Tim Seeley talks about why he quit Blade

Nrama: You mentioned that the DC exclusive contract disallows working for Marvel, but we talked last year about the relaunched Blade series. What all happened there?

Seeley: The short story is I quit. The long story is when Marvel hired me, I had just written ten years of a horror comic starring a female lead so I seemed like a good fit. So we threw around ideas of doing Blade’s daughter and when they announced it, Marvel was in a weird place because they had announced the hip-hop covers and a lot of people saw “here’s another black lead with an all-white creative team” and you know it’s valid and definitely the case. Once the announcement hit, it was just one bad week. I kinda felt that it was completely fair and never something we hadn’t considered, but everybody at Marvel was totally cool about it and wanted to find a way to make it work. After a while, I felt like it was me screwing this up. I couldn’t help but feel like a black woman might write this stuff better than me and saved them from me. In the wake of Black Panther launching so well, maybe Blade is the book they find new talent on.

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You can see the whole interview there, where he talks about Grayson, and his exclusive DC deal.

Should have just had Wimberly do his Blade series.


Nah Wimberly burned his bridges at Marvel after the skin color thing

>I couldn’t help but feel like a black woman might write this stuff better than me
What a fucking nu male cuck.

Seems to me like he got bullied otu of the book, with people talking shit to him because he is white.

Marvel obviously didn't come to his defense, if it was a black artist/writer they would have.

Marvel definitely screwed themselves by trying to portray themselves as the Social Justice Comic Book Company.

Wimberly has made it clear he wants nothing to do with the big two

Priest doesn't feel a white guy can write Deathstroke better than him.

I don't get this mentality.

>still lumping DC and Marvel together

tired meem

More proof there's no winning. If you write a white/male character, you get shit on for not having any diversity. If you write a non-white/female character, you get shit on for appropriation. And they wonder why movements like the alt-right have taken off. What is a white man supposed to do, chop off his dick and pretend he's a woman?

How could they have, they have been building their cred as the company of diversity. Their ravenous fanbase would have turned on them if they did.

It's why if DC did it, most people aside from Outthouse wouldn't have cared.

So there are real costs in doing business by being the company of diversity and it's really hurting their ability to utilize writing talent.

Fuck Marvel. Really fuck them.


>After a while, I felt like it was me screwing this up. I couldn’t help but feel like a black woman might write this stuff better than me and saved them from me.
As a black fan shit like this annoys the fuck out of me.

Hickman is White and Coates is black and I sure as hell prefer Hickman's take on Black Panther

Write a spy comic book that sometimes features a gay murder machine.

remember you cannot write characters that do not correspond with your race or gender.

At this point maybe but he did pitch Blade and wanted to do it even after this female Blade got annpunced. He would have done it then but now he's far too busy with his Image books.


Tumblr needs to stop bullying my creatorsbando.

Yes been busy with his image books for like two years, when are those two books supposed to even come out?

He sounds like a real bitch. Defending Marvel's policy of "only black people should write black characters is disgusting". I hope He bumps into priest and tells this story.

He's being mature. What else is he supposed to say, "fuck Marvel'?

He needs to stop being a pussy, marvel was apparently fine with him doing it. He has nobody but himself to blame for this.

Some people are just too afraid of being racist, man. The shit I got away with growing up black in a predominantly white town is unbelievable.

>a lot of people saw “here’s another black lead with an all-white creative team” and you know it’s valid
No Tim, it's not valid. People don't have to be black to write black characters. Don't give into their bullshit.

>tfw you will never get to write the Detective Chimp "monthly mystery" book the world deserves

And now he's DC exclusive, where Priest was finally offered a non-black character to write and the editors generally don't think writers should only be assigned to characters of their race and gender.
All's well that ends well.

What Image books
Revival has been coming out and is over in a few months

The fanbase that asks for black artist, and writers to write/draw books, and then proceeds to not buy their books, and they get cancelled, while turning away their actual(I guess old) fanbase.

Axel Alonso is obsessed with Black people that is all he tweets about, Black characters, black basketball players/raper.

