Concept art thread

Concept art thread

I love this stuff. I'll dump what I have, but it's basically just from Marvel. Feel free to post other stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:





I'm mad that the concept art costumes for GotG looked much better than what we got.

Still hoping he'll wear something like this for Infinity War.











How do you save pictures from Instagram? Phil Bourassa had an interesting design for the Heretic but I couldn't save it.


Posting Doctor Strange concept art.



I just said screw it and just take a screenshot. I hate instagram.

I pull up the adblock plus blockable items menu and find the url to the picture, you might be able to do it in view source but that seems more tedious





Right click, click view page source, then use ctrl+f and search for jpg. There's the url

Okay. I was wondering if there was an easy way that wasn't printscreen. Will keep in mind. Also have this screencap that was floating around for a while.

>We almost had The Killing Joke in 2009-2010








Switching to Teen Titans Rebirth for a bit






That would have made a amazing outfit for Nebula.









>Watchmen underperforms
>lets give Snyder Superman anyway cause we need someone to start right now or we'll get sued in a few months by Siegel's heirs
>MoS barely does better than Superman Returns and incredibly divisive to boot
>lets just give him Batman too
>BvS underperforms
>let's give him ALL of the DCEU

WB is really going full retard lately.



Pretty much.











>This ended up the only decently sized image




Also: Do Infinite Crisis: The Game assets count cause there's truckloads here:


















Apparently, at one point, there were plans for a Nightwing & Raven animated series.


Oh hey, I have 1 non marvel thing



And here's Raven




The Teen Titans were supposed to have a tv show earlier than the one we got. Obviously it never happened, but the models were used for an anti-drug PSA





>Batman Reborn tv show never ever





























It's Nova time

So many good designs.







Does anybody have the vulture concept from homecoming?


















For some of these, I really need to put them into collages of the same characters so that it's less images



It's a shame the audio is seemingly lost or hadn't ever been recorded.





I cannot wait until Homecoming comes out to see Spider-man's concepts.


Why is the first one so perfect?


I have no idea who this is


It's Ultron time!

Almost all of these are better than what we got.








>tfw we can get actual iron patriot now

>We're never getting this Valkyrie


"Barely does better"
$391 million vs $668 million
$200 million DOM vs $291 million DOM

Unless you're being an asshole and using the bullshit argument of "but inflation!!1", then no - an almost $100 million gap in domestic numbers and a $271 million total gap overall is not "barely" beating something.










Man I hope they're holding out on this kind of thing for a surprise in the movie. Or maybe the last trailer because so far the kaleidoscope world stuff isn't that impressive.


And that's the last of what I got. Hope you enjoyed this image dump.

Thank you so much, man. I love seeing this type of behind the scenes work.

>there is a world where movie!Ultron MUDAMUDA'd Iron Man with six arms and it is not this one
it hurts...

This looks perfect. Why the fuck was this never used?

In an interview with the Russo bros, I read somewhere that they definitely have plan for zemo, and didn't want to put in the stuff with the family legacy, sword, and mask just yet, because Civil war was cluttered enough as is.

I honestly think they're saving him for a Thunderbolts movie, especially with how well Suicide Squad did for a movie that wasn't even that good.

And an adaption of Thunderbolts would work pretty well, considering they came about when the Avengers were disassembled (one of the dozens of times that happens) to bank on the public viewing them as the new superteam. And with Infinity War being the culmination of the MCU so far, and many of the actors contracts running out, it'd make a lot of sense to put the Avengers on the back burner for a while

Those ones on the left look fucking awesome, why can't Peter keep his helmet?

On a computer, I use flashgot, and the build gallery option. Not sure what to do on phone.

write view-source: before the image url
then ctrl f _n.

He's more of a desert bandit stereotype than a soldier, so it doesn't fit in the MCU.