Mockingbird officially cancelled

Mockingbird officially cancelled.

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One step at a time, we really can make this world a better place.

to the surprise of no one

Clearly feminists buy comic books and should be pandered to more

Well that sucks.

That sucks, but hopefully they'll give Cain & Niemczyk some higher profile work now,


Don't worry, knowing how Marvel works lately, they will rename her Captain America, Hawkeye, or after a known male hero, and the fandom is going to enjoy the "progressive" change and buy the book.


Gee, I wonder why...

But my ClintBobbi.


literally who

the first two issues weren't even that bad, but they had to go full retard with #3 and turn the comic into a meme for how much modern marvel sucks

Good, hope she eats her own vagina.


Haha. Good, to hell with that slut. Marvel is losing to DC and dibshit-comics like fe-thor, mockingbird will get cancelled.

At least he said "Tampon" twice.
Ha ha.

>When White hetrocispatriarchy takes back its shitlord characters

One less awful book on the market.

Oh well people with shit taste will just have to settle for 90% of Marvel's other books.

What are you talking about, manboy? Clearly women are, like, 95% of comic book readers! All of my girlfriends love Marvel movies! Especially Loki! You're just mad that you're not their audience anymore! Pissbaby!

I think I know why, the patriarchy must behind this.


i really hope that this is all fake, for fuck sakes why

This. Can't find anything.


So what you're telling me is that the comic book adiounce (even the neo one) didn't feel like this was something worth investing in?

OP is a faggot, but the last interview with the writer basically said "I'm wrapping everything up because the book is 100% canceled with these numbers" and it wasn't in December's solicitations

Easy too see why
Look at Ms Marvel her book does not degrade or mock fans of certain races or sexualities and it's successful

Then you have Mockingbird who goes out its way to be hated by the people most likely to buy the book by telling them they deserve to be mocked for how there born

>Implying a y-chromosome is synonymous with being male

>the first two issues weren't even that bad
They were pretty shit, senpai.

I liked the one-shot last year that preceded the series but the art was pretty crap in the first issue and it literally made ZERO FUCKING SENSE. You want to experiment with nonlinear storytelling you should probably wait a few arcs till you've developed a relationship with your readers where they trust you not to just be making shit up as you go along and being weird just for the sake of being weird.

Having said that, though:
>but they had to go full retard with #3
Yeah. I got about halfway through and just gave the fuck up.

This is like reading Sinfest after Tats went 3rd Wave on me.

Sounds about right

Shame that Squirrel Girl and Lethcat still exist.

Fake? My dear this is Marvel. Not even at their worst.

What?!? But they were talking about tampons!

It's not
It went from a meh/really weird book to shoving tampons and feminism down your throat
I have no idea if it went back or kept going after that

New A-Force, hopefully.

I see the transphobia what was let to the cancellation. It all makes sense.

Mockingbird was an adult woman and was already in the avengers for two years by the time Cyclops was wearing that costume

I'm just now realizing this, but is that fucking Ariel in the background?

That's Biclops, not Cyclops, filthy casual.

Not according to that issue.

it's a cute page until it brings up y-chromosomes out of fucking no where.

>That's Biclops, not Cyclops, filthy casual.

They're turning him gay too?

Is this a meta commentary on the book itself

The feministic slant was a problem throughout the issue. I remember an edit that focused on hard work instead of blaming the patriarchy and it read so much better.

I doubt the writer has that much self awareness.

This is her on twitter celebrating the fact that she snuck the word tampon into the comic TWICE!


Well, young Cyke kissed the female clone of Wolverine. Pretty much this hints that he is gay for Logan (second to Marvel/Bendis's logic).

>Not according to that issue.

I think that's user's point. The writer is forcing her own past into the character. Sure the writer herself was a kid back in those times, but Mockingbird the character definitely wasn't some school child in the early days of Marvel.

It was ok. The issue with Clint was ok. Then the Howard Duck Issue was meh. Then shes on a boat learning about Clint killing Hulk which was ok.

Tell me about it. The first time, at least to my recollection (in the end the order is irrelevant), is in the OP, the other is this one.

She-Hulk's new look is a real turn-on. Must be the green scars.

well... I don't hate the art

And I think I know who the boyfriend will be. Finally a bi-sexual, bi-racial couple!

Wait, doesn't Marvel have one those already now that I think about it?


Nobody bothers and it's still a thread deleted comic what used to be a jolly jibe about a hedonistic pig and a cool dude who would sometimes get into things with a Lil devil or angel. Damn I miss when that comic was cute and funny.


Who pallet swapped Jasper?

That's probably good, but it made me remember that tampon issue and it's just too much cringe for one man to bear.

Oh, Amy.


>want to promote women in comics
>by destroying every single comic series featuring a woman because you feel like you haven't made your point yet
>rinse and repeat because you have yet to get the memo that nobody actually cares about your irrelevant real life comparisons and just want to see cool shit happen in their entertainment medium

I don't know, could be a major talking point for women/girls, I dunno. Perhaps men just weren't the targeted adiunce for this.

I think we can lift the 'No girls on the internet' rule here and get an XX to chime in on this.

So her saying that from a literal glass house supposed to be ironic or something?

Not even the lasso of truth can stop such mansplaining truth.

Mockingbird just felt like another case of "This is a mini-series we don't want to say is a mini-series" that Marvel likes to do with its various TV and movie tie-ins. She got a book because she's featured in SHIELD.

>snuck the word tampon into the comic TWICE!
what an absolute madwoman

citation needed

Libtards and grrrrl powertards don't buy comics. It's why ones that pander solely to them fail.

DC learned that lesson and Marvel's gonna come to that conclusion too.

I don't like saying it, but everytime


South Park makes a new episode, something always happens the day after to confirm exactly what they made fun of.

Why would you show that to a home ec teacher?

It was just terribly written all around.

I mean, Dick Profit, letting a bunch of innocent people die because some girl had her first period, then celebrating girl power and tampons with a drink. I realize it could always be worse and there will always be people who are going to defend it, but it's just embarassing as fuck.

I highly doubt it, desu.

Matt and Trey were the original meme magicians

For someone who's so smart she's kinda dumb.

>two eyes
>one job

No TV Show, so no reason to continue.

How the fuck has Kate Leth not been fired yet then?

Always found it weird how they tried to push a spin-off of Shield. Don't get me wrong I personally like the show, but even I could see there were no demand for it. Should have killed them off instead to create more tension and set a darker tone in my opinion.

Anyone got a feel for the new season.

tumblr following, works for peanuts, good at dicksucking?

no idea desu, just throwing it out there

...I'm genuinely curious, do feminists think tampons are taboo? She seems to take a rebellious pleasure in mentioning them...why?

Tampons may be mildly humorous to a twelve year old boy when he first learns of their existence but, after that brief phase, they hold as much significance as toothpaste.

Maybe we, as a society, barely ever hold discussions about tampons is because they are incredibly insignificant and boring hygiene products? Maybe we simply have nothing to say about them? Maybe because most women themselves prefer not to have chats about a little bit of cotton? must be the patriarchy barring us from such stimulating and fascinating discussion!

>She says, practicing science in her secret underwater super-sanctum.

Every time I see a thread like this I can't help but wonder if it's bait and six hours later we'll see an "article" on Bleedongcool or ComicsAllianc going "RUMOR: BOOK CANCELLED, NECKBEARDS GLEEFUL"

shit you are right


I would say it's on the level of talking about toilet paper. There might be certain clumps of society that think it slightly taboo, but at large I dont see it.

It's not like we need that in depth discussion of them unless you're on a board trying to sell and manufacture it, just like toilet paper.

This is what I was wondering. Maybe it is just legitimately something I don't understand as a male, and maybe women do actually feel discouraged from being able to freely talk about hygiene products, but I never really got that impression. Like used tampon jokes are obviously a bit gross in the same way most toilet humor is, but I've never felt like it was taboo to talk about tampons in general. It just doesn't really seem like something that would come up very much.

It's not so much a matter of taboo as it is that some of them are angry that they have to pay a sales tax on tampons. It's a serious issue for them.

