearl: "Lol, that's not gay enough. let's ignore all that hard work the rest of the crew did and stick her some random woman who doesn't even have a VA"


Pyrope is a garnet

whatever that means

There's a full picture, but other than it being of Saphy, I have no idea what it is. Someone posted it a few weeks ago and I edited it. Sorry.


It's the big hair isn't it? It is for me.


>falling for the man who reminds her of the one she lost

the fuck are you on about

I was a highwayman
Along the coastroads I did ride


down the toilet


Last for Lapis

Pearl is fucking gay.
If you think that's Zuke's doing, you are very delusional.

Beautiful HW trio ending combo

You know if this show was run by a man the animation quality would be a lot more consistently better.
Males don't just tell their animators to just b urself like women do.

Yes, Pyrope is a kind of Garnet, but it's not the kind of Garnet that would be made if a Sapphire and a Ruby fused.

Good pearl is a myth

She's been a criminal for 6000 years

To hell for being worst gem

>She was willing to subjugate herself to a tormenting experience just to keep him safe

She imprisoned Jasper purely out of her own desire to imprison and torture someone, to finally have a prisoner of her own to take all her aggressions out on and make someone else suffer.
She sort of excused it by "protecting Steven", but it's total bullshit - in fact, fusing into Malachite put Steven and the CG in far, far greater danger than Jasper alone, weakened by the crash and outnumbered could ever have posed. And yes indeed, eventually Jasper did gain control and nearly poofed the CG in the fight. It was a horrible risk, but Lapis didn't give a fuck, she wanted to torture someone, wanted to feel in charge for a change.

It's been canonically stated that Malachite was kept together out of revenge, and revenge only. It was for Lapis herself. She even admitted in Alone at Sea that she enjoyed being a terrible monster and taking everything out on Jasper for over a year, even though in hindsight it was wrong.

It wasn't a tormenting experience she "subjucated" herself to, she freely chose it out of her own desire to torment someone else.

rewatch Mr. Greg

I'm not debating that she's super gay, but gems don't even have a concept of sexuality due to being an asexual species.

Mr. Greg built a ship perfectly and then Zuke just spread her ass cheeks and violently shit all over it

She's sounds badass as fuck... I prefer our softie Pearl of the present

user it is Becky who decides what happens to her characters. Mystery Girl was always meant to exist, Zuke was only responsible for the dialogue and the girl's deisgn.

> Unlimited POWA!.png

god, women ruin everything

Boarders work off of 2-3 page outlines

>it's a delusional Grearlfag

Source plz?

t. zuke

>Zuke was only responsible for the dialogue
>Mystery Girl

Really forces one to ponder

>but gems don't even have a concept of sexuality due to being an asexual species

Sure they don't. The writers just say that shit, they would never put her with a dude. She's a lesbian friendo, get over it.

Please give up with this bait. It's like you're not even trying.

What even is this argument,

at least it wasn't like just some "hot chick"
it was someone who looked a lot like Rose

Zuke ships Pearlmethyst though

If it were up to her Pearl and Amethyst would be fucking like rabbits





The Pizzas





The Frymans

Not everything is an argument you bull-headed dyke.

Oh for fucks' sake. Why can't anyone here realize that two characters can be friends? Mr. Greg showed Greg and Pearl apologizing, making up, and building a friendship, but there was no fucking romance.

I never got this argument, yes she did look like Rose, but Pearl sure as hell didn't treat her like Rose. It was obvious that Pearl has a type.

and Steven!

I'm not Zuke.

>Pre Zuke Lapis: A cute girl who just wants to go home and has a endearingly childish sense of humor
user, no. Absolutely no.

>Pre Zuke Pearl: Finally getting over Rose, but may be making a wrong turn by falling for the man who reminds her of the one she lost
>may be making a wrong turn by falling for the man
user, honestly, no.

>Them almost kissing is "no fucking romance"
>A one minute conversation followed by wanting to talk again is though

The insidious beast has many fingers.

Whoa, good arguments there. You must a master of rhetoric.

> Everything is collateral damage
> whatever hurt/killed Steven is dust.

If I quit CN, will you die?

They "almost kissed" because it was a part of the dance to dip. They didn't blush or anything. We can all tell that you're the same person posting every time about how Mr. Greg was potential for Greg x Pearl and it was all ruined by Zuke, yada yada yada.

Weirdly enough i was looking for this picture but not under that context of finding a full pic.
Fate is a weird thing isn't it.

>almost kissing
I can tell you don't watch enough romance movies

I wish mystery girl didn't exist. She looks disgusting and I can't fap to the thought of Pearl having sex with a chubby woman with a lip piercing

We are Zuke. We are all *fingers*. You are not a *happy camper*. Very *frumple*...

Where did you get this idea from?

It's a broad assumption based on a few sketches she's drawn.

why are we so fucking slow tonight

Post the most story ruining moments that Zuke is responsible for so I can see this clearly.

Every episode she's been a part of.

all the cool poster left for hiatus

This. Speed it up everybody!


Barn Mates and Beta.


>Page 7
Stupid fucking Pearlposter

>servant class

You're a fucking embarassment

you suck!

Drew a Purplepuma for a friend
I think she is still too thin again
It's pretty not great but I'll post it because this thread is ending anyway..


Crushed Valium

Why wouldn't they? Discussion is helped by being able to post images. Spamming for half the thread and not being able to post images for half the thread is retarded. The only reason not to hold off from hitting the image limit is an inability to.

The Sonics were one of the originators of garage.


>50 minutes later

at this rate they'll forget they have to send us to the shadow realm on thursday

I wish people would stop reminding me.

Fat Lapenis

No hiatus has been announced.
At least not a large one spanning months.

one reply closer to the next thread

Peri a best

spoke too soon

It doesn't work that way, newfig

We need Eyeball to come back so she can tell Steven about the facet 9 kindergarten quartz that could.

Come off it, he's not hurting anyone. I think it's cute.

>Come off it, he's not hurting anyone. I think it's cute.

You gonna change his nappy and warm his bottle, too?

Come off it, he's not hurting anyone. I think it's cute.

>Come off it, he's not hurting anyone. I think it's cute.

You gonna change his nappy and warm his bottle, too?

>getting this worked up about a newfig

Come off it, he's not hurting anyone. I think it's cute.

You gonna change his nappy and warm his bottle, too?
Come off it, he's not hurting anyone. I think it's cute.

So this is the last thread, right? Because it should be.

I think your cute user

Delete this

Come off it, he's gonna change his nappy and warm his bottle, I think it's cute. he's not hurting anyone?

Cum on it

/sug/ was a mistake.



>mfw a low effort post gets this much attention

Imagine Lapis

I leave for one fucking second






any one have a do it for her for pearl?