Comics set in Russia?

Comics set in Russia?

Preferably non-soviet shit, but that works as well if there's nothing else.

But, again, ideally either tsarist era stuff or ancient shit or modern settings.

Jihad ( alternate title The Horde) by Igor Baranko who grew up in the USSR by moved to the US after it fell

In the year 2040 the Russian dictator wants to find the corpse of Genghis Khan and create a new Empire from the Pacific to the Atlantic

Story follows his secret service looking for the corpse, the dictator himself, a monk, and the world's last living Chechnyan

Well that sounds fucking insane.

Kids of October, i don't think there is an english version.

Nth Man The Ultimate Ninja is a Cold War comic, but it's still pretty cool.

How about Red Star and the Rocke Red Brigade?

joke´s on you, i know spanish.

So there's next to nothing then?

BPRD, motherfucker

Modern day Russia is basically a petrostate with snow and an arms industry.

Hard to get stuff published in Russia these days, especially if it's deemed subversive.

but pol told me Russia is based

Nobody said anything about where it's from.

How was the Winter Men?

Not it's not. Just yesterday government faked another parliament elections. Long story short. Only 40% russians actually support current ruling party but it still gets 76% seats in state Duma. This is fucked up and not based at all.

They kicked out pic related and don't tolerate sjws. OF COURSE it's based.

pic related.

People get fucked over and only thing you care is some stupid bullshit on the internet? Damn, i wish i had your problems. But what the hell, who am I kidding? You're right. It's really amazing country, no sjw and gay stuff, so cool. Move here, so you can experience how goddamn amazing life in Russia.

What is the foreign country most positively portrayed in superhero comics?

Probably England


What's the world's obsession with soviet stuff?

I'm sorry friend.

Yup, France is probably the worst.

Media romanticizing the cold war

that is most definitely not based

US is just as bad. They just cover their vote fraud better most years.

>Al Gore in 2000
>Bush's re-election


>Comics set in Russia?
Can you speak any foreign language other than English? Because while they do exist in some numbers, I think approximately 99% of those won't be available in either American or English.

Good but the story was fucked over the production schedule. The myth arc is derailed and the ending is rushed as hell

It's a credit to the author that it remains fucking poignant as shit.

There is Chagall en Russie, i read it in spanish, dunno if it's available in enlgish.

Divinity I, II, and upcoming III which is Stalinverse.

Who got "fucked over"?

Russians, obviously.

Any country that isn't majority white or asian is portrayed as incapable of doing anything wrong.

liberals are nostalgic and actually think the soviets should have won the cold war

How did they get "fucked over"?

So fake elections is pretty much okay thing now? I thought people care about democracy and voting rights, i guess it's not that big of a deal anymore.

WTF are you even talking about? You realize hilary literally got caught stealing the primaries from sanders, right? And this was officially confirmed and everything. The faggot who stole the primaries for her had to resign and everything. Why don't you get upset about that?

hint: it's because you're a jew

You don't understand. It's not just stupid ass scandal for ratings. It's literally fake elections. Looks at this shit. This is one of the regions which so fucking corrupt that no one even does shit about it and they just put any numbers they want. 86% is turnout, which already means fake as shit and 1,3 million votes for ruling party. There is like 9 more regions like that with exact same shit.


And this is how elections looks like in Moscow and many more regions without all this fake bullshit.

>Why don't you get upset about that?
Because the topic at hand is Russia.

Fuck me, forgot the picture.

nigga no one can read that shit

Why would anyone want read comics about the shittiest country in the world?

t. vladimir putinbot brave defender of the whoreland at +5 rubles a post

>Shittiest country in the world
>Not in southern hemisphere

Hows now?


