Superman #7 Storytime


Other urls found in this thread:

Batman: Green Lanterns: Superman: Trinity:






Shirtless Jon?



This issue is just about the best thing ever.

Between this and Trinity I've never been more sold on New-Old Superman.



Jon take your shirt off.




superman is married now? I thought he always juggles like 3 different girls at any different time


Jiminez is so good. I wish he got more work


He's doing Super Sons.


When Superman slaps the shit out of Batman it's going to be so satisfying


Jesus, Clark.
That face is both awesome and scary.

Jon cute as always.


>this page

I love everything about this.

>Jon's faces in these
Good God, someone at DC is naughty. That's an "Omochikaeri" face if I ever saw one.


Thanks for reading folks.

Support the official release, and good night!

That was fucking fantastic

Awesome page.


I love this page so much.

Will Jon be shirtless on Dinosaur Island?

Candy Clark=Nightmare fuel

That classic Superman wink, this book is firing on all cylinders it's easily book of the year.

This reminded me of Joe Kelly's run in the best possible way.

God damn did I miss this kind of Superman story.

Fuck off Lois.
He just stopped a group of armed robbers and you're mad he kind of broke his promise? There's little kids and shit around.

Shut the fuck up Bruce.

Aww Bruce still misses his Supes

That was so fucking good.
>This reminded me of Joe Kelly's run in the best possible way.

Fuck off Cred Forums

Wives get like this all the time, making a fuss over the little things. It's perfectly normal.

More like clark lied again that he was out helping people and not telling her about it.
She's his wife now, mate. That's not healthy.

Sneaky Doreamon.

>that bent over Wondy
>Supermans shadow behind her
>that smile and "Thanks"

>what is a gag
>what is a loving wife playfully calling her husband out for something she predicted would happen
Do you actually seriously think she's angry? Or are you just pretending to be autistic?

calm down

Still laughing at Lois' reaction. Clark, you cheeky bastard.

Jon, don't ruin it. You must spread your superior super genes!

She's mad at him lying not at him supermaning (I hope)

She's not mad, just calling him out for doing exactly what she knew he would do.

Gotta say, this is the only issue I've read of this run, and I loved it. Is the whole run this good so far? Really hope it stays for a long time.

Run has been fucking fantastic.

Man, a lot of posters on Cred Forums seem to be lacking in basic reading comprehension. She's just calling him out to tease him about it. She knew it would happen which is why she was playfully taunting Clark at the beginning. She's his wife, she's not mad about him being Superman, she married him knowing he was Superman.

Top flight reporter proven right pretty much.

>Man, a lot of posters on Cred Forums seem to be lacking in basic reading comprehension.

By posters you mean just

Superman is easily my favourite Rebirth book, and I've always preferred Batfamily books because I'm a Dickfag.

Nightwing is good, as is Batman and Detective Comics, but Superman easily blows it out of the water.

Fucking Moonman in the background

and I thought the pandering couldn't get worse
it's like the Superman editorial doesn't even bother reading the other books

..I think killing off Superbro was stupid and overcomplicated. It also threw away the last 5 years worth of stories.

..But damnit this feels like Superman to me as an oldfag. It's the Clark & Lois I know and grew up with. With an adorable super son.

>last five years of stories

And who in fuckery is going to miss them?

I came across this thread because I was aware of the shota. I enjoyed this even though I don't typically read comics.

And for comics you basically just go through the issues while following a writer, right? And stuff like New 52 and Rebirth are just titles for comics being refreshed in a way? And continuity isn't really much of a thing in the long run

Just stop asking questions and start reading this run from #1. It's that simple.

>It also threw away the last 5 years worth of stories

Don't worry about it, nobody else is.

>Jon's eyes in Jimenez's art

I could get lost in them forever

They were better than this garbage.

I'd prefer to think it really was Bruce getting back at Clark.

I think everyone missed this kind of Superman

People actually hate it when writers don't follow continuity, because it's just lazy.
There are books that aren't continuity heavy, but the entire rebirth storyline is running through multiple books atm. But if you don't care to follow it, you can easily just ignore it.

You can pretty much just read this book like said, but if you want the whole story for how this Superman came on the scene with his son, here's the full reading list.

Convergence: Superman #1-2
Superman: Lois and Clark #1-8
Superman: Rebirth #1
Superman #1-current

I'd honestly recommend reading all of these. They're great. Most fun I've had reading Superman in a long time.

This might be Page of The Week

Batman can be such a jerk sometimes

Night and day.
I fucking hate Jim Lee

I actually appreciate the restraint of the Rebirth costume. Obviously I prefer the original costume, almost everyone does. That's just not where we're at with DC right now.

But it could be so, so much worse.

Yes Batman, put this coward in his place.
>I don't usually wait to be asked
Where were you during Forever Evil, Amazo Virus breakout and Darkseid War. Fucking hypocrite just wants to wave his blue cock around.

Ha. No. Piss off.

juggling girls is just a party trick he whips out on new year

This issue is so comfy I might cry.

it also makes no sense
this is the same Batman that had no problems with Gotham and Gotham Girl helping and has been shown as accepting of other heroes all around but somehow he acts this way with Superman

I love this book so much

Go buy it then you leech.

Just read Green Lanterns before this. Rebirth just keeps getting better

He's been married since December of '96, so almost 20 years now.

>the red trunks
Putting Supes back in them would literally make this current run perfect.

It was good. Hack Tomasi delivers in these quieter issues.
And this art is Maga-y as fuck with those faces. Love the art, Jimenez is going to be a perfect artist for Shota Sons.

