Homestuck - The Solid Guys

So, Cred Forums, how many characters in Homestuck would you say stayed solid throughout, and didn't go crap? Also discussion about the moment some of the would-be solid characters took a nosedive into shittiness.

Other urls found in this thread:

just give up and move on, it's been 6 months


Is the fuckface janitor still there?

Reminder that the man that drew this is dead and will never create anything ever again


Have you ever found anything that filled the Homestuck void for you perfectly?

all five aradias stayed pretty constant throughout

>stayed solid throughout, and didn't go crap
Not a single one

Not really. It is unique, for better or worse.

The issue wasn't characters that stayed consistent, plenty did.
The problem is that most characters had no resolution.
And the ones that had resolution didn't stay consistent so there was no real satisfaction.

Two characters had any sort of resolution, Rose and Dave
And it was shit for both

Tavros had a resolution too.

>active homestuck threads get deleted because that's the time when janny has had his dinner and is sitting around ignoring actual threads to be deleted and looking for homestuck threads
>homestuck threads that survive are in the buttfuck early of the morning and are super dead

End me

yeah and it was accompanied by weird dancing gifs that looked rotoscoped and wasn't particularly funny.

Except it doesn't have the fandom.

>Except it doesn't have the fandom.

That's a good thing.

Yeah but you never find people to discuss it with, there's limited fanart, and the threads get deleted.
Homestuck at least you can always find someone with similar tastes and fanart for just about any situation, even if most of the fans left are icels-tier.

Yeah, sort of. I made something that I would enjoy. It's all I ever write about (mostly) and draw.

>are super dead

At least we can keep recycling it.

Oh wait, tripfags and the Katnep and Kanaya image spammers exist.

It's always the same images too. Like at least be like the davejade people and start browsing for new art.

I hated this fucking comic.

But all my friends were reading it, and made me feel left out cause I didn't like it. So when Cascade came out, I finally read everything up to that point. And I saw the appeal.

I kept reading. Every single update was worse than the last, but I needed to see how it ended. Homestuck turning into complete shit was on purpose, right? It's all part of the plan, right? Hussie wouldn't let us down, he's a genius!

All my friends stopped reading. Finally, Act 7 came out. I watched the video. Closed the tab. And mourned the countless hours wasted on this shit.

I hate this fucking comic.

Moral of the story: trust your instincts.


Why is Dave dressing up as Roxy

I love it when artists clearly don't read the comic.




oh boy the same image we've seen five fucking times before.


Equius should fuck Nepeta!

Six nepetas should all fuck each other, forming one coherent entity called the Overpeta


Jade is canon breedslut tho

She mentioned being interested in children once

>believing memes as truth

Yeah, and Terezi is a slut.

That's also true

Well... yeah?
What are you trying to prove? Jade is a breedslut, Terezi's a normal slut, Rose is fat and lazy.


Worm as well. And I can say there is no silver lining in this type of shit.
Its either an explosevily cancerous community, or its niche enough that the author still has constant contact with its fandom on a practically daily basis without the risk of things going cancerous.

But either way, its hard for a non-visual story to go viral anyways, which is always kind of a shame, but I can live with it. Where Hussie fell a hundred steps, Wildbow has topped the best authors I've had the pleasure to read the works of in a very VERY long time, enough that I can hardly put my finger on who exactly I should say does fiction better than him. All of his three works are stunning and have only grown in quality. Can't wait for the promised Worm 2. And I hope the Cred Forums janitors won't ban us to /lit/ where people will probably bash without even reading because if you go in that board you probably feel like you are too en/lit/ghtened to read a "web-serial".

In other notes, the amount of fan art for a very VERY long non-visual work is actually pretty stunning. Some people are still requesting art nowadays. This Narwhal is pretty recent IIRC.

I loved this picture
But then I remembered that this comic is awful and Doc Scratch was never there to be a smug fucker again.
Seriously, Andrew forgot how to make villains past Act 5

Maybe if that tv show takes off it'll get more traction. It has all the elements to explode in popularity.

Talking about that always just... irks me
There is no reliable way to visually represent it. Not that I see it. Also, 80% of the story is introspection and the depth the author has put into it, enough that yo ucan sympathize with a neo-nazi or two. There is just no way to translate that well into visual without fucking it up. You either have to make character have to much inner monologues, at that point you might as well be listening to an audio book or reading the damn thing, or you have characters talking about their problems which is something parahumans simply don't do due to their nature as troubled human beings that got powers that highlight their worst days in their lives. It just doesn't work unless its a comic. MAYBE a cartoon. But everyone just keeps talking about live-enacted stuff. Which is not reliable.

why did feferi make the dreambubbles?

She is (probably) fat, so she likes round things
Also because Hussie can't actually kill his characters.


Why the fuck shouldn't Karkat lead the ghost army?


Jade never went to shit, but she never lived up to her potential ,either.

It's just that during A5A2 she showed a lot of potential for growth and development. She became more assertive, forming plans and manipulating stable time loops to ensure their success. She got in fights with Karkat, but also began to form a real relationship of mutual respect, from one leader to another (even though John was nominally the leader of the kids, by the end of A5 Jade was largely calling the shots). She had been stripped of her dreamself, who she was as accustomed to as her waking one; she had lost Prospit, which was perhaps more of a home to her than the island; and yet she kept going. She had a fantastic potential for growth that got totally squandered.

Incidentally, this reminds me of a major theme in the kids from early on through Act 5 that totally disappeared in Act 6: their reaction to the idea of predestination.

John doesn't really know if his actions are predetermined or not, and doesn't really think it matters. He largely ignores all that stuff and lives in the moment.