Even though, in the average lifetime, that additional two cent tax only comes out to about $200 total on average.
And even though that same sales tax is applied to other hygienic items like toilet paper, deodarantr, and, as you noted, toothpaste. Things that everyone use.
And even though they could just do the whole DollarShaveClub thing and circumvent conventional stores.

It's a serious issue for them.

why do people like her she is not even funny

I think the most hilarious thing about that issue was the fact that it spent the entire time talking about how hard it was to be a young teenage girl...and over the course of that plot, three grown male characters were treated as completely disposable and unceremoniously killed/murdered due to the girl mutant's PMS tantrum.

And the worst part is that I'm sure that the writer didn't even think about what message they were actually sending when they had this happen.

Ah the Ghostbusters tactic, let's see how it turns out for them, Jared.

It's like someone wrote when I was learning about writing a few years ago. Why don't we see people going to the toilet on a regular basis in literature. It's just not interesting.

Doing God's work there, user.

She's crude and loud and that can be a humor substitute.

From the perspective of the white teenage boys who fellate them, sure.

I didn't read the issue, but were the men villains or henchmen? That would explain it to some degree.


People like her?

Poison the well so deeply the director is kicked to making Z Grade Schlock.

They were law enforcement, but I believe only one of them was treated as a jerk. One of them was just trying to talk the girl down and I think another one was just a background character. The jerk died in a helicopter that the mutie brought down, IIRC.

I just don't see how or why they're gonna show up in a super hero adventure comic.

I legitimately wonder what she has in store for us.

Any guesses?

Whole book is just the word tampon

two page spread of a giant tampon

Wait the newly awakened mutie just killed three cops and nobody touches upon that fact later in the comic?

cover has a peelable tampon sticker

Scratch and Sniff

Nope. She's never seen again after that either.

No. Mutants are always innocent. Humans are just made they're inferior.

Law Enforcement and a News Crew.

However I think the real irony is the whole tract about there needing to be a dialogue and the solution was Mockingbird distracts Mutant Girl while her sniper pops her bubble. Then we end on the splash page about how we can talk about tampons.

>She seems to take a rebellious pleasure in mentioning them...why?
Because when women mention that they should be available in [insert space here] because women are now allowed into [insert space here], guys either get really nervous or get that kind of disgusted look on their face (whether it's from the idea of tampons or the fact that it's a feminist talking point, who knows), and then the subject is quickly changed. This is especially so when it's about places where pubescent girls go, because the men involved in those kinds of conversations are usually fathers and it makes them squeamish to think of their daughters bleeding out of their cooters.

It would be nice if we just thought of them as hygiene products that needed to be provided anywhere civilized that women might shit.

Never post that again

That's not true in the slightest. There are plenty of good stories that have a "liberal" or "feminist" message. Marvel's problem is they think they can pander to people instead of writing a good story.

I don't care that they're promoting Carol, Bobbi, or any other woman. I care about whether or not it's readable and worth $4 an issue.

Marvel is insulting their audience by presuming that they'll buy shit just because they threw candy coating on it.

The inhumans will purge your kind of the planet. The next problem becomes what to do with the inhumans.

Ah right, I forgot about the news crew.

I just found it funny how a story that was presumably intended to be about the plight of hormone-addled teenage girls accidentally casually highlighted male disposability.

they weren't taxed in the uk for a long time apparently, and it caused a shitstorm online when the tax was passed earlier this year. it even sparked a movement in the US to get rid of the sales tax on tampons; Chicago appears to be the first city to adopt the policy officially, and it's likely we'll see other city or state governments follow suit

Taxes are essential for any society to function.

Most comic and stories with feminist undertones comes across as pic related. The only one I can think of that doesn't atm is K6BD. I'm sure there are others, but it's apparently hard to balance the preachiness and good story telling.

it smells like blood and fish

The Pink Tax is unacceptable and sexist as fuck, you shitlord.

>It doesn't occur to anyone that DIVERSITY is less about getting any particular book to new readers and more about breaking up the good ol' boy networks that produced Liefeld et al. by letting new talent have a crack at it, regardless of the short-term outcomes, in the hopes of finding something that clicks beyond, well, the fans who bought Liefeld
>It doesn't occur to anyone that comics are not really much but glorified advertising, tie-ins, and concept development for movies and 30-minute toy commercials which actually keep the publishers solvent
>The Cred Forumsllective memory conveniently forgets that this is one of a number of "literally who?" books being cancelled, because conflating the writing with its lack of popularity fits its agenda
I thought you guys were better than this.

Will the taxes also be taken off all the other things previously mentioned?

Look toward Flintstones comic. Tagging humor with a light commentary edge.

It was actually pretty decent, but of course Cred Forums only read #3 and shits on it.

I read #1 and #2 first, and all I got was something below mediocre. It's only at #3 that things got offensively bad, like they were aware that what they were producing was boring and desperately tried to drum up controversy to boost sales.

Oh? Got any examples of what's to come?

You bring up a good point...we really ought to discuss the toiletries of super heroes!

For instance;
>do you think Wolverine needs to brush his teeth or will his healing factor protect him from cavities?
>speaking of wolverine, do you think Laura has periods? Wouldn't her healing factor prevent the monthly degradation of her uterine wall?
>what kind of toilet paper does superman use? It has to be reinforced right?
>how would The Thing take a suppository?
>how would Superman and Wonder Woman practice safe sex? Some kind of magic condom?

My god; we've been missing out on so much!

Exactly, how often have any of us (male or female) had a thought-provoking dialogue about napkins?

The only think I can think of would be high school discussion amongst guys joking about what size condoms we would require...and those were dull by the age of 16! Why would a grown woman think she is taking a stand by talking about tampons? It's like taking a stand and announcing defiantly on Facebook that you think that Hitler guy was jerk!'s a monetary issue??? That's even more pathetic, I sympathize with the idea of taking a stand (even a misguided one) but being outraged that they have for a product...I'm dumbfounded.

To be fair that was a really REALLY bad issue. Easily one of the worst I've read in a while.

Oh, and that one scene where she abandons the guy chained to a bed is pretty horrific. That kind of shit could kill someone.

#3 was bad enough to sink the run.

Pretty much, it wasn't great but it wasn't that bad imo. I enjoyed a lot of the gags and the whole hallucinations thing was kind of interesting.

But the threads didn't really get that much attention until #3 which had hundreds of posts and multiple threads. Which leads me to believe that a majority of the people who hate it didn't even read the first two issues.

Didn't Mockingbird save the falling cop though?

I think Cred Forums might be on to something here.

>and it's successful
It's just BARELY hanging on by sheer force of renumberings and revamps. Not even the movie will help sales.

don't most hygiene products have tax?

A silver lining I suppose.

>There are plenty of good stories that have a "liberal" or "feminist" message.
Name one.

So was/is it a small tax added to normal sales tax, or just normal sales tax?

Most everything is subject to sales tax. Women are upset because they have to pay sales tax on something only women buy, because treating women the same as men is sexist
No, they don't understand how stupid they sound


I think it's just a normal tax on tampons. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I personally like Kill Six Billion Demons, although the feminist message is very faint, which I suppose is why it works.

Batwoman was a great example, Black Canary isn't bad.

It's quite a funny comic in places, but like so much of Marvel it forgets to entertain first.


Lmao I'm so glad I pirate everything Marvel

You sure seem salty cuck.

It's regular sales tax being applied to feminine hygiene products.

>a comic that hates 95% of it's audience and is constantly actively shitting on them sold like shit

I can't see this image without thinking of pic related.

Left Hand Of Darkness. One one level it's about examining gender by constructing a culture where it's absent, and using that negative space as a jumping off point to have the main character reflect. It's also written by Ursula K. LeGuin, who I'm fairly convinced could write a gripping novel about someone alone in a room preparing a light snack and watching TV.

I guess it kinda sucks that they can be a bit pricey, but other than that there's nothing much to say.

Eh, i remember reading the first issue here and getting kinda off interested in the plot, but the pacing was really shit and i felt nothing happend for many issues
why was all the weird shit happening anyway?

What a tragedy.