This is a fantastic book! Superfamily moments are awesome. This is a great Superman comic!

As somebody who likes Superbro. No, they weren't.

What's with these shirtless Jon Meme?. Are you fucking pedos?

Batman has always had an inferiority complex when it comes to Superman

>And who in fuckery is going to miss the best Superman run since Maggin/Bates
Who indeed.

Okay, I love this issue.
Usually not a big Superman fan, but giving him a family and handling it in that way makes it a pretty good series for oldfags like me.

>Using your X-Ray vision on an unborn baby

Fucking hell, Supes

She's cute, but I feel a bit bad for her whenever I remember that she's Jon's Lana.

Superman is easily my favorite DC Rebirth book right now, I love the Super Family so much. This is coming from someone who hasn't read that much Superman before either, DC is really selling me on the character after bringing back the original Supes and Lois.

He hasn't been, he's had his powers back for about ten minutes at this point.

A great way around the Woman of Tissue problem in my opinion.

>I love the Super Family so much
That said, I want Jon to meet Kara and Conner.
God I hope Conner gets an extra helping of Rebirth.

Where they even on this earth when those things happened?

Rank Super titles
New Super-Man > Superwoman > Supergirl > Superman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Action

Conner can fuck off. Nothing good ever comes from clones. Just look at Spider-Man

New Superman = Superman > Supergirl > Superwoman > Action

>all you have to do to make Superman fans happy is to have family tv-sit com level scenes in a comic and a shota

The stupid retcon is they've always been on this earth, even before the Superheroes came into play. I'm hoping Johns will ignore that and retcon it right away because Superman not helping JL in multiple Crisis level situation is plain up retarded loophole at best and if you try to justify it's outright offensive.

Way too many fucking pedos here

You just ruined everything for me. I honestly NEVER thought of that. I'm so bummed right now.

And none of them is as bad as Justice League.

>all you have to do to make Superman fans happy is giving Superman a family and draw stories about having family fun times
We are old shits who either have family or want one. We prefer seeing Superman dealing with problems a normal father would than seeing him saving the world from another generic supervillain/dissaster.

But wasn't that retconned? Did DC finally give up on Nu-52?

>Jon to meet Kara
Someone in another thread a while ago had a great pitch for them meeting on Jon's was cute as fuck. Something about her being nervous trying to get him a good present.

>Blue Ribbon Competition
>the Ribbon is RED

Sad to see you've never got close enough to a girl to have this happen to you, user.

>Did DC finally give up on Nu-52?

They literally killed off New 52 Superman and brought back the previous version from before Flashpoint.

I'm not sure what shocks me more, that DC had the stones to do something so drastic, or that there's been absolutely zero blowback outside of Cred Forums. If that isn't a condemnation of the last five years of Superman comics I'm not sure what is.

Well, I guess it's a shame. I never followed the nu-52 run but I didn't exactly hear high praises for it's Superman. I liked American Alien, but that's all I read.

I recall lots of Superman being NTR'd.

Superman > New Super-Man > Action > Superman Woman > Supergirl

I usually really prefer the Rocafort variant to the main cover but both of these are really excellent.

>people enjoy seeing Superman have a healthy, family orientated adventure
I suppose you wanted him to snap some necks and be all edgy? people like you are the reason we can't have the same for Spider-Man


4/5 in the Superfam are good to great
when was the last time this happened?

American alien was non-canon anyway

>I liked American Alien, but that's all I read.

American Alien is an alternate continuity story. So was Adventures of Superman.

Basically all the best Superman stories written during New 52 weren't New 52.

I remember another thread where a guy had Supergirl and Powergilr as competting auties

Even though they would be Jon's cousins but whatever

honestly I'm very glad for Rebirth, alongside the general quality of stories going up, it makes it very easy to pretend that nothing was published between the end of Flashpoint and the Rebirth Special, with any holes or inconsistencies being able to be blamed on Dr Manhattan's mucking around with time and relationships

you can tell that the artists on the Superman related books want to bring them back as they often shade over that part of his body, honestly I bet they'll be back within a year or two

This Superman set of stories is amazing.
I'm actually gonna...spend...m..mohney and buy em.

Yeah, because not being impressed by generic cliched situations that I can see in every old tv show about families is wanting to be edgy.

I shouldn't even surprised that you Superman fans boast so much about being "nice" and then go around be all judgemental.

That's the one.

>Patrick Gleason
>Jonboy Meyers
>Francis Manapul on Trinity

Because the artists know he looks stupid without the red trunks and boots. He needs them to break up the blue so it doesn't look like he's wearing a onesie.

Do we actually know on whose order they're not allowed to give them back to him?


I think it's from WB themselves. You can tell that DC would give Supes the trunks back if they could

>this is what Superfags actually believe.

It was just Killer Croc. The thing with the Gothams was a completely different situation.

It's because it's true. Look at TDKR what Batman says to Superman is cringey as fuck

this is good bait

>I..I'm the one man who beat you. I want you to think about this all the time even though you don't care and didn't even want to fight.

Point over your head.

This Superman is best comic of the Dc Rebirth.

Lol no. Priestroke and New Super-Man are way better.

That's a nice blonde you've got there, Kent.

Deathstroke is pretty overrated and New Superman is great but not quite as good as this

>Damian cucks Jon
I need this.

I guess since they're from Gotham. He usually doesn't like others being in HIS city and although he hates others in general stepping on his feet he seems to show some leniency towards other Gotham citizens even if he still treats them like shit.