Rose hates the very idea that she isn't in full control of her fate, and lashes out in any way she can to try and prove that she has free will.

Dave has resigned himself to a predetermined life. He lives in an unbreakable series of time loops; he relives his past and prelives his future, without any ability to change either.

Jade practically relishes her lack of free will. She intentionally uses it to create stable time loops around her own behavior, forming complex plans that no one except herself can keep up with by ensuring conditions are such that they have to be formed.

There was nothing like that in A6.

Reminder that Andy Hussie, Sr. was the real genius behind Whistles, And It Don't Stop, Neon Ice Cream Headache, Team Special Olympics, Bard Quest, Problem Sleuth, and the first five acts of Homestuck

I really liked her, I kept waiting for her and Sollux to do some really important stuff but I feel they didnt really do that much.

Welcome to Homestuck!
Where you come to hate the character development so much that you start remembering how the actual GOOD characters got no development at all!

I'm relishing how this guy is hating the Dancestors. He's going to hate the ending so fucking much.


Nice try, but I'm not going to download your virus.



fuck you, I go to tumblr everyday to see if i can get new and good kanayas for you

This was something that really bugged me too.

Homestuck is basically a series of really good ideas hussie would get bored of or forget about when he moved on to some new idea causing em to end up half finished or completely abandoned

I never see new Kanayas. You claim to be breaking your back to support this family but all you ever serve is the same leftover Kanayas.

What about this one?
This is one of the most recent
Have you seen it before?

She asked them to, probably for something not very important, but the Horrorterrors are the ones who actually made them. They likely did so for two reason, as an asset for the kids to use against LE, and to give them actual motivation to do so by putting their ghosts in harm's way.

roxygen is the only good ship in this entire fucking comic

Missed Opportunities: The Webcomic.
Holy shit. Why even make that many characters if like seventy-five percent of them aren't going to do ANYTHING? There were so many things that bothered me. The McGuffin they used, where John got "SUPER SPESHULL" time power, to maybe(?) defeat Lord English, but we don't know because fuck you trendy ambiguous ending. How Vriska was leading the Ghost Army instead of Karkat, y'know, the character who was in desperate need for a character arc and the BLOOD player who is supposed to "Protect with the bonds he shares with people." or maybe not because Hussie never fucking explained half the God Tiers and Aspects. I'm sure there's more, but I can't be assed to think of all of these terrible choices.

I want to stick my dick in that Kanaya's tits.

it still


Me too user
Me too

It never went anywhere and has nothing really appealing about it

>They gave Time Powers to the Breath player and not the Time Player.

Going nowhere is better than going into the trash

Can all future Homestuck threads just devolve into "Go Read Worm" the thread?
I want all future homestuck threads to be "go read worm" threads.

Its what this comic and Andrew Hussie deserves after the shit he pulled.
He has a reeeeeeally steep ladder to climb back up now. Covered in piss shit vomit and entrails, just how he loves it

Time and Breath both have a lot to do with flow
Homestuck is known for taking things and replacing their context just to make a weird pun
John was always going to get the OP powers

It doesn't make sense, but did anything really ever make sense?


Right, which of course means that this is far better than Roxygen

Thief of Light = Author gives more attention to this character

Knight of Blood = Author blames everything on this character and fucks him over

Solution: Comic Hussie must fucking permadie

I'd rather eat an eclair out of the trash then moldy bread off of a plate.

I want to hug Kanaya!

but it did go into the trash because rose only likes vaginas!

john doesn't have a vagina....does he?

Didn't even need Roxy for that ship to sink.

Are we really ascribing value to Hussie's decisions post-Act 5 now?

Sunk though it may be, it made for some great character interactions.

>go into the trash

But their relationship was never ruined, it just never went anywhere. And like you said, that's better than going into the trash.
And of course, it has more going for it than Roxygen

i want to impregnate john!



jade i think this roleplay stuff getting out of hand

I bet Jade made RoseKan happen since she KNEW John could birth faster than she could.
She couldn't handle the competition.

wtf i hate jade now

The Mayor

he became a fucking meme to just hug and squeeee over.
he stopped being a character and became a fucking breathing plush

What about Dave and Karkat's son?


John's not a breedslut though.

But then why didn't she sabotage roxygen then, Rose and Roxy are on the same birthing tier.

yo someone requested me to draw nepvriskar smutty stuff

what the fuck do i do, how do i draw that

Jake is, though unintentionally.


maybe nepeta eating vriska out while karkat fucks nepeta?

He can't help it user, all the female's other options are either gay or Karkat.

Yeah but he's got like, two viable options. Two Lalondes can't compete with the babyfactory that Jade is. It's like North Korea trying to compete with South Korea, there's just no chance.

As all fiction has taught us, human genes are basically fucking magic, and we can half-breed anything, so that adds at least three Trolls to the mix, all of whom bring insectoid efficiency to the process.

It's more like South Korea competing with North Korea. And Vietnam. And Cambodia. And the Philipines. And Loas. You bring enough of them together, and there's enough child labour to overcome anything.

We can't breed trolls I'm afraid.
And even all those trolls couldn't compete with Jade.
It's like a horse versus a powerful infant-making locomotive. Jade's industrial strength vagina just can't be beat in that kind of feat.

I want to cum inside Kanaya.

Are we the most autistic thread on Cred Forums yet?


Not so long as /sug/ exists.

There are worm threads from time to time, they're pretty good.


I want to sniff Kanaya's panties.




0/10 wouldn't paint

Dave would never...


ayy lmao

All the excess sperm Jade saves has to be kept somewhere.

>Terezi is literally a sperm bank

fucked in the ass
and eating vriska's ass


Is she certified by the SEC?