>being against '''''feminist''''' dogma makes you Cred Forums

the left is pushing me further and further right.
this is why trump is so popular; it's the pushback from pissbaby leftists

The Passion, by Jeanette Winterson
it's about a pacifist soldier boy infatuated with Napoleon and a cross-dressing woman from Venice who earns a living at a masked gambling parlor

Shes gonna fuck Lance. Ugh

y'know you're allowed to say 'I think gender equality is good, but your kind of gender equality is fucked up'.
just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you should identify who they hate the most and subscribe to their beliefs out of spite.

So """feminists""" that hate superheroes cannot support a comic series?

I am honestly shocked.

>cancelled after eight issues

Has there been another marvel comic shitcanned so fast? Not counting ones that were meant to stop at single digits I mean. It sounded like this one was supposed to last.

You're just tasting the semen. I'll send them an email and ask them to work more pineapple into their diets.

Very likely this.

This is only going to further fuel the SJW argument against making up new characters and recreating a currently existing character as a woman/minority.

Every damn time they take a mainstream character and turn them into a Black transwoman Latino and people who liked their hero remaining as they were for the last 40-50 years, the SJW's always claim that if a new character was made then no one will buy it so they have to remake Spiderman/Superman/Dr Doom into a Latino trans Cherokee Gypsy instead.

This cancellation makes them believe they are right.

It was intended as a five-issue mini, it got extended to tie into CW2 at the author's request.

Is that you Nostradamus?

Because that worked well with Angela, Thordies (sorta doing badly now), Vampirella and those books that got "nicely" redefined.

Accept it, what Marvel is doing is actually trying to make more Legacy heroes, who fortunately have stucked and become better than what we are getting with the main heroes and the recent lack of quality on their books.

That's sad, it was a fun little book. Hope Cain gets work elsewhere

Mini-series is a dirty word for selling monthlies, and Marvel wanted to pretend that this was something more than an Agents of SHIELD tie-in.

I feel that if I used social media I would understand why this is funny...

But at the moment I'm just confused.

Except that you're not. Have you tried expressing a discordant opinion lately? You're lucky if your friends just dismiss you as ignorant - most people react violently to any thought or action which does not support their own preconceived world view.

You're just too deep in the echo chamber to notice it.

Four, four men where killed in that issue, the helicopter pilot, the reporter, the camera man, and a cop.

Don't be ridiculous. Cops aren't people.

Its shit dude, just admit that it sucked.

Ah right, thanks. I wonder if the writer ever stopped to reflect on that.

>collects microscopes and knives

>I'm just confused

The comic is showing someone who's just using a book, a cat, and a cocktail as props to make it look like she's doing something interesting with her time. In actuality, the clock jumps forward between the last two panels and you see how the cat's not even there anymore, she never drank any of her cocktail, and her book's unopened still. This relates to the Mockingbird comic pic in that there's a bunch of stupid shit on display meant to communicate how cool, smart, and random / quirky she is e.g. a knife, a grenade, a book on pathogens, a microscope, a book on welsh corgis, a picture of a gun, a corgi on a couch, etc.

Were they at least evil then?

why are you so upset about this?

and that's like the simplest, most basic way to convey character information quickly visually

Now that I look closely the books looks photoshoped in, and even very blatantly so.

I'm not at all upset about it.

>that's like the simplest, most basic way to convey character information quickly visually

It's transparent and lazy. Good comics don't make you think about how hard the writer is trying to make the character seem cool to you.

He is saying they're going overboard with it to a ludicrous degree.

>Marvel's gonna come to that conclusion too
Not with D*sney footing the bill.

While that is true in a lot of places, it'x still no reason to go full retard about it.

There is a smart way and a dumbass way to propagandize. The smart way is to be very subtle and always remember to entertain first and foremost, like K6BD. The dumbassed way is to go full North Korean sledgehammer which is what Mockingshit does.

i need sauce on that, i don´t know why but i need it

The North Koreans made the American bad guys cooler than the good guys.

Different user here.

I never read this, as a matter of fact I didn't even know this series existed until today so I can't really be upset about it but some might see it as kind of lazy. You know how in books a good character is one whose personality is figured out throughout his actions as opposed through what the author says about him? Like throughout a story the mannerisms of the character reveal he or she is shy Vs. The author outright stating "X Character was as shy as a person who likes to hide from other people"

It's a commercial. Insurance or something I think.

That's how you know she's smart AND bad ass! XD

scott is a trans lesbian girl

"Lulz it was all a fever dream."

She appeals to the female audience.

If only we had figured out that it was as easy as
>muh vagina

We could all be rich

But its not. It's a fun niche book that at times falls flat but is still mostly charming and written from a different perspective.

You don't have to like it, but don't pretend as if you've actually read it.

You sound like a faggot

You sound like a neckbeard.

Huh not gonna lie, this is one of those comics that kinda blipped in and out of me forgetting that it even existed

You both sounds like cucks.

You both sound like losers #rekt

You better screencap that sick butn and post it on your tumblr

You both need new material.

You sound retarded
*slashs you in half

and also dead.

Reddit is over there, folks.

>It's transparent and lazy. Good comics don't make you think about how hard the writer is trying to make the character seem cool to you.

You need ANY type of material

Cred Forums's meme magic is getting out of hand.

Is it even public knowledge that any of these methods would get her superpowers? Never mind that three out of five of those superdudes got their powers from birth

The spider-man one is really the odd one out. Is he going around telling everybody how he got his powers?

I could see Pete telling people he got his powers from radioactive spider bites in a sarcastic tone.

>Good comics don't make you think about how hard the writer is trying to make the character seem cool to you.

I don't get this vibe from the book. I don't get the comparison to the rando other comic either because we see Bobbi doing shit. SHIELD shit (guns, grenade, knife) and Science shit (DNA, skeleton, microscope) and books for jokes which humor is subjective.

I wonder how real women feel about this.

I know if I were a woman id find this patronizing as fuck.

You only say that because you're not an oppressed minority. This book finally showed that comics aren't just a boys club anymore and strong women can do anything better than a man
This book could have been a watershed moment not just for comics, but for art as a whole, but those neckbeard misogynists ruined it with their pissbaby shitlord whining

>complaining about something you buy having sales tax like everything else
>preferring it be in the group of items that're /sometimes/ without sales tax at stores, like candy bars and bottled water
These people offend and disgust me as a retail worker. Their penny-pinching entitlement makes me remember the bad days cashiering at Target.

Preach it, sista! No women had prominent roles in comics before she realised teh cis white patraichy was holding her down because her lack of an y chromosome (The mutated/corrupted female). The issue tells us as much.

It was for Direct-tv

This. So much this. A female friend of mine is exactly like that. Which is fine and I don't want to make a big deal out of it when there actually isn't to begin with. But it can be pretty awkward at times simply because she always bring it up. It would be exactly like if someone mentioned every time his need to take a shit.

She's also really into mentioning that she masturbates frequently. Like she would send me snapchats of her right hand filled with blood because she was masturbating while on her period or if we are texting she'll tell me she's not going to respond for a while because she wants to masturbate. It's not even like she was seeking to flirt with me. She genuinely believes that female's masturbating is taboo in society and people doesn't talk about it enough.

>An object takes a little more time to scan for whatever reason, missing bar-code most likely


>Haha must be free then, right?

Hysterical, especially for the 1000th time this week.

... Mind giving her my number so she can text ME about her masturbation schedule?

So she's in essenese this chick?

Or more feminist rebellion against society?

>comics are not really much but glorified advertising, tie-ins, and concept development for movies and 30-minute toy commercials which actually keep the publishers solvent
This is what people actually believe.
What's next, the Pokemon games are just extended commercials for the anime?

Damn it user.

Inhumans are literally just artificial mutants, their powers don't even activate on their own.

Thanks Feminism

Dude that's just fucking disgusting.

More feminist rebellion against society. She thinks that by making me (and her other male friends, I guess) uncomfortable by talking these things, she's doing her part against patriarchy. While actually, she's just making us uncomfortable because it comes out as weird, awkward and unnecessary to the situation.

She's nice and all but she can be too much at some points. We don't really hang out that much anymore.

Start sending her pictures of your cum

>She's also really into mentioning that she masturbates frequently.

Not that uncommon to talk about among friends...

>Like she would send me snapchats of her right hand filled with blood because she was masturbating while on her period


It's time to do it, user.
It's time to send all the shits you take. I hope you poop long hard turds, because those are the most interesting.
Do it casually, ask your friends to do it too. It would be hilarious.