I think you need Jesus

Damian can't cuck anybody. He's a fucking sperg man. That's the fault of his character

You have plebian taste my friend. This is literally generic pandering shit, there's nothing too good about it other than cute moments. Both those books are way more interesting and nuanced which a retarded Superfag like you won't understand.

Except there is nothing good about this, it has some "feels good" scenes but as far as plot and other stuff goes it has nothing over Deathstroke and other comics.

You are clearly biased.

No I need Jon shirtless.

Superman 007 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Superman - Rebirth 001 (2016) (webrip) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Superman 001 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Superman 002 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Superman 003 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Superman 004 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Superman 005 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

Superman 006 (2016) (webrip) (two covers) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)

or maybe this was just bad writing and rethreating the same tired plot of Batman not trusting Superman even if he is trusting literally everybody from Clayface to psychotich damaged girls all around

Didn't Superman threaten Aquaman recently?

>not wanting Damian x Jon

You are welcome Arthur, remember it next time you want to whine about being a joke to me and attack me with your wife.

Damian already has a energetic Japanese girl after him.

>You are clearly biased.

Or we just have different taste


Oh my God. Shut up you salty faggot

Maps, from Gotham Acadamy, assuming the title still exists in the current continuity.


ss when

nope, you are welcome to bitch about it tho or go back to some other place if you want a circlejerk without discussion

I wouldn't wish Babs on anyone

>25 Cents
>All You Can Drink Milk

Holy Christ.

What about Miss Marvel?

Seems like you just want to be a contrarian for an issue most people enjoyed

Damian is only for Kara.

And Nobody's daughter.


Nice story time. Are those fireworks hinting at Brainiac?

Everybody knows you go to the fair on the first day to avoid big crowds.


This comic was comfy as fuck.

How would he work in journalism without a degree? I'm sure he didn't bring it when captured by Brainiac.

>I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing!

This was very good. We need more well written one and dones or shorter story arcs than the DBZ fight last arc of this was. I did love issues 1 and 2, but the rest were a big slog with no substance.

go back to ruining peter parker Slott

No, he tried to get Aquaman to talk rather than fight the military, and Aquaman got pissy about it.

>ranking Superwoman above anything

How dare he try to get away after being accused of being a terrorist by the military industrial complex.

His crotch often was shaded black since the 2000s though. I think you have artists going both ways.


nah its because his bff was superbro. I would still be a dick if some guy returns with my bff looks and appearance with an entirely different life and tries to take his place.

fuckin great

i love this
i wish they drew him a bit older though. This Lois and Clark should be pushing 40, if not in their early 40s

i love this book
this is based superman at its finest
fuck i fucking love this

I really like Jimenez on this book. Is he trading off with Gleason?

why would you say she's Jons Lana?

>Have horns

>not really


FUCK i love this book

>It was good. Hack Tomasi delivers in these quieter issues.
>hack tomasi
dont talk shit about my husbando
Tomasi and Gleason have been godtier since the start of the n52

The lighting is really nice here.

They are really pushing the romance with this girl a bit. I'm really fine with him having a Lana type friend who knows his secret that he can share this with - it was actually one of the elements from American Alien I really liked, but some of the art here and before really makes it seem like more of a RELATIONSHIP push than a friendship developing, and they are both frankly too young for that.


Excellent news, did they finally announce the writers and an actual start date for Super Sons - it was originally going to be about now ?


>I wouldn't wish Babs on anyone

Haha, nice eye there. Don't think he's set to appear anytime soon, is he?

FUCK! Jon is so adorbs! This is so good. I kinda mister gruff and heroic powerless Supes but Jon makes up for this so much




And again, yup.

There's a few moments in the run (you'll know them when you see them) that could have been handled differently (involving Jon's powers) but otherwise, yes, it's been a fantastic run.


He voluntarily surrendered to be found not guilty in the eyes of the law. And then he broke out and started breaking bones on the way out

Lois looks too adorable in the last panel

Clark's already referred to his son as Superboy. Connor is history never to return....

>even before

"Arrival" issue #1 of Lois & Clark, implies they arrived before the Darkseid invasion. Nu52 Clark has not yet become Superbro and had his saving Metropolis from being bottled, etc. battles and Bruce had also been active. Given the suggestions in JL - Origins. Barry had been doing some stuff in Central City and Hal had been a Lantern for at least a bit.

So no.

Additionally, that's all explained in the 8 issues of Lois & Clark. The rest of the Universe had Superbro. Superdad did do stuff, just on the QT and nothing that would be as public as say Trinity War, etc. Yeah, some of it doesn't make sense, but that's because editorial is pretty stupid about some stuff.


Thanks OP. Truly enjoyed it.

Are you new here?
This happens every thread with Jon in it.

Part of me wishes we could have seen medieval fair superman

You don't actually need degrees for a job. Employers may require them, but except for something that's licensed or which requires an examination (for example, anyone can pass their State Bar exam, sans a law school degree, and call themselves a lawyer, which is the way it used to be, until the American Bar Association started getting all the state legislatures to ALSO require a law school degree).

They just had an annual (which was fucking nuts) and get restarted as Gotham Academy: Second Semester.

They'll be the same age as Bruce.

You mean you don't get that face when you got an armful of candy?

continuity never actually changed for bruce though did it?

Damian is older and Kara is younger now, that could workd.

he got de-aged and some of his stories happened in a different way

holy shit is that conan!

Lois a cute. CUTE!

Has Superdad explained to the League he's from the universe before this one (or thinks he is)?

Superman doesn't age like a human though. I mean, it's pretty inconsistent whether he simply doesn't age ever, or ages normally until ~60 and then lives for thousands of years


I don't think he trust them enough at this point to tell them everything

>up up and away

i-is that nigga in the middle dabbing?