It's ridiculous how similar his real art style is to Jhonen Vasquez's. No wonder he ended up attracting the same crowd.

She's certified by the JBRC

They should. Skitter is like ghost Aradia, Tattletale is Rose in Acts 1-4, Coil is Doc Scratch wearing a Caliborn costume. Imagine having a Rose who didn't turn into a lifeless facsimile.

I mean, if I wanted to talk worm I'd talk worm in a worm thread but everytime I do the janitor tries to submit a ban request

We had one Worm thread a month or so back that was allowed to live out its natural lifespan, and it was very good.

One I tried to start earlier got deleted, and one made in between them got deleted. Worm is honestly more Cred Forums than /lit/, and if movies based on comics can go here, web serials that examine the complex makeup and nature of comics should be passable. To say nothing of how /lit/ spits on web serials.

Cred Forums says take it to /lit/, /lit/ says take it to Cred Forums. What are we supposed to do?


take it to

Suicide Squad and MCU threads should go to /trash/ too, then.

You could fix a large portion of what went wrong with Homestuck if the Thief of Light and Knight of Blood were treated the way the other was.


I want to dick Kanaya to death.

Who wouldnt want to?


I think you need to fuck off and die.

Because it's obvious

This isn't really a problem?

He is not a heterosexual.

Autism killing /hsg/



That's the list.

Shit tastes.

Literally the only thing that i still dont get is why calliope destroyed the green sun

John was still ruined though.

>getting mad about facts
That's the real autism right there

Im impressed how this guy doing literal spam is acceptable by Cred Forums rules

They're memes, not facts.

Picture dumping isn't considered spam.


Autism is also not understand that memes can be facts.
The fastest Rose has ever moved is when there was porn nearby. Lazy and fat.

>he relives his past and prelives his future, without any ability to change either.
Dave is Dr. Manhattan?

You are dumb.and gay and I hate you.

Yeah, I think this guy didn't read the comic, and missed key things, like Terezi's orgy or Jade burning down an abortion clinic.

Don't project so much.

Not exactly. Dr. Manhattan experiences all of his lifetime at once, essentially. Dave doesn't, but he finds himself stuck in the center of a bunch of stable time loops that he has no choice but to ride out. For example, he knows he'll die in front of Jade, and he can't do anything to change it.

John is canon kind of homophobic.

I know but the way you described it made them sound exactly the same.

It's the journey not the destination, man.
As long as you found enjoyment in it at one point, it has value to you. It just depends on how you look at it.

I'm sorry. Please love me.

oh aradia!
how i wish i could bite thee with mine dick

how i yearn to pound you with my eyes

i cannot

for thou is as real as i

Wouldn't jade as a breedslut be in favor of responsible parenting?

I really liked that manga

She wouldn't want fetuses being murdered.

>responsible parent
It's thanks to her that swarms of feral blonde dogchildren roam the outback, attacking travelers


that aradia is THICK

She's ugly though.

Why are we still here? Even the tripfriends appear to have moved on.

So are you. Probably.

I'm bored and re-reading Homestuck and am refreshed and delighted by it's witty/cheeky dialogue and humor.
But my depressed attention span and addiction to refreshing Cred Forums won't let me continue to read for more that ten minutes, so I cycle back here when my mind turns off.
Due to depression, I haven't had thoughts or feelings for a while and rather than face that problem, I read other people's opinions on the internet and adopt them to feel like I'm a real person and not just a stupid empty shell.

>39 unique posters
Is this it? Is hst finally done?

I think they're both cute. Would bang.

Nah, I'm beautiful.

should have been done months ago

I do like the Kanaya.

>Jade not taking responsibility
Worse meme than breedslut

We have fairly active threads later in the day
The problem is these threads are the same hotpockets is awake and he deletes them anytime any good discussion gets going. It's fucking annoying.

Jade has a dogchild millitia which she will use to liberate the state of Texas.

Why, what's going on with Texas?

Jade "Paradox Space for the Master Race" Harley plans to kick all the minorities out and build the wall


Texas has a history of wanting to secede from America and that has recently been (kind of) revived. Plus Dave lives there.This too.

She wants to free it from the union and give it to her babydaddy as a wedding present.

obviously our guy caliborn
john sort of. he got kinda bad in the middle but came back to being good again near the end.
our other guy eridan, he wasn't around long enough to go to shit
our girl roxy
the mayor
dave got so close and was the best kid for so long, but then hussie threw it all away near the end

>our girl roxy

Pretty sure Dave would move out of Texas now that it's an option

who is our girl then
we have two (2) our guys we need a girl


We probably don't have one but I guess, Jade.
The Mayor also went to shit.

Jade deserved to be alone and unloved

I'd say Dave stayed consistent.

Why would he? There's a lively gay community there.

All the more reason for Jade and her luftwoofe squadron to "liberate" it.

And all the more reason for Dave to stay
See? It all ties together.

Gives new meaning to the words "Air Buddies"

Why would you say that...? ;_;


>Jade makes puppy kamikaze pilots that fly spaceships and airplanes into the Pentagon and other American landmarks
>Uses terrorist tactics to try and free Texas from the Federal government.
>Space Buddies did 911.

>implying Jade would risk one of her precious pups as suicide bombers when she can just teleport them out

t. Hussie

Why does this picture look so weird
Like the facial proportions freak me out.

Well, shit, that's an unbeatable strat. Kamikaze pilots who don't die.

She is taking a huge dump.

>worm thread
link? archive won't let me search


Is Porrim a mary sue?

Because it's a chibi

Why do you keep asking this?

because I want to know if she's a mary sue.

Why do you think she is? Nobody else has ever really said this before.