>Western women are so oppressed, men can sit with their legs open on public transport, literally everything is terrible
>lol saudia arabia what's what, stop oppressing their culture, shitlords not liking the new Ghostbusters is the real issue here
Is there anyone more conceited and willfully ignorant than western feminists?

>More feminist rebellion against society. She thinks that by making me (and her other male friends, I guess) uncomfortable by talking these things, she's doing her part against patriarchy. While actually, she's just making us uncomfortable because it comes out as weird, awkward and unnecessary to the situation.

Yep that's a feminist alright.

>send me snapchats of her right hand filled with blood because she was masturbating
That is lip curdling disgusting. Like the female equivalent of showing someone your fucking dingleberries, the fuck is her problem.
Fairer sex my hairless anus. God dang my nigga.


Enjoy your (you)

thought the opinions on israel thing was a meme and only was real with that one ms marvel comic.

>someone misses an expired sale sign, That Customer bitches if they don't get it even after being shown they just didn't read the fucking sign beyond the big text. Bonus points if they shop there a lot and have no excuse for not knowing about fine print
>Indian That Customer trying to barter like we're in some New Delhi bazaar or a flea market
>Asian That Customer only buying what's on markdown, but not wanting to pay full price for something not on markdown, so they try to get it lowered at the register
>That Customer who brings coupons that're +3 months past expiration
>That Customer who actually complains to you about a 1¢ discrepancy without a trace of irony or sarcasm


The beta white knights that orbit them.

>The North Koreans made the American bad guys cooler than the good guys.
That by itself makes it better than Mockingbird.

It's clearly satire.

It's real.

>Human Torch
>Turned super by a freak accident that also gave his (much smarter) sister (much stronger) powers

>Literally born with it

>To be fair, it was the 40's and the serum was only going to a man, but Cap got it because he was an upstanding individual who believed in doing what's right

>Literal mythic royalty from a realm of mythic warriors like Sif and Valkyrie

>Like Namor, was literally born with it, is arguably the weakest X-Man in terms of strength of his powers (compared to people like Wolverine, Rogue, and especially JEEEEEEEAN)

Made BY people who don't read comics, FOR people who don't read comics!

>They are attempting to make the hard right cool.
by praying to a cartoon frog they call an egyptian god
truly the cool kids at school

>Living proof you can be an unapologetic/admitted rapist and get away with it if you're a woman
I fucking hate Amy Schumer so much.
She's honestly pure trash.

well, the panel did get one thing right
Spider-Man does indeed rock.

>couponer comes to the counter with one or more carts full of shit
I'm glad I left target, couponer shit doesn't happen at my sporting goods job, we don't give out enough coupons.

BluePilled Normie.

>Have half off on a popular food product
>I mean really popular
>The boss orders 400 individual packs of it
>"I'm sure that'll last to the end of the day"
>He was wrong
>It's barely around 12:00 and we're alreay sold out
>The next 4 hours I'm on the floor getting interrupted every 2 minute about the lack of the product
>put up sign hoping to slow the flood of angry people who think they got cheated because they didn't get here early enough
>It only slows it down so I get them in 5 minute intervals now
>It's a 2 day sale and the boss didn't order another load for the next day
>The next day is worse because even the ones who got there early are angry
>The only ones they can channel their anger into are me and cashier

Oh lordy.

Reminder she's a rapist and thief, in addition to just not being funny.


...are you saying that it's all a new attempt at a crapshoot to see what will work, the next big success to break away from stony dogma? That by cancelling so many lackluster and unappealing books, they're mining for the next Amazing Fantasy #15?

That's deep. Also, Riley is a ghetto whore.

>Every one who disagrees with me is just lying


I knew nobody would willingly touch that.

In all seriousness is there any truth to this?

I'm so glad people finally started calling out Lena Dunham for her bullshit.

Tampon orgy.

>Black John Cena
the fuck? can't see him but also, at night, I can't see him?

>In all seriousness is there any truth to this?
She herself said she raped a drunk guy. He couldn't consent and had no idea what was going on and she forced sex upon his penis, which undoubtedly fell off shortly afterwards.

To be fair, at least around here, she's become a non entity. Which is good at least.

It's not Sue Storm's, Valkyrie's, Wasp's, Scarlet Witch's, Sif's, Black Widow's and other female super hero's fault that Mockingbird only chose male heroes to worship.

the writer is trying too hard to make her be somehow opressed.

I thought she was a feminist? Are you sure it's not just an act/joke that came across wrong?

What happens when multiple female heroes team up? Do their periods sync up?!

>the writer is trying too hard to make her be somehow opressed.

That should be apparent by now.

>To be fair, it was the 40's and the serum was only going to a man, but Cap got it because he was an upstanding individual who believed in doing what's right

This actually gets a little funny since both the Original Nick Fury and Black Widow have copies of the serum in them. I believe its still canon that White Fury served in WW2 and that Natasha was born in Stalingrad in 1928 and saw the second world war as a child.
Fury got his injection at the end of the war by some scientist trying to prefect a serum that would halt aging and it was partially based off of the ideas behind cap's serum.
Natasha got her version when she became an adult from the Soviets who were trying to recreate the serum. She was also not the only one to get the injection and her husband (Ronin/Red Guardian) was one of the others to get it too (The government told her he died as part of his cover).

Not this guy and I never heard of this sketch before. But if Amy was just saying this as a joke, I think it's inappropriate. Female or male, there's just nothing funny about rape.

Except if it involves a clown.

Natasha was a fucking spy!

No, she's written about hooking up with a man so drunk he was unaware of what was going on and slipping out of consciousness and having sex with him. She later went on to mock him in the same piece.

She's fucking stupid for submitting a science project to goddamn Home Ec.

>Girls that try and be "one of the guys", assume that all guys do is burp and talk about jacking off, and constantly talks about how she's "totally bi you guys" before getting "drunk" after one beer and making out with the nearest willing female
Is there anything more pathetic? It's such a desperate, condescending plea for male attention dressed as the exact opposite.

Didn't she say it during some graduation speech or award speech?

This guys gets it.
>She sends unrequested pics of her bodily fluids, willingly divulges personal info with the intent of making people uncomfortable
Send her your poop, user. It's equality.

What's really amazing is that this is the only book that's even bothered to address the fact that a functional immortality serum exists in the MU.

>Be Amy Schumer
>In college
>Short, fat, ugly
>I haven't learned I can make money off of pretending to be hot in spite of that yet, so shit's rough
>Constantly lusting after some upperclassmen chad
>He's obviously not into it
>Orbit anyway
>Get a call from him one night saying I should come over
>Show up, he's clearly wasted
>Can literally smell the booze on him from a few feet away, he's barely coherent, can hardly stand on his own
>I thought he'd finally found me attractive, but I'm just another knotch in the bedpost
>Fuck it, I need to feel good about myself
>Let him go down on me, start riding him
>It's okay because it's important to have a positive self-image
>He's literally falling asleep, can't stay hard
>Passes in and out of consciousness while I'm fucking him
>Leave him there
>Tell this story years later at a charity banquet to make a point about how it's important to love yourself
>Literally admitted it in front of a crowd
>No one cares that I had sex with a drunken unconscious guy who couldn't provide affirmative consent because I'm a woman
>My unfunny TV show keeps getting renewed
>I'm still the face of women in comedy
>I keep stealing jokes and no one cares because muh vagina
>Fuck it feels good to be a woman

Just to cast away any doubt on the matter. Here's a transcript from just one episode of Amy Schumer's show.

>mid-summer, California, not somewhere with that crazy sky-water stuff, especially in summer
>you guys have cold-weather/rain gear?

>early/mid fall
>you guys have more swim gear than just this?

>dead of winter
>don't you guys have more kayaks/warm weather stuff than this?
What's so hard to grasp about seasonal stocking? It's one thing if they're just checking and they're understanding, but God when someone gets bent out of shape because they can't get swim trunks in December, really gets me.

That headline was the first thing I saw when I woke up the day it broke, it literally made my whole day.
It felt like justice. An admitted child molester was grilled and forgotten by society as a whole and all was right with the world for a while.

She literally made fun of his inability to stay hard, despite the fact that he was so drunk he could barely stand up.