>you can tell that the artists on the Superman related books want to bring them back as they often shade over that part of his body, honestly I bet they'll be back within a year or two
No the shadows look a billion times better then the red.
>Putting Supes back in them would literally make this current run perfect.
Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You piece of shit.

>The Best husband
>The Best father
>The Best hero
>The Best normal guy


As someone who started reading Dc with the new 52 & loves the new 52, no they weren't.

It's getting a preview on December on Direct Currents

>The county is the paradise of the idilic and peacefull life

Why live in Gothamfreakcity and Metroalien city?

The page of the week

Great!!!!! The best comic of this week!!!

>appreciating Supes

This is one of the best pages I've seen in a while.

marvelfag here, this is the most fun I've had reading a book ins ome time, is rebirth a goo place to start? or I need some catching up, saw some coments about this not being this world's superman.

You can start with Rebirth and pick stuff up as you go along.

At some point you'll want to go back and read the major events, starting with COIE.

Remember, Peter Parker being married and having adult relationships wouldn't work out and would not be fun! That is why this comic is so awful!

Peter and Superman are two different characters


Eehh, of course you need some clowns to assult the place Sups is visting at the moment.

Not him but.. She's the childhood friend and first love interest that knows his secret identity.(Unless im remembering the first issue wrong?) She's Lana to the core.

You're right, they aren't. I can totally see in the back of my mind reading this Peter and Mary Jane and their daughter in a NY street fair in a near panel-by-panel version of this.

Oh well. You're right though, celebrate we have a good Superman book, don't bitch about what could have been.

See: sarcasm

What's a few punches between friends?

I know he was being sarcastic, just pointing that Peter wouldn't work as an happy married father unless you want to write him like a totally different character

You have been visited by the Superman of Pre52

Good feels and comfiness will come to you only if you reply to this thread, "Thanks, Superman."

How often do you think Clark and Lois bang

With kryptonite condom or without?

Jesus I'm dying of laughter here. More comfy Supes, please!

It wasn't THAT funny.

You're Lois aren't you?

God this was really good.

definitive comfy

Certaingly not current Babs
Still holding out hope real babs is an Oz prisoner and she's chatting with inmate Tim

So I guess it's official I'm buying rebirth issues

She's not actually mad she's just being Lois calling Clark out on his being a sly motherfucker.

>Those expressions
>That timing
>That comfiness
>somehow not funny

Lighten up, will you?

>uh not really

Peter and MJ have remained married in the newspaper strips all decade and they're doing a new book where they're married with a kid as a direct response to Superdad, who was himself a direct response to the book Slott was doing last year

Man this is great
Also this

These faces are fantastic

Thanks user and also thanks Superman!

Oh Bruce why are you so tsundere?

Gonna eat lots of candy and listen to Metallica

Can't cape with a cape.

Well Stan tried writing that into the strip. Didn't like it so made it a bad dream.

the Cred Forums has autism meme is real holy shit

Ironically, you're the one who just proved it.

Gotham if you're a criminal and Metropolis if you're greedy. Some people care more about cash than comfort.

I love the Superfamily

>Thanks, Superman

Thanks, Clark

Had this been made on a Marvel book the whole page would have been copy paste

This book is kawaii as fuck my dude.


no, thats just facts

>Lois becomes Chi-Chi

This is fucking hilarious, I love comics.

>let momy handle this loli for you Jon

A moe Supes

i can't take this, its too freaking cute

He won't. Because he wouldn't be Superman if he did. That's part of what makes him so great. Bruce is the one who needs to swing his dick around. Clark never has, because at the end of the day, everyone knows he has the biggest.


Thanks, Superman

Cute how Jon doesn't think to X Ray too. He's obvious still a little kid underneath it all. Also love the little touch of having Clark push up his glasses.

The only thing I want now is Kara interacting with the family. It's criminal that the Superfamily has been neglected while the Batfamily has flourished.

>People genuinely have issues with the idea of superman going around the world and helping his friends, for some reason.

10/10 issue. Thanks, OP.

>showing how everyone else is incompetent and they need Superman to do basic things they do without problem in their solo books is fine

They really really shouldn't


Somebody show this issue to Snyder





I am so looking forward to the trades for rebirth superman.

So awesome.

This book is constantly causing the John Williams theme to play in my head alongside the Animated Series theme as well

It's just that happy "Here's Superman being fucking Superman" feeling I've been hankering for, for what feels like almost a decade.

He's not miserable, he's not de-powered, he's not a design mess... It's just Superman!

Nu52 had his moments, but in the overall, just like the other 52 books, they were few and far between.

>Receiving help is a sign of incompetence

They might be capable of solving crises on their own, but two superheroes are better at doing it than just one, by mere definition. Also your point would be more valid if this was a team book like justice league or trinity, but it's superman's book. The focus is obviously going to be on him.

Why do you want that? This batman lost His best friend and is learning to trust this Superman, are you retarded?

What's with autistic idiots in this thread? He lied to her, it was a small fuck up, and she got a little mad at that, she is her wife, eh could had said "there's 3 dumb robbers here, they will not ruin our day but i will need 3 minutes out". She isnt mad about him doing superman stuff. it's the same as telling your girl you took the garbage out, but you didnt.

Thanks OP. This issue was comfy as fuck and cute to boot

Yes and what means is yes.

Can you blame them?

You mean the guy that hadsuperman wanting to cook for lois and that got into the bath with her?