I don't think so. She gets around, but she seems really boring. Maybe she would be if she had more dialogue, but she just seemed bland.
All the ancestors are parodies of internet-type people, (Latula=gamer girl, kankir=sjw, ect) so I guess she's the 'cool tumblr goth chick'?
I'm not sure.
What do you think?

jesus christ, where did all the worm fans turn up from

>All the ancestors are parodies of internet-type people
That's all of Homestuck, actually.

I meant, they are more specifically tumblr types from that time period.

Mituna seems like one of the only exceptions to that.

I wonder if he was supposed to be a Cred Forumstard or someone who goes on Somethingawful.



Mituna has special dialog boxes that look like futuba/Cred Forums posts.

Probably a Cred Forumstard.

How long is Worm compared to Homestuck, maybe minus all the flashes? Began reading it and am interested, but then I took a look at the table of contents. Not that I want to drop it just because of that, but just wondering.

i'm hijacking this thread. Fear the god Aradia

They are everywhere, littering other threads recommending actual good content to people in desperate need of it
I remember the thread had just around 30 maximum anons though, the rest were people doing complaints of the thread's placement etc.

A guy I know started reading it recently, god I hope it's somehow becoming popular to at least "obscure" levels, I don't want to keep going to fucking reddit to talk about it

what will you do when it happens /hsg/?

I'm sure we'll have Worm 2 threads when that comes around. Maybe not a general, but threads for each chapter that comes out would be good.
We don't have that much art, but seriously, I could go for more threads that weren't 33% shitposting pictures of ships.
For now, we leech off of otherwise mostly dead threads like homestuck's and SU's (now that its on hiatus).
Its where I tend to lurk anyways.
I might have gotten an user into it when he did a recommendations thread and no one but me was responding to him. Wonder how that guy is doing.

Pact was completely shit and Twig seems like it's so unambitious and conservative it's not getting any new fans.

Wildbow just needs 5 years of planning and character development to make Worm 2 like he made Worm 1. When he rushes Worm 2 it's going to suck, believe me.


>random power bullshit ruins the thread

the links should be autobanned from anything but an OP

I'd pay good boonbucks for an smt like Homwstuck RPG

>Pact was completely shit and Twig seems unambitious
I've heard different things about both of them and mostly point to the fact that he is evolving as an author.
I'd place my bets on Wildbow and trust he can make good works already.
Like I always say, Worm was, for me, a work with such a perfect pacing and progression that I just can't put my finger on something that has ever done it better or even comparable. Works always seem to have ups and down, while Worm was this journey of constant story getting better and better no stop can't stop. Someties making me literally have to take a day or more off to get my breath and take all of it in.
Still, all I can offer is hope that the sequel won't suck. But I agree that if he can, he should take a break, just because no one is a machine.
Also, everyone says Twig is ending, when there is literally no sign of it yet. Maybe it'll run until the end of the year.
Wildbow is a good author, and he stated more than once how he writes and constantly plans things on the side. I'm not hype training here, just saying, it'll surprise me if it actually SUCKS.

Who are the asshole friends?

>I'd place my bets on Wildbow and trust he can make good works already.
I trust Wildbow like I trust Batman. They both need prep time to be successful, otherwise they'll job hard. Neither Twig nor Pact nor apparently Worm 2 will have any prep time.

Meenah or Eridan, Vriska.

>not Karkat

It started hurting again today

There's been nothing, nothing, NOTHING quite like Homestuck (except actually good) and every time I remember that it starts hurting again

(And before anyone suggests Worm, I tried reading it and it didn't click for me)

Karkat seems more fitting than Eridan. i can see Eridan as wanting to create a world where others make their paradise or something

eri did nothing wwrong

>10/25 is coming up
I hope Hussie says something before then

yeah i agree wwith this user

What happened to Sollux and Best Girl?

>tfw Eridan lucked out and didn't have Terezi as a crush

Man, imagine watching your crush fucking five guys and getting away with everything.

try 'Oh God The Rapture Is On Fire', Illuminatus!, Hitchhiker's Guide, or Xanth

I'll put those down on my list of things to read/watch/play/experience/whatever that I maintain.

I will say that House of Leaves was the closest thing to HS I've read. It was all the meta-wankery, except it actually went somewhere.

Worm has the exact same problem as Homestuck with the tiny scope at the beginning. It also becomes less depressing for 10 arcs

I really wanna read Thousand Year Sword by the same author but none of the stores in my city have in in stock and shipping prices are a bitch

I know how that goes. Consider checking out Umineko. (the VN, not the anime)
The buildup is so slow, but it's an incredible meta story that's worth it. A lot of interesting points on the mystery genre and motivation in life. There are a lot of twists and turns and though it is more 'serious' than Homestuck, it has some similar elements and meta shenanigans.

The storytelling modus operandi might be better understood better by reading Higurashi first, but in Higurashi you have to sift through a lot more to get to the meat of the story. Umineko is better over all.
At least give the manga a read.
The VN is far better for immersion and feels though. (The horror/suspense in the earlier acts don't measure up in the manga).
Good luck filling the void, friend.

I haven't read this since shortly after Caliborn/Calliope were introduced.
What'd I miss?

I'm reading Worm now. it's good, it's been worth my time.
It's not Homestuck. Homestuck is on an entirely different tier. If someone asked me "where can I find something like Homestuck?" I wouldn't recommend Worm.
If someone asked me "where can I find a thoughtful superhero story, something that is like capeshit but not shit?" I would shove Worm into their face so hard I might break their nose.

It has over 4 million words. Buckle up.

So nothing fucking happened with the new kids for approximately forever. Meanwhile, the old kids' character growth stagnated, and in some cases regressed. Meanwhile, Vriska created a plan to defeat Lord English. Eventually, the new kids, old kids, and surviving trolls were reunited. Also John got magic retcon powers that let him change anything he wanted without creating a doomed timeline.

