Reposting cause fuck that last thread died too early

Reposting cause fuck that last thread died too early
I have a cartoon idea I want to ride by you guys.

Working title is "All in Good Faith" and it's a slice of life comedy about religious figures who all live together in an apartment complex.

So far the character ideas are as follows:

Zoroaster- Everyman and focus of the show, moves in in the pilot. Can't always help the situation but is a generally nice guy
Buddha- Zoroaster's roommate, voice of reason type character (possibly make him an opium addict so he's a hypocrite)

Greek Gods- basically frat boys with not much depth (besides Apollo, who I'd explore further as a character)
Egyptian Gods- Main focus on Osiris, nerdy group
Hindu Gods- Totally gay and sexually deviant, Greeks hate em
Jesus- Ditzy character who is mostly on the sidelines

Other prophets or deities will make one-off appearances.
The Landlord- Never depicted, hinted to be God or the entity that inspired all the prophets and lesser gods.

Pilot episode would be about Zoroaster moving in after burning his house down trying to make a fire temple, where we can introduce the basics of each character. Persian Gods will make a one time appearance in this episode as destructive maniacs, and the episode will center around Zoroaster attempting (and succeeding) in getting them evicted.

Other episode ideas:

Zoroaster loans a book to abraham, who then loans it to jesus. This devolves into a big fight. Dancing around religion the entire time (ie abraham saying "those words belong to no one man, but to all of us!") but never directly mentioning it

Greek gods have some relatives over, revealed to be their Roman counterparts. Greeks try to shape up their act to impress them.

Someone wants to demolish the apartments, and Zoroaster sets out to figure out who ordered the demolition. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the culprit.

Christmas special:
Jesus thinks everyone is planning a surprise birthday party for him
Jokes will mainly be religion/philosophy related.

So it's basically Saint Young Men with more tenants? I don't keep up with it so they might've introduced more deities.
If you want people to discuss this you're gonna have to come up with some concept art.

Last thread I actually put
>inb4 Saint Young Men

The concept is similar, but not identical. Whereas them bring deities is very obvious in saint young men, I want to attempt to downplay it in this.

I'm thinking of drawing some storyboards and eventually recording voicelines for the pilot. I'll post concept art for Zoroaster tomorrow.

Sounds interesting. Would watch/read if it ever became a thing
maybe none of those fedora tier critiques or not too much of it

I want it to be more lighthearted, not be a critique of religion. More so just jokes about it.

Are you religious?

Was formerly a christian, brief stint as a fedora tipping asswipe, currently planning on converting to sikhism.

What, no representation for Islam?

You're gonna need a Mohammad for that diversity quota user

I was gonna include a running gag about that:

"So when's Mohammed gonna get here?"
"He's running late"


*ding dong*
"Oh, let me let Mohammed in"
*cut to commercial*

I've watched a few videos, but never really understood it. Can you explain the basic tenets of Sikhism?

Funny how that picture gets appropriated as Anime Jesus with phone, despite the fact that it was originally depicting a Japanese Cult leader.


Is this a big deal?

Consider returning to the faith brother. The one true Catholic Church, so you can be saved and experience heaven.

That's seems like a funny idea. Almost forgot about the "none shall depict Muhammad" rule they have

Nigga do you wanna get bombed?

Heeeey fellow Catholic bro!

Sikhism is a pretty interesting faith, OP, but this guy is right. There's only one faith that contains the fullness of truth, and that's the holy Moth Church.

>holy Moth Church

Fuck, meant "Mother".

Now I wonder what the Church of the Holy Moth would be like.

Well, we did have moth priests in Skyrim.

1. One supreme being who is never reborn nor dies in the first place, and never takes physical form.
2. Gurus are ones with god and deliver the teachings of god
3. Pilgrimages, animal sacrifices, omens, and superstitions in general help no one. No day nor number is more special than the other (sorry kek)
4. All humans are inherently equal beings
5. You continue to be reincarnated until you reach salvation and become one with god
6. Do not deny science, it has never contradicted sikh beliefs and has proven some of them (ie the harmful effects of tobacco). Sikhism also holds god created the universe billions of years ago.
7. Live a simple and honest lifestyle and eat a simple diet, don't eat meat (Gurus warn against the harmful effects).
8. Share with your fellow men and perform selfless service
9. Wear the 5 articles of faith (Kesh [uncut hair], Kanga [Comb, Kara [braclet], Kirpan [dagger], Kachehra [undergarment]
10. Meditate to become closer to god

That's the basic gist of it.

Will admit Catholicism is pretty based, but I live in Louisiana so I get the shitty redneck watered down version.

>muh pastor
Black churches are a mockery to some

It's actually an all white neighborhood, but our only "catholic" church is borderline protestant.

The first pastor to really move me was actually an African man who came to a church service I went to in Chicago. Probably some of the most inspiring preaching I've ever seen.

How borderline?

As in they're starting to perform quasi- christian rock concerts to replace services on some days.

So they're haunted by the Spirit of Vatican II? Oh boy, I grew up in a church like that. Good thing I actually did my research in college when people actually started to hold me accountable for what the Church teaches rather than just feel-good cafeteria Catholic drivel.

if you want voice work, i need to practice. id love to help

I would say that's cringey but I attended a stadium in Poland with similar music

Anyways keep trying on that project you got. It could be something one day.

Thanks lad, hopefully I can get concept art for Zoroaster whipped up tomorrow.
Upload some sample voice lines if you can.

It'd be neat if when Jesus is a main focus/shot, a faint choir can be heard

go away missionary

The Neil DeGrasse Tyson idea is fucking hilarious. Some random ideas:

>Zoroaster gets a shitty job at a gas station run by Ganesha
>Jehovah's witnesses won't stop coming to their apartment
>Ra has to take care of his annoying retarded cousin Aten for a few weeks and everyone hates it

I had another idea that Jesus kept beating Native American deities in Battlefield or something, and they came over to the apartment/sent Sony to fight him

>Ganesh runs the local gas station
Kek, makes me ponder:
>there's millions of Hindi gods (I think)
>theoretically every gas station/corner store/convenience store etc. is run by Hindu gods
That'd be a nice background gag

That hindu god idea is good, mix in greek nymphs or something too.

>Hindu gods run gas station concenience store franchises

I love it.