Put Coates writing Black Panther because he is Black, as if being Black had anything to do with him understanding the reality of an African country, worse this isn't even an actual African country, we didn't need a black guy writing the character(and now he got a white bald villain for himself), this whole I need to write a character that I identify myself with otherwise we are being racist is retarded.

He's just a nice man trying to make a living, please don't bully him

He can't burn bridges, he defiently got bullied out of the job.

Passive aggressively imply that Marvel were in the wrong for not letting him do it. Especially since they fucking were.

We're talking about Ronald Wimberly

Not really. Marvel isn't getting any shit for this.

How about grow some balls instead of caring too much about some idiots online? In his situation I'd wrote the damn book and let my work speak for itself. Most of you guys care too damn much about tumblr and the internet.

Then again, the whole thing reeks of the usual outrage farming mixed with not getting the full story of what really happened behind closed doors.

Well DC was doing the same thing with Priest though. Offering him Firestorm and then Cyborg, it's just that they finally realized that and saw that he might have some value as a writer outside of doing black characters. Marvel frankly hasn't been so cognizant.

This, he will probably work for Marvel again someday, doesn't seem like there's any bad blood. It sounded like he backed off to save them from any trouble, in fact.

>Marvel were in the wrong for not letting him do it
Did you even fucking read it? He said he quit because he was being harassed by fans online.


>He can't burn bridges
Yes he fucking can, he's DC exclusive, he doesn't need any fucking bridges at Marvel.

Priest wrote non black characters at marvel

He is for now, you never know where you are in a few years, he might have to work for Marvel again.

I mean at the end of the day, it has his choice. Marvel didn't shove him off the book, he chose to walk away. I think they should have done more to reassure him though, but it's their loss now that he's a DC exclusive.

I mean it's obvious the real reason is because Marvel was dragging their feet on the book after ANAD failed but he's not going to shit on editorial he might work for later so blaming "fans" who probably DID throw harassment his way is the smart move here.

>tfw the Deaths head ongoing got cancelled because the writer wasn't a mechanoid

Yeah like Captain America and The Falcon...until he had Captain America taken away for Ed Brubaker and was left writing a Falcon solo

> I-I know what's better for him!

What if he wants to work at Marvel in the future, user? He can't count on being a DC exclusive till he dies.

He said that Marvel were pussing out of publishing it because fans were noticing their hip hop variants were mostly done by white people. And now Marvel are doing more hip hop variants.

You seem to forget who the the bigger publisher is

Those DC exclusives seem to only be for 2 years.

>have to
Doubt it. He has two successful creator owned series. Guy doesn't need to work for Marvel ever again, especially if he has friends and established relationships at DC.

How is the crap about Blade what you took away from this interview?

>Seeley: He came in with a specific idea. He wasn’t just a prose writer who didn’t know how to write comics. He came to it with more of an understanding with how comics work than most actual comic writers do that I’ve seen. He was interested in challenging the more formal way comics are made. I remember conversations we had he would want to pitch something crazy like doing the story backwards or somehow the story escalates in panel count and I think I was sort of jaded to a degree for having to work in the trenches for so many years so I would go "Yeah, I don’t recommend that, but I think you should do it."

He straight-up admits that all the interesting experimental stuff we loved about Grayson was from King, and that he thought it all was a bad idea but supported King on principle.

Abandon ship, Nightwing readers. Abandon ship.

You sound like someone who never worked in their life.

You don't burn your bridges like that in an industry like the comics one. He's DC exclusive for now, but maybe in 2 years he'll do freelance work again. When you're in an industry with such shit pay, you can't afford to piss off one of the Big Two.

We already knew that, casual. King did the weird structural stuff and Seeley carried the tone.

I can't help but feel that professionals would be better off if they only used social media for self-promotion.

Seriously, Seeley is fucking terrible.
>backs up Marvel's racist shit mentality
>dragged down Grayson
>usually mediocre writer

Professionals are people too, they are entitled to their opinions and shit.