Nice nitpicking

Ugh, may as well edit that page to make him say, "Want me to take my shirt off?"

Same can be said of you

God, I love Supes.

Look at this universe, then look at the universe Snyder chose for Superman

God, I hope so. He made Earth-2 worth reading.

This is the first issue of Rebirth Superman I've read yet.

Is the first arc worth checking out?



Thanks, Superman


This John Cena/Zack Ryder level of condescension

So her name is Kathy Branden?

Bit of a deviation from the initials alliteration trend (Lois Lane, Lori Lemaris, Lana Lang), I was expecting something like Kathy Cooper

Sure, I choose part of his normal life, that's who he is, we got that, and the movie focused on his role as superman, his doubts his struggle and a dark timeframe of his life. Nothing wrong with that.

Snyders is way happier.

Get yourself a rope and a chair mate

>Flattery will get you everywhere, Clark
:') why cant more superheros be happy?

You should consider killing yourself tonight

Off yourself. Superman isn't a series of inspirational pictures for your tumblr blog faggot.

Hey guys. I'm not saying I did a great or even good job, but I made this for you all. Gonna try to work on next.

Actually, it was Christmas. The scene was Kara getting Jon a cool present like an autographed baseball bat while Karen had this clumsily made sweater that she sewed for him by hand - but she's terrible at it and it ends up two sizes too big and one sleeve is longer than the other. Jon gives it a look like he wants to put it in the garbage can the next morning and ends up getting glares from his parents to appreciate the work Karen put into it.

He dons the sweater and says he loves Aunt Karen with that big ol' fake smile and she marshmallow glomps him. Jon just rolls with it because even if he doesn't like the sweater, he loves Aunt Karen.

>>end yourself because i cant say something reasonable

>>Superman isn't a series of inspirational pictures for your tumblr blog faggot.
>>Clark "poster boy for feels threads"

I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic, ironic or just retarded.
The whole issue was
>>slice of life
>>main character wanking
>>comfy as fuck feels

3 things that in other comics are strongly criticized, but of course Supes get a free pass

How long before the kid disappear?

Jon's not even listening, he's just excited to be riding a rollercoaster with his pa.

>3 things that in other comics are strongly criticized, but of course Supes get a free pass

Well duh, NOT MUH is also criticized when any other fanbases uses it but this is Superman Central so it's okay

>Batman acting all tough
>Still can't help but smile when his BFF shows up.

Go back to Marvel, where they never, ever pander to you. Unless you're black. A woman. Oh, or gay. But if you're a white male comic reader? Shit, son, you'll have all the non-pandering you could ever want.

This is all I wanted in a Supes comic.
Fun, heartwarming, enjoyable.
Good job, DC.

Jesus fucking Christ, shut the fuck up you creepy pedophile.

I love mom Lois so very much.

That first panel is literally the best thing I have ever seen. The mental image of Superman being excited as Hell about a handful of candy is spectacular.

I'm afraid you will have to get used to it.


I thought he was White.

Supes would have come in handy for you Bats when Tim was targeted by a thousand drones.

I hate Batman so fucking much.

Superman > New Superman >Supergirl >Action (It was good for the first 3 issues) >superwoman

It's pretty obvious that he's acting up. He can't even hide his smile.

Saved senpai.

this isn't even a superhero comic at this point


He can hide it if he's turned around plus he's still a jackass who can't say thank you. His inferiority complex is infuriating because could you imagine him with the powers? His response here is basically "No back seat gaming regardless of the lives that could be at stake including my own! I'm Batman!" Ugh.

>1 cooldown issue after 5 issues of punching the Eradicator

it's shit writing to appease superfags, what do you expect? a nice Batman that doesn't distrust him'?

that's only for team books

Someone color the boots red so we can see if it'd be better or not

user, I've seen Bruce the asshole in Batman, in Nightwing, and here, just this week. Any given week he's a dick in at least two books. It isn't just to appease Superfags. The only book this week he wasn't a dick in was Justice League.

>asshole in Batman

but this is false
he has been a perfectly nice person in Batman and Tec.
I don't know about Nightwing because I don't follow it.
It's also true that most Superman fans don't want them to be friends and instead prefer a rivarly

Best. Page. Of the year.

I like seeing Batman and Supes as friends, but I find this new dynamic with Batman having to accept this new Superman to be very interesting too.

His BFF is dead

>Wonder Woman

>It's also true that most Superman fans don't want them to be friends and instead prefer a rivarly
Ah yes. Because we were the one's who got the seminal work Last Son of Krypton Returns in '86 where Frank Miller depicted a fight between the two of them that went on to become iconic that defied what pop culture would have said was the certain outcome that went on to be spouted by every Supesfag that Superman was Superior to Batman. That's how it went, right?
Batman and Superman are the World's Finest for a reason, and that is because they work best when they are back to back handling every thing the world throws at them. I personally just don't like Bruce being a fucking asshole, which despite Tec Rebirth as well as Batman Rebirth (before today anyway) which you did mention, he is vastly written as more often than he is not. I don't want him being another Superman, but he can be stern without being a piece of shit.

Middle panel would make a great reaction image

>That Fleischer/Golden Age Superman wink

FUUUUCK, this is so GOOD!

This is a wife teasing her husband. Calm down.

Superman is supposed to be the ideal good. The Platonic ideal of the American man.

That still means, ideally, being a good father, raising a family, and having a loving spouse. While also saving the world.

God dammit why does no one get this? Did the Sixties really ruin us that much as a culture?

Uh-uh, That's Wondy or Saturn Girl's job.

What, you honestly don't think the new Superboy won't get his own Legion story?