I read the transcript, it wasn't just "oh, that's a questionable situation", it was full-on rape presented in a really mean-spirited context.
And she was applauded for it.
The world disgusts me sometimes.

At first glance that looks like a Bendis script.

The games still make more money than the TV show. You can't say that about comics vis a vis movies.

The book thing was two years ago, I'm talking about the shit she's getting now from actual feminist sites after the Odell Beckham Jr. comments.

Only if they are all street-level female heroes.

Once you start mixing in aliens, goddesses, mutants, etc. their cycles just can't quite match up.

I sincerely doubt Big Barda, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Starfire, Mary Marvel and Miss Marvel would be physically compatible. Fire and Ice, however, were definitely in cycle together.

Probably the hopes of getting better deals in off seasons.

Christ, imagine a mutant period.

Its funny because I don't think a single Black Widow book in the past 20 years even brings up the fact that she's 88 years old and has seen the entirety of WW2, The Cold War, and the Information Age. But they will go on and on about the red room stuff.

I honestly don't know why writers never write any flashback stories about her operating back in different decades or having her run into someone she met long ago.

Hell she's been a spy since at least the 1950's and worked for both the USSR and America; she should know literally every piece of intel on earth from the past 60 years. Christ she might be the mother of modern intelligence work in the MU.

I want a Schumer/Bendis collaboration. A dense, repetitive text filled with nothing but mentions of vaginas, references to urban Judaism, and a brief section where they forget they're talking about vaginas and mention penises instead. All of which will be cribbed liberally from Mamet and the Vagina Monologues. Alex Maleev on art.

I would be really stoked if they could just give Cyclops his own Omega Beams

I am so glad that I no longer follow anything she does. The Roast of Charlie Sheen was a fluke

Like Christian Rock and Larry Wilmore, when the message is more important than the art you will lose people.

>Cyclops with two eyes
Maybe this is some subtle hint that this isn't the mainline universe.

Wow. Not only did she steal Patrice's jokes, she made them unfunny as fuck in the process.

That's what I meant.
Way I see it, it's just karma come home to roost.

She molested her sister and no one cared, cause she made a TV show people liked and there's only so many prominent women in comedy these days.

But now even her defenders know she's a huge scumbag and want nothing to do with her, it's glorious.

>but it's apparently hard to balance the preachiness and good story telling.
That's because you should never preach. Period. One should always push for thinking, not preaching a side.
It takes me back to two films that drop at the same time in 96 with similar narratives but had such drastic story telling differences where one was comically bad and the other thought provoking:
Eye for and Eye and Dead Man Walking

Both were about brutal violence to children, the court system, religion and the trails we face with the evil ever present in this world.

Dead Man Walking, ask if the world is broken as well as beg if we can even fix it, it floods the whole film in greys only in brief moments can we see truths but not enough to feel comfortable with the outcome, only to pause and reflect on events that fell on the cast.
Eye for an Eye however is a hamfisted message of the authors that is so preachy it can be summarized as "bad people get away with everything, you are justified to entrap them and kill them"

I bring this up because as strange as this sounds Chelsea's writing is very similar to the formula of the film Eye for an Eye, which is "I'm right, the world is wrong, here let me grab the straw needed to prove it"

>Christ, imagine a mutant period.
Imagine Giganta or Kamala's period when they're in giant form....

Boring book gets cancelled. Color me surprised.

When's Hellcat's turn?

It's the fist time I see this so and it was apparent right away.

She made the mistake of thinking she could shame a black man with her feminism witchcraft. If he was white then either no one would care or they'd agree with her. But black men are higher up on the SJW victimhood totem pole than rich white feminists.

Oh fuck, I didn't even consider that...

I'm sure Beast had to create all manner of tampons in his lab, no wonder he was never able to solve his mutation...he was constantly at work designing tampons that could withstand a myriad of mutant abilities.

Acid resistant, fire retardant, phase proof...every new female student was a new scientific challenge.

Semi-sapient vaginas, dimensional drifting uterus, lightning labia...some poor girl was probably teleporting her tampons all over campus every time she sneezed!

I swear this fucking goddamn triggers me to no end. Every single Amerifat in Texas says this, like it's a fucking requirement to say it when something doesn't scan.

What did she do?

I want a book talking about these tampons.

One of them was kind of a jerk. The rest not so much.

She was at a party or some such dressed in a fucking tuxedo and she was seated next to Beckham who understandably didn't want to have anything to do with her and just avoided her and she threw a huge hissy fit on twitter about it. He didn't say or do ANYTHING to her, yet she was beyond insulted he avoided her and tried to publically shame him and it backfired wonderfully.

It took me a second to realize you meant Christian Rock music, and weren't just using Chris Rock's full first name for some reason.

The joke is global, let me assure you.

>He didn't say or do ANYTHING to her, yet she was beyond insulted

Well, that's women for ya.

You could argue Tomboy, I think.
>baneposting brings down a plane
>pepe takes the whitehouse
What's next, Cred Forums?

They don't know what to fill the silence with so that is their go-to thing to say. What I don't get is how every one of them think they're some comedic genius after saying it.

That's what's funny about all of it: he just ignored her. Didn't even so much as give her a nasty look. He saw an obese goblin dressed in a laughable tuxedo and decided he didn't want anything to do with that.

>What's next, Cred Forums?

After 2016 I'll believe anything can happen. Long cat becomes a real world god and his following brings peace to the middle-east.

>Richard Spencer invented the term and told me: "The Alt Right stands for a markedly right-wing orientation, and for us, race matters, and race is the foundation for identity."
I asked him if he was racist.
"The word 'racist' is a kind of an insult," he said.
"It's like saying, 'Are you evil?'

That's kind of iro-
wait I thought the alt-right wasn't real.

>He didn't say or do ANYTHING to her, yet she was beyond insulted he avoided her and tried to publically shame him and it backfired wonderfully.
He didn't even try to avoid her, though. He was sitting down messing with his phone and she sat down next to him and he continued with his phone stuff instead of paying attention to her.
That is literally all that happened.

He could just as well be asking a blm activist and get the exact same anwser.

Either way it's hilarious. Dumb twat thought she was immune from hating non-white men.

Well the first two issues were good. Then they went full tumblr.

You must have had bear mace and bleach in your eyes when you read those first two issues.

>threw a huge hissy fit on twitter about it.

it was a near aside story she told in her newsletter.

>He saw an obese goblin dressed in a laughable tuxedo and decided he didn't want anything to do with that.

That's exactly how she framed it. That because she wasn't conventionally attractive he didn't give her the time of day.

I just started responding with, "There's always a way to make you pay." If they get snippy they usually wind up paying more than they should.

I guess we'll never freely talk about tampons again.

"...Your Rump is a riddle that's got me stumped!

Are there any major characters left that haven't been replaced by a female yet?

I'm a feminist and even I'm glad this hamfisted shit is ending.

>That because she wasn't conventionally attractive he didn't give her the time of day.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Welcome to the life of every ugly-to-average looking guy who tries hanging around women.

I guess, but it shouldn't be a surprise we don't have summer stuff in winter


Better get Moses on the horn.

This reminds me, whatever happened to Hellcat storytimes?
They were fun in a horrible, fucked up, not at all fun kind of way.

>> 16,587
Jesus H Christ that's sad

>Kate Leth had bed bugs, so she wrote a story about bed bugs

I never would've guessed she was literal trash.

Not as pathetic as August sales

196 Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat 9 $3.99 Marvel 10,486

Hello tumblr, how does it feel knowing that since you can't be bothered reading actual comics, that you cause the direct cancellation of the comics that desperately trying to cater to you?

Did All star western get that bad

and nothing of value was lost

Great cover.

Why? We tax other hygiene products.

He's saying that the writer and artist are telling us Mockingbird is cool and interesting instead of showing us how she is cool and interesting.

Double dubs of backfiring. The interviewer is 100% right, anger cools off into apathy. No one wants to contribute to something that pisses them off more and more (Cred Forums knows this instinctfully when we get to the point of not feeding the same trolls over and over). Now they are beginning to feel the heat.

Funny too because if they want to be controversial for sales why not have a character who's anti-SJW? That's controversial no?

