That episode arthur discoverd rule 34 and saw bionic bunny fucking mary moo cow

>that episode arthur discoverd rule 34 and saw bionic bunny fucking mary moo cow

Other urls found in this thread:

>That episode when Buster hacks the government and gains access to the nuclear launch codes and causes WW III

Buster did nothing wrong

>That episode where Arthur ate his own shit

It was cool how the bullies locked him in the school basement with the deranged mr morris, and he had to eat his shit and mr morris semen from his gaping asshole after he repetadly raped him to survive.

>That episode where Arthur finds out that the janitor deletes posts on Cred Forums for free

Why is mr morris a NEET?

>That episode where the creator of Arthur says black people ruin everything

I thought that was a myth.

That episode where arthur gets an edipuss complex and jerks off to his mom in her undies


Well then how is it spelled fuckface?


>That episode where Buster gave every kid in America a vore fetish

>that episode where the ass was fat

I cant believe im saying this, but thanks grammar user.

Don't thank me, thank Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

That episode when Arthur discover that B.W. is in fact his little brother, but that circumcision of B.W went wrong that he lost his penis and the doctors re-built his genitals into a vagina to be raised as a normal girl.

It's DW as in Dora Winifred.

What on earth is wrong with you? How could you be so foolish?

IIRC there is st least one case of this really happening irl

Nigga, I'm a tad deaf, and to me is a little hard perceive between the word "D" and "B". So leave me alone.

>That one episode where arthur lets molly "Touch It"

>That one episode where arthur sets up a sting operation with special guest Chris Hansen

>mr ratburn comes in
>"why dont you take a seat over here"

new episodes October 10

Didn't the kid commit suicide as a teenager?

Well i would too if i had gender dysphoria that bad, and the humiliaton that came with it

>Fern considers giving up being a writer after a rejection.

Are Arthur memes still relevant?

He killed himself at age 38. Poor guy