>For a local paper, not nationally syndicated

Haha, funny.

Thanks, Superman!

Thanks, Superman.

>3 things that in other comics are strongly criticized

I think the only thing that is strongly criticized is main character wanking. Everyone loves a comfy as fuck slice of life story.

Thanks, Superman.

I thought I'd lost you...but I never lost my faith in you.


>It's also true that most Superman fans don't want them to be friends and instead prefer a rivarly
Nice """"fact"""" there you fucking moron. And since you're the one starting shit here in a Superman thread seems your side is the one that can't play nice. Also you're retarded since you obviously can't see that Bruce will learn to accept this new Clark.

>3 things that in other comics are strongly criticized, but of course Supes get a free pass
[citation needed]

Thank you Superman.

>Superman is good again
>Cred Forumsntrarians feel the need to shitpost and whine
Thank you Based Tomasi. When everyone was shitting on you I had faith.


kawaii as fuck

Well, this issue was flawless.

>excusing shit behavior because it's normal

It's shitstains like you that make sure mankind will never advance

Just messaged my LCS to save me a copy, great issue

>Superman clearly wants to rape his own son

This is fucking great.

Clearly a homage to Hal Jordan with a shitload of rings.


Thanks Superman.

So anons, I tried to make superman... more Superman-y. Well, do you like it?


always amusing seeing how the people that like Superman because he is "kind" and "nice" are huge assholes that get so offensive and aggressive over fictional characters

I guess the important thing is just to appear better for liking "lighthearted" heroes

Fucking saved.

New suit looks good. I don't care what anyone says.

>huge assholes that get so offensive and aggressive over fictional characters
Looks to me that of the people who responded to the comment that user responded to, he is the only person that fits that description.

Not really, no.



*rolls eyes*

ugh this whole issue is like one big drumpf campaign ad

Lois is the best waifu

Thanks, Superman.

Plot twist - that's her paternal grandfather. Her father's family name is Cooper.

30,000 hours in paint

10/10 Cow

Shit, that panel kinda confused me and now i can't unsee Superman's hair as some kind of swamp fish monster

Looks good. Oh,and thanks Superman!

Thanks, Superman.

Is this the sleeper hit of Rebirth? Every issue has been golden.

Semi related, the Superman ride at Fiesta Texas is the best rollercoaster I've ever been on.

That looks outstanding. I smiled.

I wanna be excited for Rebirth but this shit breaks my heart.

yea this looks great

the belt design keeps changing in these books, the lee points and diamond look awful, gleason fixed it into an S shield last issue now this

But DCEU Supes is comfy. The world around him is shitty.

Thank you

One thing I would love to see in DCEU which I'm not sure how difficult it would be is because how dark it started, it starts to get lighter with each movie to where it eventually has a tone similar to the current Supes comics.

I'm a big Superman fan but I usually only read self-contained stories.
I've read some N52 Supes but dropped it.
What do I need to read to understand all of this?? I loved this issue but I didn't know Superman was married.
Please, a complete list?

Dang, that Rocafort cover is way better than the one I got.

I really hope the subplot for MOS 2 will be about Clark and Lois getting married.

I think the ones you need to read if you want to understand all of it is Lois and Clark which is 8 issues, I think Final Days of Superman is optional, and the Rebirth oneshot.

Shouldn't I read the events leading to n52 and then why it ended? I actually have no idea why it did.
In fact I see people theorizing who n52 Supes was and I don't understand a thing

So much fucking better.

It would actually make a pretty good theme for the DC movies.

>World starts out grey and depressing.
>Superman shows up and other heroes appear afterwards.
>World gets brighter with each progressive movie.

I doubt WB's execs are smart enough to go in that direction though.

Fuck off DCEU fags. We don't need you fucking up yet another comic thread with your shitty movies.

you fucked up nigga, clark isn't superman

Noone understands a thing at this point as the characters supposedly behind it ( i missed an issue that probably gave context somewhere i think) are acting far beyond their established abilities and motivations.
The other problem is that the second we do figure things out the writers will probably completely change their script just so that they can pretend we didn't figure it out.
TLDR the writers dangled something out there and 9/10 they don't even know what it means themselves while everyone tries to figure out the answer.

Fucking this. There is no movie Superman. He's actually Bizarro and that's all he is.


>Dat Clark in the 3rd panel

If you had any friends, user, you'd know that pals talk shit about each other all the time.

This is why you're not dating anyone, user. You lack understanding of basic human interaction, such as teasing.

I like that the artist connects the belt, breaks up the blue real good.

>That tsundere batman

Is it too early to call this issue an instant classic?

>Implying Supes wouldn't put Bruce in his place

Go back to reading about Jesus.

>Supes would beat up a guy for just being unfriendly

This whole series has been an instant classic.

>I'm a big Superman fan but I usually only read self-contained stories

You're not a BIG Superman fan if you've only read a few contained stories. Anyways start at the beginning and pick up one of the Golden Age omnibuses.

Doesn't have to beat him up, just let him know who's in charge and if it came to blows he'd slap his shit. Basically what he does with Lex.

Thanks, Superman

Remember when everyone was absolutely convinced that Tomasi could never write a good Superman and that this book would be total shit?

Cause I told you fuckers that Tomasi/Gleason is always an all-star creative team.

>Go back to reading about Jesus
What the fuck are you talking about?

What don't you understand?

If you want to read about someone who preaches alot and ultimately gets the shit kicked out of him go read about Jesus. If you're going to read about Superman then know that he should have no problem laying down the law to edge punks like Batman and Lex Luthor.

