So, how come this idea was never implemented irl?

So, how come this idea was never implemented irl?

Killing yourself is a crime

Assisted suicide is a crime

You can kill babys (abortions)
But you can't kill yourself
>indeed saddened

>Why is it a crime

comics and cartoons

Not in Canada.

Gee, I wonder why people wouldn't want boxes filled with dead people on the streets

Whill there would be a funnel system at the bottom. A trap door opens up, and the remains of the body fall into it. The body is then blended and pureed and grounded into fresh mulch. Then, some mulch businesses can use it to sell to other business to use as fertilizer or fish food.

what's to stop someone from committing a murder-suicide?

Or just jamming someone in for straight murder?

Then that would be a legitimate crime and cops can get paychecks.

But seriously. Realistically, there would be some red tape and regulations. Such a booth would be barred up and you would need a passcode to enter, which you can recieve online, along with a security question so that the computers know that it is you and only you.

There are some countries that give you a lethal injection. A suicide booth will never be build because obvious reasons.


You can still "convince" someone to do it.

Honestly just put it inside a Micky-D and offer free tickets with every happy meal.

Someone could easily push someone into one halfway while it's activated and boom, they're dead.

You can be arrested for a number of charges if you don't make an effort to stop someone from committing suicide in the US.


Depressed people are gonna kill themselves regardless of what you say, why not make it easier for them?

>super troopers movie
bitch got no taste

It still is unless the person dying is terminally ill and the person killing is a doctor.

Even when all the stars align the burden of proof is insanely difficult. Dead men can't testify after all, and doctors can still falsify records or just suck at their job.

Suicide is a sin.

No repeat customers

>eating pork is a "sin"(Jew/muslim)
>eating shrimp is also a "sin"(Jew/muslim)
>Working on the sabbath is also "sin"(Jew/muslim/christian, though which day of the sabbath differs depending on the religion, so yes, another crapshoot. Shoot me!)
>having anal sex is a "sin"
>laughing at bald people is a sin and is punishable by death from bears.
>Being a women is a big "sin" in pretty much all religions.
>Eating a cow is a "sin" in hindu and grants you 5000 bad karma points, and will ensure that your next life will be that of a cockroach, if not a feces worm.
>If you don't believe in Jesus Christ rising from the dead, then God sends you to hell. No exceptions (Christianity, protestant brand)
>If you don't believe that Jesus was the 2nd prophet, and Mohammad the 3rd and recent prophet. God sends you to hell instead of a small oasis with sack of 77 raisins to snack and savor for the rest of your eternity. (Muslim)
>One belief is the correct belief, and the correct belief is a total mystery. Woooooooooooo.

Religious reasons don't count chucklehead.

Try to give reasons based on objective fact and not unobservable subjective mystery voodoo that you and your family personally believe in mkay pumpkin?

Someone tried, Jack Kavorkian

You activate it from the inside, and they don't lock.


Why do people even care if you kill yourself? And I'm not talking about family and loved ones who, of course, don't want you to die. I'm talking about total strangers on the internet, suddenly kissing your ass just so you don't end yourself. It's even funnier when it comes from a person who would probably hate and call you a "loser" had it not been for your suicidal thoughts. Is it because of guilt, or are they just doing it because it's what's expected of them?

Because people shouldn't kill themselves and as a society we generally try and make it more difficult for people to kill themselves?

There's still plenty of ways to rig it. Especially without some kind of really good and quick drug test on the user.

Suicide was frown upon by the church because back in the Middle Ages there was only about 5,000 people on the planet. Now there's Infinity billion. I'm sure we can spare a few sad sacks.

>Because people shouldn't kill themselves
Name one reason

>as a society we generally try and make it more difficult for people to kill themselves?
That's really a great thing indeed

>user hates his life
>So, let's make sure he stays alive against his will!

Because whether or not suicide should be allowed, it is a serious decision and should not be treated as a
common commidity.

That's the whole joke of suicide booths.

Because the few billion of us here are the only ones within untold lightyears with the capability for intelligent thoughts and the potential for self-awareness, tied to a primal survival instinct.

If someone doesn't recognize that, it means that something's gone very wrong with them. But that something is fixable, while killing yourself isn't.

Because people recognize that life has value? People may not generally care about strangers, but most people still have the minimum empathy required to care about whether a stranger lives or dies. You can hate someone, but that doesn't mean you hate them enough to want them dead.

Because suicide is generally done in moments of weakness when a person isn't focusing on the fact that their life can get better. There are tons of people who had considered or attempted suicide only to find happiness later in life and realize it was a mistake. And sometimes they need someone to actually stop them from making that mistake.

Except in Futurama, there were Suicide Booths, and New New York functioned just fine.

I think it has to do with population growth and economic inequality, as businesses get more competitive.

We don't implement suicide booth right now, because we perceive as a society that all life has some kind of value. Like if you can't get a job right now, you can at least go back to community college and find another skill to use.

However, as you move towards the future, that view will inevitably be challenged.

Let's say you get out of college, with an art degree at 25 years old. You have no work experience, and you can't get hired at a grocery store because your degree is worthless and there are so many better candidates who live around you. So you go to community college to take up skills that will help you land a programming or tech support job. However as time goes by, there will be more people like this, and some jobs will be completely automated ruling out the need for human labor. It'd be like a plumber with toilets to plumb, or a cobbler with no shoes to cobble. The life of such a potential worker is then negated, rendered meaningless and worthless. So then, in order to not prolong a life of misery on the streets and be a burden on society as beggar whose life will go nowhere since there no means to recover from poverty unless you have an advanced skill set, and a clear focus non mentally ill mind, you would have no choice but to consider suicide. The suicide booth brings about a net positive by negating criminal activity and efficiently managing money. In that scenario, a suicide booth is a viable solution for such people.

Because you'd be damaging govt property if you killed yourself. why do you think people that attempt suicide are locked up in jail if they survive?