Then a bunch of shit went wrong and like everyone except Dirk, Roxy, and John died.

This, of course, failed to add any tension to anything, since death meant nothing in Homestuck, and also because even if it did John had Deus Ex Machina powers (see: Vriska, who is dead, leading the fight against Lord English).

But anyways Dirk an heroed and John used his retcon powers to... tell Terezi not to date Karkat or Dave and prevent her from killing Vriska. That's it. He never uses them again. Not only did Hussie give John ridiculous DEM abilities, he couldn't even be assed to have him use them to their potential.

Anyways this magically solves all of everyone's problems somehow. Vriska's transformation into an unironic Mary Sue is completed. She comes up with a plan to defeat the villains, which is explained to the reader in excruciating detail. Then everything goes just according to keikaku, because Vriska "Author's Pet" Serket came up with it. There is no twist or subversion.

Then we got an actual professional-quality animation that looked really pretty but failed to resolve any of the many major hanging threads - or any of the minor ones, for that matter.


It only has over 1 million words, user.


everyone knows john and rose and dave and jade are going to be the ones taking on breeding duties

I can guarantee that you'll like Worm if you've ever enjoyed anything about capeshit media, even a little. It fixes or avoids all of the problems that plague the genre. It's a lot of real reading, and I know that's hard for some people to handle when it's done on a screen, but there is an audiobook version.

I don't think it's very much like Homestuck, but some characters are similar. It kind of gets on Homestuck's scale by the end.

You gotta be kidding me.

Thanks for the writeup nigga, I'm off to launch myself off of a sodding cliff.



I bet Aradia has two vaginas. One for breeding and one for casual sex. What else could Sollux sea in that fat bitch....


There's nothing wrong with Cool and New Webcomic.


i still think its really creepy how reddit just appropriates memes from here

/r/homestuck has no personality or culture of its own. It's all just stuff from the Homestuck tag on tumblr with a bit of /hst/ spice added on.

the reddit is like 99% Cred Forums bleedover


When did Homestuck go to shit?
>inb4 trolls
Not when did the story start to become a little bit cluttered, when did it ACTUALLY become quantifiably worse?

I insulted reddit, why are you telling me to go there?

Start of Act 6. That's my final, absolute answer. It still could have been saved before then.

The moment we see Vriska's ghost in a memory of the Land of Sand and Zephyr. The moment Vriska became relevant again.

Right around the time when Hussie started taking long-ass hiatuses and overburdened himself with Kickstarter bullshit. The less consistent he got with updating the comic, the more the quality suffered.


oh aranea! we can't stay mad at you.

just one

I would say that Jack maintained the same level of quality right up until he died in the stupidest way ever

Trolls. Yes, it wasn't an immediate dive into the awful, but it peaked at Act 4, and then became worse measure by measure from that point onward.

ARANEA IS THIC-no wait, that's fat, she's just fat, false alarm.


>Also discussion about the moment some of the would-be solid characters took a nosedive into shittiness.
When in the comic was it?

Act 6 was boring from the getgo. None of the alphas were as interesting or engaging as the betas.

A6A6 was when it went past the point of no return, though.

If I had to honestly put a finger on the exact point, and I still love homestuck as a whole - it would be the scene where john and Tavros fumble over the ring to give to Vriska. That's when I knew shit was gonna get weird, and not in a way I'd really appreciate.

You're too quick to dismiss Act 6. Have you never re-read it? Reading it archivally actually helps it tremendously. It's lots of fun and even with the shoddy alpha drama in full force, there's always something going on to keep you entertained in relation to that.

The story stops being fun, ironically, when the original cast joins the new session.

if you weren't here for alterniabound release, just kill yourself.
anything past that and you are the cancer that killed this comic


$4,13 were deposited into your account

t. started reading at act 6 and doesn't want to feel left out of the fanbase

>implying anybody here actually read the comic in the last three years
why do you think people still think bro wasn't abusive?

Anyone looking to talk about Worm should check out /tg/ once and a while. There was a friggin' general going on and off for the past month or so.

There isn't one running right now but keep an eye out.

>Rose is fat and lazy.

Tell me more.

Being abusive or not wasnt the point of- oh fuck you i want these threads to die and just replied to "A6 was good" guy

Bro did literally nothing that Dad or Mom didn't also do

Reminder if you visit the following boards unironically, consider suicide:

Cred Forums (excluding this thread obviously)

that is all.

None of the characters in Homestuck grew up. None of them learned anything. None of them improved as people.

Homestuck is the anti-coming of age story. It's opposed to growth. According to Hussie, the only way to solve your problems is to never have any in the first place.

She doesn't flashstep a lot.

rereading it just takes out the time spent wondering if it will get interesting again

Can you point to me where Dad refused to keep a fridge full of stocked food, refused to bond with his child, refused to care and love his child, raised his child in awful living conditions and generally made his child live in fear of his guardian every day?

What about mom? bec?

child abuse isn't "just" hitting your child.

Nice try reddit.

It's cute how much you flinch at the idea of Act 6 when it gave us Roxy and Caliborn and Condesce characterization, which most of you thrive on in some form or another.

y was a dog better at being a guardian than dirk



reminder there are only an average of 4 posters posting at a time maximum in these threads.

every post you make keeps these threads alive more and more


anyone who seriously thinks this was planned to be a serious abuse backstory is dumb
at that point in the comic it was done for jokes like almost anything else, a fridge full of swords is funny, dick puppets are funny, and so on

Let's talk about Condy

Let's not.