I'd love to see Mockingbird give someone like Peter or Tony shit about being a straight white male and they proceed to ask her if that invalidates all the lives they risked their own to save over the years.

Someone needs to shoop this saying ASK ME ABOUT MY CANCELLED COMIC BOOK and tweet it to her.

I didn't like that the writer wrote caricaturized men all across the series. It felt almost like cheap shoujo, yo be honest. Even the good issues, like the one with Clint and the last two.

I don't like shoujo or western romantic aimed at female fiction like Twilight and the like because that very samw reason,

It's childish. And you hardly are going to proof how machist is the traditional media if you're going to do the same to the opposite genre. It doesn't help, at all.


So basically she's losing her friends by using you as sounding boards for her political bullshit.

You should tell her that. Maybe it'll knock her out of it.

I got a customer who had a bad coupon, ripped it in half to hide the "this only applies to 3000 count boxes." part from me, and didn't realize it also hid how much it deducted. When I asked her if she knew what the coupon reduced she just looked embarrassed and left.

In all fairness to Johnny they made him dumber and weaker over the years. Back in the day he and Sue used to fuck up pretty much equally.

I dunno why they stripped all of Johnny's creativity with his powers and just made him fireball man.

This is Cred Forums though, I'm sure someone wants feminists tampons shoved down their throats. Literally. That's their fetish. That's probably someone on this fucking board's fetish.

>I'm sure someone wants feminists tampons shoved down their throats.
We're not all Swedish though.

>The writer is forcing her own past into the character.

What's up with female writers and NOT doing that? (Wah wah, sure some males do it too but it's way more subtle). It's like their attention is so focused primarily on themselves all the time they can't even think of another person, even a fictional person.

Simple. Writers write what they know, it's easier to write problems they themselves have experienced.

... Who's not talking about tampons and why do we as a society need to talk about them more? Doesn't seem to be an issue. Unless you work cleaning up women's bathrooms and they're fucking everywhere. Can we talk about that?

>It's like their attention is so focused primarily on themselves all the time they can't even think of another person, even a fictional person.
That's modern women for you.

>Like she would send me snapchats of her right hand filled with blood because she was masturbating while on her period

Sometime ask if she would be okay if you send her one in return of your sperm that has blood in it, because you popped a blood vessel while you were furiously jerking off.

This is actually true. If I wanted a feminist rant, I'd go to Huffington Post, then gouge my eyes out with a spork. That's not why I read comics. Especially not super hero ones. Sure, their can be social points made there but the best writers do so incredibly subtly or not at all.

Bad female writers do that. And if you haven't noticed, there are a lot of bad female writers writing for Marvel right now

>Unless you work cleaning up women's bathrooms and they're fucking everywhere. Can we talk about that?
Please tweet this to her. I remember my friend complaining about this when we were in high school and he managed to get a part time job there after hours as a janitor. The fucking toilets would be stuffed with tampons and they'd be all over the floor around the trash cans and shit. Girls are fucking nasty.

Cred Forums... let's go talk to /biz/ I got an idea...

>And even though they could just do the whole DollarShaveClub thing and circumvent conventional stores

Dollar. TAMPON. Club.

We'll even sell "MockingBirdSpecials" with instructions on how to talk to literally every single human being you encounter about DOLLAR TAMPON CLUB.

I can only see that working if the tampons are made with authentic Cherokee hair.

This is actually pretty hilarious now that you pointed it out. Double dubs of KEK.

Someone needs to make a MOCKING comic where a girl is going around killing all these men in horrible ways talking about how violence against women is so bad while she never suffers a scratch.

Also confused user, the point of social media comic is that people do stuff like that, posting on social media that they're having a great time but they spend all night on the social media (you can see them commenting and stuff) so you know they're actually not doing anything but sitting on Facebook all night. It's really pathetic.

You can observe the same behavior in bars. You see a bunch of bored looking girls with their faces in their phones, but you go to their Facebook or Twitter or Instagram and they're like "wow having an AMAZING time at the bar!" when it's plain as fucking day they aren't. Hell they just want to be seen being there.

It's really, really pathetic. The book invokes the same feeling of overcompensation.

I'm trying to think of a good example to back you up here and that's Grifter.

He's the one character who's personality stays exactly the same through years of various writers. He's argumentative as fuck, but that's literally never mentioned. Instead, with every new story there is always a moment where he's like "fuck this, fuck you, you're fucking retarded, I'm the fuck outta here".

THATS a good example of showing his personality in the story without out right stating it.

I live in Oklahoma so don't you worry about that.


I'm not an expert dude, but I think she actually might want the D.

On the one hand sometimes they were hilariously awful in a Plan 9 kinda way.

On the other hand they were mostly just plain awful and made me want to hang myself.

Nah user, you got to make sure their a cultu -- I MEAN "POLITICAL" -- point to it.

>This all straight cis men are capable of producing. Long brown logs that come out of their buttholes. Did they choose this shape and color to represent their repressed desires for black dicks in there instead and that's why they're so racist?

Gotta step up your shitposting to the next level son.

>Like she would send me snapchats of her right hand filled with blood because she was masturbating while on her period
Unless she's doin it naked on a tarp, that just seems like a waste of cleaning products...

I choose not to believe your story.

Even better if they show that these men all had families that loved them. Maybe have a split scene with the killer monologuing about female injustice and then you have a small girl crying alone in her room because her daddy is never coming home again.

>fireball man

That's Johnny's nickname at the local bar.

>Someone else has heard of fireball
I'm not alone!

Go to bed, Gordon.

What the fuck is it with them and tampons? They act like it's some forbidden black magic shit that nobody else knows about.

I know this, but let me use myself as an example. I'm writing my own super hero universe, sparing you all the details, I have whole set of characters whose whole power and theme revolve around cars. Think "Flash meets Fast and the Furious"... That's all I'll say about it. But here's the thing. I'm not that big into cars. I'm not one of those guys.

I just noticed it was an area that was lacking super heroes. Tons of people die on the road every year, it's dangerous. Who saves those people? That's where the idea came from.

So when I'm writing this stuff, it's about a subject that's really not me. Those characters aren't like me in the slightest. And I found that it's almost fun that way. I'm never going to be the adventurous, smooth racer or the under appreciated genius mechanic. But it's fun to write those guys anyways.

I understand writing what you know, but it's a creative endeavor to write what you don't and write it good.

Yeah but I think female writers get away with being bad too much. Everyone talks shit about Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey but they're widely successful. I think there are too many bad female writers because they're held to lower standards. And despite my unashamed misogyny here I'll say that some of the best writers ever have been women. I'd be a fool not to admit that. So they can do it, but I think their standards are lower so they feel less incentive.

This Chealsea Cain seems to be one of those who thought she's just go "RAWR I AM WOMAN" and win.

KEK, you picked up on my subtle point. See how come we men can pull that shit off like it's nothing?

Also, pic related is a good example of self-insertion. He looks like Gaiman even, you get a feeling that it's based around himself. HOWEVER the last issue is Sandman and Shakespeare talking about this very same subject. It makes a commentary about the writer and the story reflecting on each other.

people don't talk about tampons on tv and cable news, so a lot of feminists assume that means that men hate talking about them and keep everyone else down.

Thank you for getting that joke!


>Everyone talks shit about Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey but they're widely successful.

So is Clive Cussler and Piers Anthony, but it's still shit writing.

More specifically, the new Mockingbird feels like a hack romance novel because Chelsea Cain is a hack romance author. Marjorie Liu is a romance writer too, but she's actually good so her comics are half decent.


>You know, the breed of dog that's popular on the Internet!

>The doge maymay!

>I definitely don't spend all my waking hours on social media and copy everything that's trendy!



>but she's actually good

How the fuck did this thread turn out so funny and engaging and not devolve into pure shitposting?

You're alright sometimes Cred Forums.

>In all fairness to Johnny they made him dumber and weaker over the years.

Part of that is mainly because writers want to reset him back to teenage status.

I think someone said it's happened as far back as when John Byrne took over the book.

>I'll say that some of the best writers ever have been women
You'd be delusional. Women are incapable of ever reaching anything above being mediocre.

Muh X-23 and Iceman banging all those ladies.

