Most cartoons don't "end". They get canceled

Most cartoons don't "end". They get canceled.

Why do most cartoons have to have a romantic plotline to begin with?

Because kids expect it, and they actually like it.

Because they don't understand that when it comes to writing love, the destination isn't important, the journey is

You don't seem to realize how effective ship bait is for viewers of all ages

Kids actually like romance because they can self insert. Notice how many anons talk about getting waifus/husbandos when they were kids

Since when did they become fucking teens?

>TFW i liked romance sometimes in cartoons but didnt want to admit it to avoid looking like a pussy
>you grow up to be a gigantic faggot for romance while still liking grindhouse horror and dick jokes

>this definitely
I still self insert
>read the OP

Heck look at how many people still hold on to them

People still love Misty from Pokemon and are still mad that Tai didn't get with Sora. 15+ years after the fact

Most cartoons don't get a chance to end.

>Because they don't understand that when it comes to writing love, the destination isn't important, the journey is
A couple having their first kiss isn't the destination, though. A relationship doesn't need to just stop progressing once they officially get together.

Hated this as a kid and hate it now. Usually it's due to girls. They love it. Test audiences are a mistake.

What this guy said. People tend to drag their shitty cartoons forever and then bam!, they get canned and don't have time to finish it, even if a single scene was enough. Or sometimes they just don't have the balls

Actually, I was surprised when Grojband finished theirs

I always dreamed of a cartoon with a romantic subplot to do this:

>Season 1
All the will they won't they you usually put in these things. They Hook Up at the SeasonFinale; Perfect to wrap it up if you're cancelled

>Season 2 onwards
They actually stay in a relationship without breakup drama and we explore different plots/situations that can com from it.

Have any shows done this?

Kim Possible kinda did that

The will they/won't they is something that keeps people watching and it's actually a detriment to the show's ratings to give that dynamic closure. Since the show is ending and thus has no value in preserving and audience by stringing them along, they give it closure.

It's why Leela kept seemingly realizing Fry was worthy of her love and then behaving completely callously towards him when the show unexpectedly got renewed. The shipping bait keeps a certain type of person watching.

Most writers don't know how to write main characters as a couple


>Tai didn't get with Sora