>Implying Jade isn't the one pinning Dave down

Somewhere, there is a parallel universe where:
-hussie never met rachel
-the kickstarter happened after the comic ended
-homestuck ended in 2013
-the trolls took a backseat to the MC
-any combo of the above


Much better.

>That time when John raised an imp and then built up speed for 12 hours so he could reach his house without jumping


>Liking Roxy
Ew, no.

He looks slightly sad

He's being raped

Alcoholicism though.

To look into Jade's vagina is to see the death of galaxies, the end of worlds as the cosmic cycle continues and reintegrates old stellar material to birth the next generation of stars. It is a necessary process, but no man can look upon it without feeling the slight melancholy loss of the ancient civilizations that burn up within it.

>ironically, when the original cast joins the new session.

>Jade/John is more interesting than Dirk.

he seems fairly okay with it.

It's not the first time. He's starting to get used to it.

Eventually Jade will break him completely.

Yeah but it's not a "Oh no I'm being raped" frown.
it's like a "can't remember if he forgot to take out the trash and it's ruining the moment" frown.

Does Jade yell out hentai lines when she has sex? Or is that John?

>Forgot if I took birth control.

Well he never has to worry about remembering that.

He does but Jade doesn't.

>Jade "Finish inside or I finish off your insides" letting him take birth control

He takes it in secret.

>being able to hide from Jade

Where does he get it in the first place if Jade tightly controls and destroys any attempt for the world to develop birth control?

Jack Noir is a baby smuggler remember?

But that means his goals are the exact opposite of what Dave wants to acquire

TT: Can't we just give him a handjob or something?

Headcanon: Rose, Dirk, and Dave look almost identical.

Dave got fucked in the ass by Karkat for three years and Hussie thinks that's character development.

>Jade "In the babymaker or in the ground" Harley
>accepting any other kind of tribute

Babies and birth control. Wide array of baby based illegal activity.

TT: Do you want me to fuck the pony or not?

So Dave and Dirk are fuckboys or is Rose a dyke?

The global baby trade is one of high profit and high risk. Everyone knows the divine government has tried to crack down on it for years, but it always manages to evade capture. Rumor has it that some of the highest echelons of society turn a blind eye to it, that's why it continues to thrive in remote Babys R Us's and speakeasies.


It doesn't work that way.

Yeah but Jade probably has his dick on a leash, there's no way he could take birth control without her getting a whiff of it.
And if all else fails she has her secret weapon.

>Jade tries to create a corrupt baby monoply
>Jack's illegal baby control is the only thing making sure that Jade doesn't have more power than the government.
>Because of this, the federal government often turns a blind eye towards the black market.

Poor Dave.

Yeah it does
They're all basically androgynous

He gets to fuck a literal goddess whenever he wants who is completely smitten with him, he has it pretty good.

But that is neutral; not dyke nor fuckboy.

He has babies constantly crawling out of his asshole though and has to feed the dogchild army.

Yeah but Jade's lobbyists are certainly making that difficult. Plus Jack does it for profit, rather than a sense of altruism. Pretty much the only thing keeping the trade going is its lucrative state. People suspect that once the world actually discovers drugs it'll quickly die out and Jade will assume full control.

Mom Lalonde teaching her young daughter how to tend to the male ponies.

>has the loving family that he always wanted and kids who see him as the coolest dad in the world

So fucking terrible

The baby market will never die out due to its pre-established value in the general economic system (with government support). If anything, Jack would end up selling drugs and babies and baby drugs and drug babies.

A literal army of hyperagressive, hypersexual half dog abominations

>adorable children who play ball and do all the dad-stuff he wanted to do

How awful

I can't wait until the epilogue shows Jade using the ectobiology machines and eschewing pregnancy so that all you faggots can shut up.

>waiting for the epilogue
>wanting to wait for half-assed shit and Hussie reminding us about Davekat and refreshing his welfare money income
>and the obligatory "Terezi sees a light and assumes it's Vriska" ending

>Jade describes in detail her pregnancy during the epilogue

Sorry man, that's how it's gonna be.

>epilogue happening

Dave gets gently and lovingly raped at least daily (usually more) by a literal goddess

His life could not be more perfect

>He has babies constantly crawling out of his asshole
now I'm not a doctor or anything, but I don't think that's how it works

Space magic.

They rape and attack him.
Baby rape.

>Terezi sees a light.
>It's Lord English.

>rape and attack him

Jade and Dave raised their kids right, they're well behaved good dogs who look up to their father.



I'm sure that's what they keep telling Karkat

this comic gives me a semi

No, they're shitbeasts.

That's not a nice way to talk about Jade and Dave's adorable brood.

It gave tumblr and /r/homestuck a heartattack

They're monsters.

Jade and Dave are good parents though. Both don't want to repeat the mistakes that they suffered through.

It gave me both.

Unfortunately, that means they'd be even worse parents. The cycle continues.

Nah, it means they make an active effort to research on how not to fuck up like their own parents, and even better they actually want to be parents, which already puts them ahead of bro.

No, they're fucked.


That's just how it goes.

That's not a reason.

I've seen it happen. That's just how it goes.

All this domestic child-rearing gives me the willies.

I can't be the only one who hates babies, right?

Holy shit, a tripfig

You're the only one we've got left


You've seen Dave and Jade specifically fail at raising kids?

I'm going to post grubs. Because grubs are cute, unlike babies.

Someone's gotta man these threads.


Damn, that Bonesaw interlude made me feel things

Okay post it
Right now

My grandfather was raised by abusive parents, but he treated my mom and her brothers really well

He didn't talk about it much, but once when my mom was an adult he told her that he had tried to make sure she and her brothers had gotten the childhood he never had



what did he mean by this?