>Sent from my breathtaking underwater superhero stronghold

Do homeless people just not get superpowers, or is it just that EVERY super immediately uses their powers to amass like 5 billion dollars and have a hyper custom secret lair built?

Are supervillains just superheroes that got caught trying to steal their billions of dollars?

>Do homeless people just not get superpowers
Funny you mention that.
I actually had an idea of an hobo super hero who doesn't even have to disguise himself, since he is a nobody anyway.

I like how this page and the one after it pretty much validate every negative perception that people have about modern feminism.
>middle-class white woman complains about oppression just because her mother did, except her mother actually had something to complain about
>sees a male-dominated field as some kind of conspiracy against women, while ignoring women who have already been successful in that field
>succeeds when she actually tries to work towards her dreams instead of complaining about men, she even surpasses her goals
>still complains about imaginary sexism that has literally never held her back in her entire life

I was trying to cut them slack user, I'm in a nice mood tonight. That would be my normal opinion, but I've liked some female writers, Shelly, Rand, Rowling, Mary Simmer Bradley.

Perhaps I just lower my standards for them too, eh?

Like Morlocks?

Get better friends.

All it needs now is a panel of Ayaan Hirsti Ali getting called a racist for pointing out how shit Islam is towards women and it would be complete

Guys, I just had a revelation
This woman is a fucking hack

Those are all godawful.

>Joan of Arc
>Templar garb
Also that entire skit, what.
I knew Family Guy was garbage, but this is extra garbage.

So what you're saying is, Mockingbird reads like a bad softcore romance porn plot directed towards women, minus the actual porn.

>bad softcore romance porn plot directed towards women, minus the actual porn

Wait, what is the point of that in general?

That's like bad softcore horror books minus the actual horror, which I feel perfectly describes Stephen King's novels.

And nothing of value was lost

nah, Mockingbird reads like an actual romance novel i.e. full of quips, snarky dialogue, cardboard cutout hunky male characters and mary sue protagonists.

What you're thinking of is erotica, and as someone who has attempted to fap to both, there's an ocean of difference between the two.

>Wearing men's clothes.
Did these fuckers even look up the reason why she got roasted?

Was it really?

Good Marvel needs a good kick of the ass

There is justice in the world

I think the transphobia was brought on by those who were fighting it in the first place, they just made their cause worse.

I suppose you could argue that the tampons thing is about the tax put on feminine hygiene products because they're classed as luxury items, whereas mens razors and such aren't.

Still a stupid hill to pick though.

Why contain it?

No it's because we, as a society, think that periods are a little bit gross.

Just like we think vomit is a little bit gross, like spitting is a little bit gross, like shitting and pissing are a little bit gross.

Feminists are trying to make the fact that people don't really like tlaking about the expulsion of bodily fluids into a gendered attack

Your criticism capabilities are mediocre.

This wasn't a loss for marvel, this was their experiment to see if a feminist style comic would work. That's why they used a lesser hero like mocking bird. Though Thor is a different story.

Oh, I'm so sorry that women, being talentless idiots they are, don't deserve any meaningful criticism because that would require putting more thought into something than they ever did. Not that women have enough intelligence for that.
I want you to understand that, but then again, I don't expect much from someone who admitted to liking Rand.

>SHIELD shit (guns, grenade, knife) and Science shit (DNA, skeleton, microscope) and books for jokes which humor is subjective.
This setting is just surreal. There's no reason for all those things to be on the same table. No scientist has DNA strand statue on display either...
The corgy books is there for giggle and laugh (and maybe as a clue for what will happen in a future issue) but everything else is there for exposition even though it doesn't make sense.

And sperm is gross as well, never mind men squirt it involuntarily during a sex act.

The few times I read Mockingbird, I felt it was written by some social studies numbskull in her twenties, then I found out Chelsea Cain is already past 40, and I don't know why, that depressed me.


Almost got a (you), try harder next time

>I suppose you could argue that the tampons thing is about the tax put on feminine hygiene products because they're classed as luxury items, whereas mens razors and such aren't.
At least where I live, razors and all that shit are subject to the exact same sales tax.
It's a really stupid thing to pick a fight about.

>Marjorie Liu is a romance writer too, but she's actually good so her comics are half decent.

Pic not related? The only good thing about Monstress is the art.

>Do homeless people just not get superpowers

D-Man was a hobo with schizophrenia that had delusions that he was on a mission trying to recover the missing infinity gems or some BS like that but then they had to go and rehabilitate him to that bland as fuck tech support for Sam.

>She genuinely believes that female's masturbating is taboo in society and people doesn't talk about it enough.
Maybe things have changed, but when I was a teen, girls were the one who were the most reluctant to admit they masturbate. I heard girls mentionning it while talking together once but that's it.
For girls, it was clearly a taboo. Then again, boys didn't talk about masturbation all the time but they didn't deny or went silent if the subject came up.

>butthurt white knight/female spotted
How does it feel to defend creatures that are only good at being incubators?

>It doesn't occur to anyone that comics are not really much but glorified advertising,
I don't know you, but I don't turn on tv or go on websites to look at the ads, so why are you reading comics if you think they are ads?

Oh someone who didn't understand that blm doesn't mean that only black lives matter but that right now black lives are worth less in society and they want equality.

Yes and the Soviets just wanted equality too right.
Wow, I had no idea only your intentions mattered.

Thanks for enlightening us all user.

He also used to be rich before all that shit happened.

He died too, still don't know how he came back.

Considering how many people BLM has murdered so far and how much destruction they've caused... yea their lives DON'T matter.

Guess which demographic kills the most black people

Women want women only things to be free.
Like birth control and tampons.
Even as a woman I don't understand.
Do women think that women in the past had fucking convenient ways of dealing with that shit.
They used rags and whatnot.
Tampons and pads are a convenience not a fucking right.

ITT: Things that have never happened.

I love how there's always some self-conscious (probably white) user who feels the need to defend BLM, as if we're attacking the sentiment itself, and not the assholes who bumrush politicians on stage and make death threats in the name of the movement themselves.

This comparison is stupid. It's like saying "why should we care about the homeless in our streets when people are starving to death in Africa?"
One country having it worse shouldn't stop an another country from making life better for its citizens.
Not every feminists are feminazi.

Do they also at least want like free toiler paper or something? I mean I'm a guy so I can't relate to tampons, but people could at least try to be logical and make all hygiene items free.

Just literally anything to not make it so massively retarded.

The funniest thing here is that she's complaining there's no female heroes or any women to look up to....... Whilst owning a female superhero lunchbox.

Clearly contradicts herself.

>Not every feminists are feminazi.
I think a good test is if you are allowed to call yourself a egalitarian, or humanist, etc.

If a feminist says yes that's a valid choice, they're a rational human being.

If they say no we must be a "one-party" equality movement, they're a feminazi.

>why should we care about the homeless in our streets when people are starving to death in Africa?
This is a real documented problem though, even in the first world. Most issues feminists talk about currently are either less worthy of time and effort than more pressing matters, sociological issues that can only be fixed by a 1984 esque nanny state, or complete fucking bullshit.

>One country having it worse shouldn't stop an another country from making life better for its citizens.

There's a difference between making life better for people and trying to enforce nitpicking on a societal level.

Your judgment skills are still mediocre since I'm not the one who posted I just think saying "those are all godawful" without giving competent reasons why makes you too tryhard mediocre.

I don't really care, but it is sort of like mentioning toilet paper all the time. You'd have to be a weirdo to constantly talk about how you shit and that you need something to clean up

>57 X-Rays
How did her parents allow THAT?

Too busy arguing over their apparent gap in wages

Wait so this is Bobbi? Isn't she like, Hawkeye's girlfriend?

Oh user-kun, you can be so judgemental some times, less tsun more dere

The hoped she'll get powers from radiation.

Look, either learn how to properly backlink posts or don't bother quoting anyone.

I do remember some scenes from NGE, that would be similar.

And then you made the movie Hancock, right? What the fuck were you thinking with the second half?

She's his ex-wife.



I think feminist to that caliber view men like they view their dads. My dad is like this so all men are like this. These activists delude themselves into thinking they know how other people think. When ever they fail they get this image of their strawman cheering in the back ground singing ding dong the witch is dead or someshit. It's just a way to make themselves more upset over things normal people would be slightly annoyed over.