I'm glad this book died and I hope Blade: Another Absentee Black Father never happens.

>Cyborg isn't written by a cyborg

Plenty of people have burned bridges and then have made amends. Even fucking Priest was pissed at DC for offering Firestorm to him and DC thought he still was when they took a gamble and called him up recently.

I think that's not really what his point was. He's saying that you shouldn't really open yourself up to this kind of harassment.

Goes for normal people too though. Social media was a mistake.

Just start dating and or marry a black woman and take her kids out shopping every now and then. It seems to give Bendis all the credit he needs to write black character horribly.

But we hate Tom King.

>He straight-up admits that all the interesting experimental stuff we loved about Grayson was from King, and that he thought it all was a bad idea but supported King on principle.

Seely is mostly a Morrisonfag. His stuff for Eternal and Talon makes that clear.

>>dragged down Grayson
yes, midnighter was sure the worst part of Grayson

Don't worry, Cyborg is also half black man so DC made sure to get a black guy on it.

I don't think he got mad about that. Sounded like it was just kind of part of the routine. Even this time DC offered him Cyborg first then like a week later offered him Deathstroke.

>Even fucking Priest was pissed at DC for offering Firestorm to him and DC thought he still was when they took a gamble and called him up recently.

But the point of Priest's story was that DC learned their lesson and gave him a job he wanted. He didn't really throw them under the bus.

>Spider-Man isnt being written by someone with the proportionate strength of a spider

He's a Morrison fan, yeah but King writes closer to Morrison than Seeley.

W-what does this this tell us about King writing Vision though?

user, we're talking years since DC last reached out to him to do Firestorm. And Rucka left DC in a rough way and yet here he is. He left Marvel in a rough way too but still came back to do Cyclops. And you're not doing any permanent damage if you imply that Marvel are being racist because they fucking are.

>Tom King is an android that used to worked for the CIA

the 3 laws of robotics have failed!

Alan Moore doesn't give a FUCK.

There's really nothing to gain by speaking out unless you care about political stuff. He basically said fan harassment made him quit the book. That's fair.

>And you're not doing any permanent damage if you imply that Marvel are being racist because they fucking are.

> entire Marvel's image is based around being progressive

cue fans asking "but why are you working with them if they're racist?" and he's got himself in exactly the same spot.

Moore got cucked by his mistress.

I was going to say Garth Ennis but then I remembered he shilled out for that fat jew's tv show.

i really hope dc has the goddamn sense to put priest on some high profile books and not fuck him about like they did with mcduffie

Chuck Dixon was blacklisted for being uncuckable, so his latest work was scripting a best-selling comic adaptation of Clinton Cash.

>Next: “Are white, hetero male writers done?”

>“It’s a real thorny one,” Waid began hesitatingly. He discussed talking about Black Panther at Marvel. “We were all sitting around talking about what we love about Black Panther, a room full of writers, and how that character really deserves his own book again. And I’m sure he’ll have it again. I was the one most passionate about what was cool about Black Panther. I wasn’t campaigning for the gig, but at the end of my speech, somebody said, ‘Man, I wish you were black. In the sense of, ‘then we’d give you the book.'” Waid, clearly uncomfortable telling the story, continued. “But I understood it, I didn’t take umbrage at, ‘what, I’m not allowed to write this book because I’m white?’ I actually think, with a character like that, you should either not publish it or hold off until you’ve found the right voice with the right passion for it and most likely it’s going to be an African American. I understood that. That is not the same as to say, ‘always look at their ethnicity first and their talent second.’ These are apples and oranges, in my opinion. But more and more, you are having to look at both.”

These SJW's really made white writers scared to write black characters


Are you retarded?
>Marvel paints themselves as progressive
>Writer works for them, finds out they're actually racist and exposes them
As it stands, Marvel are still being seen as progressive, he still as an exclusive with DC and people will still talk shit to him on twitter and he will respond to all of them because "it's the right thing to do"

He's lost the ability to give a fuck. Cocaine hobo magic gone wrong.

