What's the general opinion of this comic?

What's the general opinion of this comic?

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Phil draws weird faces and used to draw porn and will never finish anything ever.

9/10 its ok

It's flawed but I like it. Although I wish it'd resolve at least one plot thread for each thirty new ones it introduces.

ign plz go

It has its ups and Downs.

Generally a good comic but prone to year-long or longer plot freezes as the characters get stuck in a castle or some other shit that wastes time and accomplishes little.

It's better in bulk when the "Go from A to B" plots don't feel as drawn out.

Cred Forums is way too harsh on the art.

I lost interest when they did the timeskip. I fucking hate timeskips.

Moves too slow, lot of characters' faces don't stay on-model from panel to panel, and actually works better when it was doing those self-contained mini-arcs rather than the main story that's still not going anywhere. Also everybody has the same head.


But user, not even a heart attack kept him from updating the comic.

>What's the general opinion of this comic?
the oposite opinion of what you think of it

I fucking love it.

It's not bad, but it used to be better.

It also used to be steampunk.

Been meaning to read it for awhile but haven't gotten around to it.

i was really enjoying it but took a break because reading long plots a page a day is really painful but then i lost my place and never bothered to find it again because theres no such thing as a well organised webcomic archive

It still remembers it's roots sometimes.

Where were you at approximately?

it's hard to say since it was so long ago. i'd probably be better off starting over

bits i do remember are that they were at the castle and i think they fell down to some lower regions. someone commented about how whats her name's robots are making other robots. i think elsewhere someone was organising the jaggers to do something. oh and i remember why i took a break from reading, it was because they took a break from the story to do another side story thing

i dont know what comic this is

I like it

Girl Genius

Basically Mad Science Supervillians are the ONLY mutation, which means the world is now divied up between a bunch of meglomaniac's who made good on how one day they would SHOW YOU ALL. Everything is Steampunk!

Main character discovers she's the hidden child of the worlds most renowned hero and it's greatest villain, and has limited control over the unnatural perversion of science armies of both.

oh shit, they turned Dio into a black guy


Your about here then.

Dio was French. He was always black.

I enjoy the story, characters and equal opportunity fanservice.