Exact opposite of what happened with my parents and grandparents. Dave will probably never get over all of the shit he's seen.

He's clearly made an effort to, and know his Bro raised him wrong. He has a point of reference to avoid, and a desire to avoid that. He'd be fine.


I am going to leave you for 4 hours! Please don't do anything stupid!

>Muh "fuck babies" meme
Kill yourself.


Just like my dad, right? No, that's not a fucking end-all be-all. There's still plenty of room to fuck up.

just because your dad is a fuckup doesn't mean Dave is, don't project,

Are you feeling okay, user?

half way through act 5 act 2. Doc scratch was a shit character (why can't writers get it through their head that omniscient or near omniscient characters are always fucking shit?), the ancestors had no reason to exist at all except to minorly flesh out vriska's and some of the other trolls' characterizations. My eyes glazed over reading that shit at the time.
Cascade itself was good, but everything proceeding it was just a fucking crawl.

Is every opinion that differs from your's a "meme".

Babies are, at best, boring and, at worst, disgusting. I dread every time a new mother tells me she'll let me hold it.

"Plenty of room." I'm not speaking in absolutes, you are. Trying doesn't gurantee success.


You have shit tastes. A laughing baby is cute.

Yeah but it doesn't guarantee failure, and definitely improves your chances. Plus he's got Jade to help, and that's not even covering that Dad and two Nannas are nearby to offer advice.

The most likely situation is Dave going full Roxy and overindulging his kid in a desperate attempt to earn their love, leading to them being spoiled rotten.




Babies look like fat, balding middle-aged men and they drool on everything.

I was never speaking in absolutes. Jade's a shithead too.

That's pretty fucking lame reasoning.

Not really. Jade's enthusiastic, nice, and the kind of person to do extensive research anyway. Nothing indicates she was a bad parent as grandma.

Constantly repeating "EVERYONE SUCKS BECAUSE MY CHILDHOOD SUCKS" doesn't make things true you realize


Shit opinions.

She was also raised all alone and is part dog. Not a great role model.
Never said that. Jade isn't always a net positive benefit to a situation though. She's fairly irritable.

Jade's the exact opposite of irritable though. She represses feelings, the only time she exploded was when literally every single thing in her life was stripped away from her, something that was slightly justified.
Also despite having lived alone, she's fairly well adjusted. Nothing she does screams "I'm gonna lock a kid in the freezer"

I'm having a harder time finding wriggler images than I thought I would so I give up.

She probably show some cracks under pressure. Might kill Dave when going through menopause.

>Literal larva
>cuter than babies


God Tiers stop aging around mid 20s or so

Jade's going to be fertile forever

Poor Terezi

That's bullshit headcannon though.




yeah but he'd just resurrect

>Karkat not the fourth guy
>"muh hemospectrum"


Edgy on purpose lives with tumblr

>it's not a fetish
>they might pretend it is
>"i'm different, i like skeletons and wear black"

visible sclera is gross, and more legs are better. I bet their bodies feel all fuzzy like a peach. Plus, they have full heads of hair. I guess the human babies did too, but they were more like toddlers.

Prove it wrong

She would keep doing it for eternity.

>it's not a fetish

user, that's q-dormir, they were a pedophile.
Grub abuse for them was a fetish.


Doesn't everybody love skellies?

Prove it right.



Jade never hits menopause.
Even Grandma was a fertile flowerbed.


Prove it.

Don't make it all sexual, you weirdo.

[calliope mauling roxy].png


"Philia" isn't inheriantly sexual, moron.

You really want me to track down sexy GILF pictures of Jade?

Not canon. Gaybo.

Huh, I guess you're right. I never considered using the term "xenophile" for anything that wasn't sexual.

why are vriska and kanaya hanging around karkat's bulge....

Fraid it is. There's an alpha version of Joey and Jude birthed out by Grandma English' decrepit vagina.

You could at least pretend to not be thinking about steaming nasty alien cock all goddamn day

because a lap acts like a natural pillow/cushion?

Then who is Mr. Claire?


It's because you're stupid.

Lies, all lies.

Some blonde bimbo

no u.

I swear to god I remember a comic about a grub sollux attempting to say his own name. Does anybody have that picture?



No, you're stupid. You've demonstrated that many, many times.

That's not what I asked for.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that point.

How psuedo-intellectual of you.


literally every time xenophilia is used it's in a sexual context, don't be obtuse

oh boy the same images again

glad it's been 6 fucking months

And what is your fucking proof of this? Your word? Or do you just hang around furfaggot degenerates all day? It's a very general fucking term and I've heard it used in very general fucking ways so piss off, cunt.

Jeez man, what's your problem? Why are you so angry?

no need to hide your love of alien dong my dude

Fuck you.
Fuck you too.

I can corroborate, you are in fact stupid.

And an attention whore, but that goes without saying about trips.

so why did you say it

Because he's a cool guy.

>my friends and i are going to model for wlf for homestuck stuff
>going to be official homestuck modelsâ„¢
so what are you doing with your life hst?

enjoy modelling ikimaru shirts

It's like when you're really in a long relationship with someone, user. Yes, they know you love them, but it still makes them feel special when you say it.

This is that, except with telling tripfags they're attention whores so they might feel kind of bad every once in a while. Also like relationships, you need to keep working at it to keep that fire going.



JOHN: which one should i kill off?

sometimes you have to make compromises

oh boy

Procrastinating on taking the GRE and becoming too invested in a minimum wage retail job.

Also continuing to come to these threads despite verbal abuse.


Kill vriska. then she can never ruin the story and maybe karkat will become good.

Thought you meant making actual models, not posing. I'm sad now.