>bad guys with Putin

Some recommended US-published comics/graphic novels set in Russia (in part or in entirety) that cover themes related to Russian/Soviet history and/or culture:

- Nevsky: Hero of the People (IDW)
- Luna Park (DC/Vertigo)
- Laika (First Second Books)
- Petrograd (Oni Press)
- Battlefields: The Night Witches (Dynamite Entertainment)
- Battlefields: Motherland (Dynamite Entertainment)
- Battlefields: The Fall and Rise of Anna Kharkova (Dynamite Entertainment)
- Red One (Image Comics)
- The Winter Men (DC/Wildstorm)
- The White Suits (Dark Horse Comics)

Gore wasn't voter fraud, it was electoral college shenanigans.

economy is shit
poor political/civil society
bribery everywhere

But you fucks don't care since it was Americans who allowed people like Putin to be put in power anyways.

The end of Cold War was a mistake they should have fucking nuked Europe and America, one last time. What is left post-communism is nothing but a husk hollowed out by neoliberalism and massive state wide corruption. Radioactive death would have more preferable.

Can you explain this to a non American?

Objectively wrong. As much as you might dislike the system, the US is leagues ahead of Russia in every aspect of democracy. Hell, Russia isn't even a democracy to begin with. What developed country do you know of has had the same president for 16 years?

There are essentially two votes in a presidential election. The popular vote, where normal american citizens vote, and the electoral college vote, where delegates cast votes per state towards the president. Each state gets a certain amount of votes depending on population. There are 538 electoral college votes in total for the US. To become president, you must win 270 of them. Essentially, the popular vote is meaningless since the electoral college, not the people, pick the president. Having said that, the electoral college pretty much always votes for whatever the state's popular vote decides, and every state except Nebraska and Maine is winner-take all. So basically the people vote -> the electoral college votes (based on their states popular vote) -> president is chosen based on who gets to 270 first.

Chile had Pinochet for several years.

Actually, no. Florida in 2000 had a county where gore won the overwhelming majority and it turned out that there were "inconsistencies" with the vote count. It's likely that someone tampered with the ballots in that county. That's voter fraud however you look at it.

>Global rule #3: You will not post any of the following outside of Cred Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

Thank you.


Russia has less problems than the western world because it doesn't tolerate faggotry and sjws. And it can only say that because it has Putin. There's nothing wrong with having a leader stay in power for a long time. Term limits are bullshit and should not exist.

No one is entitled to "democracy". Something being "democratic" doesn't justify it.

>Russia has less problems than the western world

nigga, u can't be serious

As another non American, what is even the point of the popular vote, if it doesn't do shit, don't Americans know that it will always come down to Electoral College?

That wasn't the issue. See:

Chile has developed a lot compared to other Latin American countries. Though if you tell them that, they will brag about their HDI being so high.

Electoral college guarantees that every state is counted. If you go one popular vote alone then the smaller states become politically irrelevant.

But that user also explained it poorly. The electoral college votes go to the winner of the popular vote in each state.

That doesn't fall under that description. If you don't like getting called out on your butthurt then you shouldn't have posted in the thread to begin with.

Everyone knows the electoral college decides the election. The electoral college was put in place when the constitution was created. It's purpose was to make sure that the highest office in the land wasn't decided by illiterate dirt farmers who didn't have the slightest clue what was going on in the country which to be fair was a legitimate concern back in the 1780s/19th century. It also, in theory, prevents wide-scale cross state voter fraud since each state has their own regulations on voting so it would be impossible to rig them all with one scheme.

>But that user also explained it poorly. The electoral college votes go to the winner of the popular vote in each state.

That's literally what it says in the post.

Just admit it. You're butthurt because they kicked out the jews and don't tolerate faggots and sjws.

Russian here, it was okay elections. Shitty part is that only like 40% people showed up to vote, that's why corrupt party was able to win


So "standing up to global political criminals" = "corrupt" then?

You guys are all jidf, aren't you?

how can the jews be gone when they are still there and friends with putin

Then why does Russia have a worst HIV problem, both in raw numbers and in population ratios?

We're talking inner policies. It's not Putin, more like Medvedev's government. And Putin signs its laws

This is basically the only non-shitposting post in the thread and the only person who actually answers the OP.


>worse AIDS than africa

Now you're just making shit up.