The trunks only look good if they're not riding up that high. they need to be drawn lower like Quitely or Frank draw them. Otherwise it looks like a banana hammock.

Also no amount of recolors to add the trunks will make that shitty belt look good.

thanks, superman

Superbro wasn't even the REAL Superman.

If anything Bruce just got his REAL friend back.

Bittersweet page considering the context with pre52 supes

>Hey man you know that guy that helped you deal with all that shit and went on adventures with?
>Yeah he wasn't the real thing
>Here is the real thing

This is you

Quit saying that. For fuck's sake

Didn't this supes basically do that to Lex?

I keep telling people that this supes is more prone to violence than superbro but no one listens.

I am.

>He dons the sweater and says he loves Aunt Karen

The cousin of your dad would be your 2nd Cousin, not your aunt.

His name is smith

While working for the government. Yeah. What isn't that exactly what superman would do? :^)

Thanks, Superman.

I thought bruce was around the same age as superbro. And Superdad was like 10-15 years older than him.

Thanks, Superman!

You took over three years to alter an image that has only been around for a week or so?

And that looks like a layer edit, something you cannot do in paint.,

He's not even the real fucking Superman of that universe.

Dry the fuck up. DC did us a service throwing him out.

I kinda hope bats never gets over it. I mean he's always had a problem with death.

Yes. And?

thanks, superman

Ok I'll bite. Why the hate for superbro. He from the stuff I've read he seems just as much superman as this one. Is it literally not muh?

How can you call yourself a superman fan while also being such a dick?

>The cousin of your dad would be your 2nd Cousin, not your aunt.

I'm not user, but while this is technically true, a lot of people call them aunts if you're dealing with someone who is 30+ years older than you and has that kind of authority in your life. It's similar to how you might call your parents' friends aunt or uncle if they have that type of close relationship with the family even when they're not related at all.

But being that Karen is like only 5 years older than Jon and she's a newbie to the world and has like 0 interaction with Superdad and his family, the above doesn't really carry on.

>There are people that don't like both Superdad and Superbro

What's it like to hate fun?

There were some good Supes stories. Unchained, Men of Tomorrow and a bunch of Action Comics stories were great.

>The Kents react to the state of Marvel comics.jpeg

Not that guy, but I'll step up to the plate on this one. This is a copy/paste of myself from another thread.

Did Clark work for the Daily Planet or not? What was his relationship with Lois? Did he have any friends outside of the Justice League? Was he a brash social crusader or the moral pillar of the DCU? Were he and Supergirl friends or enemies?

New 52 Superman's characterization and status quo were always in a state of flux because no two writers wrote him the same way. The reason fans were so mild on New 52 Superman isn't because LOL ARMOR, it's because after five years and over 100 monthly comics no one knew who the fuck he was.

This right here is Superman, may all the people who support BVS burn for not demanding this.

Don't try user. They seem so determined to hold this superman up on a pedestal that they'll shit on anything bringing up superbro or anyone who's mean to their superman.

Really, why can't the movies capture this feeling?

Stuff like this is why I see MoS as a Superman movie fore people who don't like Superman as a character.

Don't put words in my mouth, asshole. I liked Unchained and Geoff Johns's seven issue run. I liked Morrison's run just fine even though it's incredibly overrated.

And I don't remember ever demanding that New 52 Superman be killed off so that the previous version could be brought back. I don't think there was anything wrong with New 52 Superman that a quality run couldn't have fixed.

But the truth of the matter is I never much cared for New 52 Superman, I'd developed a deep attachment to the previous Superman over the years, and I'm very happy he's back.

Just enjoy what we have, man. Don't shit in the public fountain just because you're the vocal minority.

He did work for the planet. Lois saw him as a friend and good person but nothing else. He had a few friends outside the league like jimmy and he always seemed to make new friends wherever he went. Like that subterranean prince. He started out a brash kid trying to change the world but got humbled a few times and mellowed out still trying to help but not being as in your face.

That's how i saw him anyway. Maybe i missed some arcs where his characterization jumped all over the place but that's what I got from him. Don't know about his relationship with kara. Never really paid attention to her.

He was Superman user. He was always Superman.

I see Goku in here for some reason, not even a DB fan.

Well I didn't start reading superman till nu52 so to me my supes is dead. But that doesn't mean i hate this supes. Honestly these have been great comics. I just get a little tired of reading the same "REAL superman is here" "I'm glad the fake is gone" "THIS is what superman is about". It's a little obnoxious and I think if these are superman fans I can kinda understand why a normie could get the wrong impression of superman if this is how his fans act. Like shit even in this thread you've got people saying they can't wait till superman puts batman in his place. Maybe i have a shit memory but i don't remember the dcyou superman threads being this vitriolic. I like all Superman so long as he acts like Superman but fuck if it doesn't feel bad to see people shitting on a superman just because he was a little different.

Super Munchies.

Don't mind the "MUH SUPERMAN" masses that are enjoying the classic one being back. N52 Superman was cool as well, in a different way. While I love that the old one is back, the N52 will always have a place in my heart and he'll be back too, somehow. Someday, a crazy man like Morrison will bring him back for more fun stories.

Gotchu senpai.



Oh, he's definitely returning. I hope they call him Secundus Superman.

I guess. Maybe I just wish we could be better to each other. It's so jarring to have a superman fan tell you to kill yourself for your shit taste because you say you actually miss superbro or that you liked American alien. The superman fandom in general seems like one of the most divided angry fandoms there is and I just wish it wasn't.