>no john with net launcher
>no jade action figure with kung fu vaginal grip
>no dave action figure with launchable character derailment and toxic masculinity goo gun

JADE: both!!!

if it makes you feel better i'll talk to them about figures
the peeps at wlf are really open to new ideas



troll figures with replacable hair/eyes/clothes/horns

like mr potato head

Forget figures, make official grub plushies.

[/spoiler]Having bloody stool from abusing alchohol and painkillers because I can't cope with supporting my jobless parents while my mom is paralyzed from a stroke.[/spoiler] Glad things are working out for you, though.

i meant this like one base "troll"
then it changes depending on whether it has aradia or eri hair, vriska or terezi horns, sollux or feferi eyes etc.

you can then mix and match for fan troll pontential

it sells itself

>being a reverse-neet
what hell.

hey there fellow has-bloody-stool-and-abuses-narcotics-taking-care-of-terminally-ill-parent HSG buddy

ok, i'll talk to them
any other basic requests for things that should be obvious/already have hit the shelves years ago things?

I want to sign a petition to get those sprite figures.

ask them why they don't do their own research on obvious things that should have been sold

terezi fleshlights or karkat dildos

and if that doesn't get you all the way what will.

tentabulge dildos.

Quadrants shirt. Maybe a quadrants blanket.

It's like they hate money or something.


thats literally what the fan forge is for and their general voting system. its so they can test designs and see community feedback before producing
the problem is that people submit dumb shit and other people who are never going to buy them are voting them up

i think that bro body pillow is as sexual as its ever going to get friendos

Felt poster. Poker card bedsheets (like Dave's). Mind Honey and Sooper Slime soda drinks (similar to Ecto Cooler.)

there's never, ever going to be official foods
that being said, it's weird ive never seen a fan recipie for mind honey, though i guess you can't easily mix honey with something to make a variant of honey
just mix honey with hard drugs and go nuts, i guess

Dirk sunglasses.

>there's never, ever going to be official foods
Why not?

I also kind of want a Felt bedsheet. As much of we shittalk the comic, look at how excited we got over this; we're still massive fanboys.

Mind honey would be good if you mixed honey with a shitload of a very strong sativa-based strain, tossed in an excess of ground up adderall, probably along with a lot of caffeine concentrate, and some flavoring to help keep it all palatable. Slop down a mouthful and you're off to a head-clutching screaming craze of mental focus and thought.

foods are a very awkward product to produce and distribute compared to stuff like shirts, way more legal stuff and the constant logistics of perishable ingredients
and homestuck probably isn't big enough anymore to contract a bottling plant to do all that for them


Nah, I bet it could be done. Especially if the game comes out and stuff.

>Especially if the game comes out and stuff.
>it could be done if this impossible thing happens

Has to go through hella regulations and legal shit. They aren't going to mass produce meme foods either. There's a reason even big companies like Pepsi only do their special drinks as limited time offers, it's fucking expensive and a lot of work.

>the game comes out

Well, it could.
You never know!

There's still a chance.




I would LITERALLY suck hussie's dick for a high quality Aradia figure.

Do it.

just 3d print that one guys honey select version

user would never...

the hell is this?


He would! With his feet!

Jape Rapely

>Cashing in on his own old memes

You fucking disgust me Andrew

>Jade's super eager dreamself having fun, completely unaware in real life it's going nuts on Dave


Grub plushies

A modern day Icarus.

Mousepads that aren't FUCKHUGE and cost a million dollars

if only

Roxykitten plushes

you better hope someone mods in real horns for that thing
and maybe the real hair, and real clothes, real fangs...

Grub onesies for all the consex bastard children

i fixed the horns a bit since the-


What about fangs for the jade model

shame that didn't come out when the fandom was thriving, you'd have complete character mods in an instant

Jade has no fangs either

You have no fangs

let's play a game

someone says two words

and we guess which character that is

I'll start

Five Guys

>going to model for wlf for homestuck

accurate horns and clothes would be nice

Here's the full album of working cards that i've managed so far.

some i spent more time on than others (jane and roxy i literally just changed hair, clothes and eye color from jade and rose)



You people are forgetting in the early parts Dave CONSTANTLY talks about how much he looks up to and loves Bro and only gets weirded out by the puppets after prolonged exposure and by fireworks in the microwave, the rest of the time he's just endlessly thinking about how cool Bro is, which he is

the wlf tumblr made a post looking for people who like homestuck, are close to LA and want to model for wlf merch
so i just talked to them


>that Empress


She does have rabies though

And babies
And babies with rabies

Congrats on reading Dave's character wrong.


Dave's character is all about sucking dicks and crying that his boyfriend Karkat isn't there to comfort him.

Teal Slut

>toxic masculinity


small dick

Congrats on supporting the dumbest heelturn in the comic.
This (but as a joke XDDDD.)





now make one where they are both teleported inside jade's womb

karkat's semen is irradiated and turned into dust.
dave's semen then gets gangbanged by dog eggs

Karkat doesn't produce sperm though, too wimpy


Man jades eggs look weird

Evidence says otherwise


pictured: Dave and Karkat sperm cells angrily about to butt heads inside of Terezi

not pictured: giant vriska cell spotting its lunch

Holy shit, the Davekat ship really is rage-inducing.

It's just so stupid and vapid that you can't help it.

It's cute

No, it's not.

I feel sorry for you, user

Those are bros, not hoes.

Are they cumming into each other's dicks?

Welp, icels ruined another fucking thread with Davekat shit.

Davejade pregnancy retards are fucking annoying, but Davekat always triggers some kind of effect that makes me physically sick. Like 7 years wasted for this fucking shit.

So your friends dropped the comic before finishing it?