No, corrupt = 'having immence wealth by stealing from budget'. And by stealing i mean making fake deals, criminal schemes and having cuts from everything

when the fucking NATO and EU, probably the most incompetent supranational institution in the world, is at your doorstep in the west and Saudi Arabia is training islamic jihadists against you, I don't know how you can believe he has done anything, but let them walk all over him

He is literally a cuck who have sold his nation to billionaires and americans.

Look up "Russia's oligarchs". After the soviet union fell the country was literally bought by foreign jewish industrialists. Putin exiled or arrested them, but either way in the end he stopped them.

Putin also made soros a wanted criminal for "economic crimes". And he drove the rothschilds out of the country.

>budget cuts are bad

found the idiot who failed math and has no grasp of how economics works

This was damned to a stealth pol thread just from the OP image.

the oligarchs are still there you moron.

America is on the verge of starting WWIII against Russia. The idea that the US approves of him is ludicrous. Tolerates? Maybe. But approves? GTFO of here.

I literally googled "russia" and just picked a random one.

But honestly I don't think that's even why. Leftwingers just get bootyblasted over any mention of Russia.

not that poster, but are you sure you're talking about the same thing? do you even know what oligarch means in that context that they were referring to?

The states send electors to the electoral college. When people vote for the President, they're voting for a party's slate of delegates who promise to vote for their party's chosen candidate. The electors themselves can vote however they want, though a few states have criminalized this and declared their votes null and void though these laws have never been really tested in court.

It's basically a safety valve the Founding Fathers put in so that a loud, angry populist can't scare the ignorant masses and ruin this country. Alexander Hamilton explained it very clearly in the Federalist Papers.

That said, there's no actual requirement that states even hold elections. Washington was elected without a popular vote in all the states but Maryland and Pennsylvania. State legislatures can and have appointed their own electors in lieu of a popular vote.

>America is on the verge of starting WWIII
Funny, last I checked the US wasn't invading Ukraine or Georgia and annexing their clay.

Либepaн, нaхyй ты им чтo-тo дoкaзывaeшь? Bыбopы-хyибopы, oни жe нe пoнимaют ничeгo. Лyчшe бы нaпиcaл чтo Питyн eбaный cpaть хoтeл нa дopoгих poccиян, a влacть в cтpaнe дepжaт eгo oхpaнники и дpyгиe мyжики в пoгoнaх, пpи тoм чтo пoлoвинa нaceлeния зимoй тoпит дpoвaми.

Maybe I phrased badly. Imagine that city administration hires a company A to build a road. This work will cost city N money. But for A to actually be allowed to do this job and have a little profit, A must unofficially pay BACK to corrupt officials 0,2N. This hurts countries economy

>зaшёл в тpeд oжидaя бaбблoгoвнa и oбcиpaния хaчa
>вмecтo этoгo пoлитoтa
Дa идитe вы нaхyй, я лyчшe oбpaтнo нa cocaч cвaлю.

A oн нe paбoтaeт, хaхa

I don't understand how his legs work.

seconding this. it's special.

>last living Chechnyan
Woah, that sounds like true utopia.

You do realize that Putin's protege and personal attack dog is a Chechen warlord who condemned Charlie Hebdo for insulting the Prophet and supports honor killings, right?

Ramzan Kadyrov is a terror to anyone he deems an enemy and I wonder how long Putin will let him live or if he can even kill him.

Я чёт cнaчaлa пpихyл oт мecтнoгo пopaшникa. Boт yж y кoгo вcю вoдy жиды выпили. Хoтя хyли я yдивляюcь, y них пoлитaчa вooбщe нe cyщecтвyeт, a вмecтo нeгo кaкoe-тo cбopищe зигaмётoв. Живyт блять в caмых тeпличных ycлoвиях в миpe, нo пpи этoм тoпят зa кaкyю-тo нeвeдoмyю хyйню, sjw eбaнaты пpoблeмa №1 и oбвиняют вo вcём жидoв.

Бyдтo чтo-тo плoхoe.