Superman, like Batman fans, just love status quo, which is kinda weird, since some of the best Superman stories were Elseworlds.

>Lois becomes Chi-Chi

Supes accidentally hitting Lois sending her flying through the house and splitting a tree in half fucking WHEN!?!?

Might need more than bandages for the aftermath though.

He'll be the Man of Steel

I want to facefug that mom

>laying down the law to edge punks
>edge punks

I'm sorry for your bad taste, user.

>Superman's first appearance was destroying some mobster's car to teach them a lesson
>thinks Superman wouldn't put someone in their place


my God its perfect. why isn't this the official costume?

dont be such a faggot, superman can have many facets, and there are plenty of great stories about Superman dealing with heavy/emotional shit (For The Man Who Has Everything for one).

kys for demanding 2 dimensionality from a character.

I honestly miss the red boots more than the red trunks. But I do miss both.

Kinda getting back into comics here.
About how long would it take for the trade of this to come out?

but Superdickery isn't MUH SUPERMAN
my Superman is teh post Byrne abomination that we call "real" Superman

Golden Age wasnt Super Dickery, he was just much tougher on crime. Silver Age shit where he is burning Jimmy's presents and turning Lois black is Superdickery

The first trade is coming out in December and is going to collect up to issue 6, so it's going to take a while for this particular issue to be collected.

Thanks big blue

Yep, this is the same thing
>destroying a car
>fighting Batman
Yep, this is the same thing


Oh man, just read this an trinity.

Thumbs fucking up, so good.

Aquaman next!

My man of tomorrow can't be this cute

"This is our home,etc"

And it's cunts like you that'll never have a real waifu. Back to your pillows Japfreak


That first panel makes me think of Chris Chan. I don't like it.



Yes he can have many faces, but you are an idiot for not wanting what is the one that defines him more than any other.

Anyway, have fun with Plasticman is grim and gritty.

>we never got Jon going full Gohan an beating the shit out of Eradicator

I am still disapointed

It's only a sleeper if you thought Tomasi was going to fuck it up. Personally, I always believed I was going to enjoy it the same way I did Batman and Robin, because it is effectively the same book for the Superman family, but even I'll admit it has exceeded my expectations.

How can something popular be a sleeper hit? Also it's not good.

No idea why his Pre 52 Superman is better than his new 52 run, editorial maybe ??


That should be such a sweet, cathartic moment and Supes looks like a mongoloid. This run would be extraordinary w/ a better artist.

>Also it's not good.
Are you bootyblasted that Mockingbird got cancelled?

No, why would I care about that comic?

But Superbro was the return to that kind of actions and people hated him because he was not MUH.

Because you have shit taste.

Jesus Christ, does subtext mean anything to you autists or does your being on the spectrum mean you are only able to perceive things as
>he did it once, he can/will do it again

Let us not forget that on a fundamental level Superman demonstrates restraint more than anyone else with his capacity would. He knows that there is just as much strength in not punching when it isn't right to as there is in punching when you need to.

Then, let us not forget that this Superman had a deep friendship with his own Batman. He knows who the man is. He knows what he believes. He knows what he fights for. More likely than not, he is also able to perceive that this new Batman could be a friend like his old one was, but he can also perceive that he is hurting and defensive over the loss of Superbro. He's not going to force a relationship on him, and he certainly isn't going to smack someone down because they happen to be going through the Bruce Wayne version of mourning.

Same thing with his Lex, except in the end they were bitter enemies. Not friends. So, when he shows up and slaps Lex around, it isn't because slapping around is what Superman does first. It is because he is bringing his understanding of who his Lex was, and was projecting it onto this new one, assuming he is up to no good. If you continued reading Action, he went on to express his surprise at Lex behaving differently than he would have expected him to.

Grow some thicker skin you faggot.

For Superbro was as much a whiny bitch as you I understand why he's dead.


This makes me so happy.

>always amusing seeing how the people that like Superman because he is "kind" and "nice" are huge assholes that get so offensive and aggressive over fictional characters
We're talking about you right? Because that's not why I like Superman. If you're the typical Superbro fag it's no wonder he died.

Had my LCS save me a copy, but i'm sorta anxious about following this book biweekly, as if i'll jinx it or something. Can DC really continue to put out a great Superman run for months to come?

I'm not the one that likes garbage like Superman.

Thanks for proving my point.

Excellent rebuttal kiddo. Run along to your Civil War II thread.

So you do have shit taste. Thanks for coming out and saying it but you really didn't need to reply to me.

I'm a different user, user. That was my reaction to you telling the other user he had bad taste, because I thought the same thing about him.

What a glorious statement confirmed with a blessing by the board gods.

>Then, let us not forget that this Superman had a deep friendship with his own Batman. He knows who the man is. He knows what he believes. He knows what he fights for. More likely than not, he is also able to perceive that this new Batman could be a friend like his old one was, but he can also perceive that he is hurting and defensive over the loss of Superbro. He's not going to force a relationship on him, and he certainly isn't going to smack someone down because they happen to be going through the Bruce Wayne version of mourning.

This is why is stupid to say "hurr durr bruce is being a cunt". Bruce losing Superman is ALWAYS extremely hard for him, is the friend he always though would be safe, bruce isnt even being rude by his standards.

Actually, N52Lois WAS in love with him (she 'fessed up to this in Truth) it's just Superho was too chickenshit about his feelings

Cheer up user, Supes communuity is'nt that divisive as you think, frankly I see the Spider-Man fanbase being worse off when Doc Ock and Spider-Dad come back because then you'll get three pairs of factions shouting and yelling over which one should take over ASM for life.

