So femthor sexts Falcap

So femthor sexts Falcap

The fuck is this art. Is this from Thor? What happened to the usual artist?

Wait why is she pretending she doesn't have a phone if she actually does?

okay, is Jane supposed to be Hillery Clinton now?

aren't Sam and Misty fucking?

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Jane in a relationship before she gained the hammer

And dating but Aaron and Waid don't care.

>Having to endure """"sexy"""" nudes from a cancer patient

And people said Falcon wasn't worthy.

Thought the same damn thing.

They broke up cause he was jealous of Thor.

>like anyone in Marvel gives a shit about whats going on in other books.
But seriously do these fags talk to one another?

>threatening Thor with guns
Are SHIELD agents retarded?

If it means getting Misty away from Captain Falcon's book and towards a Colleen duo book.

Yo this is tight as fuck. Real Thor needs to start doing shit like this.

>Pointing fucking babby pistols at a wielder of Mjolnir and making threats.

Are these people absolutely retarded, or just clinically insane?

So retarded it is then.

Wait. Did they break up Misty and Danny? To hook her up with Sam Wilson of all people?

> Shoot the stupid hammer!
They can't POSSIBLY be serious, right?

>Shoot something that regularly hit Hulk level threats in the face

And people say DC civilians are dumb.
they are but

Misty and Danny have been broken up for years.
She's hooked up with Paladin and Captain Falcon since.
Danny just had that one woman from The Living Weapon.

>The arc ends with Jane destroying her phone with mjolnir.
I'll bet this all Collin Powell's fault.

>Shoot the hammer
Did these guys take the short helicarrier to work?

That's what I immediately thought of too.

She was a married and even had kids.

Considering their response above you was to shoot the hammer, I'd say they're around "Writes for Femthor" level. Maybe a little higher, we'll have to see if they start writing with shit on the wall and feeling proud of themselves.

>Techs at Roxxon helped us hack into it

This is the most unbelievable part of this. When Apple won't even aid the FBI bust some nobody, they think people will believe that a scrawny nerd would betray the trust of and risk pissing off Thor? A Thor with TITs?!

It looks like SHIELD didn't know that Jane was Whor already.

It's Roxxon, though.

Yes and I think this should be used to cause major drama.

Roxxon is a corporation that always chooses the most evil option available.

>Implying she wasn't Thor'd up when she sent those noods

Above everything else this is what bugs me about current Marvel. The one thing that the "big two" have that other mediums don't is their shared universe.

What's even the fucking point if you're not even going to TRY to make it consistent?

They used to, but now their 'big' talent feels free to ignore editors in favor of marketing, and their 'blockbuster' writers like Bendis are high up enough in the chain of command that he can thumb his nose at the editors openly.

Clusterfuck events to boost sales.

>current Marvel.

Marvel and DC has always had this "problem", they publish so many stories between multiple offices it's impossible to keep consistent. In the 70's,80's,90's,etc it's always happened and will always happen. It's not a current Marvel thing, it's constant Marvel thing.

As long as it's not "Wolverine is dead!" and he shows up in X-Men the next month, it's not really a big deal.

And then there's THIS garbage.

I am so emotionally exhausted by the constant events. When everything is THE END OF MARVEL AS WE KNOW IT, it just gets tiring. I just want a book that's contained within it's own pages, and doesn't get interrupted by whatever garbage event is going on at the time.

The fuck is this writing.

Dauterman IS the usual artist.

kinda hot desu.

Is Sam knocking her down as Jane AND Thor or just Thor?

U have a thing for sickly bodies?

The real problem is that SHIELD would accept help from Roxxon to go after Thor. It's like teaming up with Satan to get dirt on Jesus,

What made think think a few guys with sidearms were going to be able to push around one of the most powerful beings on the face of the planet, anyway?

Hey guys we should shoot captain americas sheild

Who's the letterer?
They're doing a good job

>Let's shoot Wonder Woman's wristbands

>>What's even the fucking point if you're not even going to TRY to make it consistent?

But user, continuity is something those gross icky misogynist nerds care about.

>People forgot Sam Wilson was a pimp

>Janet has a kid
>says she is glad she never had kids

>Cable gets healed by Hope; new arm, new eye, presumably has the handicap removed
>is upset he is missing these organs and limbs a few months later.



I don't remember reading much of this, but all I know for certain is that under my breath I kept saying, "this is reddit; this is memes. This is reddit; this memes.", as I flipped through the pages.

Something something cuck something something bull.

Who the fuck is in charge with writing these shit nowadays? First it was "bring everyone to bruce banner while we intentionally try to make him mad to see if the whole he'll kill us all prophecy would come true" and now this?

>Shoot the stupid Hammer!

Sounds like you have some severe autism there.


It's just a prank, bro!

Sam Wilson is just mad for that white puss

Are those Anti-God guns?

>Captain Falcon pops a boner watching Night and Fog

Isn't that what anybody with a gun fighting Captain America ALWAYS do?

I thought that if she went more than ten seconds without holding Mjolnir she transformed back

Thor and Roxxon are already at war with each other so it's not like they have anything to lose

you say that like it would be an odd thing for SHIELD to do.

especially since right now not a single Avengers team is sanctioned by SHIELD. They were kinda sorta okay with Unity Squad since Cap'murrica was leading it, but are pressed to even offer the time of day to Tony's garage avengers (which Jane Thorster is on), and are currently at war with Avengers Idea Mechanics

Sam is fucking Jane and Misty at the same time?