I'm willing to give in to any excuse to save us all from Waid's Black Panther. That dumb fuck has lost it.

lmao at you thinking that people that support this kind of shit realize that reverse racism is also a thing.

All the spy stuff, Helena, Midnighter was Seeley. King was the one who did the experimental structural stuff like the Futures End issue

Why not just make Blade's daughter half-white? You can use the partially vampire part to fudge it into being fairly pale.



damn, my post got deleted

Midnighter was better under King. And King's issues were just plain better, not just because of the experimenting. And he created Tiger.

and I'd love to fucking know why since I got banned for bullshit like this

Seems Rich noticed the thread, he already made an article about it, let's see if it makes some impact.

Man, Cred Forums really went to shit these last few years...

King's scripts were better, but the book wouldn't have worked without Seeley's ideas and plotting. King wanted to make the book depressing.

Nah bro it would've been Metal Gear Dick.

Oh my god he sounds like a giant fucking cuck. Get your head out of twitter's ass, get Deray's dick out of your mouth, sack up and write the fucking book you pussy. Even if he got "bullied", most of these people have no power beyond their social media bubble anyway and it's been shown that if you just ignore their shrieking they eventually give up and move on to something else.

Thankfully though this means it's never coming to pass as it sounded stupid.

Marvel is a company that writes primarily in English.

I really find this mentality hilarious. How many of these people are even aware of Don McGregor's Black Panther?

I really hope they get a black guy to write a Detective Chimp book.

He did until the turn of the millennium, afterwards it was all stuff like BP, The Crew (mostly black), Captain America and the Falcon (Cap taken away part way through) and generally knowing he'd been pigeonholed. Shit as was said, DC initially offered him stuff like Cyborg.

That's a good example of what I mean in the "don't lend them any credibility and it goes away" thing. Marvel basically ignored their whining/outright made fun of them on social media and after a week they slunk off to find something else to get mad about. These people are all bluff and once you call them on it they go away.

What a stupid fucking reason. I liked Tim Seeley, but this drops him down a few notches in my opinion as an author.

Man the aliens are going to be SO PISSED when they realize all these comics we made without them telling us about their experiences!

how come this post isn't deleted

yeah warn me about complaining about moderation again after you fags delete my posts for no reason

I guess this is what we get for changing moot's race

I'm sorry, what COUNTRY in Africa is Coates from that gives him the credentials to write Black Panther? Kenya? Mali? Uganda? Congo? What tribe?

What if a white Afrikaner showed up to Marvel and wanted to write a Black Panther comic?

Fucking kills me when Black Americans think because their ancestors were brought over from one of the largest and diverse (in culture and language) continents on the planet almost two and a half centuries ago you still get some magical claim to one of those 54 countries in Africa.

I'm still so hype over Priest being back

Can a first generation immigrant qualify for it or do they need to not be Americanized?

>Wah wah
>Cry Cry
>Whine whine

That's what I got from your post.

This is true. its one of the most perverse aspects of this self-conscious infatuation with diversity. Its totally pathetic. And I don't even like Seeley that much.

ntópiocentric Earthlings. Everything is all about humanity, "Who are the best space cops? Earthlings" "Where do all the universe shattering events originate from? EARTH" inb4 S-s-superman is an Alien and he's the biggest hero. Superman is Xeno in name only character, Human passing, Human raised, and everything he says is about muh humanity. Where are the positive representations of People of Xeno Descent?

Well you have certainly raised the quality of the discourse with your great post.

And what about all us Xeno speaking the humans garage ass clucking English language? Erasure of our culture!


>I was the one most passionate about what was cool about Black Panther. I wasn’t campaigning for the gig, but at the end of my speech, somebody said, ‘Man, I wish you were black. In the sense of, ‘then we’d give you the book.'”
That is so incredibly fucked up. Imagine if a black or Asian writer was told "man, I wish you were white" and denied being able to write a Daredevil book.

How is that acceptable?

Never thought I'd see the concept of segregation live on in comics of all things.

Replace "white" with "Catholic" and people probably wouldn't complain.