I guess to be a writer at marvel you have to be extremely egotistical.

>Templar garb
That's no templar garb. The cross is wrong.

So what all "Gurrrl power" books have been cancelled so far?


What's next? A-Force?

Hellcat is still going? How the hell?


People seem to like A-Force though. The shitposting seemed to die out when the thing actually got released.

Awful, the art is terrible like Web comic vomit terrible, and writing is god awful.

>>Templar garb
the english uniform at the time was white with a red cross, actually.
And while it was the english that burned her, I dont get why she is wearing one too

The sales aren't great though. I think, last time I checked.

All that needs to be done is turn miles into his own character, get rid of squirrel girl and bring her back as the op joke character and get her a new artist. Get rid of silk, I don't care if people like her now because of new writers she is straight up Mary sue. Bring hulk back back (of course he's coming back just Cap did.)

Bear is based as fuck

You keep using that word.jpg

Want some reasons? Fine.
>women simply rip off better writers because they are too dumb to be genuinely creative
>inb4 "everything is derivative" meme
Good male writers are at least capable of bringing new interesting ideas to mix with the old or at least twist old ones in interesting ways. Women will never be smart enough to even think of it or at least do it competently. Speaking of creativity, no female writer ever had an idea as good, as say, anything by Lovecraft's or even Bradbury's and they also never get in depth of those rare ideas they have too.
>women are incapable of writing characters who are not completely forgettable
>for all the talk about women being better at emotional stuff, there is very little emotional scenes created by women that actually feel sincere and powerful instead of just sappy
Satisfied now, faggot? Now go back to whiteknighting somewhere else.

Not that user, but yeah, you're right. I had no idea, they look similar but it seems like difference is in cross shape.
I guess that's one of situations I just see and ignore.

But they haven't written anything like that because they haven't had a chance to! Cus oppression and patriarchy!

>This reminds me, whatever happened to Hellcat storytimes?

What was the reaction to this?

To think I thought Arcade couldn't be any further ruined after AA

>Arcade back as funny, harmless villain after the shit he pulled

You know what they say, write characters as you remember them.
If I ever get to write X-Men, they're getting Jim Lee's costumes.

>BLM stands for a markedly left-wing orientation, and for us, race matters, and race is the foundation for identity."

Seems to me the user is right, this is something I could see being said by an BLM activist.

I honestly think it is some misguided attempt to stay relevant in the west, but even then there are bigger things they could tackle although they too would be rather small.

>right now black lives are worth less in society
Only amongst themselves

I thought it was a Ms. Marvel lunch box too, but it's Gloria Steinem the founder of a women's magazine called Ms.

>riots because of police killing black people
>police killing black people is 1% of black deaths by shooting
>blacks shooting other blacks is 90%

But let's not focus on that. Let's focus on the 1%.

Are you really that dense as to no get that he/she is doing that so you don't get a (you)?

>Charlotte going to hell right now over a Black officer shooting one black guy.

>Days of going to a downtown forced bused school with gunfire occasionally going off in the distance.

>Hearing that 1-5 people had been killed that day was the norm.

>Let's focus on the 1%.
Shut up, Moore. Occupy Wall Street failed.

They don't even seem to want to riot over unjustified police shootings. Just the criminals who get themselves shot

And what a great failure it was

>"Lets never allow anyone to become a leader of the movement."
>"Oh hey the politicians that created this mess say they support us and they'll take up the fight."


It was a book! The po-leece are lying!

I always belived the mockingbird stuff but i still refuse to belive unsolicited opinions on israel happened until i see a photograph of a physical copy.

It is all an elaborate joke it has to be.

>Yeah but I think female writers get away with being bad too much. Everyone talks shit about Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey but they're widely successful.
Literally everyone slammed those two for being garbage-tier pieces of literature and film. They're successful not because of lower standard but because they've found an untapped niche which allowed them to be successful despite heavy criticism.

I wonder why.

It was the first major movement that got I can recall that got infected with far leftist retardation.

Looking back the parallels are obvious. Just like elevatorgate in the atheist community, just like GG and MTG now. These people are cancer.

Considering there was a wage gap at the time she was a child i dont think this comic cares about timeframes.
Unless the wage gap gets caught up in the sliding timescale.

>...I'm genuinely curious, do feminists think tampons are taboo?
There was a recent stink about them being taxed as "luxury items"

Credit where it's due, she's not being snippy about it.

No, Sinfest was never good except for the art.

So mockingbird was offended because the heros who she found most interesting happened to be male.

>Fucking fantastic

I really miss when professionals behaved like professionals.

I'm afaird it's real.

Welcome to Nu-Marvel.

I bet that costume smells rank as shit.

>tfw all rippers agreed on messing with scan
Magic: the Gathering or MTG is some other acronym I'm not familiar with?

Seems more egotistical to me

jesus christ user must you act like you come from Cred Forums

If it changes everything it's supposed to be cencored by some hipster teenage girl.

At least dc learnt there lesson after that. (No that line in superwoman does not count it was making fun of the concept you faggots)
Marvel just keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.


I wonder who voted for that tax

>Wow, I really need to start reading Angela.
>Yes. Yes you do. Seriously the best comic out right now IMO.
And later Cred Forums has shit taste in comics.

Yup, Magic: the Gathering is currently having a minor schism like all the other groups mentioned. Though to what extent I can't really say since I only secondhand know of the drama.

Some top fanboy, the dude has been playing for 20 some years at least, got on Wizard's naugty list because SJWs claimed he is transpohbic, from what I can tell that is pretty much a lie. Of course.

If you find this interesting I think this is the dude talking about it.

Carol Danvers hasn't been Ms. Marvel for years. Ms. Marvel sells in the 30k range.

I'd still hit it

Well to be fair its not like she trys to pretend her humor is anything but what it is.
She had a show called mostly sex stuff.

Ah. I'm not familiar with MTG's fans and such. I do know /tg/ has meltdowns over that Mardu trans-sexual character. And old lesbian woman from last set. And POO IN LOO stopped getting posted moment people saw how awesome Kaladesh is.
But Designated Driver is awesome deck name.

Revolutionary Girl Utena is the only one in existance. If somebody sayd there is another, punch them in the dick and get the fuck out of dodge

We probably would have gotten the same sort of shit if Twitter existed earlier.

>Mardu trans-sexual character
Huh what? Let me google that.
>Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
>dat backstory
Man, the Mardu sound fucking awesome.

Hence why feminism stays well clear of the music industry. And is so supportive of Islam. Brown trumps women apparently.

Yep. Even if I am more of Temur guy, myself. Later Mardu guys got changed and became cannibals.
They still look awesome, though.

Im still disapointed in /tg/ for how quickly they got over the stuff with that one guy who got booted out because his sore loser oponent dredged up irrelivent stuff from his past.

The truly sad thing is her sketch comedy is auctualy decent its just her stand up thats trash.

Don't remind me of Cologne.

She looks like a street fighter character

I really liked her humor but her feminism got in the way of making a good book unfortunately

got you senpai

Well clearly he was wrong, seeing that DC is outselling them hand over fist now



Maybe it will be replaced by an auctualy good mockingbird book so they can fix everything right away.
Or if not a good ongoing a mini dedicated to fixing the character

>all cats can and SHOULD learn about equality
That is pathetically adorable because it's so stupid and innocuous.

Cats dgaf about equality, they're too busy trying to enslave you as they're personal thralls.

It has a daytime television kid's look which wouldn't be bad, but then you got the 'old-fashioned' thing and the sudden I'M BI!

The fuck? Why is that necessary to just tell, and at that specific moment? That's just lazy pandering.

>Human Torch
What if that's not Johnny but the android? The one from the 40's? He doesn't even have chromosomes.


But it doesn't say Spider-Man. That's Spiderman!

Saved the one. But the helicopter pilot crashed, and Dick Profit and a third cop were both relieved of their haemoglobin by the skittles mutie. Maybe even his cameraman iirc.

Nice self reply broski.

>He died too, still don't know how he came back.

An amateur tried to summon a demon.

He got a D-Man instead.

>Cats dgaf about equality, they're too busy trying to enslave you as their personal thralls.

They sound like perfect feminists.

Do it for the pussy indeed.